The ruble 🐷 🇷🇺 is now at its lowest value in history . 87.5 rubles to USD today compared to 85 rubles to USD on Monday.

sure ivan 🐐 , can you prove it with the statistic ? not RT of cos
Are you banned in Google? Just compare, say, pork prices. Right now it even a but cheaper than a year ago (or before the start of the SMO).

Resident Trolls, Winkle Titty and Toomuchbooze , not understanding inflation in a country that is 100% self sufficient. Russia is the only major power that can regulate imports at a switch because it has alternatives / substitutions etc . But any residual inflation is more than cancelled by increased competitiveness in export markets ( new entries) or where it can raise prices almost at will because of world market scarcity . Find a simpler TopicTrolls . Poor Boozer is still using MSN for his Fake News , rofl .

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