The Problem With Christian Nationalism

More ignorance.

Not being a White/Christian Nationalist does not make one a "prog", regardless of how simple your little world is. Sorry.
My cause is that we are a nation with borders, language and culture. Yours is of globalism. There is no answer for so many ways of living. Destroying the traditional marriage to attain the attempt of doing that is our demise.
My cause is that we are a nation with borders, language and culture. Yours is of globalism. There is no answer for so many ways of living. Destroying the traditional marriage to attain the attempt of doing that is our demise.
Another ignorant assumption.

Your mind is a wasteland of shallow platitudes and slogans.
Yes, a White Nationalist. Illustrating my point, perfectly.

You poor things have no idea how often you do that. But it's always appreciated.

I'm (mostly) white and I'm a nationalist.

So call the cops.

It would accomplish more for you than this leftist whine.

There are some Nazi-adjacent politicians these days claiming they are "Christian Nationalists".

So what is Christian Nationalism, you may be wondering.

Well, they want to trash the First Amendment and have our federal government declare we are a Christian nation.

In the same way White Nationalists want a white nation.

Marjorie Taylor Greene has declared herself a CN. I don't know what Bible she has which allows for an open marriage, though. I don't know what Bible she has which sanctions bearing false witness against others.

Maybe she ripped out a few pages here and there. I don't know.

The problem with Christian Nationalism is, which brand of Christianity will we be? I certainly don't want to be MTG's brand!

In 1802, the Baptists of Danbury, Connecticut wrote to Founder Thomas Jefferson to tell him of their plight. The official state religion of Connecticut was Protestant Calvinism. The Baptists felt their religious freedom was being impinged upon.

Jefferson's response letter contained the immortal words "separation of church and state" to describe the intent of the First Amendment's establishment clause.

So if we were to toss out the Bill of Rights and force everyone to believe what they are told to believe, which belief would that be?

Would it be Catholic integralism? They are the largest Christian denomination in America.

But then MTG believes Catholics work for Satan.

So you see the problem.

MTG is a crazy bitch.
I am atheist.
I dont want religious ideals running my life.
Despite all that, I still think you are a hyperbolic dumbfuck.
There are some Nazi-adjacent politicians these days claiming they are "Christian Nationalists".

So what is Christian Nationalism, you may be wondering.

Well, they want to trash the First Amendment and have our federal government declare we are a Christian nation.

In the same way White Nationalists want a white nation.

Marjorie Taylor Greene has declared herself a CN. I don't know what Bible she has which allows for an open marriage, though. I don't know what Bible she has which sanctions bearing false witness against others.

Maybe she ripped out a few pages here and there. I don't know.

The problem with Christian Nationalism is, which brand of Christianity will we be? I certainly don't want to be MTG's brand!

In 1802, the Baptists of Danbury, Connecticut wrote to Founder Thomas Jefferson to tell him of their plight. The official state religion of Connecticut was Protestant Calvinism. The Baptists felt their religious freedom was being impinged upon.

Jefferson's response letter contained the immortal words "separation of church and state" to describe the intent of the First Amendment's establishment clause.

So if we were to toss out the Bill of Rights and force everyone to believe what they are told to believe, which belief would that be?

Would it be Catholic integralism? They are the largest Christian denomination in America.

But then MTG believes Catholics work for Satan.

So you see the problem.

Why do you make a post about something that would never happen?
There are some Nazi-adjacent politicians these days claiming they are "Christian Nationalists".

So what is Christian Nationalism, you may be wondering.

Well, they want to trash the First Amendment and have our federal government declare we are a Christian nation.

In the same way White Nationalists want a white nation.

Marjorie Taylor Greene has declared herself a CN. I don't know what Bible she has which allows for an open marriage, though. I don't know what Bible she has which sanctions bearing false witness against others.

Maybe she ripped out a few pages here and there. I don't know.

The problem with Christian Nationalism is, which brand of Christianity will we be? I certainly don't want to be MTG's brand!

In 1802, the Baptists of Danbury, Connecticut wrote to Founder Thomas Jefferson to tell him of their plight. The official state religion of Connecticut was Protestant Calvinism. The Baptists felt their religious freedom was being impinged upon.

Jefferson's response letter contained the immortal words "separation of church and state" to describe the intent of the First Amendment's establishment clause.

So if we were to toss out the Bill of Rights and force everyone to believe what they are told to believe, which belief would that be?

Would it be Catholic integralism? They are the largest Christian denomination in America.

But then MTG believes Catholics work for Satan.

So you see the problem.

Your Heroes, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and Bill Gates are all Globalist DemNazi Fascists.
And there is no such thing as Christian Nationalism. That is a made up term made up by you Nazi turds to demonize Christians.
There is National Socialism and International Socialism which is Nazism.

You are a Nazi and Joe Biden is a Nazi and his handlers, Soros, Gates and Schwab are Nazis.
My cause is that we are a nation with borders, language and culture. Yours is of globalism. There is no answer for so many ways of living. Destroying the traditional marriage to attain the attempt of doing that is our demise.
Donald Trump has destroyed marriage with his three wives and serial adultery and fucking porn stars while his third wife is at home with their newborn.

Rush Limbaugh destroyed marriage with his four wives.

Newt Gingrich destroyed marriage with his three wives.

Marjorie Taylor Greene has destroyed marriage with her open marriage.

The county clerk who would not sign a gay marriage certificate destroyed marriage with her FIVE husbands.

Not once have you or any other Trumptard on this forum denounced Donald Trump's despicable behavior of adultery, theft, or false witness.

Not once have you or any other Trumptard on this forum denounced Marjorie Taylor Greene's despicable behavior of adultery or false witness.

And you yourself constantly bear false witness against others, including in this topic and this post of yours.

You stand up for and defend and espouse pure evil.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, a self-declared Christian Nationalist, has said Catholics are working for Satan, and the tards are totally cool with that.

So you see the problem with Christian Nationalism, right?

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