The push to delegitimize the concept of election theft


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
We are living in the age of mind sculpting that has been powered up to the umpteenth degree by the advent of globally connected social media and the internet. Not that it hasn't always existed but in previous epochs the idea of a poisoned truth would take months or maybe even years to penetrate the public perception....not anymore. In addition to that we now have full time mind sculptors on government payrolls that have taken advantage of the new mass communication methods to ply their trades like demons in the pit on the hapless masses who are their targets.

Perhaps the most insidious way to ignore a truth that one claims to be a lie is to credit it with a scintilla of truth...such as.... " Yes election fraud exists but it is rare and small scale " .... This is the de novo position of the left these days on the matter.

The statistical impossibilities of the final ten percentile outcomes in several of the state tallies is a red flag to anyone who knows anything about numbers they definitely bear the mark of Algorithmic calculations. But to be fair here and in the interest of honesty the truth is that occasionally you do have an anomaly.....anyone who wins the lottery anywhere is statistical anomaly for instance.

However in this case the real question is not whether we actually did see an anomaly but why the several anomalies that happened far apart from each other all followed the same pattern....this takes the stats on the situation to astronomical and impossible levels never before challenged....soooooo....say what you will about the election results...that kind of anomaly simply does not exist.

What apparently has the left worried to death is the idea that in the mind of 60 to 70 million Americans the thought of theft stands firm.....and it is a ticking time bomb....not for insurrection but for election hazard.....these people are a united block of voters....the largest in American History to my knowledge. The Coalition that backed Biden this time was just that a Coalition and it has huge and fatal fracture lines that are already beginning to show.

Trump remains the most prominent Political force in US politics and will no doubt make that known in the near future.

In the mean time the left is scrambling to erase the look of theft....but that's not going to happen.

I laughed my way all the way through an article entitled: Those most likely to believe in election theft hate democrats and don't mind white nationalists...... ( as if that was some kind of statistical revelation that changes anything at all. It is a cleverly contrived statement that has absolutely no Empirical basis except to mislead and to smear. But it's the modus operandi of the left and always has been. I could make a similar claim about bipedal beings..... those most likely to own shoes are bipedal mammals. It's a meaningless statement and really a total waste of mental an emotional energy.....but it is significant because it demonstrates ad deep concern about the consequences of what has just taken place and the fear of where those consequences may appear. So the the panic attack is on and I expect to see waves of attempted deprogramming attempts all over the net, the media and anything that the Government had a hand in attempting to change the minds of those who are already convinced.

It’s going to backfire on them.

The more they push their insane ideas, the more they will red-pill normies.

We are living in the age of mind sculpting that has been powered up to the umpteenth degree by the advent of globally connected social media and the internet. Not that it hasn't always existed but in previous epochs the idea of a poisoned truth would take months or maybe even years to penetrate the public perception....not anymore. In addition to that we now have full time mind sculptors on government payrolls that have taken advantage of the new mass communication methods to ply their trades like demons in the pit on the hapless masses who are their targets.

Perhaps the most insidious way to ignore a truth that one claims to be a lie is to credit it with a scintilla of truth...such as.... " Yes election fraud exists but it is rare and small scale " .... This is the de novo position of the left these days on the matter.

The statistical impossibilities of the final ten percentile outcomes in several of the state tallies is a red flag to anyone who knows anything about numbers they definitely bear the mark of Algorithmic calculations. But to be fair here and in the interest of honesty the truth is that occasionally you do have an anomaly.....anyone who wins the lottery anywhere is statistical anomaly for instance.

However in this case the real question is not whether we actually did see an anomaly but why the several anomalies that happened far apart from each other all followed the same pattern....this takes the stats on the situation to astronomical and impossible levels never before challenged....soooooo....say what you will about the election results...that kind of anomaly simply does not exist.

What apparently has the left worried to death is the idea that in the mind of 60 to 70 million Americans the thought of theft stands firm.....and it is a ticking time bomb....not for insurrection but for election hazard.....these people are a united block of voters....the largest in American History to my knowledge. The Coalition that backed Biden this time was just that a Coalition and it has huge and fatal fracture lines that are already beginning to show.

Trump remains the most prominent Political force in US politics and will no doubt make that known in the near future.

In the mean time the left is scrambling to erase the look of theft....but that's not going to happen.

I laughed my way all the way through an article entitled: Those most likely to believe in election theft hate democrats and don't mind white nationalists...... ( as if that was some kind of statistical revelation that changes anything at all. It is a cleverly contrived statement that has absolutely no Empirical basis except to mislead and to smear. But it's the modus operandi of the left and always has been. I could make a similar claim about bipedal beings..... those most likely to own shoes are bipedal mammals. It's a meaningless statement and really a total waste of mental an emotional energy.....but it is significant because it demonstrates ad deep concern about the consequences of what has just taken place and the fear of where those consequences may appear. So the the panic attack is on and I expect to see waves of attempted deprogramming attempts all over the net, the media and anything that the Government had a hand in attempting to change the minds of those who are already convinced.


Oh, yes!

It is considered traitorous (and, of course, racist) to even hint that there could possibly be any significant election fraud in this great nation.

Even top Republicans in the Senate and even in former President Trump's administration assured us that the November 3 election was the most "secure" since the beginning of the Republic.

So everyone should shut up. If you don't, Big Tech will be delighted to assist you in doing so.
The evidence you claim to be alive and well has yet to convince those in charge of the real judges and courts in the nation and not the Qanon ones...

That may never happen....remember that Copernicus was unable to make his case legally about the Sun being the center of the Solar system before the judges of his day.
However the concept did not die....and this one will not die either. Your example here is intellectually weak and stands in the way of absolutely nothing frankly. The one thing that we are all aware of without being reminded of it is that if you can't prove it in court you're out of is that even relevant?

There was no theft. Only an attempted theft, attempted election fraud and charges of sedition by the ex President.
The evidence you claim to be alive and well has yet to convince those in charge of the real judges and courts in the nation and not the Qanon ones...

That may never happen....remember that Copernicus was unable to make his case legally about the Sun being the center of the Solar system before the judges of his day.
However the concept did not die....and this one will not die either. Your example here is intellectually weak and stands in the way of absolutely nothing frankly. The one thing that we are all aware of without being reminded of it is that if you can't prove it in court you're out of is that even relevant?


So Trumpybear's "If I lose it's because it was Rigged" is now Copernicus fighting the Church over his heliocentric solar system I've heard it all. Thanks.
The evidence you claim to be alive and well has yet to convince those in charge of the real judges and courts in the nation and not the Qanon ones...

That may never happen....remember that Copernicus was unable to make his case legally about the Sun being the center of the Solar system before the judges of his day.
However the concept did not die....and this one will not die either. Your example here is intellectually weak and stands in the way of absolutely nothing frankly. The one thing that we are all aware of without being reminded of it is that if you can't prove it in court you're out of is that even relevant?

The only thing weaker is the fact that you have no facts or reliable evidence just yer feelz...

This isn't some asinine theory like 9/11. This is shit that has been documented, captured on video, and had officials testify too.

Never mind the fact Biden could have taken a shit on his own front lawn (and it wouldn't surprise me to find out he did) and drawn more flies than he did to any of his "rallies". In 2016 few democrook voters even knew who this corrupt sociopath even was, and he was the fuckin VP. They had to fuck Bernie over with their corrupt delegate system to get Hitlary on the ballot, who was so repulsive she got beaten by the world's richest professional clown who never ran for an office before, and was not invested in a political career.

These mail in ballots were the vehicle the democrooks used under the guise of an hysterical reaction to a fucking seasonal flu. It's bullshit beyond comprehension, there's no point discussing it with a sniveling bed wetting leftist, and I hope it leads to a cataclysmic collapse of the dollar so that these parasites end up cannibalizing the urban areas.

That may actually be the fuckin plan, because you can see the antifa turds haven't gone back in their mom's basements yet.

There was no theft. Only an attempted theft, attempted election fraud and charges of sedition by the ex President.
He really is that stupid folks. Believes that inane shit to the pulsing bleeding hemorrhoids he refers to as "speed bumps".

I'd have said the "core of his soul", but we all know libturds have no soul or frontal lobe.

The new lost cause strategy for the Neo-Confederates in the Republican party....

And still rooted in the anger of black people exercising their constitutional rights as usual.....

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