The “remarkably scandal free” Obama administration


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Fast and Furious.
IRS scandal.
The $2 billion spent building
The Veterans Administration letting veterans die waiting for care.
The Office of Personnel Management hacking.
Lying about
Bowe Berghdahl.
Companies like Solyndra are leading the way toward a brighter, more prosperous future.”
Jonathan Gruber’s declaration that Obamacare depended upon the “stupidity of American voter.”
NSA and Edward Snowden.
The stimulus “was riddled with a massive labor scheme that harmed workers and
cheated unsuspecting American taxpayers.”

(**Not to mention the failed Stimulus contained over 7,000 pieces of self/party-benefitting DNC-Only Pork that eventually cost tax payers more than $742,000 PER JOB Obama claimed he 'created / saved'.)

"...That’s not even the end of the list."

You can say that again:
- Helped the MB take over the govt in Egypt.
- Took the nation to war on his own and used our military to help Al Qaeida (perpetrators of 9/11/01) take over Libya
- Supplied, armed, trained, and protected ISIS
...AND MORE...

"Sadly, for those who live long enough to look back on the Obama administration twenty years from now, most of this will be forgotten by the press if I’m any sort of prognosticator. He’ll be the historic First Black President who passed Obamacare and 'ended the wars'."

Jesus H. With all that you'd think there'e be some kind of indictment huh? Either that or it's a bunch of phony nonsense or the GOP Congress if a bunch of feckless morons.......Hey you forgot Benghazi, what's wrong? Having a bad day?
Jesus H. With all that you'd think there'e be some kind of indictment huh? Either that or it's a bunch of phony nonsense or the GOP Congress if a bunch of feckless morons.......Hey you forgot Benghazi, what's wrong? Having a bad day?

No indictments.
No articles of impeachments.

Just the usual crap from people who still can't stand the idea that Barack Obama was elected to office.

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