'The President Won This One': CNN's Tapper Details How Trump Outflanked Ocasio-Cortez And Her Gang


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
ME: Did Tap That Tapper accidentally open up a Can of Man and pull his head out of his arse? This is a great article, and yes, there is no doubt that the Winner won again:

'The President Won This One': CNN's Tapper Details How Trump Outflanked Ocasio-Cortez And Her Leninist Girl Scout Troop
BLACK REPUBLICAN BLOG: 'The President Won This One': CNN's Tapper Details How Trump Outflanked Ocasio-Cortez And Her Leninist Girl Scout Troop

House Democrats may have appeared united in the resolution condemning President Trump for a series of tweets aimed at Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), but behind the scenes we have chaos.

A few talked to Tapper off the record and noted this whole fiasco has been a massive win for the Trump White House.

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Report: Democrats Privately Admit Trump Outflanked Them Over Far-Left Progressives
Report: Democrats Privately Admit Trump Outflanked Them Over Far-Left Progressives

Some Democrat lawmakers have privately admitted to being outflanked by President Donald Trump as they struggle to rein in the far-left progressives in their party, according to CNN.

“The President won this one,” a House Democratic lawmaker told the news outlet’s chief Washington correspondent. “What the President has done is politically brilliant. Pelosi was trying to marginalize these folks, and the President has now identified the entire party with them.”

In series of tweets, CNN’s Jake Tapper quoted four anonymous Democrats who expressed frustration with the four far-left members of the party known as the “squad”—Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.)—that came under Trump’s Twitter crosshairs after an internal fight within the Democrat party

Jake Tapper on Twitter
The DNC is going for broke and assuming the democrat base consists of low IQ idiots, TDS victims, and Europhobic racists. Once would assume therefore President Trump will be re-elected in another landslide victory. However, the MSM/DNC/Google etc., are no doubt trying to come up with something to cheat, although Judicial Watch has forced many democrat districts to clean up their fake voter listings.

ME: Did Tap That Tapper accidentally open up a Can of Man and pull his head out of his arse? This is a great article, and yes, there is no doubt that the Winner won again:

'The President Won This One': CNN's Tapper Details How Trump Outflanked Ocasio-Cortez And Her Leninist Girl Scout Troop
BLACK REPUBLICAN BLOG: 'The President Won This One': CNN's Tapper Details How Trump Outflanked Ocasio-Cortez And Her Leninist Girl Scout Troop

House Democrats may have appeared united in the resolution condemning President Trump for a series of tweets aimed at Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), but behind the scenes we have chaos.

A few talked to Tapper off the record and noted this whole fiasco has been a massive win for the Trump White House.

There was infighting between AOC and Speaker Pelosi, which is good, but what’s even better is forcing the Democratic leadership to re-embrace this Leninist Girl Scout Troop from Hell and their extremist agenda and anti-Semitic remarks. Oh, and Omar made sure to make it clear to CBS’s Gayle King that she doesn’t regret her remarks.

"The president won this one,” said one House Democrat to Tapper, “What the president has done is politically brilliant. Pelosi was trying to marginalize these folks and the president has now identified the entire party with them."

There were also worries that AOC and her crew’s antics won’t help moderate House Democrats keep their seats in 2020. With them defining the party, that’s very possible. Have you seen the polling? The agenda peddled by these women are viewed as straight trash.

“Anything that takes away from bread and butter issues is playing into his [Trump’s] hands, said another Democrat.

There’s also great hesitancy to defend this quartet over their absurd claims that we have concentration camps on the southern border in a not so subtle reference to the Nazi Holocaust.

The irony is that soon after these allegations were lobbed by AOC, she quoted a Nazi sympathizer on Twitter. And defending these women means defending their anti-Semitic antics, which Omar has been their top quarterback.

While some tried to work on a package to help the overcrowding in the detention centers, this crew attacked them for being complicit for putting kids in cages. Why? Well, anything that enforces immigration law is seen that way. It’s evil in their eyes. They’re for open borders.

“I can't tell you the number of Members who are angry and annoyed about them criticizing us,” said another Democrat.

Where were these people when the House tried to condemn anti-Semitism. Over the weekend, Trump said that these women should go back to their crime-infested places from whence they came, fix it, and come back. He later doubled down and said if they don’t like it here, they can leave.

Oh, and there’s the whole part about this four-headed monster backing primary challenged. AOC and her Justice Democrats have said they are in no way backing off from possibly challenging incumbent Democrats next year. Needless to say, that hasn’t sat well with their Democratic colleagues. It looks like Trump just outflanked them.
I'm glad a person from CNN finally got a clear picture of the problem.

It's a sad day when News organizations go deep state and make a mockery of conservative working folks who have to bear the steep price for Big Government that started in 1914 when Congress declared war on the working man by charging him a percentage of his wages for somebody else to spend. I wonder if someone could've seen back then the pressure high taxes put on families. Some of it I can understand, but I can't understand Congress members organizing and supporting terrorist youth groups like Antifa who use politics they learned in tax-fed universities to hurt taxpayers who work and wear MAGA hats.
The sad part is there ARE some good young promising democrats.

But the news will never report on them. Not enough clicks.
ME: Did Tap That Tapper accidentally open up a Can of Man and pull his head out of his arse? This is a great article, and yes, there is no doubt that the Winner won again:

'The President Won This One': CNN's Tapper Details How Trump Outflanked Ocasio-Cortez And Her Leninist Girl Scout Troop
BLACK REPUBLICAN BLOG: 'The President Won This One': CNN's Tapper Details How Trump Outflanked Ocasio-Cortez And Her Leninist Girl Scout Troop

House Democrats may have appeared united in the resolution condemning President Trump for a series of tweets aimed at Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), but behind the scenes we have chaos.

A few talked to Tapper off the record and noted this whole fiasco has been a massive win for the Trump White House.

There was infighting between AOC and Speaker Pelosi, which is good, but what’s even better is forcing the Democratic leadership to re-embrace this Leninist Girl Scout Troop from Hell and their extremist agenda and anti-Semitic remarks. Oh, and Omar made sure to make it clear to CBS’s Gayle King that she doesn’t regret her remarks.

"The president won this one,” said one House Democrat to Tapper, “What the president has done is politically brilliant. Pelosi was trying to marginalize these folks and the president has now identified the entire party with them."

There were also worries that AOC and her crew’s antics won’t help moderate House Democrats keep their seats in 2020. With them defining the party, that’s very possible. Have you seen the polling? The agenda peddled by these women are viewed as straight trash.

“Anything that takes away from bread and butter issues is playing into his [Trump’s] hands, said another Democrat.

There’s also great hesitancy to defend this quartet over their absurd claims that we have concentration camps on the southern border in a not so subtle reference to the Nazi Holocaust.

The irony is that soon after these allegations were lobbed by AOC, she quoted a Nazi sympathizer on Twitter. And defending these women means defending their anti-Semitic antics, which Omar has been their top quarterback.

While some tried to work on a package to help the overcrowding in the detention centers, this crew attacked them for being complicit for putting kids in cages. Why? Well, anything that enforces immigration law is seen that way. It’s evil in their eyes. They’re for open borders.

“I can't tell you the number of Members who are angry and annoyed about them criticizing us,” said another Democrat.

Where were these people when the House tried to condemn anti-Semitism. Over the weekend, Trump said that these women should go back to their crime-infested places from whence they came, fix it, and come back. He later doubled down and said if they don’t like it here, they can leave.

Oh, and there’s the whole part about this four-headed monster backing primary challenged. AOC and her Justice Democrats have said they are in no way backing off from possibly challenging incumbent Democrats next year. Needless to say, that hasn’t sat well with their Democratic colleagues. It looks like Trump just outflanked them.
As I posted in another thread, they don't realize Donald Trump just stuck a hot iron brand on the Donkey's ass, and it says "THE SQUAD".
Liberal Democrats just don't get it.

Trump tries to protect Americans by enacting a Muslim ban, Democrats go to court to block it.
Trump nominates Kavanaugh to a justice position he deserves, Democrats bring lying drunken sluts to DC in an attempt to derail the nomination.
Trump rearranges finances to build the border wall to make in impossible for migrants to pass, Democrats go to court to block it.
Trump makes minor changes to asylum policy in an attempt to deter unwanted immigrants from coming to America, Democrats go to court to block those changes.
Liberal Democrats just don't get it.

Trump tries to protect Americans by enacting a Muslim ban, Democrats go to court to block it.
Trump nominates Kavanaugh to a justice position he deserves, Democrats bring lying drunken sluts to DC in an attempt to derail the nomination.
Trump rearranges finances to build the border wall to make in impossible for migrants to pass, Democrats go to court to block it.
Trump makes minor changes to asylum policy in an attempt to deter unwanted immigrants from coming to America, Democrats go to court to block those changes.
Looks like y'all are taking comfort where little exists. A lesson in hope springing eternal.
ME: Did Tap That Tapper accidentally open up a Can of Man and pull his head out of his arse? This is a great article, and yes, there is no doubt that the Winner won again:

'The President Won This One': CNN's Tapper Details How Trump Outflanked Ocasio-Cortez And Her Leninist Girl Scout Troop
BLACK REPUBLICAN BLOG: 'The President Won This One': CNN's Tapper Details How Trump Outflanked Ocasio-Cortez And Her Leninist Girl Scout Troop

House Democrats may have appeared united in the resolution condemning President Trump for a series of tweets aimed at Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), but behind the scenes we have chaos.

A few talked to Tapper off the record and noted this whole fiasco has been a massive win for the Trump White House.

There was infighting between AOC and Speaker Pelosi, which is good, but what’s even better is forcing the Democratic leadership to re-embrace this Leninist Girl Scout Troop from Hell and their extremist agenda and anti-Semitic remarks. Oh, and Omar made sure to make it clear to CBS’s Gayle King that she doesn’t regret her remarks.

"The president won this one,” said one House Democrat to Tapper, “What the president has done is politically brilliant. Pelosi was trying to marginalize these folks and the president has now identified the entire party with them."

There were also worries that AOC and her crew’s antics won’t help moderate House Democrats keep their seats in 2020. With them defining the party, that’s very possible. Have you seen the polling? The agenda peddled by these women are viewed as straight trash.

“Anything that takes away from bread and butter issues is playing into his [Trump’s] hands, said another Democrat.

There’s also great hesitancy to defend this quartet over their absurd claims that we have concentration camps on the southern border in a not so subtle reference to the Nazi Holocaust.

The irony is that soon after these allegations were lobbed by AOC, she quoted a Nazi sympathizer on Twitter. And defending these women means defending their anti-Semitic antics, which Omar has been their top quarterback.

While some tried to work on a package to help the overcrowding in the detention centers, this crew attacked them for being complicit for putting kids in cages. Why? Well, anything that enforces immigration law is seen that way. It’s evil in their eyes. They’re for open borders.

“I can't tell you the number of Members who are angry and annoyed about them criticizing us,” said another Democrat.

Where were these people when the House tried to condemn anti-Semitism. Over the weekend, Trump said that these women should go back to their crime-infested places from whence they came, fix it, and come back. He later doubled down and said if they don’t like it here, they can leave.

Oh, and there’s the whole part about this four-headed monster backing primary challenged. AOC and her Justice Democrats have said they are in no way backing off from possibly challenging incumbent Democrats next year. Needless to say, that hasn’t sat well with their Democratic colleagues. It looks like Trump just outflanked them.

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Trump tries to protect Americans by enacting a Muslim ban, Democrats go to court to block it.

It wasn't even a Muslim ban because it did not include countries with the most Muslims!! It was a list of countries put together by Obama of all people..
Trump tries to protect Americans by enacting a Muslim ban, Democrats go to court to block it.

It wasn't even a Muslim ban because it did not include countries with the most Muslims!! It was a list of countries put together by Obama of all people..
No, it was a Muslim ban..spoken on TV! I'll try to find the clip where Trump speaks of banning "all" Muslim immigration "until we find out what the hell is going on!"
Terri, we all know you haven't been the same since that house fell on your sister!
Democrats, the DNC, the MSM and the education cartel are all looking to AOC and her squat for leadership and guidance. What a shame that this once proud party has deteriorated into a bottom feeding gaggle trying to out Soviet each other. Viva Trump
Democrats, the DNC, the MSM and the education cartel are all looking to AOC and her squat for leadership and guidance. What a shame that this once proud party has deteriorated into a bottom feeding gaggle trying to out Soviet each other. Viva Trump
You assume too much. You are trying to Paint AOC & squad the face of the Dem Party and among Trump's base that will work. But anybody with an IQ over moron knows better. Do not equate defending their 1A rights with support. And I wonder how much you yourself have heard of what they actually say, in context, vs what you filter thru Trump and flunkies of what they said.
No, it was a Muslim ban.........

No, it was not. It excluded the majority of Muslim nations you half-witted imbecile. How the fuck is that a Muslim ban? What kind of Muslim ban allows most Muslims to come here? Eh, you fucking lying sack of shit?

That tv clip has nothing to do with what was actually submitted you stupid fucking fake news Piece-Of-Shit moron.

Read it and weep:

The Left’s Response to SCOTUS Travel-Ban Ruling Is Typically Baseless
Travel Ban: Not Anti-Muslim, Not Unprecedented | National Review

.......A genuine, hate-fueled Muslim ban would include all or most of Earth’s 51 majority-Muslim nations. In fact, a grand total of five majority-Muslim countries are restricted: Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen.

The travel limit also includes North Korea, an officially atheist state with a pre-Communist history steeped in Confucianism, not Islam. Certain Venezuelan travelers also are proscribed. Like North Korea, Venezuela is neither Middle Eastern nor predominantly Islamic. Pew Research reports that it’s approximately 73 percent Catholic and 17 percent Protestant. Venezuela is 0.3 percent Muslim......

.......Trump’s “policy covers just 8 percent of the world’s Muslim population,” the chief justice observed. A truly Islamophobic reform surely would try harder. Neither Indonesia nor Pakistan is on this list. To detest Muslims yet exclude Islam’s two most populous countries is as absurd as hating Francophones and consequently restricting travelers from Haiti and Togo but welcoming Frenchmen and Canadians. Roberts also recalled that “three Muslim-majority countries — Iraq, Sudan, and Chad — have been removed from the list of covered countries.” Indeed, they were unbanned after harmonizing their safety protocols with Washington’
TRUMP just elevated the "squad" right before the next clown debate. He not only played the democrats, he also played the media who has been running non-stop defense supporting the "squad".
No, it was a Muslim ban.........

No, it was not. It excluded the majority of Muslim nations you half-witted imbecile. How the fuck is that a Muslim ban? What kind of Muslim ban allows most Muslims to come here? Eh, you fucking lying sack of shit?

That tv clip has nothing to do with what was actually submitted you stupid fucking fake news Piece-Of-Shit moron.

Read it and weep:

The Left’s Response to SCOTUS Travel-Ban Ruling Is Typically Baseless
Travel Ban: Not Anti-Muslim, Not Unprecedented | National Review

.......A genuine, hate-fueled Muslim ban would include all or most of Earth’s 51 majority-Muslim nations. In fact, a grand total of five majority-Muslim countries are restricted: Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen.

The travel limit also includes North Korea, an officially atheist state with a pre-Communist history steeped in Confucianism, not Islam. Certain Venezuelan travelers also are proscribed. Like North Korea, Venezuela is neither Middle Eastern nor predominantly Islamic. Pew Research reports that it’s approximately 73 percent Catholic and 17 percent Protestant. Venezuela is 0.3 percent Muslim......

.......Trump’s “policy covers just 8 percent of the world’s Muslim population,” the chief justice observed. A truly Islamophobic reform surely would try harder. Neither Indonesia nor Pakistan is on this list. To detest Muslims yet exclude Islam’s two most populous countries is as absurd as hating Francophones and consequently restricting travelers from Haiti and Togo but welcoming Frenchmen and Canadians. Roberts also recalled that “three Muslim-majority countries — Iraq, Sudan, and Chad — have been removed from the list of covered countries.” Indeed, they were unbanned after harmonizing their safety protocols with Washington’

That is just what he ended up getting...it was not his stated goal as a candidate.

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”
The DNC is going for broke and assuming the democrat base consists of low IQ idiots, TDS victims, and Europhobic racists. Once would assume therefore President Trump will be re-elected in another landslide victory. However, the MSM/DNC/Google etc., are no doubt trying to come up with something to cheat, although Judicial Watch has forced many democrat districts to clean up their fake voter listings.

Great post

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