But he still needs their votes. Thus the endorsement of all of David Duke's and the KKK's positions.

Another mainstream liberal media lie busted. #MAGA

Yeah we're all aware of this. That's why we brought it up specifically when he yammered on and on about "I don't know what you're even talking about, don't know who David Duke is, I know nothing" etc etc -- and then tried to blame it on a "bad earpiece".

Just as he "knew nothing" yesterday of the alt-Nazis diluting them down to "many sides" so he wouldn't scare away the little he still clings to like Linus' security blanket.

We see right through this shit. Try to keep up.
he needs to step up and remind everyone how popular he is then toss out the electoral college voting results again.
No matter what he does, Trump will be condemned for everything he says and everything he does. So it doesn't matter.
I think the smartest thing for him to do is address the public in the following way.

1. Acknowledge that the killing in Virginia was inspired by white supremacists.
2. Admonish the media for trying to use the tragedy to attack him.

Stops the bleeding without losing face to his supporters.

I highly doubt he'll do it, though. Trump doesn't know how to do anything but attack. Sometimes, the smart thing to do is a little damage control.

"1. Acknowledge that the killing in Virginia was inspired by white supremacists."

You misspelled Obama.
Somehow Obama is responsible for a crazy racist terrorist mowing people down in the street? You're really sinking to new depths of delusion with that one.
Somehow Obama is responsible for a crazy racist terrorist mowing people down in the street? You're really sinking to new depths of delusion with that one.


he, like you, would have blamed it on white supremists, and ignored it takes two to make a fight.

Trump is taking a better view of it.

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