More Trump Criminality

So, they didn't have any evidence of a stolen election, they just wanted to claim there was a stolen election.

Gift article:

Newly Released Messages Detail Roots of the ‘Fake Electors’ Scheme

Emails and texts unearthed in a lawsuit show how key figures intended their plan to create a “cloud of confusion” to help keep Donald Trump in office after his 2020 election loss.

Just five days after Election Day in 2020, a conservative lawyer named Kenneth Chesebro emailed a former judge who was working for the Trump campaign in Wisconsin, James R. Troupis, pitching an idea for how to overturn the results.

Through litigation, Mr. Chesebro said, the Trump campaign could allege “various systemic abuses” and, with court proceedings pending, encourage legislatures to appoint “alternative” pro-Trump electors that could be certified instead of the Biden electors chosen by the voters.

“At minimum, with such a cloud of confusion, no votes from WI (and perhaps also MI and PA) should be counted, perhaps enough to throw the election to the House,” Mr. Chesebro wrote to Mr. Troupis, referring to the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Mr. Troupis quickly brought Mr. Chesebro into the Trump legal team, directed him to lay out the plans in a series of memos now central to the indictment of Donald J. Trump and a month later — with the help of Reince Priebus, the former White House chief of staff — secured a meeting with Mr. Trump at the White House.
Ghislaine Maxwell is currently in prison for sex trafficking of minors. She provided young girls to wealthy men, but so far none of those wealthy men have been identified and prosecuted. Well here is a 1997 gossip column from the Sunday Mirror about Ghislaine Maxwell (referred to as 'Madam Maxwell') providing a 20 year old girl to a 50 year old Trump. Maxwell flew her from London to Florida to meet Trump, and she was then later 'installed' into one of Trump's NYC apartments. Weird. Everyone on the right believes Trump is a genius, but must also believe Trump, at age 50, was having 20 year old girls provided to him by Ghislaine Maxwell, but had absolutely no idea anything else was going on. Don't say Maxwell and Trump weren't friends. Their friendship and her providing of women to him were common enough knowledge that it was gossip column fodder. And Trump, who was provided a 20 year old girl from good friend Maxwell, just so happened to have one of his 15 year old female employees recruited directly FROM HIS HOUSE by Maxwell into Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking ring....and he, Maxwell, and Epstein remained friends for years after that. I'm looking forward to the full release of the Epstein documents in July.



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