The reasons why Ted Cruz is the best choice.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Even the bed wetters know the current condition of the country is piss poor.

With only %62.5 of the labor force actually employed and the rate has been in a steep decline since the election of the moonbat messiah and no sign of an improvement anyone who's paying attention should be concerned.


I'm not going to say it's all the meat muppet faggot's fault, or the current gagglefuck of marxist zealots the democrooks elected. The fault lies with the people who vote and forget. People don't pay attention to what these political whores do once they reach high office. That goes for republicrats and democrooks alike.

These assholes get into office and start writing checks their asses can't cash to enrich the people who donate to their campaigns, and give them the insider deals that allow them to get rich. Through loopholes criminally insane sociopaths created when they wrote the laws decades ago. Why else would rich people give so many millions and recently POTUS campaigns run into $1Billion...

A BILLION fuckin dollars to put a man into an office that makes $400K plus some perks? Millions for senators and reps? It should be pretty obvious that someone is getting something in return.

The only way to stop this sort of corruption is to eliminate the power these people have to create laws and regulations that allow the lobbyists to manipulate markets and soak up federal contracts.

Ted Cruz is the only candidate I trust to bring back constitutional restrictions on the federal government. So much of what the fed does is not just redundant, but incredibly inefficient. We don't need an EPA, an ATF, a DEA, an FDA, a USDA, a DOE, a DOJ, an FBI, an NSA, a CIA the list goes on and on. So much of what the feds do should be done at the state level where it can be managed more effectively. We have 450,000 federal "workers" making over $100K. That's one in five. With the redundancy of so many bureaucrooks we could save a shit ton in salary alone not to mention pensions.

Take the power and the checkbook away from congress, and the corruption will be reduced. That's why republicrats don't like Trump, but they HATE Cruz. Ted Cruz will slaughter their prized pigs and return the bacon to the treasury.

Secondly, this country became an industrial and financial behemoth because of a free market economy, and a well restrained government. In just 200 years we went from an agricultural patch of colonies to a country that conquered most of the industrialized world. We rebuilt europe twice and help turn Japan and South Korea into the gems of SE Asia and we did it without regulating the monkeyfuck out of ourselves.

It's time for the regressive policies that have been incrementally thrown into the mechanics of our economy to be pulled out so that the machine can run smoothly on it's own. It has always sputtered from time to time, but it's pretty clear when you let community organizers and moonbat mechanics tinker with things it breaks down all together. Ted Cruz is the only candidate I've given money to since Fred Thompson, and I'm proud to contribute to the one guy who has raised more money from average people than any other republican.


You are 100% correct. Cruz is the best choice period, if we want a constitutional republic. Trump I worry about, because I believe he views the Presidency like Obama does. Doesn't mean I don't agree with many of his positions, I just don't want a tearing down of the constitution any further than it already is.
You are 100% correct. Cruz is the best choice period, if we want a constitutional republic. Trump I worry about, because I believe he views the Presidency like Obama does. Doesn't mean I don't agree with many of his positions, I just don't want a tearing down of the constitution any further than it already is.

Okay but getting to watch Trump tell Nancy Pelosi to her face she's a loser and stupid might be worth the risk.
You are 100% correct. Cruz is the best choice period, if we want a constitutional republic. Trump I worry about, because I believe he views the Presidency like Obama does. Doesn't mean I don't agree with many of his positions, I just don't want a tearing down of the constitution any further than it already is.

Okay but getting to watch Trump tell Nancy Pelosi to her face she's a loser and stupid might be worth the risk.

Might be?
Her neurons mostly half-fire..........just when I think her thoughts will complete a full circuit.......BAMM!........they always let me down........:laugh:.

Always expect something completely asinine and vacuous from that blithering idiot and you'll never be disappointed.
Cruz, flavor of the day.

as long as 15 idiots keep their name in the hat, nobody wins anything.

pick a horse and stay with it.
Her neurons mostly half-fire..........just when I think her thoughts will complete a full circuit.......BAMM!........they always let me down........:laugh:.

Always expect something completely asinine and vacuous from that blithering idiot and you'll never be disappointed.

For some stupid reason, I still think she has the potential to self-actualize............but, that's off-topic.
Even the bed wetters know the current condition of the country is piss poor.

With only %62.5 of the labor force actually employed and the rate has been in a steep decline since the election of the moonbat messiah and no sign of an improvement anyone who's paying attention should be concerned.


I'm not going to say it's all the meat muppet faggot's fault, or the current gagglefuck of marxist zealots the democrooks elected. The fault lies with the people who vote and forget. People don't pay attention to what these political whores do once they reach high office. That goes for republicrats and democrooks alike.

These assholes get into office and start writing checks their asses can't cash to enrich the people who donate to their campaigns, and give them the insider deals that allow them to get rich. Through loopholes criminally insane sociopaths created when they wrote the laws decades ago. Why else would rich people give so many millions and recently POTUS campaigns run into $1Billion...

A BILLION fuckin dollars to put a man into an office that makes $400K plus some perks? Millions for senators and reps? It should be pretty obvious that someone is getting something in return.

The only way to stop this sort of corruption is to eliminate the power these people have to create laws and regulations that allow the lobbyists to manipulate markets and soak up federal contracts.

Ted Cruz is the only candidate I trust to bring back constitutional restrictions on the federal government. So much of what the fed does is not just redundant, but incredibly inefficient. We don't need an EPA, an ATF, a DEA, an FDA, a USDA, a DOE, a DOJ, an FBI, an NSA, a CIA the list goes on and on. So much of what the feds do should be done at the state level where it can be managed more effectively. We have 450,000 federal "workers" making over $100K. That's one in five. With the redundancy of so many bureaucrooks we could save a shit ton in salary alone not to mention pensions.

Take the power and the checkbook away from congress, and the corruption will be reduced. That's why republicrats don't like Trump, but they HATE Cruz. Ted Cruz will slaughter their prized pigs and return the bacon to the treasury.

Secondly, this country became an industrial and financial behemoth because of a free market economy, and a well restrained government. In just 200 years we went from an agricultural patch of colonies to a country that conquered most of the industrialized world. We rebuilt europe twice and help turn Japan and South Korea into the gems of SE Asia and we did it without regulating the monkeyfuck out of ourselves.

It's time for the regressive policies that have been incrementally thrown into the mechanics of our economy to be pulled out so that the machine can run smoothly on it's own. It has always sputtered from time to time, but it's pretty clear when you let community organizers and moonbat mechanics tinker with things it breaks down all together. Ted Cruz is the only candidate I've given money to since Fred Thompson, and I'm proud to contribute to the one guy who has raised more money from average people than any other republican.


He should run for office in Canada.
For some stupid reason, I still think she has the potential to self-actualize............but, that's off-topic.

I don't know how old she is or if she has a thread of intellectual curiosity or really anything else about her other than EVERYTHING I've seen her post is like a bonfire of moonbatshit stupidity.

Perhaps there is hope, I was a moonbat when I was young. Not the bed wetting sort though because I still liked guns.

In fact that's what enabled me to be exposed to conservative ideas and do some actual thinking on my own. Bed wetters like their echo chambers where they can assure each other they're the only "educated" and compassionate people in the country. They resist information because they don't want to find out they've been duped.

You are 100% correct. Cruz is the best choice period, if we want a constitutional republic. Trump I worry about, because I believe he views the Presidency like Obama does. Doesn't mean I don't agree with many of his positions, I just don't want a tearing down of the constitution any further than it already is.

Okay but getting to watch Trump tell Nancy Pelosi to her face she's a loser and stupid might be worth the risk.

I would much rather hear Ted Cruz do it. He would not only be devastatingly effective, he would be classy.
Cruz, flavor of the day.

as long as 15 idiots keep their name in the hat, nobody wins anything.

pick a horse and stay with it.

Relax, Chuckles. I realize that anything that isn't hyper-controlled and -managed for you makes you nervous, but we haven't even had the first primary yet. Candidates will start dropping like flies when the actual votes occur, and then we'll be narrowed down to serious contenders . . . exactly as the system is supposed to work.
For some stupid reason, I still think she has the potential to self-actualize............but, that's off-topic.

I don't know how old she is or if she has a thread of intellectual curiosity or really anything else about her other than EVERYTHING I've seen her post is like a bonfire of moonbatshit stupidity.

Perhaps there is hope, I was a moonbat when I was young. Not the bed wetting sort though because I still liked guns.

In fact that's what enabled me to be exposed to conservative ideas and do some actual thinking on my own. Bed wetters like their echo chambers where they can assure each other they're the only "educated" and compassionate people in the country. They resist information because they don't want to find out they've been duped.

So was I Pete.

In 76, it was my 1st election I could vote. I voted for Carter, and to this day he is the President that has given me more actual money than any other.

In 80 I voted for Reagan, and he is the President I made more money (adjusted for inflation) than any other.

That is how I look at a President now, and the prospects for a President............ American economic health, how much money we can make, not be given.... and security. If you use that as a litmus test, you see that Reagan was great, Clinton was pretty darn good, GW and Obysmal are the same......useless. If we want more GW/Obama type policies, vote Hillary; otherwise, pick someone you like in the GOP field, and get them on the ballot in the general.

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