The Push to Censor Half of America is ON!!!!!

I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

Yah know how many times I have been banned at the democrat underground? At least 10 times for life

The last time they got pissed off by me saying poor people subsidize rich people for electric cars. .

From your link

Overall, we rate Democratic Underground Left Biased based on story selection and political affiliation with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a few failed fact checks.

Exactly.. We cant agree on what "hate speech" is and we cant agree on "who's a racist" and we cant agree on "the number of genders" and we cant agree on most ANY political issue -- but YET these fucking fact checkers SPIN their ratings to their POV.. In fact the basic question is WHY a fact checker should EVEN DRAW A CONCLUSION limited to 3 or 4 choice...

Just the facts. That's what fact-checking is.. You can actually do this YOURSELF..

Not only that - but if "flack checkers" were infallible and objective -- WHYTF would you "dueling fact checkers" on the web?? It's moronic..

The majority of the leftist leaning fact checkers are now ORGANIZED AND ALLIED by the same OBVIOUSLY biased MSMedia orgs that sponsor the Organization..

Just heard the whimp chimp Zuckerberg at Congressional Hearing BRAG about how they use "independent fact checkers at orgs like Poynter Institute.. The ROOT of the Poynter Institute is money from the dead owner of Tampa Bay times -- A MEGA-LEFTIST.. And the newspaper is ENTIRELY LEFT BIASED and always HAS BEEN.,.

This is not a solution to dividing American media into TWO giant hyperpartisan warring tribes. It will lead to DOOM and destruction of this Republic. And NOBODY important is advocating people gathering from ALL POV and discussing things out -- like we try to do AT THIS SITE.. Except maybe me.. Maybe I'm the problem and deluded...

It's gonna get REALLY DANGEROUS AND BORING when EVERYTHING media is split into 2 warring tribes like the 2 party system has forced us into..

Why are there dueling articles and "realities" on the web? Treat fact checkers like any other article instead of getting all incensed.

I'm INCENSED because the LEFT is all gung-ho to exile speech and split the media in this country.. This leads to NUCLEAR LEVEL civil conflict.,. Have Gump telling folks to "get their own site" when the country he lives in probably has 4 major media media outlets.. It pisses me off. GOOGLE HAS BOUGHT anything that moves and looks like competition.. YouTube -- Instagram -- the list goes on. And they can now STRANGLE any site that doesn't knuckle under..

You don't see a problem there? It's a question -- discuss it.. Dont fact check it..

Because I DONT WANT 3 more NewsMaxs and 5 more Daily Callers. That's NOT any kind of nirvana solution.. We dont want 3 FBs and 5 Twitters.. And I don't want or need ANY Twitters or dueling fact checkers. I want places that aren't echo chambers full of parrots and Orwellian fact checkers and biased definitions.

And we need to STOP the facade that ANYONE can dictate "whose a racist" or "what is hate speech" or whether our election has been abused or neglected.

This direction leads to hot conflict and the potential LOSS of democracy and freedom in this country.. YOU just don't care apparently...
i want a place where all people can talk freely. we used to be able to do that but somewhere along the way one side started saying "you can't call someone can't say that...that's offensive" and simply kept ratcheting up their "you can't" scenarios.

I agree. One side started going overboard on what is considered offensive and if you're talking about all the political correctness hysteria - I likely agree with you on that. But there is something the other side is doing that is equally damaging. We have become a culture where anything goes - just because you can, do, and if anyone is offended it's their fault.

We used to have an agreed upon set of rules governing our behavior and language, and if you transgressed, the people - our peers - let you know. Free speech, like any right, carries a certain responsibility with it and people seem to want all the rights but none of the responsibility for consequences.

news media sites are no longer news but ammo for one side to fire at the other. how in the name of god is that healthy OR what we want? no "platform" should be able to tell us all what the TRUTH is. no publisher either. we should be allowed to decide that for ourselves WITHOUT harassment.

I disagree. No GOVERNMENT should limit our access to information, or determine truth for us. However, I do think it's incumbent on our elected officials to be factual and we fail at holding them accountable for that. But platforms are private entities. They have every right to determine what their rules are and what sort of environment they want as long as they treat everyone equally within the rules. They are under no obligation to host everyone or anyone and as long as there is competition

we need to get back to being able to talk about our differences at lvl 1; not instantly making any difference of opinion NAZI crap. far too many people run from 0 to EXTREME in 1 sentence.

Actually the law that protects those private entities REQUIRES they include everyone that's the whole purpose of the protection.

You mean the (outdated) law that is specific to platforms?

Yes, they have to include everyone - but they don't have to allow ALL content. For example they have allow leftist extremists and rightist extremists to have a space but if they have rules regarding hate speech - they can censor content per their rules.
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

Yah know how many times I have been banned at the democrat underground? At least 10 times for life

The last time they got pissed off by me saying poor people subsidize rich people for electric cars. .

From your link

Overall, we rate Democratic Underground Left Biased based on story selection and political affiliation with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a few failed fact checks.

Exactly.. We cant agree on what "hate speech" is and we cant agree on "who's a racist" and we cant agree on "the number of genders" and we cant agree on most ANY political issue -- but YET these fucking fact checkers SPIN their ratings to their POV.. In fact the basic question is WHY a fact checker should EVEN DRAW A CONCLUSION limited to 3 or 4 choice...

Just the facts. That's what fact-checking is.. You can actually do this YOURSELF..

Not only that - but if "flack checkers" were infallible and objective -- WHYTF would you "dueling fact checkers" on the web?? It's moronic..

The majority of the leftist leaning fact checkers are now ORGANIZED AND ALLIED by the same OBVIOUSLY biased MSMedia orgs that sponsor the Organization..

Just heard the whimp chimp Zuckerberg at Congressional Hearing BRAG about how they use "independent fact checkers at orgs like Poynter Institute.. The ROOT of the Poynter Institute is money from the dead owner of Tampa Bay times -- A MEGA-LEFTIST.. And the newspaper is ENTIRELY LEFT BIASED and always HAS BEEN.,.

This is not a solution to dividing American media into TWO giant hyperpartisan warring tribes. It will lead to DOOM and destruction of this Republic. And NOBODY important is advocating people gathering from ALL POV and discussing things out -- like we try to do AT THIS SITE.. Except maybe me.. Maybe I'm the problem and deluded...

It's gonna get REALLY DANGEROUS AND BORING when EVERYTHING media is split into 2 warring tribes like the 2 party system has forced us into..

Why are there dueling articles and "realities" on the web? Treat fact checkers like any other article instead of getting all incensed.

I'm INCENSED because the LEFT is all gung-ho to exile speech and split the media in this country.. This leads to NUCLEAR LEVEL civil conflict.,. Have Gump telling folks to "get their own site" when the country he lives in probably has 4 major media media outlets.. It pisses me off. GOOGLE HAS BOUGHT anything that moves and looks like competition.. YouTube -- Instagram -- the list goes on. And they can now STRANGLE any site that doesn't knuckle under..

You don't see a problem there? It's a question -- discuss it.. Dont fact check it..

Because I DONT WANT 3 more NewsMaxs and 5 more Daily Callers. That's NOT any kind of nirvana solution.. We dont want 3 FBs and 5 Twitters.. And I don't want or need ANY Twitters or dueling fact checkers. I want places that aren't echo chambers full of parrots and Orwellian fact checkers and biased definitions.

And we need to STOP the facade that ANYONE can dictate "whose a racist" or "what is hate speech" or whether our election has been abused or neglected.

This direction leads to hot conflict and the potential LOSS of democracy and freedom in this country.. YOU just don't care apparently...
i want a place where all people can talk freely. we used to be able to do that but somewhere along the way one side started saying "you can't call someone can't say that...that's offensive" and simply kept ratcheting up their "you can't" scenarios.

I agree. One side started going overboard on what is considered offensive and if you're talking about all the political correctness hysteria - I likely agree with you on that. But there is something the other side is doing that is equally damaging. We have become a culture where anything goes - just because you can, do, and if anyone is offended it's their fault.

We used to have an agreed upon set of rules governing our behavior and language, and if you transgressed, the people - our peers - let you know. Free speech, like any right, carries a certain responsibility with it and people seem to want all the rights but none of the responsibility for consequences.

news media sites are no longer news but ammo for one side to fire at the other. how in the name of god is that healthy OR what we want? no "platform" should be able to tell us all what the TRUTH is. no publisher either. we should be allowed to decide that for ourselves WITHOUT harassment.

I disagree. No GOVERNMENT should limit our access to information, or determine truth for us. However, I do think it's incumbent on our elected officials to be factual and we fail at holding them accountable for that. But platforms are private entities. They have every right to determine what their rules are and what sort of environment they want as long as they treat everyone equally within the rules. They are under no obligation to host everyone or anyone and as long as there is competition

we need to get back to being able to talk about our differences at lvl 1; not instantly making any difference of opinion NAZI crap. far too many people run from 0 to EXTREME in 1 sentence.

Actually the law that protects those private entities REQUIRES they include everyone that's the whole purpose of the protection.

You mean the (outdated) law that is specific to platforms?

Yes, they have to include everyone - but they don't have to allow ALL content. For example they have allow leftist extremists and rightist extremists to have a space but if they have rules regarding hate speech - they can censor content per their rules.
Once again be SPECIFIC and cite for us ANY banning of leftist organizations blogs or voices by Tweeter ot face book or anyone else, We can site hundreds of right wing sites banned or censored. Your last attempt was actually an attempt to ban right wing sites that were pretending to be left wing. You still have not cited any such banning.
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

Yah know how many times I have been banned at the democrat underground? At least 10 times for life

The last time they got pissed off by me saying poor people subsidize rich people for electric cars. .

From your link

Overall, we rate Democratic Underground Left Biased based on story selection and political affiliation with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a few failed fact checks.

Exactly.. We cant agree on what "hate speech" is and we cant agree on "who's a racist" and we cant agree on "the number of genders" and we cant agree on most ANY political issue -- but YET these fucking fact checkers SPIN their ratings to their POV.. In fact the basic question is WHY a fact checker should EVEN DRAW A CONCLUSION limited to 3 or 4 choice...

Just the facts. That's what fact-checking is.. You can actually do this YOURSELF..

Not only that - but if "flack checkers" were infallible and objective -- WHYTF would you "dueling fact checkers" on the web?? It's moronic..

The majority of the leftist leaning fact checkers are now ORGANIZED AND ALLIED by the same OBVIOUSLY biased MSMedia orgs that sponsor the Organization..

Just heard the whimp chimp Zuckerberg at Congressional Hearing BRAG about how they use "independent fact checkers at orgs like Poynter Institute.. The ROOT of the Poynter Institute is money from the dead owner of Tampa Bay times -- A MEGA-LEFTIST.. And the newspaper is ENTIRELY LEFT BIASED and always HAS BEEN.,.

This is not a solution to dividing American media into TWO giant hyperpartisan warring tribes. It will lead to DOOM and destruction of this Republic. And NOBODY important is advocating people gathering from ALL POV and discussing things out -- like we try to do AT THIS SITE.. Except maybe me.. Maybe I'm the problem and deluded...

It's gonna get REALLY DANGEROUS AND BORING when EVERYTHING media is split into 2 warring tribes like the 2 party system has forced us into..

Why are there dueling articles and "realities" on the web? Treat fact checkers like any other article instead of getting all incensed.

I'm INCENSED because the LEFT is all gung-ho to exile speech and split the media in this country.. This leads to NUCLEAR LEVEL civil conflict.,. Have Gump telling folks to "get their own site" when the country he lives in probably has 4 major media media outlets.. It pisses me off. GOOGLE HAS BOUGHT anything that moves and looks like competition.. YouTube -- Instagram -- the list goes on. And they can now STRANGLE any site that doesn't knuckle under..

You don't see a problem there? It's a question -- discuss it.. Dont fact check it..

Because I DONT WANT 3 more NewsMaxs and 5 more Daily Callers. That's NOT any kind of nirvana solution.. We dont want 3 FBs and 5 Twitters.. And I don't want or need ANY Twitters or dueling fact checkers. I want places that aren't echo chambers full of parrots and Orwellian fact checkers and biased definitions.

And we need to STOP the facade that ANYONE can dictate "whose a racist" or "what is hate speech" or whether our election has been abused or neglected.

This direction leads to hot conflict and the potential LOSS of democracy and freedom in this country.. YOU just don't care apparently...
i want a place where all people can talk freely. we used to be able to do that but somewhere along the way one side started saying "you can't call someone can't say that...that's offensive" and simply kept ratcheting up their "you can't" scenarios.

I agree. One side started going overboard on what is considered offensive and if you're talking about all the political correctness hysteria - I likely agree with you on that. But there is something the other side is doing that is equally damaging. We have become a culture where anything goes - just because you can, do, and if anyone is offended it's their fault.

We used to have an agreed upon set of rules governing our behavior and language, and if you transgressed, the people - our peers - let you know. Free speech, like any right, carries a certain responsibility with it and people seem to want all the rights but none of the responsibility for consequences.

news media sites are no longer news but ammo for one side to fire at the other. how in the name of god is that healthy OR what we want? no "platform" should be able to tell us all what the TRUTH is. no publisher either. we should be allowed to decide that for ourselves WITHOUT harassment.

I disagree. No GOVERNMENT should limit our access to information, or determine truth for us. However, I do think it's incumbent on our elected officials to be factual and we fail at holding them accountable for that. But platforms are private entities. They have every right to determine what their rules are and what sort of environment they want as long as they treat everyone equally within the rules. They are under no obligation to host everyone or anyone and as long as there is competition

we need to get back to being able to talk about our differences at lvl 1; not instantly making any difference of opinion NAZI crap. far too many people run from 0 to EXTREME in 1 sentence.

Actually the law that protects those private entities REQUIRES they include everyone that's the whole purpose of the protection.

You mean the (outdated) law that is specific to platforms?

Yes, they have to include everyone - but they don't have to allow ALL content. For example they have allow leftist extremists and rightist extremists to have a space but if they have rules regarding hate speech - they can censor content per their rules.
Once again be SPECIFIC and cite for us ANY banning of leftist organizations blogs or voices by Tweeter ot face book or anyone else, We can site hundreds of right wing sites banned or censored. Your last attempt was actually an attempt to ban right wing sites that were pretending to be left wing. You still have not cited any such banning.

Actually, my post had more than just that one link, but you and flac only focused on that one.

Smash Racism D.C. (DC Antifa group)
Ed Krassenstein and Brian Krassenstein - Resistence Twitter activists
Louis Farrakhan
John Brown Gun Clubs
MMGW -- but yet you can't recognize this important issue from anachronym.. It's Man Made Global Warning for all you leftist science worshippers out there that know CLOSE TO ZERO about the ACTUAL science.

And how tf would you know, Mr. Senior moderator? You seem to not be very knowledgeable about pretty much anything, except what's fed to you by your equally cowed Cult45 hivemind. Your credibility outside the bubble is non existent, Rudy. In fact, some people know a great deal more than you do about the issue you're bitching and moaning about.

And no -- we're not having THAT battle here. Take it to Enviro forum.., I'll be glad to meet ANY of you "science worshippers" there...

Nah. I'll pass. Sounds like too much objectivity to me, because you're a beacon of objective moderation, of course.
We have become a culture where anything goes - just because you can, do, and if anyone is offended it's their fault.

You have this COMPLETELY backwards. If you even MICRO-AGRESS anyone or anything, YOU have immediate haters and cancelers converging on you.. They WILL punish you in one way or another. Haul you before Student court on campus.. Banish you for a day in H.R. "orientation". Send a note back your parents or SUSPEND you.. It's living on the edge.. And it's the same EDGEY folks who are also FORCIBLY SPLITTING the public spaces when anything can be talked out..

The split in media started with the rise in talk radio which began to define the rest of the media, as a whole, as leftist.

Well not at all. By the time Limbaugh got GOING, the media was ALREADY 70% moderate to far left. I remember Mika and Moaning Joe doing the same sour faces about Bush.. So the RIGHT gets ONE RADIO SHOW and "they started this"??? Get real.. Rush soared, because the balance was way off and in fact he converted a LOT of folks that were neutral simply on DISTRUST OF THE MEDIA !!!!

As for your ad homs about how somehow I'm a stealth ultra-righter -- Between the 2 parties -- the one that moved FURTHER AND FASTER to the EXTREME -- is definitely the Dems. I can no longer FIND champions of FREEDOM, FREE MARKETS and FREE SPEECH and the Constitution on that side. THEY MOVED -- I didn't.. And i cannot support "disbanding the police", decriminalizing illegal immigration at the same time you advertise "free stuff" for anyone that enters, or packing courts, or looting as reparations, or trying to pass legislation that tries to consolidate the power of left so that we become a ONE PARTY nation like Cali has become a ONE PARTY state. Or setting us on a dangerous course of EXPECTING that we can power this whole country with just windmills and solar or allowing the looting of our technology/products by China.

And being able to pull shit like abuse powers in the FBI, Congress to SPY on an opposition party with the most DANGEROUS spying tools in the world -- and APPARENTLY -- get away with it -- raises other serious doubts that the Dems have any morals left.

I spent most of past week on USMB debunking "US military raids on German voting companies", in depth analysis of a MIT professor's FAULTY presentation purporting to NAIL voting machine problems, and beating on 2 or 3 other "righty conspiracies.. So don't attempt to pigeon hole me.. You'll fail miserably..
Last edited:
And how tf would you know, Mr. Senior moderator? You seem to not be very knowledgeable about pretty much anything, except what's fed to you by your equally cowed Cult45 hivemind. Your credibility outside the bubble is non existent, Rudy. In fact, some people know a great deal more than you do about the issue you're bitching and moaning about.

Read my post above. I have very few reasons to like what the parties have become.. You also will fail trying to FORCE me into one of your 2 juvenile visions of politics,.. Go address the reasons why I have NO ALLIES on the left anymore.. I'm a LIBERAL.. The Dem party is NO LONGER "liberal".. They are moving towards AUTHORITARIANISM -- I'll reject and distance myself from that.

I do find it weird to suddenly after 30 years of politically conscious -- that SUDDENLY all the folks that UNDERSTAND freedom and liberty SEEM to be on "the other side" of what the situation was when I first "got woke".,
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

Yah know how many times I have been banned at the democrat underground? At least 10 times for life

The last time they got pissed off by me saying poor people subsidize rich people for electric cars. .

From your link

Overall, we rate Democratic Underground Left Biased based on story selection and political affiliation with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a few failed fact checks.

Exactly.. We cant agree on what "hate speech" is and we cant agree on "who's a racist" and we cant agree on "the number of genders" and we cant agree on most ANY political issue -- but YET these fucking fact checkers SPIN their ratings to their POV.. In fact the basic question is WHY a fact checker should EVEN DRAW A CONCLUSION limited to 3 or 4 choice...

Just the facts. That's what fact-checking is.. You can actually do this YOURSELF..

Not only that - but if "flack checkers" were infallible and objective -- WHYTF would you "dueling fact checkers" on the web?? It's moronic..

The majority of the leftist leaning fact checkers are now ORGANIZED AND ALLIED by the same OBVIOUSLY biased MSMedia orgs that sponsor the Organization..

Just heard the whimp chimp Zuckerberg at Congressional Hearing BRAG about how they use "independent fact checkers at orgs like Poynter Institute.. The ROOT of the Poynter Institute is money from the dead owner of Tampa Bay times -- A MEGA-LEFTIST.. And the newspaper is ENTIRELY LEFT BIASED and always HAS BEEN.,.

This is not a solution to dividing American media into TWO giant hyperpartisan warring tribes. It will lead to DOOM and destruction of this Republic. And NOBODY important is advocating people gathering from ALL POV and discussing things out -- like we try to do AT THIS SITE.. Except maybe me.. Maybe I'm the problem and deluded...

It's gonna get REALLY DANGEROUS AND BORING when EVERYTHING media is split into 2 warring tribes like the 2 party system has forced us into..

Why are there dueling articles and "realities" on the web? Treat fact checkers like any other article instead of getting all incensed.

I'm INCENSED because the LEFT is all gung-ho to exile speech and split the media in this country.. This leads to NUCLEAR LEVEL civil conflict.,. Have Gump telling folks to "get their own site" when the country he lives in probably has 4 major media media outlets.. It pisses me off. GOOGLE HAS BOUGHT anything that moves and looks like competition.. YouTube -- Instagram -- the list goes on. And they can now STRANGLE any site that doesn't knuckle under..

You don't see a problem there? It's a question -- discuss it.. Dont fact check it..

Because I DONT WANT 3 more NewsMaxs and 5 more Daily Callers. That's NOT any kind of nirvana solution.. We dont want 3 FBs and 5 Twitters.. And I don't want or need ANY Twitters or dueling fact checkers. I want places that aren't echo chambers full of parrots and Orwellian fact checkers and biased definitions.

And we need to STOP the facade that ANYONE can dictate "whose a racist" or "what is hate speech" or whether our election has been abused or neglected.

This direction leads to hot conflict and the potential LOSS of democracy and freedom in this country.. YOU just don't care apparently...
i want a place where all people can talk freely. we used to be able to do that but somewhere along the way one side started saying "you can't call someone can't say that...that's offensive" and simply kept ratcheting up their "you can't" scenarios.

I agree. One side started going overboard on what is considered offensive and if you're talking about all the political correctness hysteria - I likely agree with you on that. But there is something the other side is doing that is equally damaging. We have become a culture where anything goes - just because you can, do, and if anyone is offended it's their fault.

We used to have an agreed upon set of rules governing our behavior and language, and if you transgressed, the people - our peers - let you know. Free speech, like any right, carries a certain responsibility with it and people seem to want all the rights but none of the responsibility for consequences.

news media sites are no longer news but ammo for one side to fire at the other. how in the name of god is that healthy OR what we want? no "platform" should be able to tell us all what the TRUTH is. no publisher either. we should be allowed to decide that for ourselves WITHOUT harassment.

I disagree. No GOVERNMENT should limit our access to information, or determine truth for us. However, I do think it's incumbent on our elected officials to be factual and we fail at holding them accountable for that. But platforms are private entities. They have every right to determine what their rules are and what sort of environment they want as long as they treat everyone equally within the rules. They are under no obligation to host everyone or anyone and as long as there is competition

we need to get back to being able to talk about our differences at lvl 1; not instantly making any difference of opinion NAZI crap. far too many people run from 0 to EXTREME in 1 sentence.

Actually the law that protects those private entities REQUIRES they include everyone that's the whole purpose of the protection.

You mean the (outdated) law that is specific to platforms?

Yes, they have to include everyone - but they don't have to allow ALL content. For example they have allow leftist extremists and rightist extremists to have a space but if they have rules regarding hate speech - they can censor content per their rules.
Once again be SPECIFIC and cite for us ANY banning of leftist organizations blogs or voices by Tweeter ot face book or anyone else, We can site hundreds of right wing sites banned or censored. Your last attempt was actually an attempt to ban right wing sites that were pretending to be left wing. You still have not cited any such banning.

Actually, my post had more than just that one link, but you and flac only focused on that one.

Smash Racism D.C. (DC Antifa group)
Ed Krassenstein and Brian Krassenstein - Resistence Twitter activists
Louis Farrakhan
John Brown Gun Clubs

How many politicians and media stars on the left has ANY of these SOSH media blackballed, shadow banned or punished? I don't care about the RARE and IRRELEVANT..

Let's play..

I got Marsha Blackburn and Tulsi Gabbard.. Who ya got??? Need an answer that I'll never get here. Can't remember the last question I asked you that was ever answered..
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You mean the (outdated) law that is specific to platforms?

Yes, they have to include everyone - but they don't have to allow ALL content. For example they have allow leftist extremists and rightist extremists to have a space but if they have rules regarding hate speech - they can censor content per their rules.

Their "rules" are nebulous and unpublished. Couched in weasel words like "hate speech" or "community standards".. And ACTUALLY -- Section 230 applies to ANY internet site that allows open user content. That would include the comment section on the "Budget Brakes" website..

Heard Zuckerberg today brag that he had 35,000 MODERATORS.. It's not "algorithms" that are doing the dirty work.. Vast majority hired out of deep blue cities..
Go address the reasons why I have NO ALLIES on the left anymore.. I'm a LIBERAL.. The Dem party is NO LONGER "liberal".. They are moving towards AUTHORITARIANISM -- I'll reject and distance myself from that

Well, for one, you ain't no liberal., But you're definitely a piece of shit in my eyes, you unAmerican piece of shit. Am I supposed to now pretend to try and empathize with your piece of shit ways? Nah. Pass. Asshole.
Go address the reasons why I have NO ALLIES on the left anymore.. I'm a LIBERAL.. The Dem party is NO LONGER "liberal".. They are moving towards AUTHORITARIANISM -- I'll reject and distance myself from that

Well, for one, you ain't no liberal., But you're definitely a piece of shit in my eyes, you unAmerican piece of shit. Am I supposed to now pretend to try and empathize with your piece of shit ways? Nah. Pass. Asshole.

Your honor -- I present Defense Evidence "A" ^^^^ Crazy as a loon.. INCAPABLE of discussion..
Go address the reasons why I have NO ALLIES on the left anymore.. I'm a LIBERAL.. The Dem party is NO LONGER "liberal".. They are moving towards AUTHORITARIANISM -- I'll reject and distance myself from that

Well, for one, you ain't no liberal., But you're definitely a piece of shit in my eyes, you unAmerican piece of shit. Am I supposed to now pretend to try and empathize with your piece of shit ways? Nah. Pass. Asshole.

Your honor -- I present Defense Evidence "A" ^^^^ Crazy as a loon.. INCAPABLE of discussion..

Exactly right, you piece of shit. This is where we decide your future. Do you accept reality?
Go address the reasons why I have NO ALLIES on the left anymore.. I'm a LIBERAL.. The Dem party is NO LONGER "liberal".. They are moving towards AUTHORITARIANISM -- I'll reject and distance myself from that

Well, for one, you ain't no liberal., But you're definitely a piece of shit in my eyes, you unAmerican piece of shit. Am I supposed to now pretend to try and empathize with your piece of shit ways? Nah. Pass. Asshole.

Your honor -- I present Defense Evidence "A" ^^^^ Crazy as a loon.. INCAPABLE of discussion..

Exactly right, you piece of shit. This is where we decide your future. Do you accept reality?
We decide your future?

Who is we tumble weed?
I spent most of past week on USMB debunking "US military raids on German voting companies", in depth analysis of a MIT professor's FAULTY presentation purporting to NAIL voting machine problems, and beating on 2 or 3 other "righty conspiracies.. So don't attempt to pigeon hole me.. You'll fail miserably..

debunkers become the conspirators in a dystopian panic porn society

I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

Yah know how many times I have been banned at the democrat underground? At least 10 times for life

The last time they got pissed off by me saying poor people subsidize rich people for electric cars. .

From your link

Overall, we rate Democratic Underground Left Biased based on story selection and political affiliation with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a few failed fact checks.

Exactly.. We cant agree on what "hate speech" is and we cant agree on "who's a racist" and we cant agree on "the number of genders" and we cant agree on most ANY political issue -- but YET these fucking fact checkers SPIN their ratings to their POV.. In fact the basic question is WHY a fact checker should EVEN DRAW A CONCLUSION limited to 3 or 4 choice...

Just the facts. That's what fact-checking is.. You can actually do this YOURSELF..

Not only that - but if "flack checkers" were infallible and objective -- WHYTF would you "dueling fact checkers" on the web?? It's moronic..

The majority of the leftist leaning fact checkers are now ORGANIZED AND ALLIED by the same OBVIOUSLY biased MSMedia orgs that sponsor the Organization..

Just heard the whimp chimp Zuckerberg at Congressional Hearing BRAG about how they use "independent fact checkers at orgs like Poynter Institute.. The ROOT of the Poynter Institute is money from the dead owner of Tampa Bay times -- A MEGA-LEFTIST.. And the newspaper is ENTIRELY LEFT BIASED and always HAS BEEN.,.

This is not a solution to dividing American media into TWO giant hyperpartisan warring tribes. It will lead to DOOM and destruction of this Republic. And NOBODY important is advocating people gathering from ALL POV and discussing things out -- like we try to do AT THIS SITE.. Except maybe me.. Maybe I'm the problem and deluded...

It's gonna get REALLY DANGEROUS AND BORING when EVERYTHING media is split into 2 warring tribes like the 2 party system has forced us into..

Why are there dueling articles and "realities" on the web? Treat fact checkers like any other article instead of getting all incensed.

I'm INCENSED because the LEFT is all gung-ho to exile speech and split the media in this country.. This leads to NUCLEAR LEVEL civil conflict.,. Have Gump telling folks to "get their own site" when the country he lives in probably has 4 major media media outlets.. It pisses me off. GOOGLE HAS BOUGHT anything that moves and looks like competition.. YouTube -- Instagram -- the list goes on. And they can now STRANGLE any site that doesn't knuckle under..

You don't see a problem there? It's a question -- discuss it.. Dont fact check it..

Because I DONT WANT 3 more NewsMaxs and 5 more Daily Callers. That's NOT any kind of nirvana solution.. We dont want 3 FBs and 5 Twitters.. And I don't want or need ANY Twitters or dueling fact checkers. I want places that aren't echo chambers full of parrots and Orwellian fact checkers and biased definitions.

And we need to STOP the facade that ANYONE can dictate "whose a racist" or "what is hate speech" or whether our election has been abused or neglected.

This direction leads to hot conflict and the potential LOSS of democracy and freedom in this country.. YOU just don't care apparently...
i want a place where all people can talk freely. we used to be able to do that but somewhere along the way one side started saying "you can't call someone can't say that...that's offensive" and simply kept ratcheting up their "you can't" scenarios.

I agree. One side started going overboard on what is considered offensive and if you're talking about all the political correctness hysteria - I likely agree with you on that. But there is something the other side is doing that is equally damaging. We have become a culture where anything goes - just because you can, do, and if anyone is offended it's their fault.

We used to have an agreed upon set of rules governing our behavior and language, and if you transgressed, the people - our peers - let you know. Free speech, like any right, carries a certain responsibility with it and people seem to want all the rights but none of the responsibility for consequences.

news media sites are no longer news but ammo for one side to fire at the other. how in the name of god is that healthy OR what we want? no "platform" should be able to tell us all what the TRUTH is. no publisher either. we should be allowed to decide that for ourselves WITHOUT harassment.

I disagree. No GOVERNMENT should limit our access to information, or determine truth for us. However, I do think it's incumbent on our elected officials to be factual and we fail at holding them accountable for that. But platforms are private entities. They have every right to determine what their rules are and what sort of environment they want as long as they treat everyone equally within the rules. They are under no obligation to host everyone or anyone and as long as there is competition

we need to get back to being able to talk about our differences at lvl 1; not instantly making any difference of opinion NAZI crap. far too many people run from 0 to EXTREME in 1 sentence.

Actually the law that protects those private entities REQUIRES they include everyone that's the whole purpose of the protection.

You mean the (outdated) law that is specific to platforms?

Yes, they have to include everyone - but they don't have to allow ALL content. For example they have allow leftist extremists and rightist extremists to have a space but if they have rules regarding hate speech - they can censor content per their rules.
outdated law? like pulling the Logan act out of your ass?

it is the law until changed. you can't do as you wish against the law because you feel it doesn't apply.
You mean the (outdated) law that is specific to platforms?

Yes, they have to include everyone - but they don't have to allow ALL content. For example they have allow leftist extremists and rightist extremists to have a space but if they have rules regarding hate speech - they can censor content per their rules.

Their "rules" are nebulous and unpublished. Couched in weasel words like "hate speech" or "community standards".. And ACTUALLY -- Section 230 applies to ANY internet site that allows open user content. That would include the comment section on the "Budget Brakes" website..

Heard Zuckerberg today brag that he had 35,000 MODERATORS.. It's not "algorithms" that are doing the dirty work.. Vast majority hired out of deep blue cities..
And most sites have stopped comments because they can't be regulated easily. a few still have them and a platform is only responsible for illegal content not determining if it is true.

trying to find an angle to get what you want AROUND the law is very leftist to me.
Total Bullshit..; "THE SITE Says"????? You and your fucking brain substitute fact checkers..BACK THAT UP !!! GO to CTH and show me where "THE SITES SAYS" -- any of that..
It isn’t total bullshit. It is a source like any other source, no less valid.

Fallacy of moral equivalence. You've just claimed that all news and theories are true and one is no better or worse than another.

Without even realizing it, you've just both denied the existence of fake news as well as asserting by implication that theories there is no MMGW are just as credible as those which say there is.

Thank you.

How is it false morale equivalence? Fact checking/bias checking etc sites are no different (as in as good or as bad) as any other sources. It all depends on how well they do their job. Just like other sources.

WhatTF GOOD is fact-checker that NOT excellent. objective and accurate? Is it just because folks NEEDS instant "talking points" to defend their position? Need an answer to the BOLDED question above??

AGAIN - it's a source LIKE ANY OTHER. Take it or leave it. What good is ANY article if it's not excellent, objective and accurate...and many are not.
except i'm not given a "take it or leave it" choice, now am i? i'm told i am wrong and my post is deleted, flagged or i am booted/banned for a period of time.

as for your criteria - we've not had objective articles for a long long time. articles are written to incite people. for grins, let me go to CNN and pull up a major articles first few paragraphs.

results are not certified yet, he has not "lost" at this point in time. the media does NOT get to make this call.
objective = no.

first paragraph:
(CNN)President Donald Trump flexed the power of his office Tuesday to tarnish America's free and fair election, sacking the official who declared the vote the most secure in US history, even as more of his false claims of massive fraud were exposed as baseless in court.
none of this is objective. it's written to attack trump and what he is doing to question what *should* be questioned in our election process.
flexed his power
tarnish america
sacking the official who declared it accurate (by what means did this individual do this?)
more false claims of fraud (have we reached a conclusion on these cases or did CNN decide to do this for us?
objective = no.

this article is written with a motive in mind - not simply delivering the news in an "objective and accurate" manner.

now, while you may *agree* with what CNN is saying, the process has not been carried out yet, no certification of the election has been made official, and trump has every right to pursue the path he on. your or ANYONE disagreeing with him on this doesn't make YOU RIGHT and HIM WRONG.

so your cry for honesty is great. who can refuse that ya know? fair and objective reporting. only, we simply don't have much of that from the left OR right these days. to pretend otherwise is to simply agree on an emotional level with crap like what CNN did above because you hate trump.

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