The primary cause of political divisiveness.. Biased Media


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Those of you liberal/Obamatron/Democrat supporters WILL NOT agree with this but those of you that THINK you are independent this is for you...

The primary cause for gridlock and tremendous political divisiveness in our country has been the extreme media bias that favors liberal/Democrat ideology.

The liberal/Democratic/progressive ideology though BY it's very inherent requirement of dependency on a centralized government intrusiveness though assures it's failure as a ideology!

The shear weight of complete dependency on a elite few that incestuously continue tired old memes, plans, agenda MEANS destruction of a society!

And one of the tools of the liberal/progressive/Democrats has been the complicity of the mainstream media..MSM!

This thread is for those independents that consider themselves "thinkers", rational, and logical in forming opinions which in turn influence your poll responses which in turn influence politicians!

CONSIDER that the MSM for the past 30 years or MORE has by their OWN admission been biased in news presentation favoring liberal/democrat ideology and deriding conservatives!

To you independents consider these FACTS:

1) Admission by a liberal MSM EDITOR.. Evan Thomas..
" our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." -- Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.
Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' |

YET this same editor says:
"There is a liberal bias.
It's demonstrable.
You look at some statistics.
About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time.
There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias.-

George W. Bush Transcript

AND this same editor said the following gush about Obama...
I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." –

"he's sort of God"! Really.. Objective hard newsmagazine editor referring to Obama as a "God"!

So here is more proof for you growing number of independents that are coming to understand that:
1) your news content has been biased.
2) It influences your opinion which
3) Influences your responses to polls
4) a politicians read your biased influenced opinion answers!

It's that simple!
And here are the REAL FACTS.. REAL STATISTICS regard MSM BIAS!


* More than four-fifths of the journalists interviewed voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in every election between 1964 and 1976.
* “Fifty-four percent placed themselves to the left of center, compared to only 19 percent who chose the right side of the spectrum,” Lichter and Rothman’s survey of journalists discovered"
* “Fifty-six percent said the people they worked with were mostly on the left, and only 8 percent on the right — a margin of seven-to-one.”
* Nearly half of the journalists surveyed agreed that “the very structure of our society causes people to feel alienated,” while the authors found “five out of six believe our legal system mainly favors the wealthy.”
* 30 percent disagreed that “private enterprise is fair to workers;” 28 percent agreed that “all political systems are repressive.”
* 54 percent did not regard adultery as wrong, compared to only 15 percent who regarded it as wrong.
* “Ninety percent agree that a woman has the right to decide for herself whether to have an abortion; 79 percent agree strongly with this pro-choice position.”
* Majorities of journalists agreed with the statements: “U.S. exploits Third World, causes poverty” (56 percent); and “U.S. use of resources immoral” (57 percent). Three-fourths disagreed that the “West had helped Third World.”

Exhibit 1-1: The Media Elite

Again.. you independents... consider your biased MSM content influences your opinion, your opinion expressed in polls and politicians read the polls!
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The age of MSM influencing the populace is diminishing rapidly. The coming of age of the internet and all the variety of sources is more of a cause célèbre for the political divisiveness in the country than the MSM. All these sites purporting to be factual but spouting lies and inciting the believers and the sites of gray news draw in people and influence them more than the MSM could ever do. It is not just a liberal thing but a conservative thing too.

And what is disturbing that some of these so called patriotic and liberal sites are not being brought to us by Americans but foreigners, Chinese and other potential enemies hoping to create disturbances and divisiveness in our country. This is the new age in warfare, psychological warfare, and the combatants are not the military but you and me, the American people.
This is total bullshit. Demublicans love to blame the media and scream that they are partisan but this is just short sightedness. The media represents no party, they represent power/money. They are servants to the elite, the same as both parties are. They serve to keep the masses focused on insignificant issues as a distraction to real policy, and real debate.

It is a non-partisan issue, and so long as the media's primary goal is profit nothing will change.
The hard Left Bias in today's MSM started a long time ago in Hollywood. Hollywood had a very large Communist presence. The MSM just went downhill from there. Today we have a very extreme Socialist/Progressive Democrat Bias in our MSM. And it stems from that past Communist influence in Hollywood. They don't call themselves Communists for obvious reasons. They call themselves Progressives instead.

I'm used to the Bias though and i think most Americans are too. They know it is what it is and they don't let it influence them too much. People are much more savvy these days. It is divisive but most just accept it and move on. The Socialist/Progressive MSM aint goin away anytime soon but they are losing a lot of influence and credibility. Much more alternative Media out there to access. So their glory days are definitely over.
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The media are interested in profit.


The idea that they’re bias to a given political ideology is ignorant nonsense.

Wrong. All parties readily admit that the MSM was for BO and against Hillary & McCain. To deny that fact is utter nonsense. Look how the MSM is going after Ron Paul and Newt and went after Perry & Cain. Just watch how Romney gets dumped on after he gets the nomination.
If you look at Hollywood today,there is still a strong Communist influence. It's called Liberalism or Progressivism these days though. So Hollywood still has that far Left/Communist Bias. And most of the MSM has that Bias as well.
Is this one of those threads where repubs huddle together and tell each other they are scared of information's ok?

Sounds like it. Bias doesnt equal lie btw
Is this one of those threads where repubs huddle together and tell each other they are scared of information's ok?

Sounds like it. Bias doesnt equal lie btw
There are lies of omission; burying vital info that should come first or be in the subtitle deep down beyond the jump page is rampant by the NYT which is the style setter for AP, UPI, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc.
:blahblah:So... what I gather is this... if you're not a Faux News watcher, or a supporting member of FreedomWorks... You're a Communist...

Thank you, Senator McCarthy... for your words of wisdom..:blahblah:
This is total bullshit. Demublicans love to blame the media and scream that they are partisan but this is just short sightedness. The media represents no party, they represent power/money. They are servants to the elite, the same as both parties are. They serve to keep the masses focused on insignificant issues as a distraction to real policy, and real debate.

It is a non-partisan issue, and so long as the media's primary goal is profit nothing will change.

So even though they vote with their pocketbook.. identified 144 journalists who made political contributions from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign, according to the public records of the Federal Election Commission. Most of the newsroom checkbooks leaned to the left:
125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes.
Only 17 gave to Republicans. Two gave to both parties."
Journalists give campaign cash - politics -

THERE IS NO media bias?

Seems when over 86% of the 144 identified journalists GAVE to the Democrats... that's not indicative of bias??

Come on don't be stupid!

Even the * "The old system was biased against conservatives; there's no doubt about it."
If you want to read the full transcript of the director of ABC's political unit,statements look at this web site:
Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Mark Halperin and Hugh Hewitt -- all you need to know about the national media

Geez what does it take to prove to you? I mean these hacks are admitting it!
The primary cause of political divisiveness.. Biased Media

Nah, the media is just handing us all what they think we want. Change the mindless atitude, change the media.
Is this one of those threads where repubs huddle together and tell each other they are scared of information's ok?

Sounds like it. Bias doesnt equal lie btw

You know calling names, etc.. doesn't alter the FACTS!

44 percent of journalists identified themselves as Democrats while just 16 percent tagged themselves as Republican.

Nearly half of the journalists surveyed (47 percent) called themselves “liberal,” compared to 22 percent who described themselves as “conservative.” Gallup polls taken at the same time found just 18 percent of the public considered themselves liberal, while 34 percent of the public said they were conservative.

# “Most Americans (53 percent) believe that news organizations are politically biased, while just 29 percent say they are careful to remove bias from their reports,” Pew reported.
# “When it comes to describing the press, twice as many say news organizations are ‘liberal’ (51 percent) than ‘conservative’ (26 percent) while 14 percent say neither phrase applies.”

YOU are definitely in the minority!
Conservatives are ignorant, (bought off, or elitist), liberals know what they're talking about, so the journalist numbers are not surprising.. The misinformation and spin and lies on the Fox/Rush/Moonie/Koch channel is a disgrace. Many of their audience need a Prozac drip they're so deluded. But they're losing now, the lies and hypocrisy are so shrill and obvious.
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The media are interested in profit.


The idea that they’re bias to a given political ideology is ignorant nonsense.
Then maybe you should tell the editor of NewsWeek?
"There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics. About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time. There is a, particularly at the networks,at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias.-
Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief Evan Thomas

George W. Bush Transcript

* "The old system was biased against conservatives; there's no doubt about it."
If you want to read the full transcript of the director of ABC's political unit,statements look at this web site:
Mark Halperin, director of ABC's political unit,
Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Mark Halperin and Hugh Hewitt -- all you need to know about the national media

I mean why with the proof right in front of you words by the MSM hacks!
They are telling you they are biased and YET you don't believe them?
In the summer of 2003, Princeton Survey Research Associates conducted a poll of 1,201 American adults regarding the media for the Pew Research Center for The People & The Press.
Even Democrats thought the press tilted left, not right. Among Democratic respondents, 41 percent thought the media are liberal, compared to 33 percent who found the media to be conservative

I mean THESE ARE THE FACTS .. why are you ignoring them?
This is total bullshit. Demublicans love to blame the media and scream that they are partisan but this is just short sightedness. The media represents no party, they represent power/money. They are servants to the elite, the same as both parties are. They serve to keep the masses focused on insignificant issues as a distraction to real policy, and real debate.

It is a non-partisan issue, and so long as the media's primary goal is profit nothing will change.

That's what every commie propagandist says. They will never admit the media is biased because propaganda doesn't work when the people know they are being fed bullshit.
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This is total bullshit. Demublicans love to blame the media and scream that they are partisan but this is just short sightedness. The media represents no party, they represent power/money. They are servants to the elite, the same as both parties are. They serve to keep the masses focused on insignificant issues as a distraction to real policy, and real debate.

It is a non-partisan issue, and so long as the media's primary goal is profit nothing will change.

In 1995, Kenneth Walsh, a reporter for U.S. News & World Report, polled 28 of his fellow White House correspondents from ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Copley, Cox, Hearst, Knight-Ridder, plus Newsweek, Time and U.S. News & World Report, about their presidential voting patterns for his 1996 book Feeding the Beast: The White House versus the Press. Walsh found that his colleagues strongly preferred Democrats, with the White House press corps admitting a total of 50 votes for Democratic candidates
compared to just seven for Republicans.


* In 1992,
nine of the White House correspondents surveyed
voted for Democrat Bill Clinton,

two for Republican George H. W. Bush, and
one for independent Ross Perot.
* In 1988, 12 voted for Democrat Michael Dukakis, one for Bush.
* In 1984, 10 voted for Democrat Walter Mondale, zero for Ronald Reagan.
* In 1980, eight voted for Democrat Jimmy Carter, four for liberal independent John Anderson, and two voted for Ronald Reagan.
* In 1976, 11 voted for Carter, two for Republican Gerald Ford.
* Walsh wrote of the White House press corps members he surveyed: “

Even though the survey was anonymous, many journalists declined to reveal their party affiliations, whom they voted for in recent presidential elections, and other data they regarded as too personal — even though they regularly pressure Presidents and other officials to make such disclosures.”

* “Those who did reply seemed to be representative of the larger group. Seven said they were Democrats, eleven were unaffiliated with either major party,
and not a single respondent said he or she was a registered Republican (although some might have been but were not willing to say so).”

AGAIN why are you so blind to the reality.. MSM LIBERAL BIAS EXISTS!
New York Times columnist John Tierney
surveyed 153 campaign journalists at a press party at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston, and found a huge preference for Democratic Senator John Kerry over President George W. Bush, particularly among journalists based in Washington, D.C.
While journalists from outside Washington preferred Kerry by a three-to-one margin,

those inside the Beltway favored Kerry’s election by a 12-to-1 ratio. $MBBChart1A.jpg
1964 94% voted Democrat
1968 86% Democrat
1972 81% voted Democrat
1976 81% Democrat
Media Bias Basics

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