The RCMP is broken


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Toronto Police Services, Ontario Provincial Police, Royal Canadian Mounted Police...friends of no one. The longer the covert rackets continue, the more Canadian citizens will be taken hostage overseas due to the domestic reputation these forces have developed.

The RCMP is broken -

Leon Joudrey shuts his phone off before he goes to bed, so when he awoke in his Portapique, N.S., home early on the morning of April 19, he had no idea that 13 of his neighbours, including some of his closest friends, had been murdered while he slept.

When he awoke at around 3 a.m., Joudrey had texts from friends asking if he was okay. He didn’t understand what had happened, so he decided to jump in his truck and drive around the community for a look. In the darkness, he didn’t realize that some of the houses he drove past were no longer standing, that they had been burned to the ground.

He came across an RCMP vehicle on the road. Through a loudspeaker, the officers directed him to go to the end of the road but did not roll down their windows to talk to him about what was going on. Joudrey instead went home to check on his dogs. The killer was by this time kilometres away in the community of Debert, but the RCMP didn’t know that.

Joudrey would like to know why the officers didn’t talk to him. “They could have saved a lot of troubles in my life if they would have put down their window. Didn’t they wonder who I was and where I came from?”

Joudrey went home, took out his shotgun and sat in his bedroom with his two dogs. At about 6 a.m., the common-law wife of the killer knocked on his door. She was barefoot and distraught. The night before she had been assaulted by the killer and escaped. Joudrey gave her a pair of running shoes and called 911. The RCMP showed up soon after. “They roll in three vehicles, jump out, they come toward my house. They didn’t call me out of the house. I could have shot all of them.”

“The guy had his gun right against the back of my dog’s neck, just standing there. He wasn’t paying attention. And these are the Ninja Turtles, the SWAT guys. I said, ‘Get your gun away from my f–king dogs.’ He said, ‘We’re not here for dogs.’ ”
Holy sheep shit... sounds like amateur hour.

They've been under fire for years. I find it peculiar that there is less condemnation of the OPP and TPS, along with Peel Region Police (they have a horrific reputation for abuse) and a few others. Canadians understand now more and more how our system is designed, it isn't to support our Charter of Rights. It's decimated our economy and reputation.

Every time a Canadian is kidnapped overseas, and we seem to have many more than other nations, including being taken by foreign governments; I think to myself "if we had a great reputation of fighting for civil liberties and justice at home, we wouldn't have so many instances". This includes diplomats such as Robert Fowler and Louis Guay.

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