Zone1 The Problem Is Guns, And Easy Access To Guns

Please document/prove this claim;
"Many honest and upright people get firearms but do not train effectively in their use for protection and end up dead or injured or shoot other victims when confronted with an armed criminal. The numbers are almost equal with those who use their firearms effectively."
From what I've seen, it's the criminals with firearms, whom seldom have much training, whom injure or shoot other victims than those they intended.

Also, a law-abiding citizen whom uses a firearm in self-defense can be subject more often to crime or civil penalties for their misuse and injury to bystanders.
I also think the people are thoroughly disgusted with our SC lately.
Lately? its been 50 years and the court that folks have been "thoroughly disgusted with" has been flipped.
May easily switch to being far more progressive soon..
got a meaningless chart you don't understand to show us how and why?
Defeatism is not an option. We're the majority. We rule. Time we started acting like it.
uh, the entire purpose of the constitution is to prevent tyranny by majority...our majority is limited by our constitution so the majority cannot impose its will on the minority...You are not even constitutionally allowed to vote on constitutional law [ e.g. see porp.8 in Ca.] which is why white liberals are always trying to skirt the constitution...time you started respecting the constitution instead of pretending you understand it.
Change that to no one can use a gun in a crime without serving a fifty year sentence and I will agree with you. Criminals are the problem, not armed, law-abiding citizens.
Change that to no one can use a gun in a crime without serving a fifty year sentence and I will agree with you. Criminals are the problem, not armed, law-abiding citizens.
It seems that those who commit mass murders using AR 15's purchased legally, have no prior arrests and conviction of crimes. Thus, those "Criminals are the problem" are not the issue.
There are already something like three guns for every adult resident of the USA. That boat has already sailed.
Of course. And most of them have never been a criminal - if a criminal is defined as someone who was arrested and convicted in any crime.

However, some gun owners are a danger to themselves or others, and are able to sell, loan or give to someone a firearm. They're not criminals.
uh, the entire purpose of the constitution is to prevent tyranny by majority...our majority is limited by our constitution so the majority cannot impose its will on the minority...You are not even constitutionally allowed to vote on constitutional law [ e.g. see porp.8 in Ca.]
Indeed, even shameless bigots like you get to have your moments in the Sun. Thank goodness an adequately informed majority generally rules in the long run.
By the early 2020s, an overwhelming majority of Americans approved of the legality of these marriages.
So much for your marriage only being between a man and a woman BS.

Yeah....the source is bullshit....

Lott never said permit holders have never shot the wrong person....he stated during mass public shootings they haven' idiot....

Your source lied to you...

Your source and claim...

  • In his 2020 book, Gun Control Myths, researcher John Lott claims a concealed handgun permit holder has never shot the wrong person, such as a bystander.
  • Lott repeats this claim in a January 2021 opinion piece in Newsweek.
  • ======

What Lott actually stated...

Advocates of gun-free zones claim that permit holders will accidentally shoot bystanders, or that arriving police will shoot permit holders.

But in recent years, concealed carry permit holders have stopped dozens of what otherwise would have been mass public shootings in malls, churches, schools, universities and busy downtown areas. These cases virtually never get national news coverage. Not once have these permit holders ever shot a bystander. And police virtually always arrive well after the attack has ended, so there isn't confusion about who the target ought to be.

So......your source lied to you........does that matter to you?

And the Gifford's shooting.....

You had two concealed carry permit holders who responded to the of them had their gun out, while the others disarmed the shooter.

The other permit holder came on the scene.......and did not shoot the first permit holder, but they did calmly disarm them to make sure they weren't part of the attack.....

Showing that on the Gifford's shooting, your source was also wrong.......2 concealed permit holders, neither one shot an innocent bystander and neither one was shot by police....
It seems that those who commit mass murders using AR 15's purchased legally, have no prior arrests and conviction of crimes. Thus, those "Criminals are the problem" are not the issue.

Of course. And most of them have never been a criminal - if a criminal is defined as someone who was arrested and convicted in any crime.

However, some gun owners are a danger to themselves or others, and are able to sell, loan or give to someone a firearm. They're not criminals.


Total number of times an AR-15 was used in a mass public shooting in 2022? OR 2021?

Versus the 10s of thousands of young black men murdered in the cities under the total control of the democrat party, as the democrat party destroys local police, and releases violent gun criminals over and over again.....

Total number of mass public shootings in 2022?


Not all of them used less than 12..........

12 individuals out of over 350 million people......and you want to ban this rifle because a few of them used it?

While you continue to vote for the democrat party, the party responsible for the deaths of 10s of thousands of young black men every single year....

You shouldn't be taken seriously, but when people like you get power, they start digging mass graves........
It seems that those who commit mass murders using AR 15's purchased legally, have no prior arrests and conviction of crimes. Thus, those "Criminals are the problem" are not the issue.

Of course. And most of them have never been a criminal - if a criminal is defined as someone who was arrested and convicted in any crime.

However, some gun owners are a danger to themselves or others, and are able to sell, loan or give to someone a firearm. They're not criminals.
Arrests and/or conviction for crimes are not the only dis qualifier. Certain mental health issues can also apply to being bared purchase of a weapon. The most recent mass shooter withheld information on their mental health problem and acquired their firearm illegally.

Various state laws can constrain "sell, loan, or give to someone a firearm." Like many, you haven't half a clue what you are talking about. You do prove however that you should not own a firearm. Probably shouldn't have a driver's license either since you appear to be mentally deficient.

BTW, vast majority of firearm deaths tend to be via handguns and when it's a case of murder, that often is by criminals and/or gang-bangers.
Yeah....the source is bullshit....

Lott never said permit holders have never shot the wrong person....he stated during mass public shootings they haven' idiot....

Your source lied to you...

Your source and claim...

  • In his 2020 book, Gun Control Myths, researcher John Lott claims a concealed handgun permit holder has never shot the wrong person, such as a bystander.
  • Lott repeats this claim in a January 2021 opinion piece in Newsweek.
  • ======

What Lott actually stated...

Advocates of gun-free zones claim that permit holders will accidentally shoot bystanders, or that arriving police will shoot permit holders.

But in recent years, concealed carry permit holders have stopped dozens of what otherwise would have been mass public shootings in malls, churches, schools, universities and busy downtown areas. These cases virtually never get national news coverage. Not once have these permit holders ever shot a bystander. And police virtually always arrive well after the attack has ended, so there isn't confusion about who the target ought to be.

So......your source lied to you........does that matter to you?

And the Gifford's shooting.....

You had two concealed carry permit holders who responded to the of them had their gun out, while the others disarmed the shooter.

The other permit holder came on the scene.......and did not shoot the first permit holder, but they did calmly disarm them to make sure they weren't part of the attack.....

Showing that on the Gifford's shooting, your source was also wrong.......2 concealed permit holders, neither one shot an innocent bystander and neither one was shot by police....

I'm not saying everything in this article is absolutely true...too much politics for any published article to be straightforward.

But enough is true that simply asking those who conceal Carry to VOLUNTARILY get some regular practice of shoot/don't shoot and target practice. Also for Good Samaritans to be more sure of situational awareness before engaging a perpetrator.

I am not anti-gun or any other nonsense. I just want bad guys dead...not anyone else.

Armed Good Samaritans being in the right spot at the right time are extremely rare occurrences to begin with.
I want there to be more....and confidence from proper training is a good thing to do to encourage people to carry. Which is why so many people are hesitant to do so.

Stop falsely accusing the choir ....not everyone who suggests that people take responsibility are against you.
I'm not saying everything in this article is absolutely true...too much politics for any published article to be straightforward.

But enough is true that simply asking those who conceal Carry to VOLUNTARILY get some regular practice of shoot/don't shoot and target practice. Also for Good Samaritans to be more sure of situational awareness before engaging a perpetrator.

I am not anti-gun or any other nonsense. I just want bad guys dead...not anyone else.

Armed Good Samaritans being in the right spot at the right time are extremely rare occurrences to begin with.
I want there to be more....and confidence from proper training is a good thing to do to encourage people to carry. Which is why so many people are hesitant to do so.

Stop falsely accusing the choir ....not everyone who suggests that people take responsibility are against you.

They are rare because people like you create Gun Free Zones, which force normal, good people to leave their guns in their cars if they want to go to a store....then you bitch about guns getting stolen out of cars.....

I encourage much as you can get....but I will not let it become the modern day democrat party Literacy Test......literacy tests the democrats used to deny blacks the Right to vote.........
Indeed, even shameless bigots like you get to have your moments in the Sun.
That didn't take long.
Thank goodness an adequately informed majority generally rules in the long run.
except where the constitution is enforced [as with prop. 8 in California]...btw, "adequate" is subjective and in this case quite generous...
So much for your marriage only being between a man and a woman BS.
...hmmm, you have know idea what you just said and admitted to do you?
Epidemics were not covered in the Constitution. The tranny epidemic is such that each particular pathology can slip in under the radar (genuflectors at the border) to bask within an illusory democracy that hawks "diversity" as the stick-and-carrot.

Missouri legislators first show their lack of IQ by placing gender-affirming health care "therapy" within a time-window, as if waiting to be vetted for gun ownership. There is no way that "therapy" will protect innocent people from being killed by Nashville models that can change their mind at any instant. Missouri shrinks can now do Vaccine Pimp imitations and get paid well for it. duh
They are rare because people like you create Gun Free Zones, which force normal, good people to leave their guns in their cars if they want to go to a store....then you bitch about guns getting stolen out of cars.....

I encourage much as you can get....but I will not let it become the modern day democrat party Literacy Test......literacy tests the democrats used to deny blacks the Right to vote.........
No literacy test will suffice to protect from psychopathologies that can change their minds at any moment. Armed guards at schools should be educated about this fact, and should think of themselves as part of the wall @ the U.S.-Mexican border, the Reaper's Line.
They are rare because people like you create Gun Free Zones, which force normal, good people to leave their guns in their cars if they want to go to a store....then you bitch about guns getting stolen out of cars.....

I encourage much as you can get....but I will not let it become the modern day democrat party Literacy Test......literacy tests the democrats used to deny blacks the Right to vote.........
I happen to agree about these stupid "Gun Free" zones.
So once again you are wrong about me.

I'm not a liberal or a Democrat or a libertarian or a Republican or anything. I believe in a different sort of government than what exists on this planet. Stop attacking someone who is supportive of the 2nd ammendment.

Haven't you learned situational awareness yet? Or are you just trigger happy?
I happen to agree about these stupid "Gun Free" zones.
So once again you are wrong about me.

I'm not a liberal or a Democrat or a libertarian or a Republican or anything. I believe in a different sort of government than what exists on this planet. Stop attacking someone who is supportive of the 2nd ammendment.

Haven't you learned situational awareness yet? Or are you just trigger happy?

You aren't supportive of are a useful tool for the anti-gunners...
Firearms are now the number one cause of death for children in the United States, but rank no higher than fifth in 11 other large and wealthy countries, a new KFF analysis finds.

Guns – including accidental deaths, suicides, and homicides – killed 4,357 children (ages 1-19 years old) in the United States in 2020, or roughly 5.6 per 100,000 children. The U.S. is the only country among its peers that has seen a substantial increase in the rate of child firearm deaths in the last two decades (42%).

The problem is guns, and the easy access to guns
I happen to agree about these stupid "Gun Free" zones.

Why do you agree with the concept of gun free zones? Are they not a magnet for the crazies and the bad people to shoot people without fear of return fire? From what I've read, many of these attacks are planned out in advance, and I might think that an attack in the gun free zone could be a factor. After all, these guys want to make a name for themselves and kill as many as possible to make the evening news, no? All the GFZ does is basically disarm the citizens that might save lives if they take out the shooter early on.

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