The Problems of Being Protestant


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
The problems of being Protestant?

None of it makes any sense.

I talked to a Lutheran the other day, who was trying to convince me that the world really was created in six days, and the Genesis story was accurate as to what really happened.

And I told him that the Genesis creation story didn't have to be believed as literally what happened in the scientific sense of the world, and he said, I know, but really the science is sound considering what the writers f the day knew about science.

I went into a Protestant bookstore and there was actually a chart proving that the world is 6000 years old by showing the line of Old Testament figures from Adam down to Jesus, which took 4000 years, and then adding 2000 years since the birth of Jesus.

Also, there was a chart that explained how Catholicism worked, and it was a very complicated chart showing lines and boxes and the whole thing was meant to prove that Catholicism, because it is complicated and difficult to understand, must be wrong.

The Protestant formula for salvation? It's very simple. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, and that's all you have to do. You are "saved" and after that you go to heaven and, as Martin Luther said, you could commit adultery thousands of times per day and still go to heaven.

The problem with the United States is that it is a Protestant majority country, so as Protestantism dies in America, as it must die because of its own lack of internal logic, then Christianity in America dies too.

The only hope in the Western world is a resurgence of Catholicism. The reason Catholicism is in crisis is because the Western world is in crisis, and the sinfulness and moral relativism of the Western world has infected the Catholic Church and is killing it from within. In non-Western countries, the Catholic Church is booming, and in fact the Catholic Church has grown by 57% between 1980 and 2012.

There's a major global shift happening in the Catholic Church | Christian News on Christian Today

The crisis is the Catholic priesthood is a spiritual crisis. Western people are taught from childhood that there is no virtue in abstaining from sex for a higher purpose. In Western culture, driven by Hollywood movies and popular music, sex is worshipped like a pagan idol. The typical Hollywood movie portrays sexual relations to be the highest purpose of men and women, and a romantic wedding to be some kind of ending that leads to a "happily ever after" life, with no accounting for how difficult and discouraging married life can be in an imperfect world where sickness, poverty, and lack of material success can strain any relationship, even the most committed.

To be a good Catholic priest is to reject the dominant Western culture in a radical way. And many priests, maybe even most of them, do not reject the dominant Western culture that teaches that divorce is really not that bad, birth control is really not that bad. Even on serious issues like homosexuality, many Catholic priests have abandoned Catholic teachings. And what's worse, the Catholic Church, despite rules against it, have allowed so many homosexuals into the priesthood that it threatens to topple the Church itself and upend it.

The atheists gloat at the crisis in Christianity, but they do not own the future, they never will. Atheism, true rejection of God, gods, spirituality, and superstition, will never attract more than a tiny minority of the people. Most people, even Christians, believe in such things as good luck charms, blowing on dice, astrology, ouiji boards, and the like. As Christianity declines, people will not port over to atheism, they will devolve into darker and more dangerous forms of superstition. The worship of pagan gods, demons, and idols is on the increase throughout the Western World, and as people dabble more and more in such things, Satanic possession is on the rise. The Catholic Church has had to respond by accellerating its training of exorcists, priests skilled and spiritually strong enough to cast demons from people's bodies.

I do not know if Western civilization can be saved. History teaches that once a civilization begins to decline, there is no reversing the process, as people reject the old gods, and old traditions, and honor, and duty and sacrifice to higher goals, people become more selfish, more wicked, more perverse, and the final end is that the civilization is swept away by conquerers. And that is happening to us.

But the Catholic Church will survive the collapse of Western civilization, just as it survived the fall of the Roman Empire. And in the ashes, the Catholic Church will start to rebuild itself, and will rebuild a new, and maybe even better civilization than the one we are living in.

But Protestantism will die with Western Civilization. It is not based on the truth, but on lies and errors propagated by Martin Luther, who was perhaps one of the craziest men who ever lived. it is a wonder it lasted as long as it did, 500 years.
My main issue with Protestant doctrine is that it is all made up as they go along.

Essentially they don't need to do anything, no confession, no repentance, just keep putting money in the donation plate and "confess Jesus". No need for good works. Nothing.

My secondary issue with Protestant churches is that they have no authority in the priesthood.

The Catholic Church traces its authority to St. Peter the chief apostle of Jesus.

The Eastern Orthodox traces its authority to St. Paul the chief apostle sent to Greece and Syria.

The Protestants have no apostles to which they may trace anything. They only have an apostate priest named Martin Luther and an apostate king named Henry 8th.
Another problem with authority is that any clown with a Bible and a microphone can set up shop in a retail storefront location and declare himself a Protestant minister, and there is no one to say, "You are not even slightly qualified to preach the Gospel, because you are lacking in even the basics of education in theology."
The problems of being Protestant?

None of it makes any sense.

I talked to a Lutheran the other day, who was trying to convince me that the world really was created in six days, and the Genesis story was accurate as to what really happened.

And I told him that the Genesis creation story didn't have to be believed as literally what happened in the scientific sense of the world, and he said, I know, but really the science is sound considering what the writers f the day knew about science.

I went into a Protestant bookstore and there was actually a chart proving that the world is 6000 years old by showing the line of Old Testament figures from Adam down to Jesus, which took 4000 years, and then adding 2000 years since the birth of Jesus.

Also, there was a chart that explained how Catholicism worked, and it was a very complicated chart showing lines and boxes and the whole thing was meant to prove that Catholicism, because it is complicated and difficult to understand, must be wrong.

The Protestant formula for salvation? It's very simple. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, and that's all you have to do. You are "saved" and after that you go to heaven and, as Martin Luther said, you could commit adultery thousands of times per day and still go to heaven.

The problem with the United States is that it is a Protestant majority country, so as Protestantism dies in America, as it must die because of its own lack of internal logic, then Christianity in America dies too.

The only hope in the Western world is a resurgence of Catholicism. The reason Catholicism is in crisis is because the Western world is in crisis, and the sinfulness and moral relativism of the Western world has infected the Catholic Church and is killing it from within. In non-Western countries, the Catholic Church is booming, and in fact the Catholic Church has grown by 57% between 1980 and 2012.

There's a major global shift happening in the Catholic Church | Christian News on Christian Today

The crisis is the Catholic priesthood is a spiritual crisis. Western people are taught from childhood that there is no virtue in abstaining from sex for a higher purpose. In Western culture, driven by Hollywood movies and popular music, sex is worshipped like a pagan idol. The typical Hollywood movie portrays sexual relations to be the highest purpose of men and women, and a romantic wedding to be some kind of ending that leads to a "happily ever after" life, with no accounting for how difficult and discouraging married life can be in an imperfect world where sickness, poverty, and lack of material success can strain any relationship, even the most committed.

To be a good Catholic priest is to reject the dominant Western culture in a radical way. And many priests, maybe even most of them, do not reject the dominant Western culture that teaches that divorce is really not that bad, birth control is really not that bad. Even on serious issues like homosexuality, many Catholic priests have abandoned Catholic teachings. And what's worse, the Catholic Church, despite rules against it, have allowed so many homosexuals into the priesthood that it threatens to topple the Church itself and upend it.

The atheists gloat at the crisis in Christianity, but they do not own the future, they never will. Atheism, true rejection of God, gods, spirituality, and superstition, will never attract more than a tiny minority of the people. Most people, even Christians, believe in such things as good luck charms, blowing on dice, astrology, ouiji boards, and the like. As Christianity declines, people will not port over to atheism, they will devolve into darker and more dangerous forms of superstition. The worship of pagan gods, demons, and idols is on the increase throughout the Western World, and as people dabble more and more in such things, Satanic possession is on the rise. The Catholic Church has had to respond by accellerating its training of exorcists, priests skilled and spiritually strong enough to cast demons from people's bodies.

I do not know if Western civilization can be saved. History teaches that once a civilization begins to decline, there is no reversing the process, as people reject the old gods, and old traditions, and honor, and duty and sacrifice to higher goals, people become more selfish, more wicked, more perverse, and the final end is that the civilization is swept away by conquerers. And that is happening to us.

But the Catholic Church will survive the collapse of Western civilization, just as it survived the fall of the Roman Empire. And in the ashes, the Catholic Church will start to rebuild itself, and will rebuild a new, and maybe even better civilization than the one we are living in.

But Protestantism will die with Western Civilization. It is not based on the truth, but on lies and errors propagated by Martin Luther, who was perhaps one of the craziest men who ever lived. it is a wonder it lasted as long as it did, 500 years.

Every trinity based religion on earth is false--they do not teach what Jesus taught--they teach the dogmas of men. Jesus' teachings prove it 100%
Why then did the Protestants protest against the Catholics? Was it not because of the burning at the stake of heretics, the practice of indulgences, not allowing the reading of the bible, and the torturing of any disobedience?
Of course when we have a Democrat president and a Democrat congress all this religious bickering will go away. You'll all be atheists and you'll damn well like it. If you don't then, no problem, re-education will fix that very quickly.....if it doesn't kill you first.
Why then did the Protestants protest against the Catholics? Was it not because of the burning at the stake of heretics, the practice of indulgences, not allowing the reading of the bible, and the torturing of any disobedience?
You can google Martin Luther's list if you want to know. Google is your friend.
Of course when we have a Democrat president and a Democrat congress all this religious bickering will go away. You'll all be atheists and you'll damn well like it. If you don't then, no problem, re-education will fix that very quickly.....if it doesn't kill you first.
Why then did the Protestants protest against the Catholics? Was it not because of the burning at the stake of heretics, the practice of indulgences, not allowing the reading of the bible, and the torturing of any disobedience?

They saw this in Catholicism--2Thess 2:3--- but then failed to realize the only translating left by the time they translated was Catholicism translating--the errors carried over into every single protestant religion ser ving a non existent trinity on they all are in the same boat--up the creek without a paddle-Mark 3:24-26

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