The reasons why Ted Cruz is the best choice.

I love the Cubenadian Cruz's performance art the best. Hope he's the nominee if Trump crashes and burns!

Same here, of course for different reasons.

You believe he will lose to hitlary.

I know that he will make an absolute fool of hitlary, and he will not be nice about it either. Your moonbat messiah was faced with two sniveling RINO's who tried to "nice guy" their way past a meat muppet faggot and a sycophantic media that had no reservations about destroying their opponents. Even if outright lies had to be told.

Ted Cruz isn't going to play that game, he's smarter than everyone in the democrook camp.

I love the Cubenadian Cruz's performance art the best. Hope he's the nominee if Trump crashes and burns!

Same here, of course for different reasons.

You believe he will lose to hitlary.

I know that he will make an absolute fool of hitlary, and he will not be nice about it either. Your moonbat messiah was faced with two sniveling RINO's who tried to "nice guy" their way past a meat muppet faggot and a sycophantic media that had no reservations about destroying their opponents. Even if outright lies had to be told.

Ted Cruz isn't going to play that game, he's smarter than everyone in the democrook camp.

Ted Cruz is a young smart guy with great ideas and very articulate. I saw him this week. He connects with crowds. He is very comfortable around people.
Hillary is old. She represents the failed policies of Barack Obama. She brings nothing new. She hates people. She reminds every man of his ex wife.
It's no contest.
Never heard any prof say that about the dear leader or the hildabeast.

Come to think about it, have we heard ANYTHING from ANYONE about the moonbat messiah's past? Ted Cruz even had some pinko room mate come out and talk shit about him, as well as fellow students who still consider him a great friend. He has a former professor, who is a moonbat mind you, calling him one of the smartest people he's ever taught.

The only people I have heard insist the meat muppet faggot is some brilliant mother fucker are sycophantic media whores. No one with any credibility is out there saying that, of course when it's pretty obvious he's an idiot no one would diminish their credibility.

Yep, you're right.

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