Zone1 The Problem Is Guns, And Easy Access To Guns

Britain and France.......

Police struggle to stop flood of firearms into UK

Police and border officials are struggling to stop a rising supply of illegal firearms being smuggled into Britain, a senior police chief has warned.

Chief constable Andy Cooke, the national police lead for serious and organised crime, said law enforcement had seen an increased supply of guns over the past year, and feared that it would continue in 2019

The Guardian has learned that the situation is so serious that the National Crime Agency has taken the rare step of using its legal powers to direct every single police force to step up the fight against illegal guns.

The NCA has used tasking powers to direct greater intelligence about firearms to be gathered by all 43 forces in England and Wales.

Another senior law enforcement official said that “new and clean” weapons were now being used in the majority of shootings, as opposed to guns once being so difficult to obtain that they would be “rented out” to be used in multiple crimes.

Cooke, the Merseyside chief constable, told the Guardian: “We in law enforcement expect the rise in new firearms to continue. We are doing all we can. We are not in a position to stop it anytime soon.
“Law enforcement is more joined up now than before, but the scale of the problem is such that despite a number of excellent firearms seizures, I expect the rise in supply to be a continuing issue.”

The increasing supply of guns belies problems with UK border security and innovations by organised crime gangs. Smugglers have increasingly found new ways and innovative routes to get guns past border defences.

Cooke said that the dynamics of the streets of British cities had changed and that criminals were more willing to use guns: “If they bring them in people will buy them. It’s a kudos thing for organised criminals.”

Simon Brough, head of firearms at the NCA, said: “The majority of guns being used are new, clean firearms ... which indicates a relatively fluid supply.”

He said shotguns were 40% of the total, with an increase in burglaries to try and steal them.
Handguns are the next biggest category, most often smuggled in from overseas, with ferry ports such as Dover being a popular entry point into the UK for organised crime groups:

“We’re doing a lot to fight back against it,” Brough said, adding that compared to other European countries, the availability in the UK was relatively lower.


The fully automatic military rifle is the weapon of choice for French and Swedish criminals....


Paris attacks highlight France's gun control problems

The arsenal of weapons deployed by the eight attackers who terrorised Paris on Friday night underlined France’s gun control problems and raised the spectre of further attacks.

The country has extremely strict weapons laws, but Europe’s open borders and growing trade in illegal weapons means assault rifles are relatively easy to come by on the black market.


A police investigation is underway after two people were shot dead, and a third burnt alive on Saturday evening in the southern French city of Marseille. It's the fourth death linked to gun violence this week, a phenomenon which the Mayor Benoît Payan says is out of control.

"In Marseille, you can buy a Kalachnikov as easy as buying a pain au chocolat," he said.

"This has to stop, and the Interior Minister, who is aware of the problem, must make it a key objective."
"If people are being killed by Kalachnikov rifles, it's because they are too easily sold throughout the city."

Three dead in Marseille shootout: 'guns are too easy to buy' says mayor

Reports of 'heavy gunfire' on the streets of French city of Nimes | Daily Mail Online

Machine-gun shots have been heard on the streets of a French city this evening as it was claimed a 'shootout' took place between rival gangs.

Repeated 'heavy gunfire' bursts were let off in the city of Nimes in southern France after armed men were seen in the area.

Social media videos showed several people running through the street as shots rang out at around 8.30pm.

Initial reports suggested the shooting could have been linked to gangs operating in the area.

Residents in a suburb of Pissevin district in the city claimed gang members shot at a building occupied by a rival group.

Reports of gunfire in the district have been on the rise in recent months, according to local media


Gun violence stemming from unrestricted immigration from Muslim countries?

Oh say it isn't so!


There's a reason why the UK left the EU. And it wasn't for political correctness. But between Greece defaults Italy getting close to defaulting....Spain and France both now leaves Germany and Austria to pick up the EUs tab. Meanwhile France keeps going on about how they need unrestricted immigration from anywhere and everywhere....especially through Turkey and Greece.

There won't be an EU left if this continues.
It will take several generations to plan and do something of gun violence. It's people like you and other voters who have the idea that no solution exists and that is their strength.

The strength was written centuries ago in the Preamble to the Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You and other yellow streaks* miss the main point.

It's not a matter of "gun violence", rather it's a matter of VIOLENCE, in any and all it's many forms. Unfortunately violence is hardwired biologically in all animal lifeforms, and in the case of humans it takes education, training, and conditioning from infancy upward through adulthood to learn and be able to contain and control the urge towards violence. This is a multi-task process that includes parents, local community, schools, churches, and other cultural institutions working in concert towards that goal.

It's about more than "justice", especially when that term is used more in a personal subjective context than any agreed to objective definition.

* While "yellow streak"(cowardice) is the source of anti-gun ~ anti-self-defense from some of our society's misfits, for too many it is their criminal tendencies and desire for having easy victims for their violence and domination which is source for their desire to see citizens unarmed. When none of the previous, then it is combinations of ignorance and stupidity.
You and other yellow streaks* miss the main point.

It's not a matter of "gun violence", rather it's a matter of VIOLENCE, in any and all it's many forms. Unfortunately violence is hardwired biologically in all animal lifeforms, and in the case of humans it takes education, training, and conditioning from infancy upward through adulthood to learn and be able to contain and control the urge towards violence. This is a multi-task process that includes parents, local community, schools, churches, and other cultural institutions working in concert towards that goal.

It's about more than "justice", especially when that term is used more in a personal subjective context than any agreed to objective definition.

* While "yellow streak"(cowardice) is the source of anti-gun ~ anti-self-defense from some of our society's misfits, for too many it is their criminal tendencies and desire for having easy victims for their violence and domination which is source for their desire to see citizens unarmed. When none of the previous, then it is combinations of ignorance and stupidity.
I spent 32 years in Law Enforcement. Your claim on "yellow streak" is absurd. Putting more firearms into the general population is stupid.
I spent 32 years in Law Enforcement. Your claim on "yellow streak" is absurd. Putting more firearms into the general population is stupid.

No.....the democrats releasing violent gun criminals over and over again, no matter how many gun felonies they have is stupid....

Normal people who own and carry guns for self defense save lives from those very crimnals.....about 1.2 million times a year according to the Centers For Disease Control......1.5 million times a year according to the Department of Justice.
No.....the democrats releasing violent gun criminals over and over again, no matter how many gun felonies they have is stupid....

Normal people who own and carry guns for self defense save lives from those very crimnals.....about 1.2 million times a year according to the Centers For Disease Control......1.5 million times a year according to the Department of Justice.
That's correct but there's a number missing from that statistic.

Many honest and upright people get firearms but do not train effectively in their use for protection and end up dead or injured or shoot other victims when confronted with an armed criminal. The numbers are almost equal with those who use their firearms effectively.

Then there are those who own a handgun but store it in their unlocked vehicle or visible in a locked vehicle. An absolute target of opportunity for those wishing for a gun but cannot get one by legal means.

I'm not an anti-gun activist nor do I play one on the internet.
All I am asking is for people to behave MORE responsibly with their firearms. They are a resonsibility....ones that require periodic but consistent attention.
AR 15s that can kill dozens of people in seconds. There is a reason guns are banned in civilized countries. You need to get out of your gun culture.
A semi-automatic AR-15*, the only type one can legally possess, fires a round with each squeeze of the trigger. For most persons that takes most of a second so if one is shooting accurately, which few can do consistently, than it would be one person hit, but not necessarily killed, per second**. If you could do math, you'd see the gross error of your statement. However, my experience ios that most 'liberals'-leftists-regressives aren't very good at math, or sciences, which may explain why you can't get facts correct. Than again you could be doing the usual trait of such mental retards which is to blatantly lie.
There is a reason guns are banned in civilized countries.
Is because they have governments that want submissive slaves for citizens.
You need to get out of your gun culture.
You need to get out of your crime enabling culture.

* While "Ar-15" is what many in Western Civ see as an "assault rifle", there are scores of other styles/types. Some don't fit the standard image, such as the USA M1 Garand which looks more like a standard bolt action rifle. The most common semi-automatic ("assault") rifle in the world is the Russian design AK-47 and it's variants. In most countries where there are insurgencies, or Islamic Jihadists, open and unrestricted possesion of "assault rifles"~AK-47s are rather common.

** Statistics from modern wars, combat records, show anywhere from 60 to thousands of rounds fired for each enemy soldier killed. Interesting how those whom are trained to use firearms would need so many shots. Than again, the other guy is trying to hide from bullets and shooting back. Point is the variables that apply to lethal use of a firearm. Here's an interesting link for reference;
That's correct but there's a number missing from that statistic.

Many honest and upright people get firearms but do not train effectively in their use for protection and end up dead or injured or shoot other victims when confronted with an armed criminal. The numbers are almost equal with those who use their firearms effectively.

Then there are those who own a handgun but store it in their unlocked vehicle or visible in a locked vehicle. An absolute target of opportunity for those wishing for a gun but cannot get one by legal means.

I'm not an anti-gun activist nor do I play one on the internet.
All I am asking is for people to behave MORE responsibly with their firearms. They are a resonsibility....ones that require periodic but consistent attention.
Please document/prove this claim;
"Many honest and upright people get firearms but do not train effectively in their use for protection and end up dead or injured or shoot other victims when confronted with an armed criminal. The numbers are almost equal with those who use their firearms effectively."
From what I've seen, it's the criminals with firearms, whom seldom have much training, whom injure or shoot other victims than those they intended.

Also, a law-abiding citizen whom uses a firearm in self-defense can be subject more often to crime or civil penalties for their misuse and injury to bystanders.
That's correct but there's a number missing from that statistic.

Many honest and upright people get firearms but do not train effectively in their use for protection and end up dead or injured or shoot other victims when confronted with an armed criminal. The numbers are almost equal with those who use their firearms effectively.

Then there are those who own a handgun but store it in their unlocked vehicle or visible in a locked vehicle. An absolute target of opportunity for those wishing for a gun but cannot get one by legal means.

I'm not an anti-gun activist nor do I play one on the internet.
All I am asking is for people to behave MORE responsibly with their firearms. They are a resonsibility....ones that require periodic but consistent attention.

Yeah...that isn't a problem.....

600 million guns in the U.S.

over 350 million Americans.....

Over 22 million Americans can legally carry guns for self defense.....

Accidental gun deaths in 2020?


Cars kill over 42,000

And what about people whose vehicles are broken into?

The way you stop that is by locking up criminals captured with illegal guns, and locking them up for 10 years or more....but the democrats won't even prosecute gang members who have shootouts, caught on camera, with gang members on the ground injured....or dead........

So don't sell that silliness about criminals stealing guns from cars......if you get rid of gun free zones so normal people don't have to leave their guns in their cars at the mall, and if democrats would stop releasing violent gun felons, that problem would take care of itself...

The numbers are almost equal with those who use their firearms effectively.

I had to check to see what forum this was I can't call this what it is....but that is a lie..........they are not equal, not even close........

You are one of those gun banners with happy talk........sell it to biden voters....
Please document/prove this claim;
"Many honest and upright people get firearms but do not train effectively in their use for protection and end up dead or injured or shoot other victims when confronted with an armed criminal. The numbers are almost equal with those who use their firearms effectively."
From what I've seen, it's the criminals with firearms, whom seldom have much training, whom injure or shoot other victims than those they intended.

Also, a law-abiding citizen whom uses a firearm in self-defense can be subject more often to crime or civil penalties for their misuse and injury to bystanders.

They can't back it up, which is why they didn't even try to find a fake study ......... this is something they heard on a democrat party news or cable channel or some dimwit celebrity spew on some late night, democrat party show....
I spent 32 years in Law Enforcement. Your claim on "yellow streak" is absurd. Putting more firearms into the general population is stupid.
This is the internet. Anybody can claim anything, I doubt you have that experience in Law Enforcement.
If you did, you'd realize that most criminals, especially violent ones, operate from a cowardice or "yellow streak" perspective. Most whom would enable criminals, such as in disarming the public, are little better than the criminals.
FWIW, there are already more firearms in the USA public than citizens, yet for the numbers involved, the actual uses of firearms for crime and self-defense are a small fraction of the total.

One other factor missed by many, and that because of the small percentage whom actually hunt animals, is that in cases of attack by bears, cougars, etc. one usually has only a few seconds to respond (if that), and being able to fire more than one shot in such short time could be the saving chance.
Yeah...that isn't a problem.....

600 million guns in the U.S.

over 350 million Americans.....

Over 22 million Americans can legally carry guns for self defense.....

Accidental gun deaths in 2020?


Cars kill over 42,000

And what about people whose vehicles are broken into?

The way you stop that is by locking up criminals captured with illegal guns, and locking them up for 10 years or more....but the democrats won't even prosecute gang members who have shootouts, caught on camera, with gang members on the ground injured....or dead........

So don't sell that silliness about criminals stealing guns from cars......if you get rid of gun free zones so normal people don't have to leave their guns in their cars at the mall, and if democrats would stop releasing violent gun felons, that problem would take care of itself...

The numbers are almost equal with those who use their firearms effectively.

I had to check to see what forum this was I can't call this what it is....but that is a lie..........they are not equal, not even close........

You are one of those gun banners with happy talk........sell it to biden voters....

There was a video recently up on Funker530 of a guy trying to stop a thug with his own pistol. (It didn't go well)

Look, I like guns. Wife is competitive trap shooter. She taught me trap shooting and I like hunting. (I love venison that isn't $16/lb) I also like duck and other game meats. Best way to get these things is to hunt them yourself. It's certainly less expensive.

I also firmly believe that we shouldn't mess with the constitution whatsoever....meaning I still want my right to keep and bear arms. An armed nation is a great way to keep any other group or nation from invading the US. About 40% of the American population keeps firearms. That's enough right there that will keep EVERY nation thinking about invading the USA to rethink it. It also keeps the Federal Government from becoming too abusive. We aren't France yet....but can be just like them very quickly if need be. (France killed their kings)

Asking for handgun owners to do some range practice and some shoot/don't shoot drills and to keep their firearms a bit more close or secure is not asking a lot. It's just part of the gig when you own one.
The problem is not guns, the problem is people. People who for whatever reason resort to violence that has nothing to do with guns. We are a violent species, have been from the get-go. From sticks and stones to swords, and spears, to bows and arrow, to guns and whatever new technology comes along that can be used to off somebody(s). The problem is us, not the weapons we use. If you reinstitute an assault weapons ban like the last one, it only banned new guns and large capacity magazines, but not existing ones. But what about the weapons already out there, perhaps 20 or 30 million of them?

And here's the thing: an AW ban isn't going to stop a crazy person or a criminal from using a gun, he/she will merely use a gun that wasn't banned. So, violence in general won't decrease and neither will gun violence and mass shootings. The democrats are focusing on a small subset of the overall problem and proposing actions that will be ineffective in solving the problem.
A semi-automatic AR-15*, the only type one can legally possess, fires a round with each squeeze of the trigger. For most persons that takes most of a second so if one is shooting accurately, which few can do consistently, than it would be one person hit, but not necessarily killed, per second**. If you could do math, you'd see the gross error of your statement. However, my experience ios that most 'liberals'-leftists-regressives aren't very good at math, or sciences, which may explain why you can't get facts correct. Than again you could be doing the usual trait of such mental retards which is to blatantly lie.

Is because they have governments that want submissive slaves for citizens.

You need to get out of your crime enabling culture.

* While "Ar-15" is what many in Western Civ see as an "assault rifle", there are scores of other styles/types. Some don't fit the standard image, such as the USA M1 Garand which looks more like a standard bolt action rifle. The most common semi-automatic ("assault") rifle in the world is the Russian design AK-47 and it's variants. In most countries where there are insurgencies, or Islamic Jihadists, open and unrestricted possesion of "assault rifles"~AK-47s are rather common.

** Statistics from modern wars, combat records, show anywhere from 60 to thousands of rounds fired for each enemy soldier killed. Interesting how those whom are trained to use firearms would need so many shots. Than again, the other guy is trying to hide from bullets and shooting back. Point is the variables that apply to lethal use of a firearm. Here's an interesting link for reference;
Really I'm a leftist liberal and have a post graduated degree in Science. All my former colluges are liberal and strongly anti MAGAt. BTW we can all count you moron.
Really I'm a leftist liberal and have a post graduated degree in Science. All my former colluges are liberal and strongly anti MAGAt. BTW we can all count you moron.
"Really I'm a leftist liberal and have a post graduated degree in Science."
At least you are honest in stating you are another non-productive, useless parasite. Fact that you state generic "science" rather than which specific suggests that like most "leftist liberal", you lie!
All my former colluges are liberal and strongly anti MAGAt.
Your spelling error would suggest you have no degree in anything. Same as regards your;
former colluges
And again, proving you are useless, non-productive social deadwood.
BTW we can all count you moron.
Until you run out of fingers and toes. Than you are overwhelmed.

"Really I'm a leftist liberal and have a post graduated degree in Science."
At least you are honest in stating you are another non-productive, useless parasite. Fact that you state generic "science" rather than which specific suggests that like most "leftist liberal", you lie!

Your spelling error would suggest you have no degree in anything. Same as regards your;

And again, proving you are useless, non-productive social deadwood.

Until you run out of fingers and toes. Than you are overwhelmed.

Last part of my career developing and evaluating use of Urease inhibitors in pastoral systems which help prevent loss of Nitrates and N20 which is a serious GHG. Hey Chump just a reminder the guy you worship thinks F-35s are invisible, you must be as stupid as he is. "Trump genuinely seems to believe F-35s are literally invisible" Trump genuinely seems to believe F-35s are literally invisible
I spent 32 years in Law Enforcement. Your claim on "yellow streak" is absurd. Putting more firearms into the general population is stupid.
There are already something like three guns for every adult resident of the USA. That boat has already sailed.
Last part of my career developing and evaluating use of Urease inhibitors in pastoral systems which help prevent loss of Nitrates and N20 which is a serious GHG. Hey Chump just a reminder the guy you worship thinks F-35s are invisible, you must be as stupid as he is. "Trump genuinely seems to believe F-35s are literally invisible" Trump genuinely seems to believe F-35s are literally invisible
As for the guy you believe in;

Joe Biden's Most Embarrassing Gaffes of All Time Super Compilation | DIRECT MESSAGE | Rubin Report​

36 minutes worth.

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