The Sanctions On That Ukrainian Lawmaker Will Be The End Of Biden's Campaign


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The Treasury Department has designated Andriy Derkach, a pro-Russian Ukrainian promoting discredited allegations against Joe Biden, for sanctions related to foreign interference in the U.S. election. Derkach, who was previously identified as a malign actor by the intelligence community, met with President Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani in Ukraine in December, as Giuliani mounted an effort to obtain derogatory information on Biden's relationships in Ukraine. On Thursday, the administration went even further in tying Derkach to the Kremlin."

In addition to these sanctions and in an effort to try to cover up their tracks; the Democrats got sanctions placed against two other Russians for "[seeking] to influence the views of American voters through a Russian-directed covert influence campaign centered on manipulating the American political process" - to favor Trump and in effect, make him look bad....

Although the Democrats may have forced the Treasury Secretary and State Department to issue these sanctions -- what they don't know is that they just walked into Trump's brilliantly laid trap -- because this brings back into light the fact that Biden, Putin and Ukraine colluded in 2016 to try to defeat Trump and now they are back at it again.....However, Trump needs to move fast and put more pressure on Bill Barr to issue the slew of indictments that are expected to come against Biden, his son, Adam Schiff, John Brennan, Obama, Obama's daugthers, that black guy who played the bartender on Love Boat, everyone.....

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