'The Rise of the Violent Left'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The violent left and the anti-democratic nature of antifa - Hot Air

"The Atlantic published an interesting piece a few days ago titled “The Rise of the Violent Left.” The focus of the piece is the gathering support for Antifa movements across the country but especially in the northwest. Author Peter Beinart spends a lot of time walking readers through some the recent clashes that have involved Antifa: the cancellation of Portland’s annual Rose Festival, the shutting down of a speech by Milo Yiannopoulis at Berkeley, etc."

This is nothing new, as we have seen this from the Left going back to the election campaigns until now:

Destroying Property
Terrorism - fire-bombing the GOP HQs and threatening the lives of Electoral College voters
Hillary's campaign paying violent extremists to attack Trump supporters
Violent Silencing of Freedom of Speech
Calling for Military Coups
Calling for assassinations
Trying to carry out those assassinations

Having lost the election, these violent Leftists have attempted to take matters into their own hands by taking action to undermine and overthrow the newly elected govt....and in every one of these scams / schemes we see Obama's, his administration's, and his loyalists' hands in it.

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