The problem with establishment electoral politics.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 16, 2012
The problem with establishment electoral politics is it will never produce another candidate that actually represents the people rather than the political machines and the big financed interests it represents. This is the cause of the fraction in the Republican party. It likewise is the cause of the so called AstroTurf movements with in the Democratic Party. People that follow the process know the game is rigged, and career politicians like it that way.

Group Plans to Draft Judge Andrew Napolitano for President in 2016
"Standing at the podium and reading from a teleprompter, Boehner instructed those in favor of the rules to say “aye” and those opposed to say “nay.”

Video of the vote clearly demonstrates that those against the adoption of the Romney-friendly rules numbered at least as many as those in favor. In light of the closeness of the voice vote, Boehner should have called for a roll call vote rather than a voice vote. But in another example of unexplained deviation from applicable Republican Party protocol, Boehner ignored the dissenting votes, declaring, “The ayes have it.”

More shocking than the speaker’s ignoring of the dissenting votes is the revelations that came through cellphone video posted to the Internet only minutes after this “vote.”

These videos record the script scrolling on Boehner’s teleprompter and reveal that the adoption of the rules was scripted and that the new rules weren’t voted on at all. Regardless of how long before Boehner's appearance the script was written and entered into the teleprompter, the undeniable fact is that the outcome of the vote was decided in advance by whoever had that text typed into the teleprompter.

Put simply, the passage of a radical new rulebook rewritten by a lawyer from the Romney campaign was predetermined and the voice vote taken at the convention was a sham, sound and fury signifying nothing.

With that bit of shameful recent history in mind, how does Revolution PAC propose to get Napolitano’s name on the ticket, assuming he accepted their invitation to run and was able to get his name on the ballot in all 50 states?

It is unlikely, but when reading Hunter’s praise for Judge Napolitano, it is easy to overlook the GOP establishment’s animosity toward libertarians. Hunter says:

The best thing about Judge Andrew Napolitano as a candidate for president is that he, like Ron Paul, will always tell the truth, no matter what, so help him God. No obfuscation, no weasel words, no mumbo jumbo and gobbledygook, no pandering to the Establishment — just the truth, the plain truth and nothing but the truth.

Unfortunately, the plain truth and nothing but the truth is that the fix is in. The small but powerful monied cabal that runs the Republican (and Democratic, for that matter) Party will never allow a man they cannot control to be their party’s nominee for president. They railroaded Ron Paul, and they would do likewise to Andrew Napolitano."
Group Plans to Draft Judge Andrew Napolitano for President in 2016

Defend Liberty, Draft Judge Napolitano For President In 2016
Defend Liberty Draft Judge Napolitano For President In 2016 - Forbes

The best thing about Judge Andrew Napolitano as a candidate for president is that he, like Ron Paul, will always tell the truth, no matter what, so help him God. No obfuscation, no weasel words, no mumbo jumbo and gobbledygook, no pandering to the Establishment—just the truth, the plain truth and nothing but the truth.

The Ship of State is listing badly, and Judge Andrew Napolitano is the star to steer her by. Defend Liberty. Draft the Judge.

Apparently they didn't learn how corrupt the system was when they ran Ron Paul?
All of that just for a vote for Independent spiel?
If you had bothered to read the entirety of the articles, you would see they are seeking the Republican nomination. Anyone that studies American politics knows that the media establishment and the electoral establishment have both pretty much been compromised so much to the point that getting elected and ruling as an independent candidate has been made impossible.

The two major parties control the debates, the polling and how elections are run. Independents don't stand a chance. People will not hear about them or what they stand for. The corporate controlled media will make sure of that. The public imagines they don't have a chance, and so they don't. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This issue isn't one of supporting independents. This issue is one about how voting no longer matters as long as how the way candidates are chosen is corrupt.

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