“Send Him Back” Dems Told Elian Gonzalez at Gunpoint


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
“Send Him Back” Dems Told Elian Gonzalez at Gunpoint

“Send Him Back” Dems Told Elian Gonzalez at Gunpoint | Flopping Aces
20 Jul 19 ~ By Daniel John Sobieski
Kudos to Humberto Fontova over at TownHall.com for reminding us of another time when liberals weren’t so kind to refugees seeking asylum while fleeing genuine repression and poverty. Then even the New York Times and parallel universe occupant Thomas Friedman supported secure borders to the point even a bitter clinger might blush:
''America is a country where the rule of law rules. This picture (a U.S. Marshall pointing a genuine assault rifle at a terrified 6 year old Hispanic immigrant, whose mother had just drowned or been eaten alive by sharks) illustrates what happens to those who defy the rule of law and how far our government and people will go to preserve it. Come all ye who understand that.'' (The New York Times’ Thomas Friedman.)
TAKE THAT! -- you uppity Cuban-American ingrates! But The New York Times’ Tom Friedman (who had an obscenity-laced meltdown on CNN last week sputtering against President Trump’s “racism” and “xenophobia”…blah…blah) had barely started venting his spleen against those insufferable Cuban-Americans…. “One only hopes that this affair will remind the extremists among the Miami Cubans that they are not living in their own private country, that they cannot do whatever they please and that they may hate Fidel Castro more than they love the U.S. Constitution -- but that doesn't apply to the rest of us.”​
When the President is Clinton, not Trump, when the refugees are Republican-leaning Cubans and not undocumented Democrats, those who shout “xenophobia” and “racism” today were quite silent then. Imagine if today an ICE or Border Patrol agent shoved an AR-15 under the chin of a 6 year old from Honduras. They do not do anything of the sort yet are falsely slandered as guards in modern-day concentration camps who make women drink out of toilets – the only such camps in human history that people climb walls and cross rivers to get into.

I remember this like it was yesterday. Just another ruined life that the Clintons and their worshipers will have to answer for.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Dem Leftists considered Bill Clinton a hero and praised him for "reuniting the family." Never mind that the mother of Elian Gonzalez died trying to get him to America. If I remember correctly she was not married to his father.
I also remember that Janet Reno as Atty. Gen. of the United States saw to it that the Branch Davidians (including the children) died at the hands of federal agents. Supposedly they wanted to arrest David Koresh. A competent law enforcement officer will tell you that you wait until the person you want to arrest is in a car on the road and away from his home base. Attempting to arrest someone in a fortified compound is asking for trouble.
I get it. If PMS/DSA Democrats kidnap children, or allows them to die in a fire they are heroes. But if a Republican threatened to arrest criminals that have entered our country illegally and deport them, then he/she is a monster.
This makes perfect sense if one simply understands that Cuba is a government Utopian, communist Paradise and the Branch Davidians were an anti-social, private communist society condemned by the government, MSM, Hollywood and Academia.
According to the PMS/DSA Leftist sycophants Cuba is the Panacea for Utopian idiot communists but apparently South America and the Middle East are not Paradise. The politicians of both Parties have some $3.5T to spend on creating Nirvana for Third World aliens with the accumulated wealth and productivity of red-blooded Americans. We do not have universal, single-provider health care yet, so Cuba is still the ultimate goal.
Perhaps we are being inconsiderate of the feelings of our Central Planner, totalitarian Socialists for the good that they can do through Communism with the wealth and income of the Free Market. That is while the funds they use are the results of picking the pockets of the middle Class.
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Yeah, conservatives were on the wrong side of that argument as well.
Sending Elian Gonzales back to Cuba was the right thing, but for reasons completely unrelated to any current controversy, and I have to think that it was very badly handled.

His mother died, bringing him to America, Under our existing policies, had she survived the trip, she would likely have been allowed to remain here. Whether she would be allowed to keep her son here would have been a different question. His father remained in Cuba, and wanted Elian back with him. This would have been a custody dispute between two parents who each wanted to remain in different places, and who each wanted their child with them.

But Elian's mother was dead, leaving his father as the sole remaining parent, and the sole rightful claimant to any custody of him. The only valid outcome was to return Elian to his father, in Cuba.
“Send Him Back” Dems Told Elian Gonzalez at Gunpoint

“Send Him Back” Dems Told Elian Gonzalez at Gunpoint | Flopping Aces
20 Jul 19 ~ By Daniel John Sobieski
Kudos to Humberto Fontova over at TownHall.com for reminding us of another time when liberals weren’t so kind to refugees seeking asylum while fleeing genuine repression and poverty. Then even the New York Times and parallel universe occupant Thomas Friedman supported secure borders to the point even a bitter clinger might blush:
''America is a country where the rule of law rules. This picture (a U.S. Marshall pointing a genuine assault rifle at a terrified 6 year old Hispanic immigrant, whose mother had just drowned or been eaten alive by sharks) illustrates what happens to those who defy the rule of law and how far our government and people will go to preserve it. Come all ye who understand that.'' (The New York Times’ Thomas Friedman.)
TAKE THAT! -- you uppity Cuban-American ingrates! But The New York Times’ Tom Friedman (who had an obscenity-laced meltdown on CNN last week sputtering against President Trump’s “racism” and “xenophobia”…blah…blah) had barely started venting his spleen against those insufferable Cuban-Americans…. “One only hopes that this affair will remind the extremists among the Miami Cubans that they are not living in their own private country, that they cannot do whatever they please and that they may hate Fidel Castro more than they love the U.S. Constitution -- but that doesn't apply to the rest of us.”​
When the President is Clinton, not Trump, when the refugees are Republican-leaning Cubans and not undocumented Democrats, those who shout “xenophobia” and “racism” today were quite silent then. Imagine if today an ICE or Border Patrol agent shoved an AR-15 under the chin of a 6 year old from Honduras. They do not do anything of the sort yet are falsely slandered as guards in modern-day concentration camps who make women drink out of toilets – the only such camps in human history that people climb walls and cross rivers to get into.

I remember this like it was yesterday. Just another ruined life that the Clintons and their worshipers will have to answer for.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Dem Leftists considered Bill Clinton a hero and praised him for "reuniting the family." Never mind that the mother of Elian Gonzalez died trying to get him to America. If I remember correctly she was not married to his father.
I also remember that Janet Reno as Atty. Gen. of the United States saw to it that the Branch Davidians (including the children) died at the hands of federal agents. Supposedly they wanted to arrest David Koresh. A competent law enforcement officer will tell you that you wait until the person you want to arrest is in a car on the road and away from his home base. Attempting to arrest someone in a fortified compound is asking for trouble.
I get it. If PMS/DSA Democrats kidnap children, or allows them to die in a fire they are heroes. But if a Republican threatened to arrest criminals that have entered our country illegally and deport them, then he/she is a monster.
This makes perfect sense if one simply understands that Cuba is a government Utopian, communist Paradise and the Branch Davidians were an anti-social, private communist society condemned by the government, MSM, Hollywood and Academia.
According to the PMS/DSA Leftist sycophants Cuba is the Panacea for Utopian idiot communists but apparently South America and the Middle East are not Paradise. The politicians of both Parties have some $3.5T to spend on creating Nirvana for Third World aliens with the accumulated wealth and productivity of red-blooded Americans. We do not have universal, single-provider health care yet, so Cuba is still the ultimate goal.
Perhaps we are being inconsiderate of the feelings of our Central Planner, totalitarian Socialists for the good that they can do through Communism with the wealth and income of the Free Market. That is while the funds they use are the results of picking the pockets of the middle Class.
So the father had no parental rights?
You mean send him back to his father?

Fucking Democrats
Republicans support taking a boy away from his father after his mother died right before his eyes

What a bunch of soulless bastards
“Send Him Back” Dems Told Elian Gonzalez at Gunpoint

“Send Him Back” Dems Told Elian Gonzalez at Gunpoint | Flopping Aces
20 Jul 19 ~ By Daniel John Sobieski
Kudos to Humberto Fontova over at TownHall.com for reminding us of another time when liberals weren’t so kind to refugees seeking asylum while fleeing genuine repression and poverty. Then even the New York Times and parallel universe occupant Thomas Friedman supported secure borders to the point even a bitter clinger might blush:
''America is a country where the rule of law rules. This picture (a U.S. Marshall pointing a genuine assault rifle at a terrified 6 year old Hispanic immigrant, whose mother had just drowned or been eaten alive by sharks) illustrates what happens to those who defy the rule of law and how far our government and people will go to preserve it. Come all ye who understand that.'' (The New York Times’ Thomas Friedman.)
TAKE THAT! -- you uppity Cuban-American ingrates! But The New York Times’ Tom Friedman (who had an obscenity-laced meltdown on CNN last week sputtering against President Trump’s “racism” and “xenophobia”…blah…blah) had barely started venting his spleen against those insufferable Cuban-Americans…. “One only hopes that this affair will remind the extremists among the Miami Cubans that they are not living in their own private country, that they cannot do whatever they please and that they may hate Fidel Castro more than they love the U.S. Constitution -- but that doesn't apply to the rest of us.”​
When the President is Clinton, not Trump, when the refugees are Republican-leaning Cubans and not undocumented Democrats, those who shout “xenophobia” and “racism” today were quite silent then. Imagine if today an ICE or Border Patrol agent shoved an AR-15 under the chin of a 6 year old from Honduras. They do not do anything of the sort yet are falsely slandered as guards in modern-day concentration camps who make women drink out of toilets – the only such camps in human history that people climb walls and cross rivers to get into.

I remember this like it was yesterday. Just another ruined life that the Clintons and their worshipers will have to answer for.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Dem Leftists considered Bill Clinton a hero and praised him for "reuniting the family." Never mind that the mother of Elian Gonzalez died trying to get him to America. If I remember correctly she was not married to his father.
I also remember that Janet Reno as Atty. Gen. of the United States saw to it that the Branch Davidians (including the children) died at the hands of federal agents. Supposedly they wanted to arrest David Koresh. A competent law enforcement officer will tell you that you wait until the person you want to arrest is in a car on the road and away from his home base. Attempting to arrest someone in a fortified compound is asking for trouble.
I get it. If PMS/DSA Democrats kidnap children, or allows them to die in a fire they are heroes. But if a Republican threatened to arrest criminals that have entered our country illegally and deport them, then he/she is a monster.
This makes perfect sense if one simply understands that Cuba is a government Utopian, communist Paradise and the Branch Davidians were an anti-social, private communist society condemned by the government, MSM, Hollywood and Academia.
According to the PMS/DSA Leftist sycophants Cuba is the Panacea for Utopian idiot communists but apparently South America and the Middle East are not Paradise. The politicians of both Parties have some $3.5T to spend on creating Nirvana for Third World aliens with the accumulated wealth and productivity of red-blooded Americans. We do not have universal, single-provider health care yet, so Cuba is still the ultimate goal.
Perhaps we are being inconsiderate of the feelings of our Central Planner, totalitarian Socialists for the good that they can do through Communism with the wealth and income of the Free Market. That is while the funds they use are the results of picking the pockets of the middle Class.

Using Elian Gonzalez is a very poor example to use. According to law at the time, we had to return Elian to his father in Cuba. As a 5 year-old, he technically was an illegal immigrant and only his father could petition for asylum. His father did not and he was returned to Cuba.

Your other examples are fine.
“Send Him Back” Dems Told Elian Gonzalez at Gunpoint

“Send Him Back” Dems Told Elian Gonzalez at Gunpoint | Flopping Aces
20 Jul 19 ~ By Daniel John Sobieski
Kudos to Humberto Fontova over at TownHall.com for reminding us of another time when liberals weren’t so kind to refugees seeking asylum while fleeing genuine repression and poverty. Then even the New York Times and parallel universe occupant Thomas Friedman supported secure borders to the point even a bitter clinger might blush:
''America is a country where the rule of law rules. This picture (a U.S. Marshall pointing a genuine assault rifle at a terrified 6 year old Hispanic immigrant, whose mother had just drowned or been eaten alive by sharks) illustrates what happens to those who defy the rule of law and how far our government and people will go to preserve it. Come all ye who understand that.'' (The New York Times’ Thomas Friedman.)
TAKE THAT! -- you uppity Cuban-American ingrates! But The New York Times’ Tom Friedman (who had an obscenity-laced meltdown on CNN last week sputtering against President Trump’s “racism” and “xenophobia”…blah…blah) had barely started venting his spleen against those insufferable Cuban-Americans…. “One only hopes that this affair will remind the extremists among the Miami Cubans that they are not living in their own private country, that they cannot do whatever they please and that they may hate Fidel Castro more than they love the U.S. Constitution -- but that doesn't apply to the rest of us.”​
When the President is Clinton, not Trump, when the refugees are Republican-leaning Cubans and not undocumented Democrats, those who shout “xenophobia” and “racism” today were quite silent then. Imagine if today an ICE or Border Patrol agent shoved an AR-15 under the chin of a 6 year old from Honduras. They do not do anything of the sort yet are falsely slandered as guards in modern-day concentration camps who make women drink out of toilets – the only such camps in human history that people climb walls and cross rivers to get into.

I remember this like it was yesterday. Just another ruined life that the Clintons and their worshipers will have to answer for.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Dem Leftists considered Bill Clinton a hero and praised him for "reuniting the family." Never mind that the mother of Elian Gonzalez died trying to get him to America. If I remember correctly she was not married to his father.
I also remember that Janet Reno as Atty. Gen. of the United States saw to it that the Branch Davidians (including the children) died at the hands of federal agents. Supposedly they wanted to arrest David Koresh. A competent law enforcement officer will tell you that you wait until the person you want to arrest is in a car on the road and away from his home base. Attempting to arrest someone in a fortified compound is asking for trouble.
I get it. If PMS/DSA Democrats kidnap children, or allows them to die in a fire they are heroes. But if a Republican threatened to arrest criminals that have entered our country illegally and deport them, then he/she is a monster.
This makes perfect sense if one simply understands that Cuba is a government Utopian, communist Paradise and the Branch Davidians were an anti-social, private communist society condemned by the government, MSM, Hollywood and Academia.
According to the PMS/DSA Leftist sycophants Cuba is the Panacea for Utopian idiot communists but apparently South America and the Middle East are not Paradise. The politicians of both Parties have some $3.5T to spend on creating Nirvana for Third World aliens with the accumulated wealth and productivity of red-blooded Americans. We do not have universal, single-provider health care yet, so Cuba is still the ultimate goal.
Perhaps we are being inconsiderate of the feelings of our Central Planner, totalitarian Socialists for the good that they can do through Communism with the wealth and income of the Free Market. That is while the funds they use are the results of picking the pockets of the middle Class.
One teeny detail you left out....

Elian's father wanted his son back.
Sending Elian Gonzales back to Cuba was the right thing.......

OMG. Sending a kid to a Communist island that is no better than one big concentration camp is the right thing?


My pastor is from Cuba. Cuba is not great, but describing it as a concentration camp is simply not true and pure hyperbole.

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