CDZ The right to complain?


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
I need some verbiage fellow board members.

Looking around I see a bunch of people with well fed bellies, 1600+ square foot houses in a desirable neighborhood (with few of THEM here as these folks say, not me), ridiculously new cars not a wrench one in the garage, paid servants to mow their status symbol lawns for them and needlessly expensive cell phone plans.

This isn't exactly a small part of town either.

So when I hear them complaining about taxes or something it isn't that they don't have a right to complain, we all do, but it seems somewhat....something.

What is the phrase I'm looking for?

I also need a qualifier because at some point even the rich can complain about the system they got rich under or in spite of.
I need some verbiage fellow board members.

Looking around I see a bunch of people with well fed bellies, 1600+ square foot houses in a desirable neighborhood (with few of THEM here as these folks say, not me), ridiculously new cars not a wrench one in the garage, paid servants to mow their status symbol lawns for them and needlessly expensive cell phone plans.

This isn't exactly a small part of town either.

So when I hear them complaining about taxes or something it isn't that they don't have a right to complain, we all do, but it seems somewhat....something.

What is the phrase I'm looking for?

I also need a qualifier because at some point even the rich can complain about the system they got rich under or in spite of.
What phrase? Perhaps "I'm jealous"? ;)
I need some verbiage fellow board members.

Looking around I see a bunch of people with well fed bellies, 1600+ square foot houses in a desirable neighborhood (with few of THEM here as these folks say, not me), ridiculously new cars not a wrench one in the garage, paid servants to mow their status symbol lawns for them and needlessly expensive cell phone plans.

This isn't exactly a small part of town either.

So when I hear them complaining about taxes or something it isn't that they don't have a right to complain, we all do, but it seems somewhat....something.

What is the phrase I'm looking for?

I also need a qualifier because at some point even the rich can complain about the system they got rich under or in spite of.
What phrase? Perhaps "I'm jealous"? ;)

they SHOULD complain about taxes--everyone should

just one of MANY:
President Obama released $221 million in humanitarian aid to the Palestinian Authority even though two Congressional committee members had placed the distribution on hold.
so it's ok to take $221 Million and just throw it in the fire??
I need some verbiage fellow board members.

Looking around I see a bunch of people with well fed bellies, 1600+ square foot houses in a desirable neighborhood (with few of THEM here as these folks say, not me), ridiculously new cars not a wrench one in the garage, paid servants to mow their status symbol lawns for them and needlessly expensive cell phone plans.

This isn't exactly a small part of town either.

So when I hear them complaining about taxes or something it isn't that they don't have a right to complain, we all do, but it seems somewhat....something.

What is the phrase I'm looking for?

I also need a qualifier because at some point even the rich can complain about the system they got rich under or in spite of.
What phrase? Perhaps "I'm jealous"? ;)

You can always tell a person is a liberal if they cry about what other people have, good for them if they are not a hypocrite like Nancy, Tom Steyer, Al gore etc..etc..

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So when I hear them complaining about taxes or something it isn't that they don't have a right to complain, we all do, but it seems somewhat....something.

What is the phrase I'm looking for?
ridiculous? hypocritical? bratty?..... normal? Maybe sad?

I get what your going for here. It seems kind of strange to me for a person to drop $5 on a cup of coffee at Starbucks, then complain about the $0.02 jump in gas price, right? I mean really, even a full-sized truck carries maybe 40 gallons. So 40 X $.02 = $0.80. "So, your telling me you'll complain about less than a dollar a tank increase in gas, then spend 5 dollars/day on coffee?" OOOKKKKKK. So, you'll drop $1,000/yr on new cell phones, then $200+/month on service. And you complain about a few hundred dollars a year in property taxes? You'll spend in excess of $8,000/yr on leasing a new car (and have nothing to show for it) then complain about your $5,000/yr income tax bill? Get real people.

Note:Most, if not all, numbers are pulled out of thin air, based on nothing but pixie dust and unicorn farts. Therefore, they should not be construed as accurate, or even plausible. They are used merely for illustrative purposes. And to annoy anyone dumb enough to believe they are legit. Oh, and if you are still reading you really need to find a better way to occupy your time, your boss just texted me to request you get back to work.
Every one has a right to complain, things would be better if people were willing to investigate what the other sides views are & why.and coming together became more important than winning.
I need some verbiage fellow board members.

Looking around I see a bunch of people with well fed bellies, 1600+ square foot houses in a desirable neighborhood (with few of THEM here as these folks say, not me), ridiculously new cars not a wrench one in the garage, paid servants to mow their status symbol lawns for them and needlessly expensive cell phone plans.

This isn't exactly a small part of town either.

So when I hear them complaining about taxes or something it isn't that they don't have a right to complain, we all do, but it seems somewhat....something.
Everyone should complain about taxes, what is it that you believe gives those in government the rights to OUR labor?
What is the phrase I'm looking for?

I also need a qualifier because at some point even the rich can complain about the system they got rich under or in spite of.
If you have a problem with it, then you should advocate that the government get rid of all regulations, so that all of us can get rich instead of those they favor with regulations.
I need some verbiage fellow board members.

Looking around I see a bunch of people with well fed bellies, 1600+ square foot houses in a desirable neighborhood (with few of THEM here as these folks say, not me), ridiculously new cars not a wrench one in the garage, paid servants to mow their status symbol lawns for them and needlessly expensive cell phone plans.

This isn't exactly a small part of town either.

So when I hear them complaining about taxes or something it isn't that they don't have a right to complain, we all do, but it seems somewhat....something.

What is the phrase I'm looking for?

I also need a qualifier because at some point even the rich can complain about the system they got rich under or in spite of.

Most of the complaining I hear about isn't from people complaining about their taxes being too high, it's from people complaining about somebody else's taxes being too low. Many times it's from people who already have it made and could afford higher taxes; but what they don't tell you is how much of THEIR income these days isn't taxable, they found ways to pay less taxes themselves but want somebody else to pick up the burden. I suspect the word or phrase you're looking for is "hypocrisy".
I need some verbiage fellow board members.

Looking around I see a bunch of people with well fed bellies, 1600+ square foot houses in a desirable neighborhood (with few of THEM here as these folks say, not me), ridiculously new cars not a wrench one in the garage, paid servants to mow their status symbol lawns for them and needlessly expensive cell phone plans.

This isn't exactly a small part of town either.

So when I hear them complaining about taxes or something it isn't that they don't have a right to complain, we all do, but it seems somewhat....something.

What is the phrase I'm looking for?

I also need a qualifier because at some point even the rich can complain about the system they got rich under or in spite of.

The well fed bellies drive restaurant, agri and grocery jobs
Houses require all sorts of jobs, spending and economic activity
Cars were bought at dealers and need mechanics
Landscaping requires landscapers
Cell plans require a huge amount of technical and other jobs.

Producers drive the economy and are right to want their tax burdens accountable.
I need some verbiage fellow board members.

Looking around I see a bunch of people with well fed bellies, 1600+ square foot houses in a desirable neighborhood (with few of THEM here as these folks say, not me), ridiculously new cars not a wrench one in the garage, paid servants to mow their status symbol lawns for them and needlessly expensive cell phone plans.

This isn't exactly a small part of town either.

So when I hear them complaining about taxes or something it isn't that they don't have a right to complain, we all do, but it seems somewhat....something.
Everyone should complain about taxes, what is it that you believe gives those in government the rights to OUR labor?
What is the phrase I'm looking for?

I also need a qualifier because at some point even the rich can complain about the system they got rich under or in spite of.
If you have a problem with it, then you should advocate that the government get rid of all regulations, so that all of us can get rich instead of those they favor with regulations.

I believe if not for big government and some redistribution the rich would be richer and the masses would have nothing. From my point of view we tried that experiment during the renaissance and industrial revolution and conditions were soo terrible folks invented labor unions and turned to socialism even in America where we had the west and territorial gains to exploit.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a socialist. I just like higher tax brackets and deductions for being a good American.
I need some verbiage fellow board members.

Looking around I see a bunch of people with well fed bellies, 1600+ square foot houses in a desirable neighborhood (with few of THEM here as these folks say, not me), ridiculously new cars not a wrench one in the garage, paid servants to mow their status symbol lawns for them and needlessly expensive cell phone plans.

This isn't exactly a small part of town either.

So when I hear them complaining about taxes or something it isn't that they don't have a right to complain, we all do, but it seems somewhat....something.
Everyone should complain about taxes, what is it that you believe gives those in government the rights to OUR labor?
What is the phrase I'm looking for?

I also need a qualifier because at some point even the rich can complain about the system they got rich under or in spite of.
If you have a problem with it, then you should advocate that the government get rid of all regulations, so that all of us can get rich instead of those they favor with regulations.

I believe if not for big government and some redistribution the rich would be richer and the masses would have nothing. From my point of view we tried that experiment during the renaissance and industrial revolution and conditions were soo terrible folks invented labor unions and turned to socialism even in America where we had the west and territorial gains to exploit.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a socialist. I just like higher tax brackets and deductions for being a good American.

"I believe if not for big government and some redistribution the rich would be richer and the masses would have nothing."

Here's where we part company; you don't have to have bigger gov't but you do have to have better and more effective gov't where the functions and responsibilities at each level correlate to the specific needs and solutions that are peculiar to each locale. I.E., the federal gov't has no business getting involved with things like housing and education, those areas ought to be managed at the state and local levels. In this country we pay too much attention to the big monied lobbyists and the loud-mouth extremists on both ends of the spectrum and so the middle and lower classes end up getting shafted too often. Too many of our rules and regs aren't driven by what's best for everybody, instead the driving force is politics.

I'll get into the redistribution of wealth in my net post.
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"I believe if not for big government and some redistribution the rich would be richer and the masses would have nothing."

I believe that as a nation we should be striving to make sure every person is treated equally under the law and in the marketplace. Obviously that is not going to ever be 100% true, but I wish the Left would understand that there is no gov't or economic model on Earth that guarantees income equality. Yes, there are some places where the Gini Co-efficient is better than ours, which first of all are somewhat suspect and second of all all of those places are much smaller and more homogenous than we are. Most of those places don't spend the R&D money that we do that results in improved products especially in the medical area, they take what we created and reproduce it for pennies on the dollar in terms of cost.

The idea of equality of outcomes rather than opportunity is repugnant to me. If you want to make more money then EARN it. Whose fault is it that you don't know how to do anything except flip burgers and mop the floor? Mine as a taxpayer? Or an employer? I gotta give you money that you didn't really earn? Where's the incentive then for you to get off your lazy ass and learn a trade or a skill or SOMETHING? We can and should do better to offer those who want a bigger paycheck to better themselves or go into business for themselves so they can make more money. But just give you the money in the name of equality? NO.
"I believe if not for big government and some redistribution the rich would be richer and the masses would have nothing."

I believe that as a nation we should be striving to make sure every person is treated equally under the law and in the marketplace. Obviously that is not going to ever be 100% true, but I wish the Left would understand that there is no gov't or economic model on Earth that guarantees income equality. Yes, there are some places where the Gini Co-efficient is better than ours, which first of all are somewhat suspect and second of all all of those places are much smaller and more homogenous than we are. Most of those places don't spend the R&D money that we do that results in improved products especially in the medical area, they take what we created and reproduce it for pennies on the dollar in terms of cost.

The idea of equality of outcomes rather than opportunity is repugnant to me. If you want to make more money then EARN it. Whose fault is it that you don't know how to do anything except flip burgers and mop the floor? Mine as a taxpayer? Or an employer? I gotta give you money that you didn't really earn? Where's the incentive then for you to get off your lazy ass and learn a trade or a skill or SOMETHING? We can and should do better to offer those who want a bigger paycheck to better themselves or go into business for themselves so they can make more money. But just give you the money in the name of equality? NO.

Ideally I don't disagree.

I suspect the imbalance of opportunity is what I want to level. Human nature dictates there must be some fear of starvation for a fellow to get up in the morning and go to work. However the son of a rich man has this advantage in opportunities the son of a common man doesn't have and the son of a poor man (or fatherless poor child!) has a larger hole to climb out of than either of the above.

Wealth has power though in any country with a government large enough to enforce its laws. Especially a country with as (necessarily?) complex a financial system as we have. So we need laws to balance the power of wealth.
I need some verbiage fellow board members.

Looking around I see a bunch of people with well fed bellies, 1600+ square foot houses in a desirable neighborhood (with few of THEM here as these folks say, not me), ridiculously new cars not a wrench one in the garage, paid servants to mow their status symbol lawns for them and needlessly expensive cell phone plans.

This isn't exactly a small part of town either.

So when I hear them complaining about taxes or something it isn't that they don't have a right to complain, we all do, but it seems somewhat....something.
Everyone should complain about taxes, what is it that you believe gives those in government the rights to OUR labor?
What is the phrase I'm looking for?

I also need a qualifier because at some point even the rich can complain about the system they got rich under or in spite of.
If you have a problem with it, then you should advocate that the government get rid of all regulations, so that all of us can get rich instead of those they favor with regulations.

I believe if not for big government and some redistribution the rich would be richer and the masses would have nothing. From my point of view we tried that experiment during the renaissance and industrial revolution and conditions were soo terrible folks invented labor unions and turned to socialism even in America where we had the west and territorial gains to exploit.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a socialist. I just like higher tax brackets and deductions for being a good American.
You believe incorrectly, the big government is using regulations and patents to promote monopolies, which would otherwise be impossible, as without the government, would require a business to own all resources associated with their product.

As an example, the healthcare industry was limited to specified areas before Obamacare made things even worse, these limitations prevented competition, creating psuedo-monopolies, which caused prices to rise.

Another example is medicine. The government requires a long and expensive process before medicine is okay'd for shelves. Even after that process is completed, the medicine can be patented, allowing the business to hike prices.

As yet another example, how do you think regulations affect smaller businesss versus big corporations? Or taxes for that matter. Don't you think bigger corporations have an easier time accomading the added costs?

What do you think regulations and liscensing for starting a business is for? Don't you think there would be more business owners, more choices, without regulations? Everyone would be able to succeed instead of being forced to work for someone else. Do you know how difficult it is for a new business to pay for the liscensing and employee insurance that they're forced by the government to get? These are all tactics which the government uses to assist the big corporations in becoming monopolies. If the government weren't involved, competition would be at an all-time high, as nobody would be prevented from competing, and poverty would be at an all-time low, because employees would be in high demand.

The industrial revolution was not an example of a free market, in fact, the industrial revolution was EXTREMELY highly regulated. Better yet, if you want to see what the government gets us with its regulations, feel free to investigate the Great Depression and 2008 recession, BOTH were results of government intervention in the economy.

IF the government knew how to run businesses, they wouldn't be in government.
I need some verbiage fellow board members.

Looking around I see a bunch of people with well fed bellies, 1600+ square foot houses in a desirable neighborhood (with few of THEM here as these folks say, not me), ridiculously new cars not a wrench one in the garage, paid servants to mow their status symbol lawns for them and needlessly expensive cell phone plans.

This isn't exactly a small part of town either.

So when I hear them complaining about taxes or something it isn't that they don't have a right to complain, we all do, but it seems somewhat....something.
Everyone should complain about taxes, what is it that you believe gives those in government the rights to OUR labor?
What is the phrase I'm looking for?

I also need a qualifier because at some point even the rich can complain about the system they got rich under or in spite of.
If you have a problem with it, then you should advocate that the government get rid of all regulations, so that all of us can get rich instead of those they favor with regulations.

I believe if not for big government and some redistribution the rich would be richer and the masses would have nothing. From my point of view we tried that experiment during the renaissance and industrial revolution and conditions were soo terrible folks invented labor unions and turned to socialism even in America where we had the west and territorial gains to exploit.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a socialist. I just like higher tax brackets and deductions for being a good American.
You believe incorrectly, the big government is using regulations and patents to promote monopolies, which would otherwise be impossible, as without the government, would require a business to own all resources associated with their product.

As an example, the healthcare industry was limited to specified areas before Obamacare made things even worse, these limitations prevented competition, creating psuedo-monopolies, which caused prices to rise.

Another example is medicine. The government requires a long and expensive process before medicine is okay'd for shelves. Even after that process is completed, the medicine can be patented, allowing the business to hike prices.

As yet another example, how do you think regulations affect smaller businesss versus big corporations? Or taxes for that matter. Don't you think bigger corporations have an easier time accomading the added costs?

What do you think regulations and liscensing for starting a business is for? Don't you think there would be more business owners, more choices, without regulations? Everyone would be able to succeed instead of being forced to work for someone else. Do you know how difficult it is for a new business to pay for the liscensing and employee insurance that they're forced by the government to get? These are all tactics which the government uses to assist the big corporations in becoming monopolies. If the government weren't involved, competition would be at an all-time high, as nobody would be prevented from competing, and poverty would be at an all-time low, because employees would be in high demand.

The industrial revolution was not an example of a free market, in fact, the industrial revolution was EXTREMELY highly regulated. Better yet, if you want to see what the government gets us with its regulations, feel free to investigate the Great Depression and 2008 recession, BOTH were results of government intervention in the economy.

IF the government knew how to run businesses, they wouldn't be in government.

-I might need some help here with the reference to the industrial revolution being highly regulated. Gimme a link or some reading to do.

-As far as the government promoting monopolies, we agree there. The push seems to be promoting larger and larger company mergers. Is it in our interest to keep the Chinese from buying this or that U.S. company? That is the only straw I can grasp. Are monopolies bad for the economy, yes, monopoly evil outweighs economy of scale good in my book. I think its what business owners call "big government interference" that prevents monopolies but I suspect although we use different verbiage we agree here that monopolies are bad.

-I agree with the patent office being part of big government. Is it necessary....I think so. I also think the power of wealth lets the wealthy use it more effectively.

-Big government makes it possible for people to open a business. Want some protection in your personal finances from what happens in your small business, turn to some weird government regulations. On the bigger scale, Trump's business goes bankrupt, Trump keeps his mansion, that's big government keeping his creditors from taking everything he owes and using some socialist tax deductions or welfare from you and I to pay back Trump's creditors in the name of promoting entrepreneurship.

-From my personal life I think regulations affect small business less. Wanna see some racism and nepotism in hiring practices, lets go visit some small businesses. Law enforcement notices repeated crimes which involve more people. Want to steal something from a train parked in a siding? Do it once get away with it. Do it a few times and you'll get caught because the railroad cops know where the seals were on and off and can figure out when the train was stopped where.

-IMO technology is causing medical prices to rise. If you could sign off that you would want no treatment invented after y2k your insurance company would make more money off you. Unfortunately I want every this or that stem cell / ALS / Heart transplant / chemo treatment available to keep me and my kids alive. I'm not here to defend any one line of Obamacare. The math and regulations are way too complicated. We also need to admit this is a new economic problem the Greeks did not have. Spending a half million dollars to prolong my life when I'm 74 is not a sound investment but its one I hope is made! Want to see a cheap source of bedframes though see a big business moving a container of them about. Health Insurance is big business.
I need some verbiage fellow board members.

Looking around I see a bunch of people with well fed bellies, 1600+ square foot houses in a desirable neighborhood (with few of THEM here as these folks say, not me), ridiculously new cars not a wrench one in the garage, paid servants to mow their status symbol lawns for them and needlessly expensive cell phone plans.

This isn't exactly a small part of town either.

So when I hear them complaining about taxes or something it isn't that they don't have a right to complain, we all do, but it seems somewhat....something.
Everyone should complain about taxes, what is it that you believe gives those in government the rights to OUR labor?
What is the phrase I'm looking for?

I also need a qualifier because at some point even the rich can complain about the system they got rich under or in spite of.
If you have a problem with it, then you should advocate that the government get rid of all regulations, so that all of us can get rich instead of those they favor with regulations.

I believe if not for big government and some redistribution the rich would be richer and the masses would have nothing. From my point of view we tried that experiment during the renaissance and industrial revolution and conditions were soo terrible folks invented labor unions and turned to socialism even in America where we had the west and territorial gains to exploit.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a socialist. I just like higher tax brackets and deductions for being a good American.
You believe incorrectly, the big government is using regulations and patents to promote monopolies, which would otherwise be impossible, as without the government, would require a business to own all resources associated with their product.

As an example, the healthcare industry was limited to specified areas before Obamacare made things even worse, these limitations prevented competition, creating psuedo-monopolies, which caused prices to rise.

Another example is medicine. The government requires a long and expensive process before medicine is okay'd for shelves. Even after that process is completed, the medicine can be patented, allowing the business to hike prices.

As yet another example, how do you think regulations affect smaller businesss versus big corporations? Or taxes for that matter. Don't you think bigger corporations have an easier time accomading the added costs?

What do you think regulations and liscensing for starting a business is for? Don't you think there would be more business owners, more choices, without regulations? Everyone would be able to succeed instead of being forced to work for someone else. Do you know how difficult it is for a new business to pay for the liscensing and employee insurance that they're forced by the government to get? These are all tactics which the government uses to assist the big corporations in becoming monopolies. If the government weren't involved, competition would be at an all-time high, as nobody would be prevented from competing, and poverty would be at an all-time low, because employees would be in high demand.

The industrial revolution was not an example of a free market, in fact, the industrial revolution was EXTREMELY highly regulated. Better yet, if you want to see what the government gets us with its regulations, feel free to investigate the Great Depression and 2008 recession, BOTH were results of government intervention in the economy.

IF the government knew how to run businesses, they wouldn't be in government.

-I might need some help here with the reference to the industrial revolution being highly regulated. Gimme a link or some reading to do.

-As far as the government promoting monopolies, we agree there. The push seems to be promoting larger and larger company mergers. Is it in our interest to keep the Chinese from buying this or that U.S. company? That is the only straw I can grasp. Are monopolies bad for the economy, yes, monopoly evil outweighs economy of scale good in my book. I think its what business owners call "big government interference" that prevents monopolies but I suspect although we use different verbiage we agree here that monopolies are bad.

-I agree with the patent office being part of big government. Is it necessary....I think so. I also think the power of wealth lets the wealthy use it more effectively.

-Big government makes it possible for people to open a business. Want some protection in your personal finances from what happens in your small business, turn to some weird government regulations. On the bigger scale, Trump's business goes bankrupt, Trump keeps his mansion, that's big government keeping his creditors from taking everything he owes and using some socialist tax deductions or welfare from you and I to pay back Trump's creditors in the name of promoting entrepreneurship.

-From my personal life I think regulations affect small business less. Wanna see some racism and nepotism in hiring practices, lets go visit some small businesses. Law enforcement notices repeated crimes which involve more people. Want to steal something from a train parked in a siding? Do it once get away with it. Do it a few times and you'll get caught because the railroad cops know where the seals were on and off and can figure out when the train was stopped where.

-IMO technology is causing medical prices to rise. If you could sign off that you would want no treatment invented after y2k your insurance company would make more money off you. Unfortunately I want every this or that stem cell / ALS / Heart transplant / chemo treatment available to keep me and my kids alive. I'm not here to defend any one line of Obamacare. The math and regulations are way too complicated. We also need to admit this is a new economic problem the Greeks did not have. Spending a half million dollars to prolong my life when I'm 74 is not a sound investment but its one I hope is made! Want to see a cheap source of bedframes though see a big business moving a container of them about. Health Insurance is big business.
During the Industrial Revolution, the government started picking and choosing which forms of energy it wanted to succeed and fail in the form of environmental regulations, this trend of pretending a problem exists and then pretending to fix it through regulating what type of coal businesses could burn, for one example. Naturally, seeing that this could be used to promote monopolies, other stats began following suit. Even today, the government still creates further regulation on power companies in an effort to prop up the 'clean energy' industry.

The only reason the Chinese can buy companies in the first place is because the US government chooses to make it difficult for businesses to operate in the US. Monopolies don't help the economy, this is one of many reasons that the government has a negative impact on the economy through ANY actions whatsoever. The government is only needed for monopolies to form, and this is inherently negative. As I said, the government does not prevent monopolies, it promotes them.

It's not necessary, it only prevents competition. Patents are one of the ways that monopolies are promoted, which is inherently bad. Without patents, businesses are left at the mercy of their consumers, forcing them to continue innovating, providing better service, and in general having to perform better than their competition. This is all thrown out the window with patents.

No, government does not make it possible to form a business, their regulations make the cost of starting a business astronomical. A business has to hire someone to go through the 6000 pages of regulations to find the ones they have to adhere to, then they have to pay for employee insurance, they need a liscense, and they need to accomodate said regulations, followed by paying 60% of their earnings to the government, WHILE also making sure that their product wasn't already patented by some big corporation. These things a pre-established business can accomodate, however it makes starting a NEW business nearly impossible. The government is not required for a new business to form, they only make association with them required in THIS Nation. One would otherwise only need to fulfill a demand. On the topic of the government bailing out a business by throwing money at them which they stole from other businesses and individuals, I want to point out that this is one of many reasons I want the government out. This is not capitalism, it Corporatism, which is one of the methods that the government uses to promote monopolies. For example, EA Games, Twitter, and Facebook are all subsidized for millions of dollars, as are several 'green energy' companies which otherwise cannot compete.

Simply disagreeing with who someone should hire doesn't make them racist, it means you think they should hire who YOU think is more qualified, OR in the case of affirmative action, who the government believes is more qualified based on information they don't have, and experience they don't have, since they never met the individual they are forcing a business to hire based on their skin color. Beyond this, I already detailed above and in my previous post as to how regulations affect un-established businesses more than pre-established businesses. One only needs to note that a business which is established has more money, and would therefor have less money after the government steals 60% of their earnings.

I already detailed how the process regulations force businesses to go through in order to get their product on the market, and patents, cause prices to rise. What YOU'RE noting is not the advance in technology, it's the result of creating psuedo-monopolies and the government's inherent inability to properly calculate the prices and demand of comodities, the "Economic Calculation Problem". As I mentioned earlier, the process and the patents result in a monopoly on this specific product, resulting in competitors being disallowed from selling said product at a lower price or higher quality. One only needs to ask themselves whether or not they would buy the more expensive of two products which are exactly the same to realize the problem with government involvement in the market.

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