The Racial Issue of Tomorrow?


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
With mixed-race people being the fastest growing demographic in both the US and the UK, idiots and cowards are presented with new ways of displaying their mental, emotional, and moral weakness.

More and more people are getting together, but rather than eliminating division, human stupidity just finds new outlets.

Perhaps that's too pessimistic an outlook on it...

Mixed Emotions: Being Biracial and Racism
You are exactly the kind of weak, terrified racist I was talking about.
I'm not against it but i don't promote it. People r free to do as they choose, but I also have the right to want my grandbabies to look like their grandparents. I feel diversity is starting to b shoved down socities throat. Let people decide who they choose to associate with.
I don't fear mixed race people, in fact, I think that everyone should have some white in them. It would help the human race as a whole.
One way or another, it seems this will be a growing reality in the near future.
aww he's just mad cause no one will associate with him aint that right "yappy".
With mixed-race people being the fastest growing demographic in both the US and the UK, idiots and cowards are presented with new ways of displaying their mental, emotional, and moral weakness.

More and more people are getting together, but rather than eliminating division, human stupidity just finds new outlets.

Perhaps that's too pessimistic an outlook on it...

Mixed Emotions: Being Biracial and Racism

Great article, but the author makes the same mistake so many people do when discussing race: they're actually discussing culture. Race has to do with genetics. Culture, while often associated with the various races, is quite different; though race can fall largely among cultural lines. The problem with culture is that it is a legitimate grounds of dispute. So when people criticize the culture of another they get called racist, because its the easiest way to shut someone up. Blacks and whites act differently, talk differently, and have different values. Of course, there are many black cultures and many white ones, but black cultures share more similarities to other black cultures of the same country than whites share of blacks and vice-versa. Blacks will hang around other blacks and whites around other whites not because of skin color, but culture. More often than not, when you find a mixed race person claiming to "struggle" to find his/her identity they actually already have one passed down from their parents and they're trying to draw attention to themselves in pursuit of a goal: often political. This is because among their interracial parents lies a singular culture whereas one of the parties involved adopted the culture of the other through choice or cultural assimilation. There are plenty of white people who have adopted a largely black culture and plenty of black people who've adopted a largely white culture. Its not true in every case, but true in most. I've dated plenty of black women who, if you closed your eyes, sound as though they're white. I could have never done so if they had the common slang associated with black language. Indeed, if a white woman talked black she would be off the table for me as well. Does this make me racist? No, I simply have a cultural preference.
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You are exactly the kind of weak, terrified racist I was talking about.
But no ones is listening you loser who doesn't know how to communicate.

No one cares what you say. You're the worst usmb member ever. Useless

I don't hear a denial.
Despite your screeds here, you aren't very tolerant or understanding, are you? Rhetorical question, kiddo. You are not a closeted anti white bigot, are YOU? Bashing racist, tilting at windmills, it's what you DO. but they are always white people that need a beat down and you are there it do it.
As a person of many, philipino, italian and irish I don't get was I'm from both sides because.....I look black. But my name mean beautiful land of Ireland. For example over the phone people think I'm white...but when I get to interview wow!!!

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With mixed-race people being the fastest growing demographic in both the US and the UK, idiots and cowards are presented with new ways of displaying their mental, emotional, and moral weakness.

More and more people are getting together, but rather than eliminating division, human stupidity just finds new outlets.

Perhaps that's too pessimistic an outlook on it...

Mixed Emotions: Being Biracial and Racism
Interracial marriage in the US and abroad is increasing rapidly. It stands at 1 in 12 in the US. Race as we know it will slowly disappear and with it a lot of problems. I guess in a couple of hundred years, the bigots will focus on eye color, hair color, skin shades. Maybe in a thousand years, all people will evaluate others based on their character and deeds.
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With mixed-race people being the fastest growing demographic in both the US and the UK, idiots and cowards are presented with new ways of displaying their mental, emotional, and moral weakness.

More and more people are getting together, but rather than eliminating division, human stupidity just finds new outlets.

Perhaps that's too pessimistic an outlook on it...

Mixed Emotions: Being Biracial and Racism
Interracial marriage in the US and abroad is increasing rapidly. It stands at 1 in 12 in the US. Race as we know it will slowly disappear and with it a lot of problems. I guess in a couple of hundred years, the bigots will focus on eye color, hair color, skin shades. Maybe in a thousand years, all people will evaluate others based on their character and deeds.

Culture certainly falls in line with character and deeds. And blacks are largely of a different culture than whites. I have never heard anyone criticize a black or white person on skin color. No one ever said "I don't like him because his skin is darker/lighter than mine." In every instance of argument on this issue the word "black" has largely meant "black culture" except in instances where people were talking about genetics, whereas they were trying to explain why they believed the negative aspects of black culture came about naturally.
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With mixed-race people being the fastest growing demographic in both the US and the UK, idiots and cowards are presented with new ways of displaying their mental, emotional, and moral weakness.

More and more people are getting together, but rather than eliminating division, human stupidity just finds new outlets.

Perhaps that's too pessimistic an outlook on it...

Mixed Emotions: Being Biracial and Racism
Interracial marriage in the US and abroad is increasing rapidly. It stands at 1 in 12 in the US. Race as we know it will slowly disappear and with it a lot of problems. I guess in a couple of hundred years, the bigots will focus on eye color, hair color, skin shades. Maybe in a thousand years, all people will evaluate others based on their character and deeds.

Culture certainly falls in line with character and deeds. And blacks are largely of a different culture than whites. I have never heard anyone criticize a black or white person on skin color. No one ever said "I don't like him because his skin is darker/lighter than mine." In every instance of argument on this issue the word "black" has largely meant "black culture" except in instances where people were talking about genetics, whereas they were trying to explain why they believed the negative aspects of black culture came about naturally.
I agree, skin color is just a substitute for culture. However, as intermarriage increases, cultures will merge. Eventually we will end up with a darker skin color and more Asian attributes. Culture will then have little connection to skin color. People with think of themselves as having ethnicity, not race. The terms White, Black, Asian, and American Indian will refer only to culture which will be intermixed. People will look back at the 20th and 21st century as a strange time in which people were judge by the color of their skin.

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