The right has lost it's collective mind on it's priorities. Hunter didn't get a 'sweetheart' deal.

It's called payback. The right has come up with so many stories that it is just not funny anymore. The right is hoping to take down Hunter Biden, in the hopes that it will reflect on Joe Biden. So they are slinging from the hip. Hoping that mud sticks. They then want to legislate family interactions.

Joe Biden guilt is only that he has a son that he has to have feeling for. I guess family values is a good mantra for Republicans except for when it comes to the Biden family. Trump family practically moved into the white house as presidential advisors. Flying on AF One as if it was a private airline. Sitting in meeting with high ranking foreign dignitaries as if they have any experience in dealing with government issues.

Anybody who wants to hire Hunter is getting what they paid for. Government access is not one of them and just hopeful thinking on their part.
All you did is lay out your beliefs, not his. His platform was clearly posted, unlike the Republicans', and he has kept to it. Whatever butt hurt you have isnt Joe's issue.

Here is his platform... what has he flip flopped on?
From 1973. Wild swings there. It means no real belief and he answers to others.
I keep hearing that this is double-tiered justice, that Hunter Biden's pleading guilty to a tax charge, which is a misdemeanor because it's for filing taxes late, he's getting favorable treatment.

Thousands of people file late, make payment arrangements, and never get charged.

Let's be clear, Hunter wasn't charge for tax evasion. Hunter paid his tax bill, it's just that he paid it late and underpaid. How many people are charged with filing late and paying late, even if they underpay?

Very few people are.

. I filed late and paid late, made payments. They found I owed more, they just added it to the total I owed as I continued to make montly payments which I eventually paid it off. No charges. This is true for MOST people.

In 2021, Biden paid all of the outstanding taxes he owed for 2017 and 2018, the years named in the charges. Biden wasn't charged with failure to file returns for those years. He filed returns but agreed to plead guilty to not having paid enough in both years, which was over $100,000. so, was it a miscalculation? Honest mistakes aren't necessarily criminal. I gather that rather than go through an expensive trial, a misdemeanor is something he could live with and pled out. Nixon shorted the gov $500k (in 1972 dollars) and he just paid it, no 'jail time' or charges were filed.

So, in my view, If Hunter's name were not "Biden', he most likely never would have been charged, just like they don't charge most people for filing late.

And this Idea they are being hard on Trump is also nonsense.

If his name weren't Trump he would be in jail . Document #19 on the FBI Inventory list, an S/FRD file, (Secret/Formerly Restricted Data, a nuclear secret doc) alone would do the trick for prison if anyone else had it and refused to hand it back to the government.

S/FRD classification are one notch under the highest for nuclear secrets, which is S/RD. In order for members of the pentagon to review the documents, they had to be lowered a notch to S/FRD in order to view them, which is the only reason for the classification so do not confuse the word 'formerly' wrongfully meaning it's no longer a nuclear secret. Not true. This is a very high classification.

The bottom line is that for 5 years on investigation, the best Weiss could pin on Biden was two misdemeanors. He, like Durham, have done a lot of investigation and have little to show for it. But, to save face, they went for something anything, to justify the many years and millions of tax dollars spent. So, Weiss got 2 misdemeanors for a 5 year investigation, and Durham got 3 indictments, 2 acquittals,and the 3rd a guilty plea for something minor for a four year investigation. This is, essentially, an epic fail on both. Now both Weiss and Durham are respectable guys, I have nothing against them, but their achievements here are nothing to brag about.

And, about that "Gun charge". This is lying on the 4473 ATF background check form.

so, if you were a drug user, and you answered 'no' to this question on the 4473 form:

“Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”

You think you would get 10 years for answering no untruthfully?

I don't think so. Maybe if there were other associated crimes, but by itself? I doubt it.

First, the odds of your getting a criminal referral for answering 'no' is practically non-existent.

If you got a criminal referral, which, in 2020, was some 433 referrals out of 27 million background checks, only 243 of those were charged, and that doesn't even tell us who was convicted.

so, how does it come to pass that he got caught?

Because he is famous. Because he is Hunter Biden.

If it were you or me, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

But, of course, it's all about Hunter Biden, a private citizen, I mean, that Jared Kushner, who was a Senior WH Advisor, got $2 billion and a $125,000,000 management fee as blood money from Mohammed Bin Salman, that far more important fact of corruption doesn't even bother you folks on the right.

Oh, but Hunter Biden, he lied on an background check form, that's something to bellyache about.

My gawd the right has lost it's mind on it's priorities.

And y'all still haven't produced any direct evidence that implicates Joe Biden in a crime of any kind.
The gun debate is over you leftists have conceded your position on gun control
I keep hearing that this is double-tiered justice, that Hunter Biden's pleading guilty to a tax charge, which is a misdemeanor because it's for filing taxes late, he's getting favorable treatment.

Thousands of people file late, make payment arrangements, and never get charged.

Let's be clear, Hunter wasn't charge for tax evasion. Hunter paid his tax bill, it's just that he paid it late and underpaid. How many people are charged with filing late and paying late, even if they underpay?

Very few people are.

. I filed late and paid late, made payments. They found I owed more, they just added it to the total I owed as I continued to make montly payments which I eventually paid it off. No charges. This is true for MOST people.

In 2021, Biden paid all of the outstanding taxes he owed for 2017 and 2018, the years named in the charges. Biden wasn't charged with failure to file returns for those years. He filed returns but agreed to plead guilty to not having paid enough in both years, which was over $100,000. so, was it a miscalculation? Honest mistakes aren't necessarily criminal. I gather that rather than go through an expensive trial, a misdemeanor is something he could live with and pled out. Nixon shorted the gov $500k (in 1972 dollars) and he just paid it, no 'jail time' or charges were filed.

So, in my view, If Hunter's name were not "Biden', he most likely never would have been charged, just like they don't charge most people for filing late.

And this Idea they are being hard on Trump is also nonsense.

If his name weren't Trump he would be in jail . Document #19 on the FBI Inventory list, an S/FRD file, (Secret/Formerly Restricted Data, a nuclear secret doc) alone would do the trick for prison if anyone else had it and refused to hand it back to the government.

S/FRD classification are one notch under the highest for nuclear secrets, which is S/RD. In order for members of the pentagon to review the documents, they had to be lowered a notch to S/FRD in order to view them, which is the only reason for the classification so do not confuse the word 'formerly' wrongfully meaning it's no longer a nuclear secret. Not true. This is a very high classification.

The bottom line is that for 5 years on investigation, the best Weiss could pin on Biden was two misdemeanors. He, like Durham, have done a lot of investigation and have little to show for it. But, to save face, they went for something anything, to justify the many years and millions of tax dollars spent. So, Weiss got 2 misdemeanors for a 5 year investigation, and Durham got 3 indictments, 2 acquittals,and the 3rd a guilty plea for something minor for a four year investigation. This is, essentially, an epic fail on both. Now both Weiss and Durham are respectable guys, I have nothing against them, but their achievements here are nothing to brag about.

And, about that "Gun charge". This is lying on the 4473 ATF background check form.

so, if you were a drug user, and you answered 'no' to this question on the 4473 form:

“Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”

You think you would get 10 years for answering no untruthfully?

I don't think so. Maybe if there were other associated crimes, but by itself? I doubt it.

First, the odds of your getting a criminal referral for answering 'no' is practically non-existent.

If you got a criminal referral, which, in 2020, was some 433 referrals out of 27 million background checks, only 243 of those were charged, and that doesn't even tell us who was convicted.

so, how does it come to pass that he got caught?

Because he is famous. Because he is Hunter Biden.

If it were you or me, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

But, of course, it's all about Hunter Biden, a private citizen, I mean, that Jared Kushner, who was a Senior WH Advisor, got $2 billion and a $125,000,000 management fee as blood money from Mohammed Bin Salman, that far more important fact of corruption doesn't even bother you folks on the right.

Oh, but Hunter Biden, he lied on an background check form, that's something to bellyache about.

My gawd the right has lost it's mind on it's priorities.

And y'all still haven't produced any direct evidence that implicates Joe Biden in a crime of any kind.
/——-/ Spin this away Rumpole
I'd call that a bomb-fizzle. It's just huff-n-puffery, posturing.

It appears Hunter is throwing his weight around, drawing some weight from his dad in order to get someone
to honor a commitment they made.

Still, there is nothing incriminating in the text. It's just posturing. There is no legal exposure in that app.

Let me know when you get direct evidence incriminating Joe Biden .

Evidence means nothing to you.
I keep hearing that this is double-tiered justice, that Hunter Biden's pleading guilty to a tax charge, which is a misdemeanor because it's for filing taxes late, he's getting favorable treatment.

Thousands of people file late, make payment arrangements, and never get charged.

Let's be clear, Hunter wasn't charge for tax evasion. Hunter paid his tax bill, it's just that he paid it late and underpaid. How many people are charged with filing late and paying late, even if they underpay?

Very few people are.

. I filed late and paid late, made payments. They found I owed more, they just added it to the total I owed as I continued to make montly payments which I eventually paid it off. No charges. This is true for MOST people.

In 2021, Biden paid all of the outstanding taxes he owed for 2017 and 2018, the years named in the charges. Biden wasn't charged with failure to file returns for those years. He filed returns but agreed to plead guilty to not having paid enough in both years, which was over $100,000. so, was it a miscalculation? Honest mistakes aren't necessarily criminal. I gather that rather than go through an expensive trial, a misdemeanor is something he could live with and pled out. Nixon shorted the gov $500k (in 1972 dollars) and he just paid it, no 'jail time' or charges were filed.

So, in my view, If Hunter's name were not "Biden', he most likely never would have been charged, just like they don't charge most people for filing late.

And this Idea they are being hard on Trump is also nonsense.

If his name weren't Trump he would be in jail . Document #19 on the FBI Inventory list, an S/FRD file, (Secret/Formerly Restricted Data, a nuclear secret doc) alone would do the trick for prison if anyone else had it and refused to hand it back to the government.

S/FRD classification are one notch under the highest for nuclear secrets, which is S/RD. In order for members of the pentagon to review the documents, they had to be lowered a notch to S/FRD in order to view them, which is the only reason for the classification so do not confuse the word 'formerly' wrongfully meaning it's no longer a nuclear secret. Not true. This is a very high classification.

The bottom line is that for 5 years on investigation, the best Weiss could pin on Biden was two misdemeanors. He, like Durham, have done a lot of investigation and have little to show for it. But, to save face, they went for something anything, to justify the many years and millions of tax dollars spent. So, Weiss got 2 misdemeanors for a 5 year investigation, and Durham got 3 indictments, 2 acquittals,and the 3rd a guilty plea for something minor for a four year investigation. This is, essentially, an epic fail on both. Now both Weiss and Durham are respectable guys, I have nothing against them, but their achievements here are nothing to brag about.

And, about that "Gun charge". This is lying on the 4473 ATF background check form.

so, if you were a drug user, and you answered 'no' to this question on the 4473 form:

“Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”

You think you would get 10 years for answering no untruthfully?

I don't think so. Maybe if there were other associated crimes, but by itself? I doubt it.

First, the odds of your getting a criminal referral for answering 'no' is practically non-existent.

If you got a criminal referral, which, in 2020, was some 433 referrals out of 27 million background checks, only 243 of those were charged, and that doesn't even tell us who was convicted.

so, how does it come to pass that he got caught?

Because he is famous. Because he is Hunter Biden.

If it were you or me, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

But, of course, it's all about Hunter Biden, a private citizen, I mean, that Jared Kushner, who was a Senior WH Advisor, got $2 billion and a $125,000,000 management fee as blood money from Mohammed Bin Salman, that far more important fact of corruption doesn't even bother you folks on the right.

Oh, but Hunter Biden, he lied on an background check form, that's something to bellyache about.

My gawd the right has lost it's mind on it's priorities.

And y'all still haven't produced any direct evidence that implicates Joe Biden in a crime of any kind.

You are sounding ever more desperate. Face it, you hitched your wagon to the most corrupt politician in years. And now you are trying to protect the POS why?
DumpHole’s threads are getting dumber.

And that’s not easy. Extraordinarily verbose again, too.

This one is crystal clear.

Of course fuckin’ Hunter Biden got a sweetheart deal. To claim otherwise is simply to lie.
"Unequal treatment", you say? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! :auiqs.jpg:

Trump's butt buddy Roger Stone was responsible for $2 million in tax evasion, penalties, and interest, which is more than Hunter is guilty of.

Stone was not arrested or charged with any crimes like Hunter is. All Stone had to do was pay the 2 million bucks.

Roger Stone, Wife Agree to $2 Million Settlement in Tax Case

Donald Trump pardoned Paul Manafort for money laundering millions of dollars of ill-gotten gains in Ukraine and tax fraud.

Donald Trump pardoned Steve Bannon for stealing millions of dollars from the rubes in his We Build The Wall scam.

Donald Trump pardoned Jared Kushner's dad for illegal campaign contributions and retaliation against a witness, his own brother-in-law.

The little bitches were all perfectly okay with this, and now they dare to whine about Hunter Biden's little plea deal!!! :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

How DO they stand the stench of their own hypocrisy?

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