The ruling elites will never let the British go.


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
If Brexit is blocked, will it ever be worth voting again? | Coffee House

America and Britain voted to throw out the elites at about the same time. And both our peoples have been stymied for two years by the elites with similar methods. Frivolous legal actions, mob violence, media propaganda and foreign collusion.
The rulers of the EU have purposefully refused to bargain in good faith on Brexit sensing that they had “remain” allies in the U.K. that would do the rest for them against their own people.
Just as the Chinese and EU are fighting a delaying battle on trade with help from their Democrat allies in the U.S.

But notice the common elements of elite rule around the world. Collusion among their own kind internationally...with foreign concerns raised above national concerns..,and an insistence on, an almost maniacal obsession with, borderless access of foreigners to displace the native citizens.

Both are treasonous. And these traitors will never accept your electoral choices. Be it your voice on gay marriage, abortion, border walls, choice of president or even independence of your country as the case with Brexit.

“While we members of the public might be allowed to make minor alterations to the composition of our local council, on the really important questions our opinion isn’t wanted and our say doesn’t count.“
What a load of crap. We can leave tomorrow if we want. But people like jobs and wages and stuff like that. I pray that ths nonsense will be over soon.
What a load of crap. We can leave tomorrow if we want. But people like jobs and wages and stuff like that. I pray that ths nonsense will be over soon.

They do want. They asked. The EU joined with a minority inside the UK to stop it.

The people of the Netherlands, France and Ireland also voted against the EU if you’ll remember. They were told to go back and vote until they got it right. Just what the UK citizens are being told.
But the UK is finding a little bit of that old backbone that remade the world. Doesn’t mean they will beat the ruling elites. But it does mean they deserve to.

So just admit you hope foreign negotiators will stop your country from doing what it is trying to do.
We have your type here as well.
The Brits are learning once you enter a criminal organization they will never willingly let you go.

At least the sheet has been pulled back on the Elites.

How many times do a people have to vote until it counts? Until they get it right of course.
As I stated two years ago, I will believe it when it happens. Globalists will ignore the wishes of the people when it rejects their Agenda.

Brexit In Doubt After Judge Overrules UK Government

It’s not like we should expect them to give up power quietly. The problem is that we have to stop expecting fair play or respect for our wishes. We, and I include the U.K. here, will have to take back our rights a little more forcibly.
As I stated two years ago, I will believe it when it happens. Globalists will ignore the wishes of the people when it rejects their Agenda.

Brexit In Doubt After Judge Overrules UK Government

It’s not like we should expect them to give up power quietly. The problem is that we have to stop expecting fair play or respect for our wishes. We, and I include the U.K. here, will have to take back our rights a little more forcibly.

Correct. We need to shout down Marxist ideas, and the globalists that push them, at every turn. Marxism is just as big a danger as Islam is, if not bigger.
As I stated two years ago, I will believe it when it happens. Globalists will ignore the wishes of the people when it rejects their Agenda.

Brexit In Doubt After Judge Overrules UK Government

It’s not like we should expect them to give up power quietly. The problem is that we have to stop expecting fair play or respect for our wishes. We, and I include the U.K. here, will have to take back our rights a little more forcibly.

Correct. We need to shout down Marxist ideas, and the globalists that push them, at every turn. Marxism is just as big a danger as Islam is, if not bigger.

Islamic immigration is a tool of Marxism. It dilutes the native Christian populations who steadfastly rejected Communism for a century.
At least the sheet has been pulled back on the Elites.

How many times do a people have to vote until it counts? Until they get it right of course.
just remember that the next time they want everyone to go along with some treaty that we can 'just vote to get out of'.

Horse shit, they won t let us out by hook or by crook. so dont ever agree to any international treaty if corporations benefit from them.
“America and Britain voted to throw out the elites at about the same time.”


They voted the consequence of their ignorance, fear, bigotry and hate – having nothing to do with nonsense about ‘ruling elites.

Both Trump and Brexit were a mistake.
OMG the globalists and the deep state! Be afraid !
These are just handy catchphrases for anybody that lowinfos dont like.
Who are the elite ? Where does their power come from and how is it exercised ?

A big prize to anyone who can answer this without using the word Soros.
At least the sheet has been pulled back on the Elites.

How many times do a people have to vote until it counts? Until they get it right of course.
just remember that the next time they want everyone to go along with some treaty that we can 'just vote to get out of'.

Horse shit, they won t let us out by hook or by crook. so dont ever agree to any international treaty if corporations benefit from them.

You remember when we rejected that climate change treaty all the leftists here chorused in unison "but its not legal to reject it now". They thought they had us locked down tight. And that is the way they work. God bless Trump.
What the elites want in the UK is to block every negotiated settlement, with help from foreigners in Brussels on their end of the negotiations, and then they will say the final agreement is terrible and not really a good Brexit and so must be rejected.

I think the best thing would be crashing out with no agreement at all. The elites will never allow a settlement...and so leaving without a settlement is the only remaining choice probably.
There is no way to leave the EU except catastrophically. It was set up that way. The EU wishes Britain harm and has done all it can do to damage a free and Independent country. They saw the vote and if they were in any way decent would be working to help implement the will of the people.

Its now obvious that the goal is raw power and continued subjugation...not to respond to the wishes of its constituent parts.

Apparently the people of Britain have absolutely no voice in the EU even now as it works to destroy them.

Just as we have no power with the moneyed ruling elite here in the US even though they saw our vote plainly.
If Brexit is blocked, will it ever be worth voting again? | Coffee House

America and Britain voted to throw out the elites at about the same time. And both our peoples have been stymied for two years by the elites with similar methods. Frivolous legal actions, mob violence, media propaganda and foreign collusion.
The rulers of the EU have purposefully refused to bargain in good faith on Brexit sensing that they had “remain” allies in the U.K. that would do the rest for them against their own people.
Just as the Chinese and EU are fighting a delaying battle on trade with help from their Democrat allies in the U.S.

But notice the common elements of elite rule around the world. Collusion among their own kind internationally...with foreign concerns raised above national concerns..,and an insistence on, an almost maniacal obsession with, borderless access of foreigners to displace the native citizens.

Both are treasonous. And these traitors will never accept your electoral choices. Be it your voice on gay marriage, abortion, border walls, choice of president or even independence of your country as the case with Brexit.

“While we members of the public might be allowed to make minor alterations to the composition of our local council, on the really important questions our opinion isn’t wanted and our say doesn’t count.“
We accept our electoral choices. Not once has any of us made the claim that Trump was a Muslim who was born in Kenya. We have a maniacal obsession with borderless access blah, blah, blah? You`re dishonest to put it kindly. A neo-Nazi in North Carolina was found guilty yesterday of running over and killing a woman in Va. during "mob violence". Thanks for the goofy article from Spectator which was founded by our own western Pa. billionaire neo-Nazi Dick Scaife. The good news is that he`s dead as are the brains of those who take this shit seriously.
If Brexit is blocked, will it ever be worth voting again? | Coffee House

America and Britain voted to throw out the elites at about the same time. And both our peoples have been stymied for two years by the elites with similar methods. Frivolous legal actions, mob violence, media propaganda and foreign collusion.
The rulers of the EU have purposefully refused to bargain in good faith on Brexit sensing that they had “remain” allies in the U.K. that would do the rest for them against their own people.
Just as the Chinese and EU are fighting a delaying battle on trade with help from their Democrat allies in the U.S.

But notice the common elements of elite rule around the world. Collusion among their own kind internationally...with foreign concerns raised above national concerns..,and an insistence on, an almost maniacal obsession with, borderless access of foreigners to displace the native citizens.

Both are treasonous. And these traitors will never accept your electoral choices. Be it your voice on gay marriage, abortion, border walls, choice of president or even independence of your country as the case with Brexit.

“While we members of the public might be allowed to make minor alterations to the composition of our local council, on the really important questions our opinion isn’t wanted and our say doesn’t count.“
Feel sorry for the Brits they fell into a Open Borders trap set by the Big World group. Now that they have wised up they should be able to get away from the Globe controllers. That is what it is all about power, and control.
OMG the globalists and the deep state! Be afraid !
These are just handy catchphrases for anybody that lowinfos dont like.
Who are the elite ? Where does their power come from and how is it exercised ?

A big prize to anyone who can answer this without using the word Soros.
Simple the money managers, the World Bank, The Rothschild Group, and many others who control and manipulate trade and trade. I should add the money lent and loaned to Nations have much to do with what direction a Nation has. Those who run the so called "short" sale of stock, and money can cause a very big currency problem and make a Nation unstable. They are those like say the Clintons, the Buffetts, and E,t,c are the ones who control those who are voted in to office. Pretty much how the world has become today.
If Brexit is blocked, will it ever be worth voting again? | Coffee House

America and Britain voted to throw out the elites at about the same time. And both our peoples have been stymied for two years by the elites with similar methods.

But notice the common elements of elite rule around the world. Collusion among their own kind internationally...with foreign concerns raised above national concerns

“While we members of the public might be allowed to make minor alterations to the composition of our local council, on the really important questions our opinion isn’t wanted and our say doesn’t count.“
The Unearned Entitlement to Inheritance Is the Well-Hidden Cancer That Has Destroyed All Civilizations

The only common element, which your mentors channel you into never mentioning, is hereditary power.
Face it, Oh Tainted One.

Grease up and take it 'cause s wimpish British government doesn't remember how to respond to The EU's acts of war.

But it'll all be better when Corbyn is kPM and the whole bleedin' country is on strike, right?

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