The ‘Racism’ Illusion


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.Thanks to the Democrats and their media operations, many are actually convinced that this is a racist….anti-black nation.
Of course, it isn't.
At least not from the majority white side.
But....if that illusion weren't effective, no Democrat would ever win a national, they keep it front and center.

It is more than an illusion….it is a callous operation by a corrupt Democrat Party to sow division and distrust.

2.We had a stunning example of this in the recent case of a 7 year-old murdered in Houston, and the news coverage of same.

“…the fatal shooting of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes, as an emotional case that moved the Houston community and evoked racial tensions

Jazmine was with her mother and three sisters just before 7 a.m. when, the authorities said, a man in a truck pulled up beside them and began shooting. A bullet struck Jazmine in the head and she died at the scene, the authorities said.

The authorities released grainy images of a red pickup truck and a sketch of the suspect, describing him as a thin white man in his 30s or 40s.
A Twist in the Jazmine Barnes Case as a Suspect Is Charged With Capital Murder

3.“She said he was a white man with blue eyes, wearing a black hoodie and looked "sick" and skinny. Washington said the man did not have on glasses and did not have a beard, which was previously reported.” Sheriff releases sketch of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes' killer

A distraught mother, her daughter shot dead before her eyes…..but able to describe the racist murder, right down to his ‘blue eyes.’ Or….possibly incorporated the what she has learned to expect via the Democrat propaganda.

4. “…a red pickup truck and … a thin white man in his 30s or 40s.”

What we are all witnessing is the racial animosity due to the methods the Democrat Party uses: identity-grievance-politics.

5. Democrat Biden: 'They're going to put y'all back in chains'

Disgusting, hateful, false….Democrats.

6. Then, this:

“The authorities identified the suspect, Eric Black Jr., 20, and said he admitted to taking part in the Dec. 30 shooting.

Contrary to initial reports that the suspect was white, Mr. Black is black. It was a revelation that swiftly changed the narrative…”
A Twist in the Jazmine Barnes Case as a Suspect Is Charged With Capital Murder

The mother who reported a white man with blue eyes wasn't lying.....she was simply a victim of both a murder, and of Democrat propaganda.
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If the dems didn't have the race card to play, what policies could they talk about? None.
Sooner or later the urban plantations will realize that a good economy is better than what the dems are offering.
"I'm here because our republican values are number one, standing up for local white identity, our identity is under threat, number two, the free market, and number three, killing Jews." Sean Patrick Nielsen, Charlottesville [Video on Washpo]

White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

Democrats Shouldn’t Give in to White Racism

"The biggest story in the filthy **** media has been a few lines from Melania's speech which these Jews claim she stole from monkey Michelle," wrote one Trump endorser during the Republican National Convention."

Meet the Horde of Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and Other Extremist Leaders Endorsing Donald Trump

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

"Most men would kill the truth if truth would kill their religion." Lemuel K. Washburn
"I'm here because our republican values are number one, standing up for local white identity, our identity is under threat, number two, the free market, and number three, killing Jews." Sean Patrick Nielsen, Charlottesville [Video on Washpo]

White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

Democrats Shouldn’t Give in to White Racism

"The biggest story in the filthy **** media has been a few lines from Melania's speech which these Jews claim she stole from monkey Michelle," wrote one Trump endorser during the Republican National Convention."

Meet the Horde of Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and Other Extremist Leaders Endorsing Donald Trump

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

"Most men would kill the truth if truth would kill their religion." Lemuel K. Washburn

You forgot to include "Hands up, Don't shoot!!!!!!"

It was so generous of you, middy, to offer up yourself as a prime example, proving exactly what the premise of the OP is.

1.Thanks to the Democrats and their media operations, many are actually convinced that this is a racist….anti-black nation.
Of course, it isn't.
At least not from the majority white side.
But....if that illusion weren't effective, no Democrat would ever win a national, they keep it front and center.

It is more than an illusion….it is a callous operation by a corrupt Democrat Party to sow division and distrust.

You are, of course, always helpful in proving my revelations, and, always welcome, as well.
7. .“She said he was a white man with blue eyes, wearing a black hoodie and looked "sick" and skinny. Washington said the man did not have on glasses and did not have a beard, which was previously reported.” Sheriff releases sketch of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes' killer

A distraught mother, her daughter shot dead before her eyes…..but able to describe the racist murderer, right down to his ‘blue eyes.’

Here are the actual .’perpetrators…..not some ‘blue eyed devil’- ala Louis Farrakhan (pal of Hussein Obama).

Can you see where she might have been…..confused?



"Police in Houston have filed capital murder charges against a second man in connection with the drive-by shooting death of a seven-year-old girl.

Police say Larry Woodruffe, 24, killed Jazmine Barnes after he fired into her mother's car on 30 December.

He and Eric Black Jr, 20 - who authorities say acted as his getaway driver - have now been charged."
Second man charged in Texas girl's death

The poor woman had been trained via the drumbeat of racist propaganda by the Democrats and their allies in the media and the schools.
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Today the bulk of Racism in the U.S. comes from Blacks against OTHER BLACKS, and Whites. The Media, and Democrats promote the opposite narrative to create controversy, sway public opinion, and maintain the victimhood mentality.
If the dems didn't have the race card to play, what policies could they talk about? None.
Sooner or later the urban plantations will realize that a good economy is better than what the dems are offering.
Meanwhile, top headline on Drudgereport right now: FERTILITY RATE FOR WHITES PLUMMETS!!! :eek:

But conservatives are super duper blind to race mm-hmm
Today the bulk of Racism in the U.S. comes from Blacks against OTHER BLACKS, and Whites. The Media, and Democrats promote the opposite narrative to create controversy, sway public opinion, and maintain the victimhood mentality.

Here's why they do it:

Dems can't take a chance on losing the black, here we are.

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"
Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet

"But what exactly would that mean? In how many states do black voters make the difference? I ran some rough numbers over at Robert Emmet -- check them out. Depending on how much of a drop-off you assume, it could cost the Democrats 10 to 76 electoral votes."
The Democrats and the Black Vote | HuffPost

And today, the same calculations apply for the: Democrats vis-a-vis the illegal alien vote:

"Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

… a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future.

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” reads Palmieri’s memo,…” Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration
If the dems didn't have the race card to play, what policies could they talk about? None.
Sooner or later the urban plantations will realize that a good economy is better than what the dems are offering.
Meanwhile, top headline on Drudgereport right now: FERTILITY RATE FOR WHITES PLUMMETS!!! :eek:

But conservatives are super duper blind to race mm-hmm

There is no racism....merely the propaganda stoked by the Democrats....don't you know that?
8. “Authorities had initially identified the suspect in the alleged murder as a bearded white man in his 40s driving a red pickup truck a description that came from family members who were in the car with Jazmine when she was killed, Gonzalez said.” Suspect admits driving vehicle from which 7-year-old was shot in Texas

“…the sheriff’s department zeroed in instead on Eric Black Jr., a 20-year-old black man who admitted he was driving a dark-colored SUV from which a passenger opened fire, authorities said.” Man Charged in 7-Year-Old Houston Girl’s Fatal Shooting

This black family was victimized, not by a white man, but by the Democrat Party and the false narrative that they spread.

Confused by a lifetime of Democrat lies.

Can you imagine the chagrin from the Leftists????
The fatal bullet went through both Jazmine Barnes, and the 'evil white man' template that they spread.

Can’t even say the perpetrator was ‘a white Hispanic,’ you know, like George Zimmerman….

Even Democrat voters might catch on if they said ‘a white black man…’
There is no racism....merely the propaganda stoked by the Democrats....don't you know that?


Why are your Leftists never able to come up with a substantive post?

Is it the result of government schooling????

That's what Coulter wrote:

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"

Must be a real fear of attempting to engage a conservative in debate, huh?
8. And it isn’t simply vulnerable black citizens who are subject to the agitprop, the disinformation that the Democrats learned to apply from their Bolshevik forebears.

The results of the training is writ large, here on the board, where any subject can be investigated, discussed, critiqued….except any that touch about African-Americans, without the knee jerk ‘racism’ charge.

Every day, it seems, there's some stupid, ugly, insalubrious imbecile whose mission is to lay out the usual, lying Leftist propaganda bumper-stickers.

Yesterday, we found this one volunteering for that role. At the mention of Hussein Obama, not his race….his house….. the charge was my ‘playing the race card

“And you are wont to to play the Race Card Card. Don't you?”

And, fearless as I am, my response:

"race card
When an ethnic minority makes unfounded assertions that he/she is being rejected by society because those who made the decision are racist."
Urban Dictionary: Race Card

I've never played 'the race card"

Rule #1

Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie

The Most Honest President: Trump

BTW.....this thread belongs where I put "Politics"
9. Aside from the strangely incorrect claim by the grieving mother, that the perpetrator had ‘blue eyes,’ the story itself should have raised doubts.
White attacks on blacks is quite a rarity. If only the reverse was as rare.

“… since 2001, 80–85 percent of white murder victims were killed by whites. True, but the percentage of blacks killed by blacks is higher. From 1980 to 2008, 93 percent of black victims were killed by blacks.

White-on-black homicides are much rarer than black-on-white homicides.
The vast bulk of interracial violence is committed by blacks. In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites, and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence against blacks, according to data from the National Crime Victimization Survey provided to the author.

Blacks, in other words, committed 85% of the interracial crimes between blacks and whites, even though they are 13 percent of the population. This data accords with the last published report on interracial crime from the Bureau of Justice Statistics; the Bureau stopped publishing its table on interracial crime after 2008, the first year of the Obama presidency. A Window Into a Depraved Culture

And this:
Whites, 76% of the population….blacks, 13%

How, in the face of the reality, did the family come up with that description:
...he was a white man with blue eyes, wearing a black hoodie and looked "sick" and skinny...driving a red truck...

The answer is found in Orwell's "1984," where a suggestible populace is exposed, daily, to a lesson in screaming at the enemy, Emmanuel Goldstein....

But that was only two minutes of hate.
The American public has had to endure a lifetime of it.
10. How, in the face of the reality, did the family come up with that description:
...he was a white man with blue eyes, wearing a black hoodie and looked "sick" and skinny...driving a red truck...

Well, for one thing, the nation has just endured 8 years of government racism under Hussein Obama.

“President Obama has insisted, even up to his last days in office, that blacks are the victims of a racist criminal-justice system. The press routinely disseminates phony statistics that purport to demonstrate a police war on blacks. These ideas matter.

…claims reinforce existing anti-white animus in the inner city. The notion that the dominant or exclusive racism in America today is white anti-black racism is absurd.

“We live in Ta-Nehesi Coates’s America, characterized by the assumption that blacks are the eternal targets of lethal white oppression. Coates’s central thesis in Between the World and Me, his acclaimed phantasmagoria of racial victimology, is that America continuously aspires to the “shackling” and “destruction” of “black bodies.”
A Window Into a Depraved Culture

The Democrat Party is an existential threat to the future of this country.
the nation is not racist, but there are people who are racist in America...

Thats exactly it. The worst examples are always brought to the forefront and made out to be mainstream, where in reality most humans who are sane, have the ability to stop, analyze situations, put themselves in someone else's shoes to an extent, or make the effort at least. Yet for political purposes it's often made to appear that a large majorities of people are unthinking or unfeeling and without self awareness.
If the dems didn't have the race card to play, what policies could they talk about? None.
Sooner or later the urban plantations will realize that a good economy is better than what the dems are offering.
Ah....more Race Card Card.

Try to stick to terms you might appear a tad less ignorant.

race card
When an ethnic minority makes unfounded assertions that he/she is being rejected by society because those who made the decision are racist.
Urban Dictionary: Race Card

In fact, you Liberals should eschew the Fascist mode of trying to shut down any discussion you don't like. It's un-American.
11. We have seen such out-of-reality experiences take place before, the sort of mass hysteria that the Democrats have ‘ put to very effective use.

In the 1980s there were several cases of similar hysteria about child care centers in which the attendants were charged……and convicted…..of heinous sex crimes against young children.

The ‘testimony’ was dug out by useful idiots called psychologists, who ‘freed’ repressed memories in ‘victims.’

“Fells Acres Day Care Center

In April 1984, Gerald Amirault was arrested and charged with abusing children in his care at the Fells Acres Day Care Center in Malden, Massachusetts.[31][32] After Gerald changed the pants on a young boy who had wet himself, the boy's mother, uncle and therapist questioned him over a period of months, until the boy alleged that Gerald had been sexually abusing him. The boy's mother then called a child abuse hotline to report that her son had been sexually abused, and Gerald was arrested shortly thereafter.[33][34][32] In the 1986 trial, Gerald was convicted of assaulting and raping nine children and sentenced to thirty to forty years in state prison.

The allegations included reports of "bad clowns," robots, "magic rooms," and tortured animals

In 1995, The Wall Street Journal journalist Dorothy Rabinowitz questioned testimony from the children that had been elicited with dubious interrogation techniques, writing, "no sane person reading the transcripts of these interrogations can doubt the wholesale fabrications of evidence on which this case was built."[37]

In a separate trial, his mother, Violet Amirault, and sister, Cheryl Amirault LeFave, were also convicted of similar charges and sentenced to jail for eight to 20 years.[35]According to Richard Beck, the case developed "in the usual way" compared to other moral panic cases, with more and more children leveling increasingly bizarre allegations against the accused during the course of the investigation.[31] .[36] According to Beck, one of the prosecutors responsible for the case commented that coaxing allegations out of the children had been like "getting blood from a stone."
Day-care sex-abuse hysteria - Wikipedia

"....leveling increasingly bizarre allegations....' like the 'blue-eyed white man charges.
The ideas were put into the childrens' heads.....and the white-oppression follows a similar route.

“Repressed Memory” recovery is blatantly false; it results from suggestion and repetition. As is “white oppression.”

Democrats and their allies in the media perpetuate the ‘repressed memories’ of white oppression.

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