The republican double standard

"The Iranians can't be trusted at all, it's a bad deal"
"Kim Jong Un can be trusted entirely"

Lying scumbaggery at it's worst. But the cons lap it up like dogs slurping up orange vomit off the ground.
It's pretty amusing to witness. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it.
"The Iranians can't be trusted at all, it's a bad deal"
"Kim Jong Un can be trusted entirely"

Lying scumbaggery at it's worst. But the cons lap it up like dogs slurping up orange vomit off the ground.
It's pretty amusing to witness. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it.

Please post a quote where Trump said that KJU could be trusted entirely.

This outta be good.
Trump got played. What an embarrassment.

Kim Jung Un is going to get tired of all his winning.

Trumpy got nothing, Kim got prestige and legitimacy on the world stage.
At least that is what many partisan media outlets are trying to frame it as. Of course, this is blatantly false as the US gave up VERY little and NK did make many concessions. This idea of 'legitimacy' is asinine in the extreme. Un is the dictator of a major nation - that is simply reality.
You really need to turn off FoxNews/TrumpTV.

Talking to Trump: A How-To Guide
You seem to be the only one that actually watches FOX from the two of us. And then spout more partisan garbage.

That was our one real concession - ceasing military games that serves zero purpose toward peace. Not surprising that the cries of warmongering are now doing a complete and utter 180 because Trump was actually successful here so far.
Watch: Fox News Hated Obama Talking to Dictators But Loves Trump Meeting With North Korea's Kim Jong Un

A viral video depicted Fox News's hosts and guests contradictorily blasting former President Barack Obama for saying he would meet with dictators and enemies of the United States, but effusively praising current President Donald Trump for agreeing to sit down face-to-face with North Korean despot Kim Jong Un.

Watch: Fox News denounced Obama but praised Trump for planned North Korea meeting

Hannity's double standard on North Korea, Trump and Obama?

A week before Election Day 2008, Hannity gave 10 reasons not to vote for Obama. No. 2 on his list concerned talking to unfriendly regimes.

"One of the most disturbing displays of Obama's lack of foreign policy expertise came during last year's YouTube debate," Hannity said Oct. 26, 2008. "The junior senator from Illinois gave what many called a naive answer for a question from the audience about whether he would meet with the leaders of Syria, Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea without preconditions."

Asked during that debate if he would be willing to meet with those leaders without preconditions, Obama said "I would," and compared that to previous presidents.

"Ronald Reagan and Democratic presidents like JFK constantly spoke to the Soviet Union at a time when Ronald Reagan called them an evil empire," Obama said. "And the reason is because they understood that we may not trust them and they may pose an extraordinary danger to this country, but we had the obligation to find areas where we can potentially move forward."

The image mentioned only North Korea, while Hannity listed several countries.

2018 and Trump

When news broke that Trump was open to meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Hannity voiced support.

"A huge foreign policy win for President Trump," Hannity said March 8. "Little Rocket Man blinks. Now, the president’s tough rhetoric, his bold action, his severe sanctions, they appear to be working tonight. President Trump is accepting an invitation to meet with the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un by May, and Pyongyang is agreeing to stop all nuclear and missile tests while these talks are underway. And the sanctions? They will continue."

Does Hannity have a double standard on North Korea?

Sorry, OP. I highlighted the little part you missed. Hannity said he opposed meeting with them WITHOUT PRECONDITIONS.

Trump didn't meet without preconditions. He met under the strict condition that they completely denuclearize. Big difference.

You're the fn moron Where are the papers that said un would denuke?? When ?

No, you're the fucking moron, fucking idiot. Here are the "papers".

Here is the agreement Trump and Kim signed

  • "The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new U.S.-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity."
  • "The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean peninsula."
  • "Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula."
  • "The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified."
Can you imagine?
I can't imagine how the Party of the Family Values, the Religious Right, the Anti-Porn pledging GOP, would have reacted if the Democrats elected a man like Trump with a wife like Melania. The hypocrisy is astounding.
  • Thanks
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Watch: Fox News Hated Obama Talking to Dictators But Loves Trump Meeting With North Korea's Kim Jong Un

A viral video depicted Fox News's hosts and guests contradictorily blasting former President Barack Obama for saying he would meet with dictators and enemies of the United States, but effusively praising current President Donald Trump for agreeing to sit down face-to-face with North Korean despot Kim Jong Un.

Watch: Fox News denounced Obama but praised Trump for planned North Korea meeting

Hannity's double standard on North Korea, Trump and Obama?

A week before Election Day 2008, Hannity gave 10 reasons not to vote for Obama. No. 2 on his list concerned talking to unfriendly regimes.

"One of the most disturbing displays of Obama's lack of foreign policy expertise came during last year's YouTube debate," Hannity said Oct. 26, 2008. "The junior senator from Illinois gave what many called a naive answer for a question from the audience about whether he would meet with the leaders of Syria, Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea without preconditions."

Asked during that debate if he would be willing to meet with those leaders without preconditions, Obama said "I would," and compared that to previous presidents.

"Ronald Reagan and Democratic presidents like JFK constantly spoke to the Soviet Union at a time when Ronald Reagan called them an evil empire," Obama said. "And the reason is because they understood that we may not trust them and they may pose an extraordinary danger to this country, but we had the obligation to find areas where we can potentially move forward."

The image mentioned only North Korea, while Hannity listed several countries.

2018 and Trump

When news broke that Trump was open to meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Hannity voiced support.

"A huge foreign policy win for President Trump," Hannity said March 8. "Little Rocket Man blinks. Now, the president’s tough rhetoric, his bold action, his severe sanctions, they appear to be working tonight. President Trump is accepting an invitation to meet with the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un by May, and Pyongyang is agreeing to stop all nuclear and missile tests while these talks are underway. And the sanctions? They will continue."

Does Hannity have a double standard on North Korea?
Do people here have double standards?
Watch: Fox News Hated Obama Talking to Dictators But Loves Trump Meeting With North Korea's Kim Jong Un

A viral video depicted Fox News's hosts and guests contradictorily blasting former President Barack Obama for saying he would meet with dictators and enemies of the United States, but effusively praising current President Donald Trump for agreeing to sit down face-to-face with North Korean despot Kim Jong Un.

Watch: Fox News denounced Obama but praised Trump for planned North Korea meeting

Hannity's double standard on North Korea, Trump and Obama?

A week before Election Day 2008, Hannity gave 10 reasons not to vote for Obama. No. 2 on his list concerned talking to unfriendly regimes.

"One of the most disturbing displays of Obama's lack of foreign policy expertise came during last year's YouTube debate," Hannity said Oct. 26, 2008. "The junior senator from Illinois gave what many called a naive answer for a question from the audience about whether he would meet with the leaders of Syria, Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea without preconditions."

Asked during that debate if he would be willing to meet with those leaders without preconditions, Obama said "I would," and compared that to previous presidents.

"Ronald Reagan and Democratic presidents like JFK constantly spoke to the Soviet Union at a time when Ronald Reagan called them an evil empire," Obama said. "And the reason is because they understood that we may not trust them and they may pose an extraordinary danger to this country, but we had the obligation to find areas where we can potentially move forward."

The image mentioned only North Korea, while Hannity listed several countries.

2018 and Trump

When news broke that Trump was open to meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Hannity voiced support.

"A huge foreign policy win for President Trump," Hannity said March 8. "Little Rocket Man blinks. Now, the president’s tough rhetoric, his bold action, his severe sanctions, they appear to be working tonight. President Trump is accepting an invitation to meet with the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un by May, and Pyongyang is agreeing to stop all nuclear and missile tests while these talks are underway. And the sanctions? They will continue."

Does Hannity have a double standard on North Korea?

Obama kowtowed to those who seek our destruction or who seek to subdue or use us.






Saluting the enemy. And this one isn’t photoshopped like yours, koshergrl
View attachment 199261

Omg lololololol.
I remember...I remember when our president refused to return a salute to our own military..and the left said he didn't have to, that it was a courtesy not a requirement. Fact Check: Should presidents return salutes from the military?

I think Trump was taken aback by the salute and responded automatically....probably to keep from creating a cultural incident during his HISTORIC NK visit.

But the traitorous nazi left are of course using it to create a cultural incident anyway. Proving, once again, that they really are our enemy.
Watch: Fox News Hated Obama Talking to Dictators But Loves Trump Meeting With North Korea's Kim Jong Un

A viral video depicted Fox News's hosts and guests contradictorily blasting former President Barack Obama for saying he would meet with dictators and enemies of the United States, but effusively praising current President Donald Trump for agreeing to sit down face-to-face with North Korean despot Kim Jong Un.

Watch: Fox News denounced Obama but praised Trump for planned North Korea meeting

Hannity's double standard on North Korea, Trump and Obama?

A week before Election Day 2008, Hannity gave 10 reasons not to vote for Obama. No. 2 on his list concerned talking to unfriendly regimes.

"One of the most disturbing displays of Obama's lack of foreign policy expertise came during last year's YouTube debate," Hannity said Oct. 26, 2008. "The junior senator from Illinois gave what many called a naive answer for a question from the audience about whether he would meet with the leaders of Syria, Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea without preconditions."

Asked during that debate if he would be willing to meet with those leaders without preconditions, Obama said "I would," and compared that to previous presidents.

"Ronald Reagan and Democratic presidents like JFK constantly spoke to the Soviet Union at a time when Ronald Reagan called them an evil empire," Obama said. "And the reason is because they understood that we may not trust them and they may pose an extraordinary danger to this country, but we had the obligation to find areas where we can potentially move forward."

The image mentioned only North Korea, while Hannity listed several countries.

2018 and Trump

When news broke that Trump was open to meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Hannity voiced support.

"A huge foreign policy win for President Trump," Hannity said March 8. "Little Rocket Man blinks. Now, the president’s tough rhetoric, his bold action, his severe sanctions, they appear to be working tonight. President Trump is accepting an invitation to meet with the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un by May, and Pyongyang is agreeing to stop all nuclear and missile tests while these talks are underway. And the sanctions? They will continue."

Does Hannity have a double standard on North Korea?
Do people here have double standards?
Do bears shit in the woods??

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