The Right To Destroy Jewish History

You brought up what the mandate did or didn't do, now you want to change the subject?

Jews also already lived there. Don't you understand that?


Very few. They were 12-13% of the population and they were Arabs not Europeans.
Yes. And?

It was wrong to begin with... To destroy 400 Arab villages and force 700,000 out of Palestine was a terrible, immoral thing to do.

They dressed up as Arabs and killed Jews when they bombed the King David hotel.

They are as savage as Hamas.
It was wrong to begin with... To destroy 400 Arab villages and force 700,000 out of Palestine was a terrible, immoral thing to do.

They dressed up as Arabs and killed Jews when they bombed the King David hotel.

They are as savage as Hamas.

Yeah, war is hell.

Maybe the Arabs shouldn't start them anymore?
They haven't been very good at it recently.
They were unarmed peasant farmers, potters and shopkeepers.

What the Zionists did is immoral and savage.

Yeah, that's awful, the Arabs have always been such a peaceful people.
Maybe the 5 Arab armies should have stayed out of it, instead of attacking
unarmed Jewish peasant farmers, potters and shopkeepers?
They were unarmed peasant farmers, potters and shopkeepers.

What the Zionists did is immoral and savage.
Arabs attacked Jews with weapons in November 1947 when the UN Partition was proposed.

But you forget that.

The Arabs again attacked Jews the day after Israel declared Independence on the part it had been allowed.

But you forget that.

FIVE Arab countries attacked Israel after it declared Independence.

But you forget that.

Those Arab Countries and Iran meant to destroy the new born Israel and kill all Jews.

But you forget that.

From 1920 to 1948, Arab leaders refused to have a Jewish State on ancient Jewish homeland.

But you forget that.

Jews were massacred and then expelled in Hebron in 1929 by "unarmed" Arabs.

But you forget that.

"Unarmed" Arabs fought against Jews between 1936 and 1939.

But you forget that.

Arabs call what is legally Israel, PALESTINE. Meaning that they want possession of ALL of what was the Mandate, not just what should have gone to the Arabs if they had EVER agreed to partition. Let us not forget that the Arabs also refused a partition in 1937 while driving attacks against the Jews.

But you forget that.

And you cry that Israel should want to someday take over all of Judea and Samaria, the heart of ancient Israel, while Arabs go to any and all efforts to destroy Jewish history in the areas. What a laugh.

The Arabs are not happy that Israel has had to become this strong in order to fight against what has been clearly the decision by Arab leaders to follow and finish what the Nazis began in Europe. But you do not care to own up EVER that it is the goal of extremist Arabs in order to "take back" land once conquered by Islam.

You choose to not know that, allege that you do not follow Arab sources, etc and continue to dish out the worthless garbage you do not even believe in but must insist in try to make others believe.

Jews called the King David hotel to warn people. It was not taken seriously and this is why some people died.

Israel continues to do the same to this day, warning people to leave before they bomb a building. That is what Jews do, unlike the Arabs who traveled all the way to Munich in 1972 and murdered all the Olympic Athletes for their "cause".


Jews ARE the indigenous people of the land and have lived on it uninterrupted for the past 3000 years, with lots of history and archeology to show for it.

Arabs, wanting to call themselves Palestinians, have ZERO history and archeology before WWI, and literally NONE to show for in their Ramallah Palestine Museum, still, which is not from 1920 on.

And a reminder that Arafat only chose to call Arabs, Palestinians, in 1964 BEFORE the Arabs invaded again in 1967 and, sniff, lost again.

Lie all you like. Cheer for Hamas, PLO and Fatah all you like.

Israel is going nowhere.
Arabs attacked Jews with weapons in November 1947 when the UN Partition was proposed.

But you forget that.

The Arabs again attacked Jews the day after Israel declared Independence on the part it had been allowed.

But you forget that.

FIVE Arab countries attacked Israel after it declared Independence.

But you forget that.

Those Arab Countries and Iran meant to destroy the new born Israel and kill all Jews.

But you forget that.

From 1920 to 1948, Arab leaders refused to have a Jewish State on ancient Jewish homeland.

But you forget that.

Jews were massacred and then expelled in Hebron in 1929 by "unarmed" Arabs.

But you forget that.

"Unarmed" Arabs fought against Jews between 1936 and 1939.

But you forget that.

Arabs call what is legally Israel, PALESTINE. Meaning that they want possession of ALL of what was the Mandate, not just what should have gone to the Arabs if they had EVER agreed to partition. Let us not forget that the Arabs also refused a partition in 1937 while driving attacks against the Jews.

But you forget that.

And you cry that Israel should want to someday take over all of Judea and Samaria, the heart of ancient Israel, while Arabs go to any and all efforts to destroy Jewish history in the areas. What a laugh.

The Arabs are not happy that Israel has had to become this strong in order to fight against what has been clearly the decision by Arab leaders to follow and finish what the Nazis began in Europe. But you do not care to own up EVER that it is the goal of extremist Arabs in order to "take back" land once conquered by Islam.

You choose to not know that, allege that you do not follow Arab sources, etc and continue to dish out the worthless garbage you do not even believe in but must insist in try to make others believe.

Jews called the King David hotel to warn people. It was not taken seriously and this is why some people died.

Israel continues to do the same to this day, warning people to leave before they bomb a building. That is what Jews do, unlike the Arabs who traveled all the way to Munich in 1972 and murdered all the Olympic Athletes for their "cause".


Jews ARE the indigenous people of the land and have lived on it uninterrupted for the past 3000 years, with lots of history and archeology to show for it.

Arabs, wanting to call themselves Palestinians, have ZERO history and archeology before WWI, and literally NONE to show for in their Ramallah Palestine Museum, still, which is not from 1920 on.

And a reminder that Arafat only chose to call Arabs, Palestinians, in 1964 BEFORE the Arabs invaded again in 1967 and, sniff, lost again.

Lie all you like. Cheer for Hamas, PLO and Fatah all you like.

Israel is going nowhere.

You came to Palestine seeking sanctuary and betrayed the people who lived there.
You came to Palestine seeking sanctuary and betrayed the people who lived there.
The Jews have always returned to THEIR ancient homeland, do now, and always will.

Extremist Muslims have been betraying their Muslim "brothers" with the promise of Martyrdom and Virgins for the sake of land they invaded.

Muslims can continue to lie, cheat, steal and murder for the sake of having an invaded land returned to them, but it will never.

And Christians like you are not helping those Arabs find the actual peace they should find and learn to live in peace with Jews as the Muslims, Bedouins, Druze and others already do in Israel.

Go ahead, copy and paste some more of the same over and over again. It will never make any of it true.
You came to Palestine seeking sanctuary and betrayed the people who lived there.
BTW, Jews did not return to their ancient Jewish Homeland for "sanctuary" after 1897, they returned because it was their Ancient Jewish Homeland to rejoin all the other Jews who had always lived there, or had returned there before them.

They returned to rebuild their Nation ON their own Ancient Jewish Homeland, not anyone else's homeland, and there was no other Nation built on it since the Romans changed Judea's name into Syria Palestinia.
BTW, Jews did not return to their ancient Jewish Homeland for "sanctuary" after 1897, they returned because it was their Ancient Jewish Homeland to rejoin all the other Jews who had always lived there, or had returned there before them.

They returned to rebuild their Nation ON their own Ancient Jewish Homeland, not anyone else's homeland, and there was no other Nation built on it since the Romans changed Judea's name into Syria Palestinia.

Israel was a city state in the Syrian province of Palestine.. usually ruled by another country.
Israel was a city state in the Syrian province of Palestine.. usually ruled by another country.
There was Israel. Which is why Christianity and Islam now exist. They did not exist then, and Palestinians did not exist then, either.

Indigenous people cannot betray the invaders of their homeland. Jews did not betray the Muslims and others living on the land when they decided to rebuild their Nation ON their OWN ancient homeland.

That is how it works. Indigenous people belong on their homelands, invaders do not.
There was Israel. Which is why Christianity and Islam now exist. They did not exist then, and Palestinians did not exist then, either.

Indigenous people cannot betray the invaders of their homeland. Jews did not betray the Muslims and others living on the land when they decided to rebuild their Nation ON their OWN ancient homeland.

That is how it works. Indigenous people belong on their homelands, invaders do not.

Palestinians are descended from Canaanites just like the Jews and Phoenicians.

You really don't now that the Canaanites and Phoenicians lived in Palestine before the invasion of foreign, Nazi trained and armed terrorist gangs(1) who were far more ruthless than any Muslim resistance gang?

How do you explain Nazi - Zionist co operation that included the Haavara Agreement:
One of history's ugly pages: Nazi-Zionist cooperation | Al Mayadeen English

(1). “Zionism and the Third Reich”
Zionism and the Third Reich

EXCERPT “In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. /19

Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine. The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS. /20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. /21

In the aftermath of the November 1938 "Kristallnacht" outburst of violence and destruction, the SS quickly helped the Zionist organization to get back on its feet and continue its work in Germany, although now under more restricted supervision. /22” CONTINUED
Because they were not given that land in the Mandate.
The Mandate for Palestine recognizes the re-constitution of the national homeland of the Jewish people. The Mandate for Palestine does not recognize any other peoples. So, the Mandate for Palestine passes, whole, to the Jewish people. According to the Mandate.

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