The Problem With American Law Enforcement

I seem to recall watching an African American man trying to beat a female officer to death during a traffic stop recently, he got 60 years in prison. Maybe we need to get minorities to stop committing such a disproportionate amount of the crime and stop being so violent then address police violence.

Another stupid statement. John Dillinger killed 13 cops and 6 Federal Officers. So what? How many black men have been shot for "looking suspicious"? A white cop who was found guilty of shooting (without provocation) a black child of 11, to death was given 3 years probation. In other words - your bullshit assertion holds no water.

The large African American man sucker punched the much smaller female officer, beat her to the ground then he jumped on top of her and repeatedly punched her in the face as hard as he could while she was unconscious and could not even defend herself, while his daughter watched in horror.

No shit. I've seen the dash cam video from 2001. If that's all you have - you're shit outta luck. Oh and knock this "African American" shit out. They are black. Just like me. End of story.

Black, African American, whatever go ask the low life race card playing left what's acceptable today vs yesterday.

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