The Replacement For Obamacare


VIP Member
Jan 25, 2016

I'll begin with the facts:

Health care in quality the US ranks lowest in the industrialized world.

Americans pay 3 times the world average for health care.

The medical industry has not eradicated a disease since polio.

Not all Americans have health care

Currently health care is close to 20% of the US GDP.

1/3 to 1/2 of what Americans pay for healthcare goes to pay for waste and fraud.

The operating costs for Medicare is far less than private insurance.

Obamacare is unconstitutional in that it requires people to obtain health care insurance through private insurers and there are three levels of coverage. That violates the equal protection clause.

The biggest criminal fines in america are against medical corporations.

Millions of American still have no health care insurance.

Obamacare is only marginally better than the chaos and theft it replaced

My Proposal

The second biggest driver of costs in health care next to corporate fraud is disease. The corporate medical industry has not financial motive to cure anything in fact the medical industry profits highly from treating health care acquired infections which are rampant in American hospitals, defective medical devices, medical errors and adverse drug reactions. If we could eliminate some of the big money diseases such as cancer, artery disease, spine problems, MS, diabetes, and RA not only would we reduce the cost of wellness be eliminating disease we would eliminate opportunities for greedy doctors and corporation from shamelessly exploiting the people who suffer from these diseases.

I propose a non industry agency comprised of medical scientist whose only mission is to cure and eradicate diseases. The US could either share of licence these cure to other friendly countries.

Single Payer by Medicare for Everyone

Private insurance is very expensive and often a scam. Medicare has much lower overhead costs and if a doctor or a hospital tries to defraud Medicare it would be a federal crime. Putting greedy corporate types in prison is never a bad thing.

Having cutting edge cure and treatment based medicine in place of greed based medicine would discourage the millions of Americans who go outside the US for treatment because they would be able to get better treatment in the US and it would encourage foreign patients to come here for treatment and that would be good for the economy.

Federal Licencing of Doctors

All doctors and health care personnel will be held to high standards. If states may have licencing as well.

Free Medical School

American medical schools are in part funded by the medical industry. Student graduating from these schools are

I'll begin with the facts:

Health care in quality the US ranks lowest in the industrialized world.

Americans pay 3 times the world average for health care.

The medical industry has not eradicated a disease since polio.

Not all Americans have health care

Currently health care is close to 20% of the US GDP.

1/3 to 1/2 of what Americans pay for healthcare goes to pay for waste and fraud.

The operating costs for Medicare is far less than private insurance.

Obamacare in unconstitutional in that it requires people to obtain health care insurance through private insurers and there are three levels of coverage. That violates the equal protection clause.

The biggest criminal fines in america are against medical corporations.

My Proposal

The second biggest driver of costs in health care next to corporate fraud is disease. The corporate medical industry has not financial motive to cure anything in fact the medical industry profits highly from treating health care acquired infections which are rampant in American hospitals, defective medical devices, medical errors and adverse drug reactions. If we could eliminate some of the big money diseases such as cancer, artery disease, spine problems, MS, diabetes, and RA not only would we reduce the cost of wellness be eliminating disease we would eliminate opportunities for greedy doctors and corporation from shamelessly exploiting the people who suffer from these diseases.

I propose a non industry agency comprised of medical scientist whose only mission is to cure and eradicate diseases. The US could either share of licence these cure to other friendly countries.

Single Payer by Medicare for Everyone

Private insurance is very expensive and often a scam. Medicare has much lower overhead costs and if a doctor or a hospital tries to defraud Medicare it would be a federal crime. Putting greedy corporate types in prison is never a bad thing.

Having cutting edge cure and treatment based medicine in place of greed based medicine would discourage the millions of Americans who go outside the US for treatment because they would be able to get better treatment in the US and it would encourage foreign patients to come here for treatment and that would be good for the economy.

Federal Licencing of Doctors

All doctors and health care personnel will be held to high standards. If states may have licencing as well.

Free Medical School

American medical schools are in part funded by the medical industry. Student graduating from these schools become salesmen for big pharma. Tuition is ridiculously high for medical school. In France where health care in number one in the world admission to medical school is based on grades not the money.

Eliminate State Medical Boards

State medical boards are quasi governmental organizations comprised of mostly doctors with an agenda. Even if a medical board strips a bad doctor of his licence he can still be licenced in another state.

Bad Doctors, and the US has 1000's of them should be banned from medicine for life.

Government Run Medical Research

Eventually this could be self sustaining. We start by confiscating the wealth of big pharma and it upper management to use to set up government research labs. We deNazify their research scientists they way we deNazified people like Werner von Braun and the other German Nazi rocket scientists. We pay them a a decent wage and get them to tell us about any hidden cures they may have discovered.

When cures are discovered we start curing people.


The average American pays $9000 per capita for health care in the US Medicare would cut that cost by nearly 1/2 leaving with Americans more disposable income. The obscene monetizing of disease and human suffering is immoral and no decent society would ever do it. Health care is more than a right it is a moral responsibility of a society to its people.
Obamacare was never intended to solve the problem. It was designed to get the foot in the door before it slammed shut. Which is what the Dems wanted with their TEMPORARY Majority in all 3 Branches of Gov't.............It is a Failure by they can push what the OP wants..............that is what their agenda is and always has been..........

“The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce. ... The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives and liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State.”
James Madison

“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, selfappointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”
James Madison, Federalist Papers

“It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood.”
James Madison

If Obama had made a proposal like mine and sold it right by keeping it simple even Republican voter would have liked it. Doctor are scumbags and even Republicans have been screwed over by the healthcare system. Obama kissed doctor's greedy asses and he made the insurance companies even richer.

The other reason Obamacare in unconstitutional is because it forces Americans to pay for the most corrupt industries in America and that is the medical industry and the insurance industry which is part of the financial industry.
If Obama had made a proposal like mine and sold it right by keeping it simple even Republican voter would have liked it. Doctor are scumbags and even Republicans have been screwed over by the healthcare system. Obama kissed doctor's greedy asses and he made the insurance companies even richer.

The other reason Obamacare in unconstitutional is because it forces Americans to pay for the most corrupt industries in America and that is the medical industry and the insurance industry which is part of the financial industry.
Doctor's are SCUMBAGS??????????????

You lost it there buddy...................Most of the cost is not with the Doctors but with the Hospitals, Medical Equipment, and LIABILITY INSURANCE..........How old are you........Never had to deal with Medical bills yet..............

I'll begin with the facts:

Health care in quality the US ranks lowest in the industrialized world.

Americans pay 3 times the world average for health care.

The medical industry has not eradicated a disease since polio.

Not all Americans have health care

Currently health care is close to 20% of the US GDP.

1/3 to 1/2 of what Americans pay for healthcare goes to pay for waste and fraud.

The operating costs for Medicare is far less than private insurance.

Obamacare is unconstitutional in that it requires people to obtain health care insurance through private insurers and there are three levels of coverage. That violates the equal protection clause.

The biggest criminal fines in america are against medical corporations.

Millions of American still have no health care insurance.

Obamacare is only marginally better than the chaos and theft it replaced

My Proposal

The second biggest driver of costs in health care next to corporate fraud is disease. The corporate medical industry has not financial motive to cure anything in fact the medical industry profits highly from treating health care acquired infections which are rampant in American hospitals, defective medical devices, medical errors and adverse drug reactions. If we could eliminate some of the big money diseases such as cancer, artery disease, spine problems, MS, diabetes, and RA not only would we reduce the cost of wellness be eliminating disease we would eliminate opportunities for greedy doctors and corporation from shamelessly exploiting the people who suffer from these diseases.

I propose a non industry agency comprised of medical scientist whose only mission is to cure and eradicate diseases. The US could either share of licence these cure to other friendly countries.

Single Payer by Medicare for Everyone

Private insurance is very expensive and often a scam. Medicare has much lower overhead costs and if a doctor or a hospital tries to defraud Medicare it would be a federal crime. Putting greedy corporate types in prison is never a bad thing.

Having cutting edge cure and treatment based medicine in place of greed based medicine would discourage the millions of Americans who go outside the US for treatment because they would be able to get better treatment in the US and it would encourage foreign patients to come here for treatment and that would be good for the economy.

Federal Licencing of Doctors

All doctors and health care personnel will be held to high standards. If states may have licencing as well.

Free Medical School

American medical schools are in part funded by the medical industry. Student graduating from these schools are

I'll begin with the facts:

Health care in quality the US ranks lowest in the industrialized world.

Americans pay 3 times the world average for health care.

The medical industry has not eradicated a disease since polio.

Not all Americans have health care

Currently health care is close to 20% of the US GDP.

1/3 to 1/2 of what Americans pay for healthcare goes to pay for waste and fraud.

The operating costs for Medicare is far less than private insurance.

Obamacare in unconstitutional in that it requires people to obtain health care insurance through private insurers and there are three levels of coverage. That violates the equal protection clause.

The biggest criminal fines in america are against medical corporations.

My Proposal

The second biggest driver of costs in health care next to corporate fraud is disease. The corporate medical industry has not financial motive to cure anything in fact the medical industry profits highly from treating health care acquired infections which are rampant in American hospitals, defective medical devices, medical errors and adverse drug reactions. If we could eliminate some of the big money diseases such as cancer, artery disease, spine problems, MS, diabetes, and RA not only would we reduce the cost of wellness be eliminating disease we would eliminate opportunities for greedy doctors and corporation from shamelessly exploiting the people who suffer from these diseases.

I propose a non industry agency comprised of medical scientist whose only mission is to cure and eradicate diseases. The US could either share of licence these cure to other friendly countries.

Single Payer by Medicare for Everyone

Private insurance is very expensive and often a scam. Medicare has much lower overhead costs and if a doctor or a hospital tries to defraud Medicare it would be a federal crime. Putting greedy corporate types in prison is never a bad thing.

Having cutting edge cure and treatment based medicine in place of greed based medicine would discourage the millions of Americans who go outside the US for treatment because they would be able to get better treatment in the US and it would encourage foreign patients to come here for treatment and that would be good for the economy.

Federal Licencing of Doctors

All doctors and health care personnel will be held to high standards. If states may have licencing as well.

Free Medical School

American medical schools are in part funded by the medical industry. Student graduating from these schools become salesmen for big pharma. Tuition is ridiculously high for medical school. In France where health care in number one in the world admission to medical school is based on grades not the money.

Eliminate State Medical Boards

State medical boards are quasi governmental organizations comprised of mostly doctors with an agenda. Even if a medical board strips a bad doctor of his licence he can still be licenced in another state.

Bad Doctors, and the US has 1000's of them should be banned from medicine for life.

Government Run Medical Research

Eventually this could be self sustaining. We start by confiscating the wealth of big pharma and it upper management to use to set up government research labs. We deNazify their research scientists they way we deNazified people like Werner von Braun and the other German Nazi rocket scientists. We pay them a a decent wage and get them to tell us about any hidden cures they may have discovered.

When cures are discovered we start curing people.


The average American pays $9000 per capita for health care in the US Medicare would cut that cost by nearly 1/2 leaving with Americans more disposable income. The obscene monetizing of disease and human suffering is immoral and no decent society would ever do it. Health care is more than a right it is a moral responsibility of a society to its people.

First of all you are not doing any documenting or linkage of your comments. Where is there ONE link?

Second. There never was a health care crisis.
There NEVER were 46 million uninsured Americans.

Obama sold ACA on the premise there were in his words: "I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”
BUT when you look at what constituted this "46 million"... here are the FACTS... not made up numbers as Obama used to lie about and depended on as Gruber said the "Stupidity of the American Voter"....

1) 10 million Obama counted were not Americans... not citizens per the Census
Proof: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Now since you asked for more current data:
Although the flow of undocumented immigration to the United States has slowed in recent years, as of March 2010 there were still an estimated 11.2 million undocumented immigrants in the country.. Undocumented Immigrants, Left Out Of Health Reform, Likely To Continue To Grow As Share Of The Uninsured
AND NOT ONE of these 11.2 million illegal immigrants are to have any health insurance especially under Obamacare!
So that knocks at least according to the 2009 census 10 million from the 46 million he lied as calling them "Americans"!

2) 14 million that were Eligible for MEDICAID BEFORE ACA!
Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. That leaves 22 million.
there was NO NEED for Obamacare to cover these 14 million all they need do is REGISTER!!!
But either Obama didn't know this which is gross incompetency OR he did and ignored to get Obamacare passed! HYPED the numbers.

3) Finally why should 18 million people under age 34 that make over $50,000 that DIDN"T WANT their employers coverage be FORCED to buy
something they don't want OR NEED?
Just to pitch to the idiots of America as Gruber said it took the "Stupidity of the American Voter" to pass there were NEVER 46 million that
were legal, or wanted health insurance and all needed to be done for 14 million was get them registered! That's it!
The fact is subtract that 42 million from 46 million and you come up with less then 4 million!

NOT one mention of the biggest contributors to health care costs...Lawyers...
$850 billion a year in wasted services.


90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year.
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the
1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
-- BUT........Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.
Consider that fact that of the physicians interviewed 52% DID NOT practice defensive medicine!
Who were they? Doctors contracted by federal government!
WHY did these doctors NOT practice "defensive medicine"??? 1946 Tort reform!

The insurance companies don't care as they simple raise the premiums.
If lawyers' $270 BILLION a year income was taxed 10% as ACA taxes tanning salons, that $27 billion would provide $5,000 premium for each of the
less then 4 million true Americans that want and need insurance.
Simple fact.
It is interesting how real life can bring truth front and center exposing flaws in policy. One such flaw in Obamacare and the effort to bring better healthcare to millions of Americans can cause your demise. Today many people have coverage with a deductible so high that they are afraid to use it. In some ways this is akin to having no coverage at all and this poses a massive problem.

Ironically someone paying very little because of Obamacare will rush to the emergency room when they get the flu while many people responsible for their own bills hang back in fear they will take a financial beating. If you are at a loss as to how Obamacare can take a life you find a a real life story below titled. "Obamacare Can Kill You." I know because I drove the person to the hospital. It is also a warning of the danger many of us face.
It is interesting how real life can bring truth front and center exposing flaws in policy. One such flaw in Obamacare and the effort to bring better healthcare to millions of Americans can cause your demise. Today many people have coverage with a deductible so high that they are afraid to use it. In some ways this is akin to having no coverage at all and this poses a massive problem.

Ironically someone paying very little because of Obamacare will rush to the emergency room when they get the flu while many people responsible for their own bills hang back in fear they will take a financial beating. If you are at a loss as to how Obamacare can take a life you find a a real life story below titled. "Obamacare Can Kill You." I know because I drove the person to the hospital. It is also a warning of the danger many of us face.

In the above link you provided here is a quote:
"While a basic single payer system may not be ideal, because it would mean healthcare would have to be rationed in someway, if we want to be realist it sure as hell would on average be more fair than what we have today. Of course any system needs to be structured to bring in more personal responsibility and also allow people financially able to buy supplemental and deluxe coverage if they like."

Anecdotal stories are just that. EXCEPTIONS and not the rule. But we've been so ingrained to take personal situations and make them the rule.
And so the above observation "single payer system be more fair"... more fair?
I am so sick of people wanting things to be "more fair"!
Nature is NOT fair. Ever hear of the "Selection of the Fittest"? Or Darwin's law?
My point is a vast majority of people think they can participate in extreme sports like these pictures and it doesn't affect us! Is that "FAIR"???
The anecdotal story about the heart attack would NOT be expensive if we didn't have idiots going to the emergency room for flu! Do you get it?
One phrase "more personal responsibility" should be exchanged with MORE common sense!
Thus images like the below of idiots doing idiotic things that the cumulative costs, cost ALL of us in higher health care costs!



All emergency room visits waiting to happen done by people with no common sense!
All health care costs go up because of stupid idiotic people doing stupid things like this!

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