Political Predictions 2012...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Okay, now... try to be reasonable...ah, well, forget that...:lol:

1) The economy will suck...but I do hope for the best

2) High unemployment...I hope I'm wrong

3) Obama/Democrats will lose their grip on power...:party:...eventually ...:dunno:
It would be a drag if I had to do this all by myself...:eusa_eh:..just sayin!
Predict that Obama wins reelection, the GOP keeps the House and the Dems keep the Senate. In other words, NO FUCKING CHANGE, same as last time....
Predict that Obama wins reelection, the GOP keeps the House and the Dems keep the Senate. In other words, NO FUCKING CHANGE, same as last time....

Just thinking about your prediction worries me...:(

but alas it's valid..:dunno:
Levels of rhetorical absurdity will reach heights not seen in living memory.

It's hard to beat those Clinton years, one thing about Democrat Presidents,

.. their entertaining..:popcorn:
Obama wins reelection.

More than half of the left on the board will need to be banned for that night.
That's the Pub witchhunts and obsessive propaganda....

What.. only Democrats break out the torches, pitch forks and misspelled signs,

and they obsessively stick around..think OWS...
Barney Frank will open a homosexual brothel.
Larry Craig will be the second customer.
Neither will get married to their same sex life partner.
Predict that Obama wins reelection, the GOP keeps the House and the Dems keep the Senate. In other words, NO FUCKING CHANGE, same as last time....

I can see the Senate flipping. Have you seen how many Dem seats are up in 2012?

I can also see the House flipping.
Obama will win because the Republicans only have clowns to choose from. The Democrats will take back the House and win more seats in the Senate because the American people are sick and tired of Republican obstruction.

Reps keep the House, edge in on the Senate and a carbon copy will take the WH.

Pelosi will miss a botox appointment, and we will have a new fright mask for Halloween.
Cristi will eat a salad and go into shock, slip into coma, and win the 2016 Presidential race.
Weepy will have surgery on his eye bags and announce he wasn't crying, just leaking.
The debt will keep going up and up b/c there will never be enough sound fiscal conservatives running the show and we will have another deep more painful recession that will make this one look like a lark, since we have devalued the dollar so deeply, we won't be able to pawn it off on anyone any more as the world starts to isolate to take care of themselves.

and it will somehow, still be only Bushs fault.
1) The Republicans will force Romney down the throats of their own electorate. They will be absolutely shocked when the rank and file still doesn't love him.

2) A large section of Republicans will support a third party.

3) The economy will recover just enough to allow Obama to win.

4) The Republicans will lose about 10 seats in the House, but gain five seats in the Senate.
Democratic gains in both the House and the Senate. President Obama wins re-election.

Then a real fight in the Democratic Party between those that would do it right, and go completely Universal Health Care, and those that still want a bastard system in which the already wealthy can still bleed off a substancial percentage of the cash flow into their pockets for doing nothing. Sad point here, I have no idea on which side we will find Obama.
Democratic gains in both the House and the Senate. President Obama wins re-election.

Then a real fight in the Democratic Party between those that would do it right, and go completely Universal Health Care, and those that still want a bastard system in which the already wealthy can still bleed off a substancial percentage of the cash flow into their pockets for doing nothing. Sad point here, I have no idea on which side we will find Obama.

Who ever offers the most cash. The main democrat principle.
Well Fully, the primary differance between the GOP and the Dems is that the Dems would see that the policies allowed a small amount of wealth to go to the working and middle class, the GOP works to see that all of it goes to the already very wealthy.

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