The Psychic Horse


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Just saw a documentary on North Carolina Horse that was studied by a Esp research.
The horse was said to be highly intelligent and intuitive.
So much so that it could predict future occurances and was able to even spell by picking out letter blocks to words it wanted to express.
This horse predicted many events including winners of boxing matches w/100% accuracy
while Jesus predictions failed.
This horse could spell, while Jesus has no evidence of being able to since he did not write anything nor seem to exist in historical records.
So how can a mere horse be greater then Jesus in prophecy and intellect and in historical data?
Jesus predictions failed, What predictions?

(side note I do not believe your story about the horse).
(side note I do not believe your story about the horse).

Of course not, because you are a
Nahaaaaaay sayer!
This was the program:
Psychic Horse Video Mysteries at the Museum Travel Channel
You asked what predictions Jesus made,
none because he didn't exist, but the claim on his image=
Predictions like the kingdom would come in their day and he'd return quickly.
Which christ figures had those doozies?
You don't know because you can't pinpoint which christ is used for the image unless you study each individual christ and speculate which ones are being borrowed for which parts of the NT image and icon.
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I heard something about this horse once

I didn't know it had a 100% prediction rating.
(side note I do not believe your story about the horse).

Of course not, because you are a
Nahaaaaaay sayer!
This was the program:
Psychic Horse Video Mysteries at the Museum Travel Channel
You asked what predictions Jesus made,
none because he didn't exist, but the claim on his image=
Predictions like the kingdom would come in their day and he'd return quickly.
Which christ figures had those doozies?
You don't know because you can't pinpoint which christ is used for the image unless you study each individual christ and speculate which ones are being borrowed for which parts of the NT image and icon.

The kingdom did come, Jesus talked about two different kingdoms, the Godly kingdom and the earthly Kingdom, and the Roman Kingdom did come , did it not?

Sorry you Jews did not like that he DID NOT want to be a leader in battle against the Romans and wanted peace, but who cares?

Both Judaism and Christianity come from Zoroastrian anyway.
(side note I do not believe your story about the horse).

Of course not, because you are a
Nahaaaaaay sayer!
This was the program:
Psychic Horse Video Mysteries at the Museum Travel Channel
You asked what predictions Jesus made,
none because he didn't exist, but the claim on his image=
Predictions like the kingdom would come in their day and he'd return quickly.
Which christ figures had those doozies?
You don't know because you can't pinpoint which christ is used for the image unless you study each individual christ and speculate which ones are being borrowed for which parts of the NT image and icon.

The kingdom did come, Jesus talked about two different kingdoms, the Godly kingdom and the earthly Kingdom, and the Roman Kingdom did come , did it not?

Sorry you Jews did not like that he DID NOT want to be a leader in battle against the Romans and wanted peace, but who cares?

Both Judaism and Christianity come from Zoroastrian anyway.

From where do you get your information about what Jesus wanted, Penelope?--
I read the book and do not remember His
saying ------"I reject rebellion" and do not
recall anyone asking Him to be a military
leader. His attack on the money changers in the Temple was an act of sedition against Rome and He did instruct
his followers to buy some weapons. Thruout that entire period of time---"to
fight or not to fight" was an opened
controversy between all sorts of leaders---popular and not so. You continue to parrot nonsense that you pick up from
idiot writings. The roman kingdom "came"------what is that supposed to mean?-----the Roman kingdom in the book of
revulsions is THE SEVEN HEADED BEAST. (so say some) Which jews
did not or do not like Jesus? ---most jews
back then and even now had and have no opinion.
[FONT=arial, helvetica]Hmmmm.....Not all horses are Psychic but People are like horses some have their blinders so tight around their face that all they are good for is plodding forward in a tight and straight line others have their blinders partially removed and can see there is a bigger world out there not jus t what is out in front of them but they choose to contunie on the path they are on because it is the old familiar road and change is bad or they are scared of the unfamiliar. others were born wild and free without the blinders and when forced to wear them they constantly try to buck the path but their masters keep the blinders on tightly so they cant rebel ..Course there are other types of horses but they are few and far between.....sounds like our friends the christians doesn't it Mikey the ones with their jesus blinding their way.....smiling....Shimon[/FONT]
Good Horse Analogy.

Penelope you just admited their kingdom was in death and not the kingdom of the creator.
Osiris was the King of the dead (underworld)this is basically the same claim of Jesus who admited in John that he was not King of this world thus he means his kingdom was in death (the false soul flying life Ezekiel 13:20-22).
G-d's gift was life, you were to chose life not death(deut), Jesus is that test to either chose G-d's gift or thumb your nose at life for the delusion of a place in death (the curse) thus those who chose the Kingdom of death (to be with Jesus) chose the curse and reject the creators creation.
You also admited the faith's kingdom was that of the adversary Rome's opposite Moshiach to liberate.
Remember Baracopa was a major Messiah figure till he failed to win and Liberate them from Rome.
The Galilean tax revolter who died 6bc and Jordan River AD era christ dying in 45ad failed to Liberate their people and instead got them killed. In fact Luke 24:19-20 in the greek texts admited that This figure was not who they expected him to be as he failed to liberate them. This portion of Luke found in earlier text and mentioned in an earlier book is squelched/removed just as they removed Thomas for his similar doubt. Rome defeated these figures by slaying them and their followers & becoming the new authority to their messianic movement, converging them into nonexistance & thus creating the new one world religion
that included temple and worshipers of Baal/ Mithra/Dagon/Esus and all the other Mystery sun religions.

Fact: The scrolls say "the Kingdom of Michael"
and never ever says Kingdom of Jesus.
Good Horse Analogy.

Penelope you just admited their kingdom was in death and not the kingdom of the creator.
Osiris was the King of the dead (underworld)this is basically the same claim of Jesus who admited in John that he was not King of this world thus he means his kingdom was in death (the false soul flying life Ezekiel 13:20-22).
G-d's gift was life, you were to chose life not death(deut), Jesus is that test to either chose G-d's gift or thumb your nose at life for the delusion of a place in death (the curse) thus those who chose the Kingdom of death (to be with Jesus) chose the curse and reject the creators creation.
You also admited the faith's kingdom was that of the adversary Rome's opposite Moshiach to liberate.
Remember Baracopa was a major Messiah figure till he failed to win and Liberate them from Rome.
The Galilean tax revolter who died 6bc and Jordan River AD era christ dying in 45ad failed to Liberate their people and instead got them killed. In fact Luke 24:19-20 in the greek texts admited that This figure was not who they expected him to be as he failed to liberate them. This portion of Luke found in earlier text and mentioned in an earlier book is squelched/removed just as they removed Thomas for his similar doubt. Rome defeated these figures by slaying them and their followers & becoming the new authority to their messianic movement, converging them into nonexistance & thus creating the new one world religion
that included temple and worshipers of Baal/ Mithra/Dagon/Esus and all the other Mystery sun religions.

Fact: The scrolls say "the Kingdom of Michael"
and never ever says Kingdom of Jesus.
Next they might have a show on tv about a talking horse..ooops they already did edd..... The problem might be that the people were taught that the lord will be riding into jerusalem lowly like a man on a donkey...but that might make him...if you pardon me a double assed lord.... And methinks in todays time there are better ways to travel so a psychic horse might suffice or better yet no barnyard animals are allowed into the kingdom who still believe they witnessed a certain birth in a stable when they is no proof except in some wide eyed tales by roosters that only crow in the morning and keep their beaks shut in the night...

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