The primary cause of political divisiveness.. Biased Media

That used to be true but now there is Fox, a decidedly right biased source and, last time I checked, they were bigger than the contenders. While there was no real right wing media outlet other than talk radio 10 years ago, that ship has sailed.

On that topic though, the biased media does fuel this asinine gridlock as each side gets a daily dose of 'I'm right' from their respective outlets so they never really have to think about what the other side has brought to the table.
Down load this spreadsheet..
And as I you will see of
This information derived from Federal Election Commission filings in 2009 and 2010. Please cite the Center for Responsive Politics when using these data.
274 donations made to Democrats of 413 donations or 66% !
33% or 139 GOP...

I think another reason for the divide is ignorance of history. When I see someone who believes that socialism is the way to go, I realize they are unaware that it doesn't work and never has.

Being "educated" sometimes just means you've been taught something, but not necessary taught facts and reality. Sometimes a person is taught via propaganda. You can't do that to someone with an understanding of history. An uninformed public is the most dangerous force.

People are divided because some want their basic needs met, but can't or, more often, won't do for themselves. Anyone who has been taught that wealthy are all greedy and evil are no more than benighted sheeple. They are turned into cheerleaders as the left seeks to confiscate and redistribute wealth. The big divide comes between those who take and those who are taken from. Groups are also pitted against each other because of race and religion. It's the oldest tactic in the book to seize control. Divide and conquer.
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That used to be true but now there is Fox, a decidedly right biased source and, last time I checked, they were bigger than the contenders. While there was no real right wing media outlet other than talk radio 10 years ago, that ship has sailed.

On that topic though, the biased media does fuel this asinine gridlock as each side gets a daily dose of 'I'm right' from their respective outlets so they never really have to think about what the other side has brought to the table.

I don't disagree that the MSM liberal bias influence is waning!
As I said it is to the credit of the Internet that network news and newspapers are diminishing in viewer/readership...that being said..
the existing editors/producers are still influencing politicians via polling data of uninformed Americans.
Total case in point is this latest payroll tax issue that it appears Obama got the better..why because MSM DID NOT explain even though GOP told them that Obama/Dems favored only a two month solution or $160 savings whereas the MSM NEVER explained that nor the FACT GOP wanted it for a full year!

Where was the MSM?? Supporting Obama/Democrats.. and their headlines..
GOP Caved!
Caved right to a 2 month solution!
SO now we will see the AFFECT of MSM biased reporting in that the can has been kicked down the road 2 months from now rather then solving the problem! And Obama's poll numbers up GOP down..WHY MSM biased news!
Bias doesn't mean lie, why are you pretending it does? Also journalist report to their bosses. The bosses make the decision. So pointing out that most Mcdonalds employees have a criminal record is not the same as saying McDonalds is pro-crime. Better yet, if more Mcdonalds employee prefer Wendy's that doesnt mean Mcdonalds has a Wendy's bias. Idiot.
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Those of you liberal/Obamatron/Democrat supporters WILL NOT agree with this but those of you that THINK you are independent this is for you...

The primary cause for gridlock and tremendous political divisiveness in our country has been the extreme media bias that favors liberal/Democrat ideology.

The liberal/Democratic/progressive ideology though BY it's very inherent requirement of dependency on a centralized government intrusiveness though assures it's failure as a ideology!

The shear weight of complete dependency on a elite few that incestuously continue tired old memes, plans, agenda MEANS destruction of a society!

And one of the tools of the liberal/progressive/Democrats has been the complicity of the mainstream media..MSM!

This thread is for those independents that consider themselves "thinkers", rational, and logical in forming opinions which in turn influence your poll responses which in turn influence politicians!

CONSIDER that the MSM for the past 30 years or MORE has by their OWN admission been biased in news presentation favoring liberal/democrat ideology and deriding conservatives!

To you independents consider these FACTS:

1) Admission by a liberal MSM EDITOR.. Evan Thomas..
" our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." -- Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.
Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' |

YET this same editor says:
"There is a liberal bias.
It's demonstrable.
You look at some statistics.
About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time.
There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias.-

George W. Bush Transcript

AND this same editor said the following gush about Obama...
I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." –

"he's sort of God"! Really.. Objective hard newsmagazine editor referring to Obama as a "God"!

So here is more proof for you growing number of independents that are coming to understand that:
1) your news content has been biased.
2) It influences your opinion which
3) Influences your responses to polls
4) a politicians read your biased influenced opinion answers!

It's that simple!
And here are the REAL FACTS.. REAL STATISTICS regard MSM BIAS!


* More than four-fifths of the journalists interviewed voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in every election between 1964 and 1976.
* “Fifty-four percent placed themselves to the left of center, compared to only 19 percent who chose the right side of the spectrum,” Lichter and Rothman’s survey of journalists discovered"
* “Fifty-six percent said the people they worked with were mostly on the left, and only 8 percent on the right — a margin of seven-to-one.”
* Nearly half of the journalists surveyed agreed that “the very structure of our society causes people to feel alienated,” while the authors found “five out of six believe our legal system mainly favors the wealthy.”
* 30 percent disagreed that “private enterprise is fair to workers;” 28 percent agreed that “all political systems are repressive.”
* 54 percent did not regard adultery as wrong, compared to only 15 percent who regarded it as wrong.
* “Ninety percent agree that a woman has the right to decide for herself whether to have an abortion; 79 percent agree strongly with this pro-choice position.”
* Majorities of journalists agreed with the statements: “U.S. exploits Third World, causes poverty” (56 percent); and “U.S. use of resources immoral” (57 percent). Three-fourths disagreed that the “West had helped Third World.”

Exhibit 1-1: The Media Elite

Again.. you independents... consider your biased MSM content influences your opinion, your opinion expressed in polls and politicians read the polls!

I agree with George Carlin (RIP)-the ruling class of our society keeps us fighting with each other, "while they, the rich, run off with all the fucking money."

I believe that this right-wing left-wing nonsense is to keep us fighting amongst ourselves, so that we won't rise up as a whole, against them. "A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand." "Divide and conquer"-it's very effective.

I don't see a liberal bias. I see people with a whole HELL OF A LOT more money and influence than most of us will ever have-who want to stay in that position. Many average citizens are naive, and will believe everything that someone says...that someone... being a politician (republican or democrat). I wish that I didn't believe this, but I do.

If you sit and reason it you really think that one side or the other DOMINATING our politics is a good thing? History has repeatedly proven how detrimental one ideal or philosophy ruling a mass of people for years: Stalin, Kim Jung Il (and his father), the Ayatollah (haven't there been two since 1979? I could be wrong about that, so feel free to correct me). Hussein.

Now we may not regress to ONE person ruling, but is there really much difference between one person, and one political party. I submit that this would be harmless to our nation...on one side of the other. It's quite disturbing, actually. Think about it.
If you look at Hollywood today,there is still a strong Communist influence. It's called Liberalism or Progressivism these days though. So Hollywood still has that far Left/Communist Bias. And most of the MSM has that Bias as well.
Who, in Hollywood, do you know to be a Communist?
Those of you liberal/Obamatron/Democrat supporters WILL NOT agree with this but those of you that THINK you are independent this is for you...

The primary cause for gridlock and tremendous political divisiveness in our country has been the extreme media bias that favors liberal/Democrat ideology.

The liberal/Democratic/progressive ideology though BY it's very inherent requirement of dependency on a centralized government intrusiveness though assures it's failure as a ideology!

The shear weight of complete dependency on a elite few that incestuously continue tired old memes, plans, agenda MEANS destruction of a society!

And one of the tools of the liberal/progressive/Democrats has been the complicity of the mainstream media..MSM!

This thread is for those independents that consider themselves "thinkers", rational, and logical in forming opinions which in turn influence your poll responses which in turn influence politicians!

CONSIDER that the MSM for the past 30 years or MORE has by their OWN admission been biased in news presentation favoring liberal/democrat ideology and deriding conservatives!

To you independents consider these FACTS:

1) Admission by a liberal MSM EDITOR.. Evan Thomas..
" our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." -- Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.
Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' |

YET this same editor says:
"There is a liberal bias.
It's demonstrable.
You look at some statistics.
About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time.
There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias.-

George W. Bush Transcript

AND this same editor said the following gush about Obama...
I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." –

"he's sort of God"! Really.. Objective hard newsmagazine editor referring to Obama as a "God"!

So here is more proof for you growing number of independents that are coming to understand that:
1) your news content has been biased.
2) It influences your opinion which
3) Influences your responses to polls
4) a politicians read your biased influenced opinion answers!

It's that simple!
And here are the REAL FACTS.. REAL STATISTICS regard MSM BIAS!


* More than four-fifths of the journalists interviewed voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in every election between 1964 and 1976.
* “Fifty-four percent placed themselves to the left of center, compared to only 19 percent who chose the right side of the spectrum,” Lichter and Rothman’s survey of journalists discovered"
* “Fifty-six percent said the people they worked with were mostly on the left, and only 8 percent on the right — a margin of seven-to-one.”
* Nearly half of the journalists surveyed agreed that “the very structure of our society causes people to feel alienated,” while the authors found “five out of six believe our legal system mainly favors the wealthy.”
* 30 percent disagreed that “private enterprise is fair to workers;” 28 percent agreed that “all political systems are repressive.”
* 54 percent did not regard adultery as wrong, compared to only 15 percent who regarded it as wrong.
* “Ninety percent agree that a woman has the right to decide for herself whether to have an abortion; 79 percent agree strongly with this pro-choice position.”
* Majorities of journalists agreed with the statements: “U.S. exploits Third World, causes poverty” (56 percent); and “U.S. use of resources immoral” (57 percent). Three-fourths disagreed that the “West had helped Third World.”

Exhibit 1-1: The Media Elite

Again.. you independents... consider your biased MSM content influences your opinion, your opinion expressed in polls and politicians read the polls!

I agree with George Carlin (RIP)-the ruling class of our society keeps us fighting with each other, "while they, the rich, run off with all the fucking money."

I believe that this right-wing left-wing nonsense is to keep us fighting amongst ourselves, so that we won't rise up as a whole, against them. "A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand." "Divide and conquer"-it's very effective.

I don't see a liberal bias. I see people with a whole HELL OF A LOT more money and influence than most of us will ever have-who want to stay in that position. Many average citizens are naive, and will believe everything that someone says...that someone... being a politician (republican or democrat). I wish that I didn't believe this, but I do.

If you sit and reason it you really think that one side or the other DOMINATING our politics is a good thing? History has repeatedly proven how detrimental one ideal or philosophy ruling a mass of people for years: Stalin, Kim Jung Il (and his father), the Ayatollah (haven't there been two since 1979? I could be wrong about that, so feel free to correct me). Hussein.

Now we may not regress to ONE person ruling, but is there really much difference between one person, and one political party. I submit that this would be harmless to our nation...on one side of the other. It's quite disturbing, actually. Think about it.
The examples that you are giving are of a PERSON, not an ideology and there is a massive difference.

However, one ideology is not a good thing either and you do not need to look to dictators to show that. Bush was an excellent example of what happens when a single party controls the ship.
Is this one of those threads where repubs huddle together and tell each other they are scared of information's ok?

Sounds like it. Bias doesnt equal lie btw

You know calling names, etc.. doesn't alter the FACTS!

44 percent of journalists identified themselves as Democrats while just 16 percent tagged themselves as Republican.

Nearly half of the journalists surveyed (47 percent) called themselves “liberal,” compared to 22 percent who described themselves as “conservative.” Gallup polls taken at the same time found just 18 percent of the public considered themselves liberal, while 34 percent of the public said they were conservative.

# “Most Americans (53 percent) believe that news organizations are politically biased, while just 29 percent say they are careful to remove bias from their reports,” Pew reported.
# “When it comes to describing the press, twice as many say news organizations are ‘liberal’ (51 percent) than ‘conservative’ (26 percent) while 14 percent say neither phrase applies.”

YOU are definitely in the minority!

Did you ever think that perhaps news people see more of the world as it is, have more information than most anyone here on how things work in our country, and vote accordingly?

Naahhh... it's easier to call them Commies than to think.
We all have access to the same media. The cause of diviseivess is not the is the fact that we all have different life experiences and interpret what we see, hear and read...........differently.
That's a load of left-wing propaganda. As I said before, left-wingers will never admit the media is biased towards the left because propaganda doesn't work when people know they are being fed bullshit.

You're just a shill providing cover for the DNC ministry of truth.

I agree with George Carlin (RIP)-the ruling class of our society keeps us fighting with each other, "while they, the rich, run off with all the fucking money."

I believe that this right-wing left-wing nonsense is to keep us fighting amongst ourselves, so that we won't rise up as a whole, against them. "A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand." "Divide and conquer"-it's very effective.

I don't see a liberal bias. I see people with a whole HELL OF A LOT more money and influence than most of us will ever have-who want to stay in that position. Many average citizens are naive, and will believe everything that someone says...that someone... being a politician (republican or democrat). I wish that I didn't believe this, but I do.

If you sit and reason it you really think that one side or the other DOMINATING our politics is a good thing? History has repeatedly proven how detrimental one ideal or philosophy ruling a mass of people for years: Stalin, Kim Jung Il (and his father), the Ayatollah (haven't there been two since 1979? I could be wrong about that, so feel free to correct me). Hussein.

Now we may not regress to ONE person ruling, but is there really much difference between one person, and one political party. I submit that this would be harmless to our nation...on one side of the other. It's quite disturbing, actually. Think about it.
If you look at Hollywood today,there is still a strong Communist influence. It's called Liberalism or Progressivism these days though. So Hollywood still has that far Left/Communist Bias. And most of the MSM has that Bias as well.
Who, in Hollywood, do you know to be a Communist?

They're practically all commies. It's far easier to list the ones who aren't commies.
Did you ever think that perhaps news people see more of the world as it is, have more information than most anyone here on how things work in our country, and vote accordingly?

Naahhh... it's easier to call them Commies than to think.

So they're liberals because they're smarter than us?

Did you ever think that you're an incredible jackass?
We all have access to the same media. The cause of diviseivess is not the is the fact that we all have different life experiences and interpret what we see, hear and read...........differently.

The real cause is the fact that some of us are brainwashed morons, and the rest of us aren't.
NOT ONE of you evidently have had the journalism exposure that I have had!

Evidently not one of you were an SDS member or part of the Weathermen as my friends were.

AND not one of you have the clarity to understand the linkage!

1) Majority of people "IN THE PAST" more so then now received their news from a
small source i.e. newspaper and tv.
2) That content formed opinions.
3) Opinions expressed in voting booths and polls!
4) Politicians read the polls and elected in voting booth!

So when you have journalism classmates like I did that became mid-level editors, producers that STILL hold the ideology of the SDS/Weathermen/anarchist/"get the man"
and are in those positions duh.. clarity here..
THEY write the headlines that 30 second sound bite people read and from that form opinions BIASED information forming incorrect opinions!

Fight the truth all you want..
But the people that write the news admit they are biased!
I mean how much more clear then when you read the bias statistics.. biased quotes!
And still you DON"T Want to believe you've been fooled!

You are not one of those smart enough to get it!
:blahblah:So... what I gather is this... if you're not a Faux News watcher, or a supporting member of FreedomWorks... You're a Communist...

Thank you, Senator McCarthy... for your words of wisdom..:blahblah:

You gathered all that from the thread huh?
Our main stream media might as well be called Pravda of the West.
Isn't it funny but there have been NO retorts to the premise that the MSM has liberal bias in their reporting?
I mean anecdotal BUT no hard statistics like these for example: $Exhibit1-9clintonpreferred.jpg
The primary cause: misinformation.

We must all be able to deal with the truth, if we are going to solve our problems.

You are the biggest disseminator of misinformation and myths. Ignorance of the truth has reached an epidemic on the right.

You are the poster boy. Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.
NOT ONE of you evidently have had the journalism exposure that I have had!

Evidently not one of you were an SDS member or part of the Weathermen as my friends were.

AND not one of you have the clarity to understand the linkage!

1) Majority of people "IN THE PAST" more so then now received their news from a
small source i.e. newspaper and tv.
2) That content formed opinions.
3) Opinions expressed in voting booths and polls!
4) Politicians read the polls and elected in voting booth!

So when you have journalism classmates like I did that became mid-level editors, producers that STILL hold the ideology of the SDS/Weathermen/anarchist/"get the man"
and are in those positions duh.. clarity here..
THEY write the headlines that 30 second sound bite people read and from that form opinions BIASED information forming incorrect opinions!

Fight the truth all you want..
But the people that write the news admit they are biased!
I mean how much more clear then when you read the bias statistics.. biased quotes!
And still you DON"T Want to believe you've been fooled!

You are not one of those smart enough to get it!

While some of this may be true, there's also a lot of "you're just not biased in the right direction" subtext. Just because someone's biased, doesn't mean they're wrong. After all, as a Christian, I'm biased towards Jesus. :eusa_angel: Merry Xmas!
Make No Mistake. The bugle mouthed leaders of the demoncraps are the dividers. They get on national TV and say shit like.. "Republicans are hostage takers" "Republicans want you to die" "Republicans are racist" "Republicans are obstructionist" "Republicans don't give a shit about babies, old people or the middle class" "Republicans only care about the very rich" Over and over and over again.. and their messiah just sits back and grins.

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