The Presidency of Scott Walker

The GOP can do better..find someone to reach out to the middle class.
Someone like John McCain?

In point and fact, yes. Probably someone who is younger.

But someone (unlike McCain) who...
  • knows how to use a computer and recognizes the information age is here...
  • wasn't a carbon copy of a failed incumbent...
  • didn't suspend his campaign during the campaign

Or Romney who...
  • Embodied the 1% doing well in a stagnant economy (basically asking the "have-nots" to vote for the "have"
  • doesn't visit Poland during the campaign
  • disparage 47% of the electorate
What you guys often forget and (for some reason) can't bring yourself to admit is that both men ran pretty crappy campaigns compared to their opponent.
I'm sure conservatives everywhere will appreciate your expert advice. :lol:

After the 1 for 6 bitch slapping since '92 in terms of winning the popular vote, they need advice from someone.
That someone isn't you, moron. No offense.
1st post
The GOP can do better..find someone to reach out to the middle class.
Someone like John McCain?

In point and fact, yes. Probably someone who is younger.

But someone (unlike McCain) who...
  • knows how to use a computer and recognizes the information age is here...
  • wasn't a carbon copy of a failed incumbent...
  • didn't suspend his campaign during the campaign

Or Romney who...
  • Embodied the 1% doing well in a stagnant economy (basically asking the "have-nots" to vote for the "have"
  • doesn't visit Poland during the campaign
  • disparage 47% of the electorate
What you guys often forget and (for some reason) can't bring yourself to admit is that both men ran pretty crappy campaigns compared to their opponent.
I'm sure conservatives everywhere will appreciate your expert advice. :lol:

After the 1 for 6 bitch slapping since '92 in terms of winning the popular vote, they need advice from someone.
That someone isn't you, moron. No offense.

Coming from you...that rates as a compliment
Scott Walker and Cruz, both are the biggest fears of the left. Why? along with Rubio, they could take enough purple states away from Hillary!
when the left sees Walker consistently ahead in polls within 2/3 months of his announcement, they will be looking for 20-25 year old girls who will claim(more like Lie) that they had affairs with Scott Walker when they were 16/17.
They have two in the wings already.....Its a favored tactic.
Facts are facts. Plus add to that where is the college degree? I b et you are a corporate lover.
I can tell by the level of nastiness by you libs that you're scared shitless he's gonna be the nominee. You wouldn't be attacking him if you weren't afraid of him.

Stating he doesn't have a college degree is "attacking" him? Who knew. But please follow through on the dynamic. Walker, if he runs, will be asking average folks to vote for him. A lot of what we call average folks have college degrees or in some cases also have kids that have college degrees. Of these average folk, very few think that they themselves would make a good President. Most of that has to do with intelligence.

There is very little chance that these people will vote for someone with less intelligence than they have or, more importantly, the kid who took their car without asking or beer out of their fridge. Now not all intelligence is learned in college to be certain and he does have a record to run on that will appeal to some voters. But while there is no listing of qualifications to be POTUS, a college degree is implied.

As for being "afraid"...this is the same noise you guys said about Palin, are saying about Cruz, Rand Paul, etc... I urge you to nominate Walker. Its as close to a guaranteed victory for the Democrats as one can get.
One has only to point at your post to teach the lesson of educated people not having any intelligence.

The fact that a great deal of working Americans think that a degree equates to intelligence is laughable. Particularly given that George W. Bush had a Masters Degree and every leftist on the planet considered him an imbecile, all evidence to the contrary, while they laud the intelligence of a President who can't even get national security right.
Facts are facts. Plus add to that where is the college degree? I b et you are a corporate lover.
I can tell by the level of nastiness by you libs that you're scared shitless he's gonna be the nominee. You wouldn't be attacking him if you weren't afraid of him.

You think we laugh at sarah because we are scared of her too, don't you?
Diversion. Walker kicked your asses 3 times in 4 years. Your attempt to equate him with Sarah Palin shows your desperation. It won't work, he is likely to get the nomination and that scares the piss out of you libtards.
Facts are facts. Plus add to that where is the college degree? I b et you are a corporate lover.
I can tell by the level of nastiness by you libs that you're scared shitless he's gonna be the nominee. You wouldn't be attacking him if you weren't afraid of him.

You think we laugh at sarah because we are scared of her too, don't you?
Diversion. Walker kicked your asses 3 times in 4 years. Your attempt to equate him with Sarah Palin shows your desperation. It won't work, he is likely to get the nomination and that scares the piss out of you libtards.

Well, I'll try to act scared if it is that important to you. I know you wanted us to be in ashes and sack cloth about that little midterm election, and you want us shaking in our boots over the upcoming Presidential election. Sorry, but that just ain't happening.

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