The Republicans are playing you for fools


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I am a conservative, well, a conservative minarchist libertarian to be precise. But even still I notice how Republicans are playing their electors for fools. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Before you start calling me a liberal, hear me out.

As we all know, Obama issued an executive order granting amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants. Republicans have 'vowed to shut Obama down,' even shut the government down as a way to stop him from carrying it out. They have claimed they will defund his executive overreach. Thing is, they won't. They are absolutely terrified of shutting down the government again and paid for it politically the last time they did so. The Chairman of The House Appropriations Committee, Hal Rogers made the claim that 'Congress doesn't have the power to defund the USCIS (and the executive order) because they are entirely dependent on user fees,' yet the Congressional Research Service in a letter to Senator Jeff Sessions says otherwise:


This basically means Congress has the power to block Obama's executive action legally. But like I said, they won't. They intend to fund this amnesty order, because amidst their hollow objections, they agree with it. They have all the power to stop him, they simply won't.

Just be warned, they are playing all of you for fools.
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Except that I am, and have been for almost that long. I prefer my bastards to yours, that's all there is to it.

Except that you aren't, never will you be.

Nobody is immune to the lies a party tells its constituents. Stop acting like your party doesn't. They all do. Yet even still you continue to follow them in lockstep, toe the line.
Except that I am, and have been for almost that long. I prefer my bastards to yours, that's all there is to it.

Except that you aren't, never will you be.

Nobody is immune to the lies a party tells its constituents. Stop acting like your party doesn't. They all do. Yet even still you continue to follow them in lockstep, toe the line.
No little man, I don't. All I do is vote for them, since I certainly can't vote for the scum you guys run.
The problem that Republicans have, is that no matter who is to blame, no matter how lawless this liar Obama is---the Democrat/Liberal/Progressive/Socialists--call them what you will---Marx is proud of them---have almost complete control of the flow of information to the Citizens.

And the Republicans also have this problem---which Jon Gruber has pointed out so often--many Americans---and, make no mistake--Gruber was mostly talking about DEMOCRATS--are just plain stupid; either that or they are happy as larks sucking off the BIG Government TIT---which is sponsored solely by Democrats.

So, the president violates the constitution with impunity, and the press protects him---and Republicans get the blame when they challenge his lawlessness.

That's the theory.

But, Republications shut the Government down in 2013 in defiance of this lawless President in 2013, and look what happened in the 2014 elections.

So, not as many American are as stupid as Obama and his running mate Gruber need them to be.

Republicans just need to show some stones--like Washington and Jefferson and Franklin did the last time we had to deal with someone who thought he was King of America.
I am a conservative, well, a conservative minarchist libertarian to be precise. But even still I notice how Republicans are playing their electors for fools. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Before you start calling me a liberal, hear me out.

As we all know, Obama issued an executive order granting amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants. Republicans have 'vowed to shut Obama down,' even shut the government down as a way to stop him from carrying it out. They have claimed they will defund his executive overreach. Thing is, they won't. They are absolutely terrified of shutting down the government again and paid for it politically the last time they did so. The Chairman of The House Appropriations Committee, Hal Rogers made the claim that 'Congress doesn't have the power to defund the USCIS (and the executive order) because they are entirely dependent on user fees,' yet the Congressional Research Service in a letter to Senator Jeff Sessions says otherwise:


This basically means Congress has the power to block Obama's executive action legally. But like I said, they won't. They intend to fund this amnesty order, because amidst their hollow objections, they agree with it. They have all the power to stop him, they simply won't.

Just be warned, they are playing all of you for fools.

The Republicans are meeting tomorrow to strategize. What is on the table is to fund the entire government by Dec. 11th but none of the portions of the Immigration Executive Order executed by Obama. They will then supposedly send the budget bill to Obama who in turn will veto it.

Obama closes down government, not the Republicans. He will naturally tell them to fund the Immigration portions of the bill and they are back to square one. Stalemate. If Obama wants the country to default, he can go ahead and refuse to sign the bill. There should be some sort of compromise.
I am a conservative, well, a conservative minarchist libertarian to be precise. But even still I notice how Republicans are playing their electors for fools. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Before you start calling me a liberal, hear me out.

As we all know, Obama issued an executive order granting amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants. Republicans have 'vowed to shut Obama down,' even shut the government down as a way to stop him from carrying it out. They have claimed they will defund his executive overreach. Thing is, they won't. They are absolutely terrified of shutting down the government again and paid for it politically the last time they did so. The Chairman of The House Appropriations Committee, Hal Rogers made the claim that 'Congress doesn't have the power to defund the USCIS (and the executive order) because they are entirely dependent on user fees,' yet the Congressional Research Service in a letter to Senator Jeff Sessions says otherwise:


This basically means Congress has the power to block Obama's executive action legally. But like I said, they won't. They intend to fund this amnesty order, because amidst their hollow objections, they agree with it. They have all the power to stop him, they simply won't.

Just be warned, they are playing all of you for fools.

The Republicans are meeting tomorrow to strategize. What is on the table is to fund the entire government by Dec. 11th but none of the portions of the Immigration Executive Order executed by Obama. They will then supposedly send the budget bill to Obama who in turn will veto it.

Obama closes down government, not the Republicans. He will naturally tell them to fund the Immigration portions of the bill and they are back to square one. Stalemate. If Obama wants the country to default, he can go ahead and refuse to sign the bill. There should be some sort of compromise.
And there won't be but the country will blame the right as they did last time. That's why it won't actually get that far. The right will simply try and sweep this under the rug.

Sent from my phone from a bumpy road. Please excuse any errors. :D
It wasn't an Executive Order.

It was an Executive Action.

There's a difference. Executive Orders are not laws. They're more like telling Congress to make the laws.

So there's that flaw in your argument.

Then there's the whole amnesty thing. As I pointed out in some of the all too many threads others have made on this exact same topic INS has but a tiny budget to work with. Instead of spending the money haphazardly it would be far more sensible to leave the decent illegals alone and give them an opportunity to do the right thing, and spend what resources INS has to deport the criminal element.

Oh - if Congress defunds the program then INS won't have money to deport anyone.

Please don't anyone make anymore stupid OPs on this subject. Thank you.
It wasn't an Executive Order.

It was an Executive Action.

There's a difference. Executive Orders are not laws. They're more like telling Congress to make the laws.

So there's that flaw in your argument.

Then there's the whole amnesty thing. As I pointed out in some of the all too many threads others have made on this exact same topic INS has but a tiny budget to work with. Instead of spending the money haphazardly it would be far more sensible to leave the decent illegals alone and give them an opportunity to do the right thing, and spend what resources INS has to deport the criminal element.

Oh - if Congress defunds the program then INS won't have money to deport anyone.

Please don't anyone make anymore stupid OPs on this subject. Thank you.
If that was all that was done then there would not be an argument but that is NOT all that was done. Obama is taking licence to essentially change the law rather than simply spending resources enforcing it in the best manner. That is not acceptable. Demanding congress act is one thing, removing and/or adding to law when they don't is COMPLETELY different.
If you don't mind I am gonna wait for the gop to take over congress before passing judgment on what they do or don't do WHEN THEY GAIN CONTROL. Everything else is speculation & utterly pointless.
Except that you aren't, never will you be.

Nobody is immune to the lies a party tells its constituents. Stop acting like your party doesn't. They all do. Yet even still you continue to follow them in lockstep, toe the line.

Let's see.

Republicans and their bosom buddies have brought us;

Japan product dumping
The fake gasoline shortage
The S&L crisis
Deregulation of the healthcare insurance industry
Reagan alone raised taxes directly on the middle class 11 times in eight years
Star Wars
Two economic crashes
Deregulating derivatives

You'd have to be a real middle class sociopath to vote for these guys......
It wasn't an Executive Order.

It was an Executive Action.

There's a difference. Executive Orders are not laws. They're more like telling Congress to make the laws.

So there's that flaw in your argument.

Then there's the whole amnesty thing. As I pointed out in some of the all too many threads others have made on this exact same topic INS has but a tiny budget to work with. Instead of spending the money haphazardly it would be far more sensible to leave the decent illegals alone and give them an opportunity to do the right thing, and spend what resources INS has to deport the criminal element.

Oh - if Congress defunds the program then INS won't have money to deport anyone.

Please don't anyone make anymore stupid OPs on this subject. Thank you.
Well, that's not going to happen.

Most on the right will continue to propagate the lie that the president's action is a 'law,' and the lie that it constitutes 'amnesty,' consistent with the conservative tactic of repeating a lie – in this case lies – often enough in the hope they're perceived to be true.
Except that I am, and have been for almost that long. I prefer my bastards to yours, that's all there is to it.

Except that you aren't, never will you be.

Nobody is immune to the lies a party tells its constituents. Stop acting like your party doesn't. They all do. Yet even still you continue to follow them in lockstep, toe the line.
No little man, I don't. All I do is vote for them, since I certainly can't vote for the scum you guys run.
What makes their scum so much worse than your scum?
Oh - if Congress defunds the program then INS won't have money to deport anyone.

It's not as if they deport anyone now as it stands. What need is there for them when you will just simply grant millions of people amnesty? Kinda blows a hole in that line of reasoning don't you think?

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