The Politically Inept Hanging On By Their Fingernails


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
You know who you are.....Liberals, Democrats, dunces of every stripe....

You know the charade is drawing to a close.

The only individuals for whom there is actual evidence of associations with Russia, are Democrats.

Better get your voices ready for more screaming at the sky.

1. "Tide Is Now Running In Favor of Trump, As Mueller Turns Boring

2. No serious person could find anything in the conduct of the president that could be construed as obstruction of justice, the all-purpose catch-all of American prosecutors, who can conjure that charge from the most mundane acts.

3. The Trump-impeachers, shuffling grimly forward into the desert like Old Testament slaves to the chant of the ineffable millionaire congresswoman Maxine Waters: “Impeach 45!” will perish in the sand.

4. After two years of exhaustive legal investigation accompanied by intense press innuendos about everything President Trump and his family have done more ambitious than putting on their shoes in the morning (unlike the Clinton case ...

....there is nothing to impeach with, or about.

5. The statute under which Robert Mueller’s investigation is operating does not give him an open and unaccountable mandate like the old special prosecutors had, and he has wildly exceeded his remit.

6. ...Mueller, though, has less authority, is outside his mandate, some of his staff have committed significant improprieties, and his operation was set up in the absence of a crime, in response to an illegal leak of an improperly removed document of contested accuracy by ex-FBI director James Comey in retaliation against the president for having been fired on the recommendation of the deputy attorney general (Rod Rosenstein), who then obliged Mr. Comey by engaging Mr. Mueller as special counsel (having first offered him the FBI position he held before Mr. Comey).

7. It is not clear that the Supreme Court would order Trump’s attendance at a grand jury, given the farcical charade that has got us where we are. (Nor is it clear that if Mr. Trump declined to follow such an order, the Congress would consider that an offense justifying removal from office.)

8. The early righteousness of the anti-Trump lynch-mob was deflated when the Steele dossier was disclosed as defamatory lies assembled and paid for by the Clinton campaign.

9. The feeble effort at claiming a boozy conversation between a very junior member of the Trump campaign team and a former Australian politician (who had secured $25 million of Australian government money for the Clinton Foundation) as the source of the investigation has crumbled.

10. ... Christopher Steele and prominent members of the FBI and CIA shopped his inane and scatological dossier around the media to incite the misplaced belief that there were multiple disinterested sources for its contents."
Tide Is Now Running In Favor of Trump, As Mueller Turns Boring

Now, you dolts of the Left.....a reminder from John Donne...

"...never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."

I'm looking forward to an investigation into the Democrats colluding with the Russians.

It should be quite interesting...


Hi, I don't have anything to say about the investigation, but I do have some questions. You often criticize people here for obscene language and suggest that it's something that stupid and undesirable people do. How do you feel about the "Grab em' by the pussy." type remarks that Trump is known for? How do you feel about his affair with a porn star? Does this man really represent your good Christian values?
Jail time time for deep state...deep state in deep shit...Hey where is Obama?
Hi, I don't have anything to say about the investigation, but I do have some questions. You often criticize people here for obscene language and suggest that it's something that stupid and undesirable people do. How do you feel about the "Grab em' by the pussy." type remarks that Trump is known for? How do you feel about his affair with a porn star? Does this man really represent your good Christian values?

"I don't have anything to say about the investigation, ...."

Finally, a wise choice on your part.
Hi, I don't have anything to say about the investigation, but I do have some questions. You often criticize people here for obscene language and suggest that it's something that stupid and undesirable people do. How do you feel about the "Grab em' by the pussy." type remarks that Trump is known for? How do you feel about his affair with a porn star? Does this man really represent your good Christian values?
what was your feeling on Slick Willie?
11. "...seems to be clear that Mr. Comey, and former National Intelligence and Central Intelligence directors James Clapper and John Brennan, were involved in improper leaks of confidential information and in coordinating their activities to mislead the president-elect. All three also appear to have misled congressional committees while under oath.

The inspector general of the Department of Justice, Michael Horowitz, is apparently only a week away from a release to the Congress (i.e., the world) of his report on the official handling of the Clinton emails affair. His report is reportedly 400 pages, and there has never in recent history been a 400-page nothingburger."
Tide Is Now Running In Favor of Trump, As Mueller Turns Boring

12. Hussein: "I do not talk to the Attorney General about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line, and always have maintained it, previous president. "
Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe

Uh, oh........

Though the mills of God grind slowly; Yet they grind exceeding small....

You know who you are.....Liberals, Democrats, dunces of every stripe....

You know the charade is drawing to a close.

The only individuals for whom there is actual evidence of associations with Russia, are Democrats.

Better get your voices ready for more screaming at the sky.

1. "Tide Is Now Running In Favor of Trump, As Mueller Turns Boring

2. No serious person could find anything in the conduct of the president that could be construed as obstruction of justice, the all-purpose catch-all of American prosecutors, who can conjure that charge from the most mundane acts.

3. The Trump-impeachers, shuffling grimly forward into the desert like Old Testament slaves to the chant of the ineffable millionaire congresswoman Maxine Waters: “Impeach 45!” will perish in the sand.

4. After two years of exhaustive legal investigation accompanied by intense press innuendos about everything President Trump and his family have done more ambitious than putting on their shoes in the morning (unlike the Clinton case ...

....there is nothing to impeach with, or about.

5. The statute under which Robert Mueller’s investigation is operating does not give him an open and unaccountable mandate like the old special prosecutors had, and he has wildly exceeded his remit.

6. ...Mueller, though, has less authority, is outside his mandate, some of his staff have committed significant improprieties, and his operation was set up in the absence of a crime, in response to an illegal leak of an improperly removed document of contested accuracy by ex-FBI director James Comey in retaliation against the president for having been fired on the recommendation of the deputy attorney general (Rod Rosenstein), who then obliged Mr. Comey by engaging Mr. Mueller as special counsel (having first offered him the FBI position he held before Mr. Comey).

7. It is not clear that the Supreme Court would order Trump’s attendance at a grand jury, given the farcical charade that has got us where we are. (Nor is it clear that if Mr. Trump declined to follow such an order, the Congress would consider that an offense justifying removal from office.)

8. The early righteousness of the anti-Trump lynch-mob was deflated when the Steele dossier was disclosed as defamatory lies assembled and paid for by the Clinton campaign.

9. The feeble effort at claiming a boozy conversation between a very junior member of the Trump campaign team and a former Australian politician (who had secured $25 million of Australian government money for the Clinton Foundation) as the source of the investigation has crumbled.

10. ... Christopher Steele and prominent members of the FBI and CIA shopped his inane and scatological dossier around the media to incite the misplaced belief that there were multiple disinterested sources for its contents."
Tide Is Now Running In Favor of Trump, As Mueller Turns Boring

Now, you dolts of the Left.....a reminder from John Donne...

"...never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."
Big talk from a cut-and-paste robot who never has an opinion of her own.
You know who you are.....Liberals, Democrats, dunces of every stripe....

You know the charade is drawing to a close.

The only individuals for whom there is actual evidence of associations with Russia, are Democrats.

Better get your voices ready for more screaming at the sky.

1. "Tide Is Now Running In Favor of Trump, As Mueller Turns Boring

2. No serious person could find anything in the conduct of the president that could be construed as obstruction of justice, the all-purpose catch-all of American prosecutors, who can conjure that charge from the most mundane acts.

3. The Trump-impeachers, shuffling grimly forward into the desert like Old Testament slaves to the chant of the ineffable millionaire congresswoman Maxine Waters: “Impeach 45!” will perish in the sand.

4. After two years of exhaustive legal investigation accompanied by intense press innuendos about everything President Trump and his family have done more ambitious than putting on their shoes in the morning (unlike the Clinton case ...

....there is nothing to impeach with, or about.

5. The statute under which Robert Mueller’s investigation is operating does not give him an open and unaccountable mandate like the old special prosecutors had, and he has wildly exceeded his remit.

6. ...Mueller, though, has less authority, is outside his mandate, some of his staff have committed significant improprieties, and his operation was set up in the absence of a crime, in response to an illegal leak of an improperly removed document of contested accuracy by ex-FBI director James Comey in retaliation against the president for having been fired on the recommendation of the deputy attorney general (Rod Rosenstein), who then obliged Mr. Comey by engaging Mr. Mueller as special counsel (having first offered him the FBI position he held before Mr. Comey).

7. It is not clear that the Supreme Court would order Trump’s attendance at a grand jury, given the farcical charade that has got us where we are. (Nor is it clear that if Mr. Trump declined to follow such an order, the Congress would consider that an offense justifying removal from office.)

8. The early righteousness of the anti-Trump lynch-mob was deflated when the Steele dossier was disclosed as defamatory lies assembled and paid for by the Clinton campaign.

9. The feeble effort at claiming a boozy conversation between a very junior member of the Trump campaign team and a former Australian politician (who had secured $25 million of Australian government money for the Clinton Foundation) as the source of the investigation has crumbled.

10. ... Christopher Steele and prominent members of the FBI and CIA shopped his inane and scatological dossier around the media to incite the misplaced belief that there were multiple disinterested sources for its contents."
Tide Is Now Running In Favor of Trump, As Mueller Turns Boring

Now, you dolts of the Left.....a reminder from John Donne...

"...never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."
Big talk from a cut-and-paste robot who never has an opinion of her own.

Borrow a dictionary, and look up 'opinion'.....and you're realize what an imbecile you are.

Everything I post is my opinion.....and, as you inadvertently prove....irrefutable.
13. " would be astounding if there were not further criminal referrals for some of Mr. Trump’s prominent tormenters, presumably starting with Mr. Comey, as there were for former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe from the inspector general’s first report. This will be a spectacular wind-up to Mr. Comey’s author’s tour,...."
Tide Is Now Running In Favor of Trump, As Mueller Turns Boring

The curtain is coming down, the farce draws to a close.....
You know who you are.....Liberals, Democrats, dunces of every stripe....

You know the charade is drawing to a close.

The only individuals for whom there is actual evidence of associations with Russia, are Democrats.

Better get your voices ready for more screaming at the sky.

1. "Tide Is Now Running In Favor of Trump, As Mueller Turns Boring

2. No serious person could find anything in the conduct of the president that could be construed as obstruction of justice, the all-purpose catch-all of American prosecutors, who can conjure that charge from the most mundane acts.

3. The Trump-impeachers, shuffling grimly forward into the desert like Old Testament slaves to the chant of the ineffable millionaire congresswoman Maxine Waters: “Impeach 45!” will perish in the sand.

4. After two years of exhaustive legal investigation accompanied by intense press innuendos about everything President Trump and his family have done more ambitious than putting on their shoes in the morning (unlike the Clinton case ...

....there is nothing to impeach with, or about.

5. The statute under which Robert Mueller’s investigation is operating does not give him an open and unaccountable mandate like the old special prosecutors had, and he has wildly exceeded his remit.

6. ...Mueller, though, has less authority, is outside his mandate, some of his staff have committed significant improprieties, and his operation was set up in the absence of a crime, in response to an illegal leak of an improperly removed document of contested accuracy by ex-FBI director James Comey in retaliation against the president for having been fired on the recommendation of the deputy attorney general (Rod Rosenstein), who then obliged Mr. Comey by engaging Mr. Mueller as special counsel (having first offered him the FBI position he held before Mr. Comey).

7. It is not clear that the Supreme Court would order Trump’s attendance at a grand jury, given the farcical charade that has got us where we are. (Nor is it clear that if Mr. Trump declined to follow such an order, the Congress would consider that an offense justifying removal from office.)

8. The early righteousness of the anti-Trump lynch-mob was deflated when the Steele dossier was disclosed as defamatory lies assembled and paid for by the Clinton campaign.

9. The feeble effort at claiming a boozy conversation between a very junior member of the Trump campaign team and a former Australian politician (who had secured $25 million of Australian government money for the Clinton Foundation) as the source of the investigation has crumbled.

10. ... Christopher Steele and prominent members of the FBI and CIA shopped his inane and scatological dossier around the media to incite the misplaced belief that there were multiple disinterested sources for its contents."
Tide Is Now Running In Favor of Trump, As Mueller Turns Boring

Now, you dolts of the Left.....a reminder from John Donne...

"...never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."
Big talk from a cut-and-paste robot who never has an opinion of her own.
The fun part is how much she'll have to wipe from "existance" when the trump administration blows up.
You know who you are.....Liberals, Democrats, dunces of every stripe....

You know the charade is drawing to a close.

The only individuals for whom there is actual evidence of associations with Russia, are Democrats.

Better get your voices ready for more screaming at the sky.

1. "Tide Is Now Running In Favor of Trump, As Mueller Turns Boring

2. No serious person could find anything in the conduct of the president that could be construed as obstruction of justice, the all-purpose catch-all of American prosecutors, who can conjure that charge from the most mundane acts.

3. The Trump-impeachers, shuffling grimly forward into the desert like Old Testament slaves to the chant of the ineffable millionaire congresswoman Maxine Waters: “Impeach 45!” will perish in the sand.

4. After two years of exhaustive legal investigation accompanied by intense press innuendos about everything President Trump and his family have done more ambitious than putting on their shoes in the morning (unlike the Clinton case ...

....there is nothing to impeach with, or about.

5. The statute under which Robert Mueller’s investigation is operating does not give him an open and unaccountable mandate like the old special prosecutors had, and he has wildly exceeded his remit.

6. ...Mueller, though, has less authority, is outside his mandate, some of his staff have committed significant improprieties, and his operation was set up in the absence of a crime, in response to an illegal leak of an improperly removed document of contested accuracy by ex-FBI director James Comey in retaliation against the president for having been fired on the recommendation of the deputy attorney general (Rod Rosenstein), who then obliged Mr. Comey by engaging Mr. Mueller as special counsel (having first offered him the FBI position he held before Mr. Comey).

7. It is not clear that the Supreme Court would order Trump’s attendance at a grand jury, given the farcical charade that has got us where we are. (Nor is it clear that if Mr. Trump declined to follow such an order, the Congress would consider that an offense justifying removal from office.)

8. The early righteousness of the anti-Trump lynch-mob was deflated when the Steele dossier was disclosed as defamatory lies assembled and paid for by the Clinton campaign.

9. The feeble effort at claiming a boozy conversation between a very junior member of the Trump campaign team and a former Australian politician (who had secured $25 million of Australian government money for the Clinton Foundation) as the source of the investigation has crumbled.

10. ... Christopher Steele and prominent members of the FBI and CIA shopped his inane and scatological dossier around the media to incite the misplaced belief that there were multiple disinterested sources for its contents."
Tide Is Now Running In Favor of Trump, As Mueller Turns Boring

Now, you dolts of the Left.....a reminder from John Donne...

"...never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."
best post on the forum to date
You know who you are.....Liberals, Democrats, dunces of every stripe....

You know the charade is drawing to a close.

The only individuals for whom there is actual evidence of associations with Russia, are Democrats.

Better get your voices ready for more screaming at the sky.

1. "Tide Is Now Running In Favor of Trump, As Mueller Turns Boring

2. No serious person could find anything in the conduct of the president that could be construed as obstruction of justice, the all-purpose catch-all of American prosecutors, who can conjure that charge from the most mundane acts.

3. The Trump-impeachers, shuffling grimly forward into the desert like Old Testament slaves to the chant of the ineffable millionaire congresswoman Maxine Waters: “Impeach 45!” will perish in the sand.

4. After two years of exhaustive legal investigation accompanied by intense press innuendos about everything President Trump and his family have done more ambitious than putting on their shoes in the morning (unlike the Clinton case ...

....there is nothing to impeach with, or about.

5. The statute under which Robert Mueller’s investigation is operating does not give him an open and unaccountable mandate like the old special prosecutors had, and he has wildly exceeded his remit.

6. ...Mueller, though, has less authority, is outside his mandate, some of his staff have committed significant improprieties, and his operation was set up in the absence of a crime, in response to an illegal leak of an improperly removed document of contested accuracy by ex-FBI director James Comey in retaliation against the president for having been fired on the recommendation of the deputy attorney general (Rod Rosenstein), who then obliged Mr. Comey by engaging Mr. Mueller as special counsel (having first offered him the FBI position he held before Mr. Comey).

7. It is not clear that the Supreme Court would order Trump’s attendance at a grand jury, given the farcical charade that has got us where we are. (Nor is it clear that if Mr. Trump declined to follow such an order, the Congress would consider that an offense justifying removal from office.)

8. The early righteousness of the anti-Trump lynch-mob was deflated when the Steele dossier was disclosed as defamatory lies assembled and paid for by the Clinton campaign.

9. The feeble effort at claiming a boozy conversation between a very junior member of the Trump campaign team and a former Australian politician (who had secured $25 million of Australian government money for the Clinton Foundation) as the source of the investigation has crumbled.

10. ... Christopher Steele and prominent members of the FBI and CIA shopped his inane and scatological dossier around the media to incite the misplaced belief that there were multiple disinterested sources for its contents."
Tide Is Now Running In Favor of Trump, As Mueller Turns Boring

Now, you dolts of the Left.....a reminder from John Donne...

"...never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."
Big talk from a cut-and-paste robot who never has an opinion of her own.
The fun part is how much she'll have to wipe from "existance" when the trump administration blows up.

The good news for you is that when Trump wins this thing, folks will continue laughing at you....., you have nothing to lose.

14. "As the rot spreads and evidence of the questionable involvement of elements of the Obama administration in the sand-bag job on Mr. Trump appears at earlier dates, before the 2016 political conventions, demands from congressional committees for more information from the Justice Department are becoming more extensive and insistent. The more sophistical Trumpophobes are claiming the Congress is over-reaching, beyond its right to know and at risk, as dishonest law-enforcement and intelligence officials always allege, of danger to agents and sources."
Tide Is Now Running In Favor of Trump, As Mueller Turns Boring
It’s incredible that democrats would think the majority of Americans want ....
Open borders
Catch and release
Mayors warning criminals
Gang members
Higher taxes
Fewer jobs

Last edited:
Big talk from a cut-and-paste robot who never has an opinion of her own.
timmy, all she did was skip the part where you demand a link for no reason, jmo since I now know how much you like them

I only ask for a link when people claim outrageous facts . Because you righties are known to be compulsive liars .

Poli chick is great a links because she has this bizzaro thought that linking to some whacked out righty website somehow justifies her whacked out thread .
11. "...seems to be clear that Mr. Comey, and former National Intelligence and Central Intelligence directors James Clapper and John Brennan, were involved in improper leaks of confidential information and in coordinating their activities to mislead the president-elect. All three also appear to have misled congressional committees while under oath.

The inspector general of the Department of Justice, Michael Horowitz, is apparently only a week away from a release to the Congress (i.e., the world) of his report on the official handling of the Clinton emails affair. His report is reportedly 400 pages, and there has never in recent history been a 400-page nothingburger."
Tide Is Now Running In Favor of Trump, As Mueller Turns Boring

12. Hussein: "I do not talk to the Attorney General about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line, and always have maintained it, previous president. "
Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe

Uh, oh........

Though the mills of God grind slowly; Yet they grind exceeding small....

View attachment 195081

Having been completely shut down in your last weak-ass lies thread you’re going to give it another go are you?

How do you feel about Jared getting his security clearance in light of his using his office to negotiate loans on his building?

What about Dumb Donald’s loan from the Chinese government?

Do you get a giggle every time you realize that Kim Jong Il has completely out played and out manoeuvred Dumb Donald?

How do you feel about the members of the EU ignoring Trump’s order to sanction Iran?

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