The Roosevelt-Truman War...Today


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.If you are mired in the moment, perhaps a government school grad who really never learned our history, you may believe that the current war between the establishment Democrat Party and the Stalin-Mao element, is the only time that sort of battle has taken place.???

Far more significant was the same battle that took place between the Franklin Roosevelt foreign policy faction, and the Harry Truman view that saved America.

2. Time-wise, Roosevelt and Truman never faced off over policy, and Truman didn’t come to his doctrine until after FDR was dead, largely because Roosevelt didn’t share the information with Truman that his vice-president learned after FDR’s death.

This should tell you all you need to know about the relationship: Stalin knew we had the atomic bomb before Truman did.

FDR died April 12, 1945

“President Harry Truman learns the full details of the Manhattan Project, in which scientists are attempting to create the first atomic bomb, on [April 24th] in 1945.”

3. Stalin was privy to everything in the Roosevelt administration, because FDR welcomed “Uncle Joe’s” spies.

The major player in the Alger Hiss saga was fellow Communist, Whitaker Chambers. In his book, Witness, Chambers explains is disillusionment as follows. In 1938, he determined not only to break with the Communist Party, but to inform on the Party when he could. The reason was that he was informed that Stalin was making efforts to align with Hitler, in 1939, and “from any human point of view, the pact was evil.” As Hitler marched into Poland, Chambers arranged a private meeting with Adolf Berle, President Roosevelt’s assistant Sec’y of State. Chambers detailed the Communist espionage network, naming at least two dozen Soviet spies in Roosevelt’s administration, including Alger Hiss. Berle reported this to Roosevelt, who laughed, and told Berle to go f--- himself. "
Arthur Herman, "Joseph McCarthy: Reexaming the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator," p. 60

No action was taken, and in fact, Roosevelt promoted Hiss.

Almost a decade later, Chambers was called before the HUAC and named Hiss as a Soviet agent. Hiss sued Chambers, at which time Chambers presented “… four notes in Alger Hiss's handwriting, sixty-five typewritten copies of State Department documents and five strips of microfilm, some of which contained photographs of State Department documents. The press came to call these the "Pumpkin Papers"
(Whittaker Chambers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
And, of course, all doubt was removed in 1995, when the Venona Soviet cables were decrypted.

FDR’s pro-Soviet agenda is hardly different from that of Sanders, et al today.

Truman’s saving of America….coming up.
his heart was in the right place-----he did not have a crystal ball------in fact, neither did Obamoid
The Democrats regularly promote their leaders in the same way the Bolsheviks and the North Koreans do....and they called their last one god, the messiah, and Jesus.

That's why government school never tells the truth about FDR.

This is the truth:

4. Franklin Roosevelt has a totally undeserved reputation as President.

Here is the record those who control the schools hide:

1. Roosevelt offered up the lives of everyone in Eastern Europe to his lord and master, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin

2. He made certain that Stalin's plans continued after his death: the creation of the United Nations

3. He extended the Depression by years.

4. He disposed of the Constitution

5. He imposed Mussolini's Fascist policies and called it 'the New Deal

6. He turned over command of our military actions in WWII to Stalin, and cost multiple thousands of US soldiers' deaths.

7. He made certain that communism survived the war, and thrived afterwards.

8. Without his efforts, there would be no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War

9. ...and he is the proximate explanation for the cultural Marxism prevalent in society today.

10. He was a racist and a bigot how wanted only those ‘with the right sort of blood.’ Sounds like a Nazis, huh?

Where does Harry Truman fit in?
He was strong enough to shake off the indoctrination.

his heart was in the right place-----he did not have a crystal ball------in fact, neither did Obamoid

Who are you talking about?

Roosevelt-----your theory that he was a best pal of Stalin and loved his
policies-------IMHO -----does not explain his alliance with uncle josef

Simple enough to explain.

1. FDR was a failure at business, and hated the successful capitalists.
2. He wanted to be like the other despots of the time....Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin.

Although by every metric, Stalin was worse than Hitler, Roosevelt had a tough time deciding his fav.

He gave Chamberlain an 'atta boy' when Chamberlain gave Hitler the go-ahead.

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48
The Democrats regularly promote their leaders in the same way the Bolsheviks and the North Koreans do....and they called their last one god, the messiah, and Jesus.

That's why government school never tells the truth about FDR.

This is the truth:

4. Franklin Roosevelt has a totally undeserved reputation as President.

Here is the record those who control the schools hide:

1. Roosevelt offered up the lives of everyone in Eastern Europe to his lord and master, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin

2. He made certain that Stalin's plans continued after his death: the creation of the United Nations

3. He extended the Depression by years.

4. He disposed of the Constitution

5. He imposed Mussolini's Fascist policies and called it 'the New Deal

6. He turned over command of our military actions in WWII to Stalin, and cost multiple thousands of US soldiers' deaths.

7. He made certain that communism survived the war, and thrived afterwards.

8. Without his efforts, there would be no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War

9. ...and he is the proximate explanation for the cultural Marxism prevalent in society today.

10. He was a racist and a bigot how wanted only those ‘with the right sort of blood.’ Sounds like a Nazis, huh?

Where does Harry Truman fit in?
He was strong enough to shake off the indoctrination.


whole different time and whole different issues. Obama was a black celebrity----and NEW PHENOMENON for the Democratic party. FDR was a run of the mill ---
upper class guy-----USA aristocrat which is what political leaders WERE back then.
"MESSIAH" who made that claim about FDR?
The Democrats regularly promote their leaders in the same way the Bolsheviks and the North Koreans do....and they called their last one god, the messiah, and Jesus.

That's why government school never tells the truth about FDR.

This is the truth:

4. Franklin Roosevelt has a totally undeserved reputation as President.

Here is the record those who control the schools hide:

1. Roosevelt offered up the lives of everyone in Eastern Europe to his lord and master, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin

2. He made certain that Stalin's plans continued after his death: the creation of the United Nations

3. He extended the Depression by years.

4. He disposed of the Constitution

5. He imposed Mussolini's Fascist policies and called it 'the New Deal

6. He turned over command of our military actions in WWII to Stalin, and cost multiple thousands of US soldiers' deaths.

7. He made certain that communism survived the war, and thrived afterwards.

8. Without his efforts, there would be no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War

9. ...and he is the proximate explanation for the cultural Marxism prevalent in society today.

10. He was a racist and a bigot how wanted only those ‘with the right sort of blood.’ Sounds like a Nazis, huh?

Where does Harry Truman fit in?
He was strong enough to shake off the indoctrination.


whole different time and whole different issues. Obama was a black celebrity----and NEW PHENOMENON for the Democratic party. FDR was a run of the mill ---
upper class guy-----USA aristocrat which is what political leaders WERE back then.
"MESSIAH" who made that claim about FDR?

"...whole different time and whole different issues..."

Of course it isn't.

I use language with the precision of a UN translator. Is it asking too much for you to read it with the same precision.

1.If you are mired in the moment, perhaps a government school grad who really never learned our history, you may believe that the current war between the establishment Democrat Party and the Stalin-Mao element, is the only time that sort of battle has taken place.???

Far more significant was the same battle that took place between the Franklin Roosevelt foreign policy faction, and the Harry Truman view that saved America.

"...upper class guy-----USA aristocrat which is what political leaders WERE back then."

A pity that you don't read books.

A famous passage in Witness continually bears remembering: "You don't understand the class structure of American society," said Smetana, "or you would not ask such a question. In the United States, the working class are Democrats. The middle class are Republicans. The upper class are Communists."

"MESSIAH" who made that claim about FDR?"

Please clean off those specs, old timer.....that is not who I identified as being called god, the messiah and Jesus.
Don't you recall those appellations for Hussein?

Please don't make me have to repeat everything.
The Democrats regularly promote their leaders in the same way the Bolsheviks and the North Koreans do....and they called their last one god, the messiah, and Jesus.

That's why government school never tells the truth about FDR.

This is the truth:

4. Franklin Roosevelt has a totally undeserved reputation as President.

Here is the record those who control the schools hide:

1. Roosevelt offered up the lives of everyone in Eastern Europe to his lord and master, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin

2. He made certain that Stalin's plans continued after his death: the creation of the United Nations

3. He extended the Depression by years.

4. He disposed of the Constitution

5. He imposed Mussolini's Fascist policies and called it 'the New Deal

6. He turned over command of our military actions in WWII to Stalin, and cost multiple thousands of US soldiers' deaths.

7. He made certain that communism survived the war, and thrived afterwards.

8. Without his efforts, there would be no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War

9. ...and he is the proximate explanation for the cultural Marxism prevalent in society today.

10. He was a racist and a bigot how wanted only those ‘with the right sort of blood.’ Sounds like a Nazis, huh?

Where does Harry Truman fit in?
He was strong enough to shake off the indoctrination.


whole different time and whole different issues. Obama was a black celebrity----and NEW PHENOMENON for the Democratic party. FDR was a run of the mill ---
upper class guy-----USA aristocrat which is what political leaders WERE back then.
"MESSIAH" who made that claim about FDR?

"...whole different time and whole different issues..."

Of course it isn't.

I use language with the precision of a UN translator. Is it asking too much for you to read it with the same precision.

1.If you are mired in the moment, perhaps a government school grad who really never learned our history, you may believe that the current war between the establishment Democrat Party and the Stalin-Mao element, is the only time that sort of battle has taken place.???

Far more significant was the same battle that took place between the Franklin Roosevelt foreign policy faction, and the Harry Truman view that saved America.

"...upper class guy-----USA aristocrat which is what political leaders WERE back then."

A pity that you don't read books.

A famous passage in Witness continually bears remembering: "You don't understand the class structure of American society," said Smetana, "or you would not ask such a question. In the United States, the working class are Democrats. The middle class are Republicans. The upper class are Communists."

"MESSIAH" who made that claim about FDR?"

Please clean off those specs, old timer.....that is not who I identified as being called god, the messiah and Jesus.
Don't you recall those appellations for Hussein?

Please don't make me have to repeat everything.

you said virtually nothing. Of course I remember that there were people so EXCITED about Obama (gawd only knows why other than he has a million dollar
smile) that they virtually worshipped him. I have no information that FDR was so
exciting to anyone------he did have FAMILY CONNECTIONS and the whole glow
of AMERICAN HERITAGE type person------but there was no evidence that he was a STALINIST TYPE COMMUNIST with aspirations to GULAG. Stalin was a totalitarian maniac in the style of animal farm. FDR just saw some value in
a bit of socialism as a bandage for the impoverished of that time. ------to ameliorate DA GRAPES OF WRATH situation. His heart was in the right place
The Democrats regularly promote their leaders in the same way the Bolsheviks and the North Koreans do....and they called their last one god, the messiah, and Jesus.

That's why government school never tells the truth about FDR.

This is the truth:

4. Franklin Roosevelt has a totally undeserved reputation as President.

Here is the record those who control the schools hide:

1. Roosevelt offered up the lives of everyone in Eastern Europe to his lord and master, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin

2. He made certain that Stalin's plans continued after his death: the creation of the United Nations

3. He extended the Depression by years.

4. He disposed of the Constitution

5. He imposed Mussolini's Fascist policies and called it 'the New Deal

6. He turned over command of our military actions in WWII to Stalin, and cost multiple thousands of US soldiers' deaths.

7. He made certain that communism survived the war, and thrived afterwards.

8. Without his efforts, there would be no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War

9. ...and he is the proximate explanation for the cultural Marxism prevalent in society today.

10. He was a racist and a bigot how wanted only those ‘with the right sort of blood.’ Sounds like a Nazis, huh?

Where does Harry Truman fit in?
He was strong enough to shake off the indoctrination.


whole different time and whole different issues. Obama was a black celebrity----and NEW PHENOMENON for the Democratic party. FDR was a run of the mill ---
upper class guy-----USA aristocrat which is what political leaders WERE back then.
"MESSIAH" who made that claim about FDR?

"...whole different time and whole different issues..."

Of course it isn't.

I use language with the precision of a UN translator. Is it asking too much for you to read it with the same precision.

1.If you are mired in the moment, perhaps a government school grad who really never learned our history, you may believe that the current war between the establishment Democrat Party and the Stalin-Mao element, is the only time that sort of battle has taken place.???

Far more significant was the same battle that took place between the Franklin Roosevelt foreign policy faction, and the Harry Truman view that saved America.

"...upper class guy-----USA aristocrat which is what political leaders WERE back then."

A pity that you don't read books.

A famous passage in Witness continually bears remembering: "You don't understand the class structure of American society," said Smetana, "or you would not ask such a question. In the United States, the working class are Democrats. The middle class are Republicans. The upper class are Communists."

"MESSIAH" who made that claim about FDR?"

Please clean off those specs, old timer.....that is not who I identified as being called god, the messiah and Jesus.
Don't you recall those appellations for Hussein?

Please don't make me have to repeat everything.

you said virtually nothing. Of course I remember that there were people so EXCITED about Obama (gawd only knows why other than he has a million dollar
smile) that they virtually worshipped him. I have no information that FDR was so
exciting to anyone------he did have FAMILY CONNECTIONS and the whole glow
of AMERICAN HERITAGE type person------but there was no evidence that he was a STALINIST TYPE COMMUNIST with aspirations to GULAG. Stalin was a totalitarian maniac in the style of animal farm. FDR just saw some value in
a bit of socialism as a bandage for the impoverished of that time. ------to ameliorate DA GRAPES OF WRATH situation. His heart was in the right place

Stop trying to save face where there was none to save.

Just admit I never said anyone called Roosevelt the messiah.

If you don't admit that, you are a liar.
5. Harry Truman was not pro-communist, enamored with Stalin, when he was first elected.

But he did fall under the sway of the elites, the Democrats, the pro-Stalinists.
At least until he became President, and the truth became known to him.....

According to "The Man of Independence," an authorized Truman biography by Jonathan Daniels, it was Max Lowenthal, a crafty southpaw government lawyer, who first corrupted Truman's mind with Marxist prejudices against railroads, insurance companies, and "big business" generally. Lowenthal was counsel to a Senate Interstate Commerce Subcommittee.

In 1936 Truman, an eager member of the subcommittee, fell under Lowenthal's spell. When Lowenthal proposed to take him to see Justice Louis D. Brandeis, the country boy said he was "not used to meeting people like that," but he went anyway and became a disciple of "the great liberal," who held forth on the evils of the American economic system.
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 137.

A famous passage in Witness bears remembering:
"You don't understand the class structure of American society," said Smetana, "or you would not ask such a question. In the United States, the working class are Democrats. The middle class are Republicans. The upper class are Communists."

That’s Franklin Roosevelt in a nutshell.

And that is what the young Truman was exposed to, and influenced by.

Truman moved so far to the Left, that after his election, he received this salute from Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.,: "The conceptions of the intellectual are at last beginning to catch up with the instincts of the Democratic politician."

But....things changed.

The Democrats regularly promote their leaders in the same way the Bolsheviks and the North Koreans do....and they called their last one god, the messiah, and Jesus.

That's why government school never tells the truth about FDR.

This is the truth:

4. Franklin Roosevelt has a totally undeserved reputation as President.

Here is the record those who control the schools hide:

1. Roosevelt offered up the lives of everyone in Eastern Europe to his lord and master, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin

2. He made certain that Stalin's plans continued after his death: the creation of the United Nations

3. He extended the Depression by years.

4. He disposed of the Constitution

5. He imposed Mussolini's Fascist policies and called it 'the New Deal

6. He turned over command of our military actions in WWII to Stalin, and cost multiple thousands of US soldiers' deaths.

7. He made certain that communism survived the war, and thrived afterwards.

8. Without his efforts, there would be no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War

9. ...and he is the proximate explanation for the cultural Marxism prevalent in society today.

10. He was a racist and a bigot how wanted only those ‘with the right sort of blood.’ Sounds like a Nazis, huh?

Where does Harry Truman fit in?
He was strong enough to shake off the indoctrination.


whole different time and whole different issues. Obama was a black celebrity----and NEW PHENOMENON for the Democratic party. FDR was a run of the mill ---
upper class guy-----USA aristocrat which is what political leaders WERE back then.
"MESSIAH" who made that claim about FDR?

"...whole different time and whole different issues..."

Of course it isn't.

I use language with the precision of a UN translator. Is it asking too much for you to read it with the same precision.

1.If you are mired in the moment, perhaps a government school grad who really never learned our history, you may believe that the current war between the establishment Democrat Party and the Stalin-Mao element, is the only time that sort of battle has taken place.???

Far more significant was the same battle that took place between the Franklin Roosevelt foreign policy faction, and the Harry Truman view that saved America.

"...upper class guy-----USA aristocrat which is what political leaders WERE back then."

A pity that you don't read books.

A famous passage in Witness continually bears remembering: "You don't understand the class structure of American society," said Smetana, "or you would not ask such a question. In the United States, the working class are Democrats. The middle class are Republicans. The upper class are Communists."

"MESSIAH" who made that claim about FDR?"

Please clean off those specs, old timer.....that is not who I identified as being called god, the messiah and Jesus.
Don't you recall those appellations for Hussein?

Please don't make me have to repeat everything.

you said virtually nothing. Of course I remember that there were people so EXCITED about Obama (gawd only knows why other than he has a million dollar
smile) that they virtually worshipped him. I have no information that FDR was so
exciting to anyone------he did have FAMILY CONNECTIONS and the whole glow
of AMERICAN HERITAGE type person------but there was no evidence that he was a STALINIST TYPE COMMUNIST with aspirations to GULAG. Stalin was a totalitarian maniac in the style of animal farm. FDR just saw some value in
a bit of socialism as a bandage for the impoverished of that time. ------to ameliorate DA GRAPES OF WRATH situation. His heart was in the right place

Stop trying to save face where there was none to save.

Just admit I never said anyone called Roosevelt the messiah.

If you don't admit that, you are a liar.

you are TRIVIALIZING-----you have VERY FERVENTLY insisted that
FDR was not the great, terrific, wonderful, paragon of virtue and heroic
American that USA government insists he must be presented in "GOVERNMENT
SCHOOLS" -------so you want to quibble about semantics?
The Democrats regularly promote their leaders in the same way the Bolsheviks and the North Koreans do....and they called their last one god, the messiah, and Jesus.

That's why government school never tells the truth about FDR.

This is the truth:

4. Franklin Roosevelt has a totally undeserved reputation as President.

Here is the record those who control the schools hide:

1. Roosevelt offered up the lives of everyone in Eastern Europe to his lord and master, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin

2. He made certain that Stalin's plans continued after his death: the creation of the United Nations

3. He extended the Depression by years.

4. He disposed of the Constitution

5. He imposed Mussolini's Fascist policies and called it 'the New Deal

6. He turned over command of our military actions in WWII to Stalin, and cost multiple thousands of US soldiers' deaths.

7. He made certain that communism survived the war, and thrived afterwards.

8. Without his efforts, there would be no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War

9. ...and he is the proximate explanation for the cultural Marxism prevalent in society today.

10. He was a racist and a bigot how wanted only those ‘with the right sort of blood.’ Sounds like a Nazis, huh?

Where does Harry Truman fit in?
He was strong enough to shake off the indoctrination.


whole different time and whole different issues. Obama was a black celebrity----and NEW PHENOMENON for the Democratic party. FDR was a run of the mill ---
upper class guy-----USA aristocrat which is what political leaders WERE back then.
"MESSIAH" who made that claim about FDR?

"...whole different time and whole different issues..."

Of course it isn't.

I use language with the precision of a UN translator. Is it asking too much for you to read it with the same precision.

1.If you are mired in the moment, perhaps a government school grad who really never learned our history, you may believe that the current war between the establishment Democrat Party and the Stalin-Mao element, is the only time that sort of battle has taken place.???

Far more significant was the same battle that took place between the Franklin Roosevelt foreign policy faction, and the Harry Truman view that saved America.

"...upper class guy-----USA aristocrat which is what political leaders WERE back then."

A pity that you don't read books.

A famous passage in Witness continually bears remembering: "You don't understand the class structure of American society," said Smetana, "or you would not ask such a question. In the United States, the working class are Democrats. The middle class are Republicans. The upper class are Communists."

"MESSIAH" who made that claim about FDR?"

Please clean off those specs, old timer.....that is not who I identified as being called god, the messiah and Jesus.
Don't you recall those appellations for Hussein?

Please don't make me have to repeat everything.

you said virtually nothing. Of course I remember that there were people so EXCITED about Obama (gawd only knows why other than he has a million dollar
smile) that they virtually worshipped him. I have no information that FDR was so
exciting to anyone------he did have FAMILY CONNECTIONS and the whole glow
of AMERICAN HERITAGE type person------but there was no evidence that he was a STALINIST TYPE COMMUNIST with aspirations to GULAG. Stalin was a totalitarian maniac in the style of animal farm. FDR just saw some value in
a bit of socialism as a bandage for the impoverished of that time. ------to ameliorate DA GRAPES OF WRATH situation. His heart was in the right place

Stop trying to save face where there was none to save.

Just admit I never said anyone called Roosevelt the messiah.

If you don't admit that, you are a liar.

you are TRIVIALIZING-----you have VERY FERVENTLY insisted that
FDR was not the great, terrific, wonderful, paragon of virtue and heroic
American that USA government insists he must be presented in "GOVERNMENT
SCHOOLS" -------so you want to quibble about semantics?

You suggested that I was saying supporters called FDR the messiah...

Did I say that, or something very different?

Why were you lying?
6.When he unexpectedly became President Harry Truman learned things that changed him, reversed the pro-Stalin foreign policy of Franklin Roosevelt.

It is actually possible to see into Truman's psyche, and note the evolution, based on events as President.
One can witness his divorcing himself from the sort of bowing to Stalin that we saw in Franklin Roosevelt.
Having served under the Rooseveltian 'Stalin appeasement policies' for so long, Truman had to learn to reverse course... Even so, baby steps can be observed.

On May 23, 1945 (he became President on April 12, 1945), Truman sent Harry Hopkins, Averill Harriman, and Charles Bolen to see Stalin to smooth out some problems developing with Stalin...e.g., Army intelligence was finding out the truth about Stalin's massacres in the Katyn Forest.
One can imagine that, unlike his predecessor, cold blooded slaughter didn't sit well with this American.
Stalin's slaughters, genocide, forced starvation of millions, had no effect on Roosevelt's abiding love for the psychopathic dictator.

But Truman was beginning to show the good judgment he became known for...and thus, the incipient Cold War was beginning.

Education continued for Truman:
June 4, 1945, in a 15-minute meeting with General Carter W. Clarke, and Colonel Ernest Gibson, of Army intelligence, Truman was informed about army codebreakers working on secret cables sent from Moscow to Washington- the Venona decrypts.
"Sacred Secrets: How Soviet Intelligence Operations Changed American History," p. 111, Leona Schecter and Jerrold Schecter

The American attitude toward the communists was about to undergo a distinct alteration.
so? Truman did not like Stalin and SAW THE DANGER----but FDR did not-----
SO? Truman made several good decisions-----very difficult decisions that
FDR did not SO? Those fact negate the good FDR accomplished----
you is a black and white girl-------or sorta so HORRIFIED by socialism----you respond like "SOCIALISM" is dirty word-------I REMEMBER THOSE DAYS-----I am old----I remember "I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it might tend
to incriminate me" I was very young and memorized it like a limerick---jack be nimble.......
so? Truman did not like Stalin and SAW THE DANGER----but FDR did not-----
SO? Truman made several good decisions-----very difficult decisions that
FDR did not SO? Those fact negate the good FDR accomplished----
you is a black and white girl-------or sorta so HORRIFIED by socialism----you respond like "SOCIALISM" is dirty word-------I REMEMBER THOSE DAYS-----I am old----I remember "I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it might tend
to incriminate me" I was very young and memorized it like a limerick---jack be nimble.......

I've asked you why you lied, and your response is "so?"
so? Truman did not like Stalin and SAW THE DANGER----but FDR did not-----
SO? Truman made several good decisions-----very difficult decisions that
FDR did not SO? Those fact negate the good FDR accomplished----
you is a black and white girl-------or sorta so HORRIFIED by socialism----you respond like "SOCIALISM" is dirty word-------I REMEMBER THOSE DAYS-----I am old----I remember "I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it might tend
to incriminate me" I was very young and memorized it like a limerick---jack be nimble.......

I've asked you why you lied, and your response is "so?"

I did not lie------I commented on your preoccupation with SEMANTICS ---
and the fact that you express a left-over from the 1950s DA RED PERIL.
-----uhm-----better dead than red...........and social security is COMMUNISM.
GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!
so? Truman did not like Stalin and SAW THE DANGER----but FDR did not-----
SO? Truman made several good decisions-----very difficult decisions that
FDR did not SO? Those fact negate the good FDR accomplished----
you is a black and white girl-------or sorta so HORRIFIED by socialism----you respond like "SOCIALISM" is dirty word-------I REMEMBER THOSE DAYS-----I am old----I remember "I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it might tend
to incriminate me" I was very young and memorized it like a limerick---jack be nimble.......

I've asked you why you lied, and your response is "so?"

I did not lie------I commented on your preoccupation with SEMANTICS ---
and the fact that you express a left-over from the 1950s DA RED PERIL.
-----uhm-----better dead than red...........and social security is COMMUNISM.
GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!

You're still lying.

You implied that I said supporters called FDR the messiah, when you knew it was Hussein called Jesus, the messiah and god.

In post #9 you wrote ""MESSIAH" who made that claim about FDR?"

Please don't bother coming back.

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