The right wing sees the Bush years as "stunning success" and Obama as a "failure"

The right on here said it all day long right up until the day Bush had to annouced he fucked it all up
SEC Votes for Final Rules Defining How Banks Can Be Securities Brokers
Eight Years After Passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
, Key Provisions Will Now Be Implemented
Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2007 - Ending eight years of stalled negotiations and impasse, the Commission today voted to adopt, jointly with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board), new rules that will finally implement the bank broker provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The Board will consider these final rules at its Sept. 24, 2007 meeting. The Commission and the Board consulted with and sought the concurrence of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of Thrift Supervision.
they made sure the rules that would have prevented banks from forcing brokers to sell their crap securitues didnt go through


When you look at eight years of Bush disaster and what Obama has endured by Republicans while bringing our economy back from the brink, one has to wonder if Republicans immigrated from the "Bizarro World"?

How do Republicans see what Bush did as a success and the amazing record of Obama as "failure"?

Who are these peeps calling Bush a Stunning Success. Why do you insist on telling people what they think, Instead of listening to what they say?
The dirty little secret is that the liberal media did everything in their power to condemn the Bush administration. Democrats authorized the conflict in Iraq and sat back and pretended they were bystanders or members of the jihad. The liberal media called the commander of US Troops in Iraq "betray-us" in a full page ad in the NY Times and then the pi-polar nut cases in the democrat party thought it was a great idea that the man they ridiculed was appointed to head the CIA during the Obama administration. Left wingers went beyond insanity when they hanged the President in effigy every chance they got and actually promoted a European made movie that gave lessons on how to assassinate Bush while he was in office. So please lefties, don't go whining about the unfairness of a Republican majority in congress and the failure of Barry Hussein's policies, it makes you look like fools.
Exactly who sees the Bush years as a "stunning success"? I mean rdean wouldnt make the claim if it wasnt true, would he?
Wow...Those fruity comic strip panels really drive the point home! :rolleyes:

You can chose to fuck off or read them.

your choice

You like being redundant ?


All the bluster of a political hack and the brains of a blueberry.

That would be Truthmatters.

Oh, BTW: RDean is full of s**t. The only amazing thing Obama has done is wipe his ass with the Constitution and keep a straight face while at the same time running up huge debts.

But you assholes call that "success". :lol: :lol: :lol:

Move to Cuba.....dickweed.
they made sure the rules that would have prevented banks from forcing brokers to sell their crap securitues didnt go through


And along comes J.P. Morgan or John Corzine.....

Dodd-Frank...worth the paper it's written on only if you need something to wipe your ass.


When you look at eight years of Bush disaster and what Obama has endured by Republicans while bringing our economy back from the brink, one has to wonder if Republicans immigrated from the "Bizarro World"?

How do Republicans see what Bush did as a success and the amazing record of Obama as "failure"?

Bush delivered unemployment under 5 percent and record net revenues to Tge Treasury for government to spend. Bush racked up 4 trillion dollars on debt over 4 years and said that there was no way America could afford this Presudent. One would think Obama would reduce the debt. Nope. He tripled it in 4 years. By the President's own analysis, America can't afford him.
Bush delivered unemployment under 5 percent and record net revenues to Tge Treasury for government to spend. Bush racked up 4 trillion dollars on debt over 4 years and said that there was no way America could afford this Presudent. One would think Obama would reduce the debt. Nope. He tripled it in 4 years. By the President's own analysis, America can't afford him.

David Axelrod tells Obama it's not his fault every day.

And Obama wags those oversized ears and follows like a good little pooch.

Black Hole is going to have a whole new meaning here pretty soon.
Can anyone point to a single person on earth side of the aisle who thinks President Bush's administration was "a stunning success"?

Seriously, I dont know anyone who does.
Can anyone point to a single person on earth side of the aisle who thinks President Bush's administration was "a stunning success"?

Seriously, I dont know anyone who does.

Compared to could look like one.

Even though he sucked.

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