The Russian agent didn't want to insult his supporters, his base. So rather than offend the terrorists, the White Nationalists, the torch bearing crowd of deplorables, that is his base, he takes a neutral position.
That the bro-Nazis view as victory. ,,, maybe a bit late the moron can pin the tail on his base
Shouldn't Hillary or Schumer or Debbie Schultz or whoever passes for democrat leadership acknowledge that the James Hodgkinson shooting spree on June 14 was promoted by the democrat party leadership? The FBI dropped the case faster than the heroic Capital Police Officers dropped Hodgkinson but is it possible that Hodgkinson had e-mail contact with the democrat leadership during the 30 days that he lived out of his van in D.C.? Did democrats support him and give him information on republican targets?
Shouldn't Hillary or Schumer or Debbie Schultz or whoever passes for democrat leadership acknowledge that the James Hodgkinson shooting spree on June 14 was promoted by the democrat party leadership? The FBI dropped the case faster than the heroic Capital Police Officers dropped Hodgkinson but is it possible that Hodgkinson had e-mail contact with the democrat leadership during the 30 days that he lived out of his van in D.C.? Did democrats support him and give him information on republican targets?

So, conspiracy theories eh. Not surprised.
Somehow Obama is responsible for a crazy racist terrorist mowing people down in the street? You're really sinking to new depths of delusion with that one.

Of course he's not, just like the several real terrorist attacks that happened on his watch. You know, Boston marathon, Fort Hood, and all that.
I think the smartest thing for him to do is address the public in the following way.

1. Acknowledge that the killing in Virginia was inspired by white supremacists.
2. Admonish the media for trying to use the tragedy to attack him.

Stops the bleeding without losing face to his supporters.

I highly doubt he'll do it, though. Trump doesn't know how to do anything but attack. Sometimes, the smart thing to do is a little damage control.

Trump is not going to do that. You see, one of the differences between the left and the right is the right will wait until all the facts are in before making judgements. The left would sooner judge and convict on premature media reports and public opinion.

This is what led to the riots under Obama. Don't wait unit the dust settles, just make up your mind on fictitious reports and misleading opinions.
Sure they will. The "alternative facts".

I bet you when it officially comes out that this guy was a Nazi sympathizer, you won't hear a peep about it from Trump.
Trump stands on two stilts, racism and ignorance. Pull either one out from under him and he topples like a house on stilts in Lethal Weapon.
Trump stands on two stilts, racism and ignorance. Pull either one out from under him and he topples like a house on stilts in Lethal Weapon.

And where is your fucking evidence for this?

Honestly, people like you are the ones who give the Trump supporters legs to stand on.
Does Christianity preach white supremacy? Yes or no?

I'm agnostic, so I don't really have a horse in the race, but trying to say that Christianity is the impetus of white supremacy, rather than just one of its many tools, is quite disingenuous.

"What Christianity preaches" is irrelevant in this quesiton, just as "what Islam preaches" is irrelevant to DAESH or Al Qaeda. His point is that the Klan purports to base their shit on Christianism.

See point #3 here...


That makes what they do "Christian terrorism" in the same sense that some yahoo flying planes into buildings may be termed "Islamic terrorism".

Another example is Eric Rudolph. Or Scott Roeder.

(and note also that their targets were not just "non-whites" but Jews, Catholics, immigrants, labor unions, drinkers (staunchly pro-Prohibition) and "loose women". They pulled one (white) woman out of her house and whipped her for "not going to church".)

Just as Baruch Goldstein's attack on a mosque could be called "Jewish terrorism" or the terrorists attacking Muslims in Thailand might be termed "Buddhist terrorism". Is that a misleading adjective? Of course it is. It's intended to be. It implies that the religion itself is the root source, rather than a correlation. Or a crutch.

That's the whole point. Those who engage in such correlation fallacies can't face what that fallacy means when it's applied to their own people. Then the perps become "outliers" who somehow are not acting out the religion. In other words they want it both ways.

So the point is not what the religion leads to --- it's how the perps claim to do what they do in the name of that religion. Unfortunately no religion gets a yea or nay vote on that.

As far as a relationship between Christianism and white supremacy, indeed that religion was used both as a pretext in favor of transatlantic slavery, as well as a basis for the argument against it. A skilled mob manipulator can convince the uncynical to go any direction that manipulator wants, using any religious book that will sell that message.
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Not really. I'm not Christian. They aren't "my people". It's not my religion. I don't have one.

Islamic jihad revolves around an archaic, fundamentalist reading of their texts. It REVOLVES around it. It is the foremost impetus of their actions. There are other political factors involved, but their terrorism is as lethal as it is because they have a genuine belief in martyrdom and paradise, leaving them unafraid of death.

With the KKK, Christianity is a tool. Their ideology revolves around racial superiority, which has nothing to do with the bible. At least, not in a modern-day context.

You guys are not acknowledging the drastic differences in motivation.
Trump needs their votes.
Pretty much.

Trump is also loath to condemn his fellow hatful bigots.

And Trump is in fact a bigot and nativist – his hateful comments about Hispanics, the Muslim travel ban, the banning of transgender Americans from the military, and Trump’s unwarranted desire to limit legal immigration are examples and proof of Trump’s bigotry and hatred; the same bigotry and hatred practiced by the Klan, white nationalists, and the neo-Nazis.
Not really. I'm not Christian. They aren't "my people". It's not my religion. I don't have one.

I know they're not. You already self-identified as an agnostic. Don't take it personally.

Islamic jihad revolves around an archaic, fundamentalist reading of their texts. It REVOLVES around it. It is the foremost impetus of their actions. There are other political factors involved, but their terrorism is as lethal as it is because they have a genuine belief in martyrdom and paradise, leaving them unafraid of death.

That's just not the case. You touched on what is the case --- "political factors". As I just noted above, any skilled political mob manipulator can make his sheeple believe it's what Allah wants, just as the Klan could convince its own sheeple that it really is what God wants to lynch a Jew. And yes, no question it is a "genuine belief". That's the whole problem of sheeple.

With the KKK, Christianity is a tool. Their ideology revolves around racial superiority, which has nothing to do with the bible. At least, not in a modern-day context.

Absolutely it's a tool. And kind of an effective one, which is one of the side effects of investing that much magic in a book totem that remains open to interpretation by any manipulator who can convince enough blind followers that he has all the answers -- in other words a skilled salesman.

Again, the Klan saw itself as a moral police force, not just race. They went after gamblers, adulterers, bad debt holders, drinkers and various others (labor unions, Jews, Catholics and later, communists) that had nothing to do with race. That the bible doesn't specifically tell them to pull a woman out of her house and whip her for not going to church is irrelevant to the fact that they CLAIM it as a basis.

What you're leaving out here is the blatant hypocrisy element. The Klan above for instance was staunchly anti-drinking, yet the guy who started it "spent his later years in an Atlanta movie house, smelling of bourbon and cloves, as he watched Birth of a Nation over and over" (Klan and the Anti-Saloon League). Hell, Simmons may not have been a racist -- he was just out to make money, and if that meant thumping the bible then thump thunp thump. So of course Christianism is a tool for those who would use it as such for their own gain. As is Islam. There's no difference.
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Not condemning neonazis is like not condemning Isis !

"Look, there's lots of beheading and killing from all sides and it really needs to stop ."
Trump needs their votes.
Pretty much.

Trump is also loath to condemn his fellow hatful bigots.

And Trump is in fact a bigot and nativist – his hateful comments about Hispanics, the Muslim travel ban, the banning of transgender Americans from the military, and Trump’s unwarranted desire to limit legal immigration are examples and proof of Trump’s bigotry and hatred; the same bigotry and hatred practiced by the Klan, white nationalists, and the neo-Nazis.

"Trump is a bigot and a nativist" - You don't know this.

"... his hateful comments about Hispanics ..." - While ignorant and unwise, did have a grain of truth to them.

"... the Muslim ban ..." - While probably not very intelligent, there's also a good reason for wanting to bring in fewer Muslims.

" ... the banning of transgender Americans from the military ..." - Also pragmatic reasons for that, whether you agree with them or not.

"... Trump's unwarranted desire to limit legal immigration ..." - Can also be explained fairly easily in practical terms.

Your argument is hollow and pathetic, to be honest.

A detractor of Trump
Not really. I'm not Christian. They aren't "my people". It's not my religion. I don't have one.

I know they're not. You already self-identified as an agnostic. Don't take it personally.

Islamic jihad revolves around an archaic, fundamentalist reading of their texts. It REVOLVES around it. It is the foremost impetus of their actions. There are other political factors involved, but their terrorism is as lethal as it is because they have a genuine belief in martyrdom and paradise, leaving them unafraid of death.

That's just not the case. You touched on what is the case --- "political factors". As I just noted above, any skilled political mob manipulator can make his sheeple believe it's what Allah wants, just as the Klan could convince its own sheeple that it really is what God wants to lynch a Jew. And yes, no question it is a "genuine belief". That's the whole problem of sheeple.

With the KKK, Christianity is a tool. Their ideology revolves around racial superiority, which has nothing to do with the bible. At least, not in a modern-day context.

Absolutely it's a tool. And kind of an effective one, which is one of the side effects of investing that much magic in a book totem that remains open to interpretation by any manipulator who can convince enough blind followers that he has all the answers -- in other words a skilled salesman.

Again, the Klan saw itself as a moral police force, not just race. They went after gamblers, adulterers, bad debt holders, drinkers and various others (labor unions, Jews, Catholics and later, communists) that had nothing to do with race. That the bible doesn't specifically tell them to pull a woman out of her house and whip her for not going to church is irrelevant to the fact that they CLAIM it as a basis.

There are similarities, but the motivations are very different. We just disagree on the extent to which Islam plays a role in Islamic terror. I think it plays a large role. By itself, maybe it would just remain a conflict between Shiite and Sunni. But throw in the political factors, and now they're bombing white people in Paris. It changes the game, but the violence inherent in the text would still remain regardless.
Sure they will. The "alternative facts".

I bet you when it officially comes out that this guy was a Nazi sympathizer, you won't hear a peep about it from Trump.

Trump already "peeped" about it, he just didn't automatically place blame like the left is doing now. Don't pretend you are a mind reader. When all the facts are out, then judge Trump on what he says--not what you think he's going to say.
Sure they will. The "alternative facts".

I bet you when it officially comes out that this guy was a Nazi sympathizer, you won't hear a peep about it from Trump.

Trump already "peeped" about it, he just didn't automatically place blame like the left is doing now. Don't pretend you are a mind reader. When all the facts are out, then judge Trump on what he says--not what you think he's going to say.

I guess we'll find out, won't we?
Obama condemned Islamic terrorists all the time .
Post a video of him doing it.
BLM is an anti police brutality movement .
Bullshit, they're an anti white, anti law and order movement. The police brutality part is the way they try to justify it.

Really? Then explain how they have so many white members ?
Weak, self loathing white liberals who feel guilty for what the Democrats did to black people for 400 years.

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