CDZ The Problem Isn't Just Trump, It's Our Ignorant Electorate


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Virulent as he may be, Donald J. Trump is a symptom not the disease. Without us, he would amount to nothing more than what he had always been before the bizzaro presidential election of 2016: a foppish narcissist desperate for any measure of affirmation; a joke; a nothing. He did not create his voters. They have been there all along, seething with sometimes justifiable anger and suffering their various insecurities. They created and enabled Trump. And make no mistake, in all their vulnerable humanity, they are us: Gullible, compliant, distracted, marinating in irony.

Surveys conducted every two years by the National Science Foundation consistently demonstrate that slightly more than half of Americans reject the settled science concerning human evolution. They are not unaware that virtually all credible scientists accept the overwhelming evidence that we evolved from earlier species. They simply choose not to accept that consensus because it doesn’t comport with their deeply held beliefs. Many also embrace the absurd notion that the earth is only six thousand years old. Astonishingly, in the early 21st century, around a quarter of our citizenry seems unaware that said earth revolves around the sun.

The Problem Isn’t Just Trump. It’s Our Ignorant Electorate.
Our voters are fucking retarded. 3/4 of them dont care enough about our country to even research the issues and solutions.
Its been that way for decades.
Yeah, we got stuck with a complete dumbfuck but what were the options?
Hillary the hag? LOL Some crazy bitch from the green party that destroys private property? LOL Some borderline retard in the libertarian party? LOL
Hopefully 2020 will be better. But i have my doubts.
Virulent as he may be, Donald J. Trump is a symptom not the disease. Without us, he would amount to nothing more than what he had always been before the bizzaro presidential election of 2016: a foppish narcissist desperate for any measure of affirmation; a joke; a nothing. He did not create his voters. They have been there all along, seething with sometimes justifiable anger and suffering their various insecurities. They created and enabled Trump. And make no mistake, in all their vulnerable humanity, they are us: Gullible, compliant, distracted, marinating in irony.

Surveys conducted every two years by the National Science Foundation consistently demonstrate that slightly more than half of Americans reject the settled science concerning human evolution. They are not unaware that virtually all credible scientists accept the overwhelming evidence that we evolved from earlier species. They simply choose not to accept that consensus because it doesn’t comport with their deeply held beliefs. Many also embrace the absurd notion that the earth is only six thousand years old. Astonishingly, in the early 21st century, around a quarter of our citizenry seems unaware that said earth revolves around the sun.

The Problem Isn’t Just Trump. It’s Our Ignorant Electorate.

Yes, because denigrating them is a sure way to win them over.

A big portion of the Democratic base, Evangelical blacks, believe the same things about science. When will progressives call them out about that?

What you are complaining about is "we could do all these wonderful things if we just didn't have to deal with those pesky voters"

It's the typical progressive slide into tyranny that occurs when some of the people simply don't want what progressives are selling.

My signature quote nicely wraps up my view on do-gooders.
Virulent as he may be, Donald J. Trump is a symptom not the disease.
Correct, although I would take it one step further because many people don't vote: He is a symptom of a culture in decay, the predictable result of a constant societal willingness to lower standards & expectations whenever challenged. From Left to Right.

Those we choose to "lead" us are a reflection of us. That should concern us.
Virulent as he may be, Donald J. Trump is a symptom not the disease.
Correct, although I would take it one step further because many people don't vote: He is a symptom of a culture in decay, the predictable result of a constant societal willingness to lower standards & expectations whenever challenged. From Left to Right.

Those we choose to "lead" us are a reflection of us. That should concern us.

Yes. And what I would add to that is the failure of even an elementary grasp of how the government we currently live by works.

We are enamored by personalities. Movie stars, sports figures, musicians, showmen of all types.

When we should be enamored with the policies these charlatans will force us to live by, and the lowering of the living standards that will ensue.
Oh look, another "my candidates lost the election because voters are so stupid thread".

I agree and I disagree.

Ever since that "fuzzy math" remark went over so well nearly 20 years ago I have been aware of the Archie Bunkering (or Homer Simpsoning) of white American society. It became cool to be stupid and not able to do the math.

But yeah, calling folks stupid isn't going to win them over to your point of view.
So, does this mean that all the uneducated blacks who vote democratic are really brilliant, instead?

Extreme partisans love to affirm themselves by casting other extreme partisans as stupid, even as they both divide the world into two opposing groups and then champion one of them.

Trump did not win because people are stupid. He won because people rejected the identity politics bull shit Hillary was peddling that insulted them and did not address their needs The Democratic party has become the party of disparate minorities with a huge chip on their shoulder instead of a party that looks out for working stiffs. That's why he won instead of people being stupid even if it is tempting for extreme partisans to oversimplify.
So, does this mean that all the uneducated blacks who vote democratic are really brilliant, instead?

Extreme partisans love to affirm themselves by casting other extreme partisans as stupid, even as they both divide the world into two opposing groups and then champion one of them.

Trump did not win because people are stupid.
Yes he did. look at all the comments here by Trump supporters. There is your proof right there.

He won because people rejected the identity politics bull shit Hillary was peddling that insulted them and did not address their needs
Are you suggesting that if Bernie won the Democratic nomination that many of the Trump supporters would have voted for him? I believe regardless of who the Democratic candidate was the majority of Trump supporters still wouldn't have voted that way. I believe 95% of the people that do vote stick to either Democratic or republicans sides while only 5% change.
The Democratic party has become the party of disparate minorities with a huge chip on their shoulder instead of a party that looks out for working stiffs.
Neither party looks out for the working stiffs. They both throw out the occasional bone for the common working man but their main interests are for the very rich.
That's why he won instead of people being stupid even if it is tempting for extreme partisans to oversimplify.
One thing I find odd is even conservative people around the world think Trump and his followers are idiots.
Virulent as he may be, Donald J. Trump is a symptom not the disease. Without us, he would amount to nothing more than what he had always been before the bizzaro presidential election of 2016: a foppish narcissist desperate for any measure of affirmation; a joke; a nothing. He did not create his voters. They have been there all along, seething with sometimes justifiable anger and suffering their various insecurities. They created and enabled Trump. And make no mistake, in all their vulnerable humanity, they are us: Gullible, compliant, distracted, marinating in irony.

Surveys conducted every two years by the National Science Foundation consistently demonstrate that slightly more than half of Americans reject the settled science concerning human evolution. They are not unaware that virtually all credible scientists accept the overwhelming evidence that we evolved from earlier species. They simply choose not to accept that consensus because it doesn’t comport with their deeply held beliefs. Many also embrace the absurd notion that the earth is only six thousand years old. Astonishingly, in the early 21st century, around a quarter of our citizenry seems unaware that said earth revolves around the sun.

The Problem Isn’t Just Trump. It’s Our Ignorant Electorate.
Don't forget to include an electorate that wants a free lunch. They want honest politicians and elections but won't pay for them. They want good gov't services, a phenomenally powerful military, social security, health care AND low taxes.

Another electorate shortcoming is that they don't care if their politicians lie, spin, and otherwise deceive them. By electing pols that blatantly lie to us we ensure the honesty bar is extremely low.

In short, we don't get the gov't we want, we get the gov't we deserve.
Virulent as he may be, Donald J. Trump is a symptom not the disease. Without us, he would amount to nothing more than what he had always been before the bizzaro presidential election of 2016: a foppish narcissist desperate for any measure of affirmation; a joke; a nothing. He did not create his voters. They have been there all along, seething with sometimes justifiable anger and suffering their various insecurities. They created and enabled Trump. And make no mistake, in all their vulnerable humanity, they are us: Gullible, compliant, distracted, marinating in irony.

Surveys conducted every two years by the National Science Foundation consistently demonstrate that slightly more than half of Americans reject the settled science concerning human evolution. They are not unaware that virtually all credible scientists accept the overwhelming evidence that we evolved from earlier species. They simply choose not to accept that consensus because it doesn’t comport with their deeply held beliefs. Many also embrace the absurd notion that the earth is only six thousand years old. Astonishingly, in the early 21st century, around a quarter of our citizenry seems unaware that said earth revolves around the sun.

The Problem Isn’t Just Trump. It’s Our Ignorant Electorate.
Well thanks, this attitude is why America threw the Democrats out.
Our voters are fucking retarded. 3/4 of them dont care enough about our country to even research the issues and solutions.
Its been that way for decades.
Yeah, we got stuck with a complete dumbfuck but what were the options?
Hillary the hag? LOL Some crazy bitch from the green party that destroys private property? LOL Some borderline retard in the libertarian party? LOL
Hopefully 2020 will be better. But i have my doubts.
Which of Trumps policies is dumb?
Virulent as he may be, Donald J. Trump is a symptom not the disease. Without us, he would amount to nothing more than what he had always been before the bizzaro presidential election of 2016: a foppish narcissist desperate for any measure of affirmation; a joke; a nothing. He did not create his voters. They have been there all along, seething with sometimes justifiable anger and suffering their various insecurities. They created and enabled Trump. And make no mistake, in all their vulnerable humanity, they are us: Gullible, compliant, distracted, marinating in irony.

The Problem Isn’t Just Trump. It’s Our Ignorant Electorate.
Hillary Nation Hallucinations

I hope your therapy of telling fairy tales will work in making the imaginary monsters go away. If not, take Ritalin.
When you remove civics...when you preach and teach social and cultural egalitarianism as law...when you lower standards to the point where EVERYONE is not only pushed toward but is accepted to a university. When when when...people tend to become a little dim.
The electorate is only as great as the culture and society from which it springs...garbage in...garbage out.
Virulent as he may be, Donald J. Trump is a symptom not the disease. Without us, he would amount to nothing more than what he had always been before the bizzaro presidential election of 2016: a foppish narcissist desperate for any measure of affirmation; a joke; a nothing. He did not create his voters. They have been there all along, seething with sometimes justifiable anger and suffering their various insecurities. They created and enabled Trump. And make no mistake, in all their vulnerable humanity, they are us: Gullible, compliant, distracted, marinating in irony.

The Problem Isn’t Just Trump. It’s Our Ignorant Electorate.
Hillary Nation Hallucinations

I hope your therapy of telling fairy tales will work in making the imaginary monsters go away. If not, take Ritalin.
Ritalin is mainly used for ADHD. Not for psychotic symptoms in general.
Virulent as he may be, Donald J. Trump is a symptom not the disease. Without us, he would amount to nothing more than what he had always been before the bizzaro presidential election of 2016: a foppish narcissist desperate for any measure of affirmation; a joke; a nothing. He did not create his voters. They have been there all along, seething with sometimes justifiable anger and suffering their various insecurities. They created and enabled Trump. And make no mistake, in all their vulnerable humanity, they are us: Gullible, compliant, distracted, marinating in irony.

Surveys conducted every two years by the National Science Foundation consistently demonstrate that slightly more than half of Americans reject the settled science concerning human evolution. They are not unaware that virtually all credible scientists accept the overwhelming evidence that we evolved from earlier species. They simply choose not to accept that consensus because it doesn’t comport with their deeply held beliefs. Many also embrace the absurd notion that the earth is only six thousand years old. Astonishingly, in the early 21st century, around a quarter of our citizenry seems unaware that said earth revolves around the sun.

The Problem Isn’t Just Trump. It’s Our Ignorant Electorate.
Yes. Continue to insult and denigrate those who disagree with you.

Unfortunately, we were given the poorest of choices for President.

You may be gullible, compliant and distracted. You are not alone. Just don't drag the rest of us down with you.

You may also suffer from your own various insecurities, projecting them on others, while denying they exist within yourself.

Do you think that Clinton was to be the cure for whatever disease ails this country?

Just like the Messiah?

Our Political class is the disease.

Trump is not the cure.

Your party has lost it's way and with it you have lost our support.
Virulent as he may be, Donald J. Trump is a symptom not the disease. Without us, he would amount to nothing more than what he had always been before the bizzaro presidential election of 2016: a foppish narcissist desperate for any measure of affirmation; a joke; a nothing. He did not create his voters. They have been there all along, seething with sometimes justifiable anger and suffering their various insecurities. They created and enabled Trump. And make no mistake, in all their vulnerable humanity, they are us: Gullible, compliant, distracted, marinating in irony.

Surveys conducted every two years by the National Science Foundation consistently demonstrate that slightly more than half of Americans reject the settled science concerning human evolution. They are not unaware that virtually all credible scientists accept the overwhelming evidence that we evolved from earlier species. They simply choose not to accept that consensus because it doesn’t comport with their deeply held beliefs. Many also embrace the absurd notion that the earth is only six thousand years old. Astonishingly, in the early 21st century, around a quarter of our citizenry seems unaware that said earth revolves around the sun.

The Problem Isn’t Just Trump. It’s Our Ignorant Electorate.
Duplicate deleted.
I believe regardless of who the Democratic candidate was the majority of Trump supporters still wouldn't have voted that way.
Be that as it may, were Trump to have obtained but five percent fewer votes in the "battleground" states, he wouldn't today be POTUS. Consequently, to win, Trump needed not only the majority of his voters but every last one of them.
Margins of victory examples:
  • Michigan 0.3 percent -- Trump 47.6%, Clinton 47.3%
  • Wisconsin 1 percent -- Trump 47.9%, Clinton 46.9%; Difference: 27,257 votes
  • Pennsylvania 1.2 percent -- Trump 48.8%, Clinton 47.6%; Difference: 68,236 votes (99 percent reporting)
  • Florida 1.2 percent -- Trump 49%, Clinton 47.8%
  • Minnesota 1.5 percent -- Clinton 46.4%, Trump 44.9%; Difference: 44,470 votes
Were Trump to have had approximately a combined five percent fewer votes from across those five states, he'd have lost.

Neither party looks out for the working stiffs.
No party is supposed to do so, at least with regard to one's financial fortunes. Similarly, no one is supposed to look to the government or a political party to secure one's financial fortunes. That is one's own job and the way to secure one's financial fortunes is to simply follow the long tried and true model that's existed since at least this country implemented public education for grades K-12.

What is that model? This:
  1. Go to school and master the content and skills taught.
  2. Use that mastery to go to college, obtain a good paying job, or to go into business for oneself, preferably the latter.
Time and time again, I've asked individuals whom I've met and heard gripe about what wasn't on that individual's behalf done by this or that party, politician, appointed leader or group thereof, the first question I ask them is "what kind of student were in in school." Without exception, the answers I get range from "slightly above average" to "not good." Well, with as one's foundation, it's no wonder that one finds it hard to "make it." Such individuals (and presumably their parents) didn't establish the groundwork that'd have best enabled them to "make it," to say nothing of easing the challenge of doing so. After all, very few folks are born with "it" made for them; thus for almont nobody is "making it" easy.
Virulent as he may be, Donald J. Trump is a symptom not the disease. Without us, he would amount to nothing more than what he had always been before the bizzaro presidential election of 2016: a foppish narcissist desperate for any measure of affirmation; a joke; a nothing. He did not create his voters. They have been there all along, seething with sometimes justifiable anger and suffering their various insecurities. They created and enabled Trump. And make no mistake, in all their vulnerable humanity, they are us: Gullible, compliant, distracted, marinating in irony.

Surveys conducted every two years by the National Science Foundation consistently demonstrate that slightly more than half of Americans reject the settled science concerning human evolution. They are not unaware that virtually all credible scientists accept the overwhelming evidence that we evolved from earlier species. They simply choose not to accept that consensus because it doesn’t comport with their deeply held beliefs. Many also embrace the absurd notion that the earth is only six thousand years old. Astonishingly, in the early 21st century, around a quarter of our citizenry seems unaware that said earth revolves around the sun.

The Problem Isn’t Just Trump. It’s Our Ignorant Electorate.

The states he flipped have been badly damaged by our long standing trade and immigration policies.

That was not stupid of those voters. That was a realistic judgement on which candidates policies was in their best interests.

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