The rightwing and the fallacy of their black and white reasoning

Still No International Gun Ban Treaty
Apparently someone here has no idea what the UN Small Arms Treaty is.
I don't see how you can say that just because the board approves the pay of CEOs that somehow makes it all right.
It's their money. It's a right as you spending your money the way you want.
This belief you have about our government becoming dangerous so easily to me is another fallacy. You are forgetting how laws are created in this country. Wage laws, like any laws, are decided among the three branches of government. This debate over wages has never transcended our model of government. It's like you have this idea in your mind that there is some shadow entity in the government that seeks to control the masses and weaken capitalism. It's like some sort of conspiracy that this entity will rise up and dictate our lives. It's non sense. We elect officials who come up with laws that they are not above. The system has always been rather transparent. To me what corrupts our government is self interested lobbyists who seek to change laws to benefit only them rather than the country as a whole.
So unions shouldn't be allowed to lobby their legislators then? The government shouldn't be determining wages for the private sector so the reasons already mentioned.
This "take it or leave" philosophy has become less and less relevant. Nowadays millions of people have NO CHOICE but to take low wage jobs because these jobs are outnumbering good wage Joan. Decent wage jobs have become less and less common which makes them much more competitive. That is what it is the problem. Also, if wages are higher, economic demand increAses. That helps the economy.
More government=worse economy. Forcing businesses to pay more is going to improve the economy? How? They're fleeing the country as it is. People like you won't be happy until the last one has gone.
To your final point, government AND business run as well as the people who run it. To say the private sector is inherently more successful than the public sector is fallacy.
You didn't get my point. The government isn't good at running itself. It doesn't need to. Private businesses fail if they don't.
Why would anyone respond to these daily troll threads?
The whole premise is dishonest and biased. The title itself gives away the fact that it's trolling and he's just looking for attention and not interested in mature discussion...

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