Do we really care about collusion in elections?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Or is this just another of a myriad of double standards set before us by the Dims?

For the sake of argument, let's say Mueller if finally able to prove it.

Is meddling in foreign elections a impeachable offense?

If so, should Obama have been impeached for this meddling abroad in other countries elections?

Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples

Or how about Obama trying to influence the primary elections in his own party by sending his goons to Bill Clinton to pay off the opposition to drop out?

Sestak: Bill Clinton offered him job to quit race

Or what about Hillary colluding with the Ukrainian government to win the election?

Team Hillary Colluded With Ukraine - Hannity: "Where's the Outrage?" - VIDEO
There are two sets of rules, one for Dem's and one for Rep's. Its been this way for decades, Dem's can get away with almost anything meanwhile Rep's have to be as clean as a fresh winter snow.
Or is this just another of a myriad of double standards set before us by the Dims?

For the sake of argument, let's say Mueller if finally able to prove it.

Is meddling in foreign elections a impeachable offense?

If so, should Obama have been impeached for this meddling abroad in other countries elections?

Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples

Or how about Obama trying to influence the primary elections in his own party by sending his goons to Bill Clinton to pay off the opposition to drop out?

Sestak: Bill Clinton offered him job to quit race

Or what about Hillary colluding with the Ukrainian government to win the election?

Team Hillary Colluded With Ukraine - Hannity: "Where's the Outrage?" - VIDEO
I see nothing wrong with us meddling in foreign elections. If a politician asks us to sabotage his country’s election and we do, then that guy’s opponents should hunt him down mercilessly. But I wouldn’t bat an eye about it. Just like how Russians have no problem with Putin installing Trump.
There are two sets of rules, one for Dem's and one for Rep's. Its been this way for decades, Dem's can get away with almost anything meanwhile Rep's have to be as clean as a fresh winter snow.

That's because they have good intentions, Republican don't, at least that is the excuse they give.
We've been warned real good that a certain foreign government is doing its best to influence how we vote. It is up to us to look at all claims and trust only reliable, verifiable sources. It behooves us to remember that we are all Americans and politics should not rise above our obligation as citizens to respect each other's right to their own opinion. If we don't, we're stupid sheep.

So I guess no, I'm not really worried, unless a foreign government is pumping in a bunch of money or cutting deals with candidates. That should be rooted out, but since I don't work for any political campaigns, I have to trust that others will say no to that.
The left do not care one bit about any of their so called concerns.

They do not give one shit about any of their issues, especially collusion.

They get hyped into frenzied group think. They don't care about the planet, they dont care about any of it.

They are jabbering monkeys who speak out of both sides of their face. That is for every subject too.

Don't ever get sucked into their shit. The second we debate them is the second they have us where they want us. Eventually, they will always have their go to. Whatever cliche works in that moment.

Remember that. They don't care.
The left do not care one bit about any of their so called concerns.

They do not give one shit about any of their issues, especially collusion.

They get hyped into frenzied group think. They don't care about the planet, they dont care about any of it.

They are jabbering monkeys who speak out of both sides of their face. That is for every subject too.

Don't ever get sucked into their shit. The second we debate them is the second they have us where they want us. Eventually, they will always have their go to. Whatever cliche works in that moment.

Remember that. They don't care.
a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Macbeth, V v
Or is this just another of a myriad of double standards set before us by the Dims?

For the sake of argument, let's say Mueller if finally able to prove it.

Is meddling in foreign elections a impeachable offense?

If so, should Obama have been impeached for this meddling abroad in other countries elections?

Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples

Or how about Obama trying to influence the primary elections in his own party by sending his goons to Bill Clinton to pay off the opposition to drop out?

Sestak: Bill Clinton offered him job to quit race

Or what about Hillary colluding with the Ukrainian government to win the election?

Team Hillary Colluded With Ukraine - Hannity: "Where's the Outrage?" - VIDEO
I see nothing wrong with us meddling in foreign elections. If a politician asks us to sabotage his country’s election and we do, then that guy’s opponents should hunt him down mercilessly. But I wouldn’t bat an eye about it. Just like how Russians have no problem with Putin installing Trump.
And where is the proof Putin installed Trump?
Funny how the narrative keeps shifting...

We've gone from "no contact with Russians" to "no collusion with Russia" to "meh, so what"?

you left out the Right bitching about Clinton colluding with Russians -
So if the Radical left is so mad at Trump, what the hell where they doing for 8 years previously while Obummer was siting around doing rouge deals? i mean, the left is stating that we are in a state of emergency with Trump at the helm.So these problems literately all started on Jan 2017?
Or is this just another of a myriad of double standards set before us by the Dims?

For the sake of argument, let's say Mueller if finally able to prove it.

Is meddling in foreign elections a impeachable offense?

If so, should Obama have been impeached for this meddling abroad in other countries elections?

Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples

Or how about Obama trying to influence the primary elections in his own party by sending his goons to Bill Clinton to pay off the opposition to drop out?

Sestak: Bill Clinton offered him job to quit race

Or what about Hillary colluding with the Ukrainian government to win the election?

Team Hillary Colluded With Ukraine - Hannity: "Where's the Outrage?" - VIDEO
I see nothing wrong with us meddling in foreign elections. If a politician asks us to sabotage his country’s election and we do, then that guy’s opponents should hunt him down mercilessly. But I wouldn’t bat an eye about it. Just like how Russians have no problem with Putin installing Trump.
And where is the proof Putin installed Trump?

where isnt it ?

So if the Radical left is so mad at Trump, what the hell where they doing for 8 years previously while Obummer was siting around doing rouge deals? i mean, the left is stating that we are in a state of emergency with Trump at the helm.So these problems literately all started on Jan 2017?

showing thick skulled RW's his birth certificate
The cheerleaders of either side will ultimately be fine with anything in the name of winning. Anything is justifiable as long as those wvil bastards on the other side don't get their way.
Or is this just another of a myriad of double standards set before us by the Dims?

For the sake of argument, let's say Mueller if finally able to prove it.

Is meddling in foreign elections a impeachable offense?

If so, should Obama have been impeached for this meddling abroad in other countries elections?

Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples

Or how about Obama trying to influence the primary elections in his own party by sending his goons to Bill Clinton to pay off the opposition to drop out?

Sestak: Bill Clinton offered him job to quit race

Or what about Hillary colluding with the Ukrainian government to win the election?

Team Hillary Colluded With Ukraine - Hannity: "Where's the Outrage?" - VIDEO
I see nothing wrong with us meddling in foreign elections. If a politician asks us to sabotage his country’s election and we do, then that guy’s opponents should hunt him down mercilessly. But I wouldn’t bat an eye about it. Just like how Russians have no problem with Putin installing Trump.
And where is the proof Putin installed Trump?
All the Russian money, articles, and ads that were intended to boost Trump, the multiple indictments, the multiple guilty pleas... and that’s with the investigation just warming up.
Funny how the narrative keeps shifting...

We've gone from "no contact with Russians" to "no collusion with Russia" to "meh, so what"?

But did you have issue with Obama meddling in the election in Israel?


The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries

Update: President Obama on Thursday slapped Russia with new penalties for meddling in the U.S. presidential election, kicking out dozens of suspected spies and imposing banking restrictions on five people and four organizations the administration says were involved.

The CIA has accused Russia of interfering in the 2016 presidential election by hacking into Democratic and Republican computer networks and selectively releasing emails. But critics might point out the U.S. has done similar things.

The U.S. has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other countries – it's done so as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000, according to a database amassed by political scientist Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University.

The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries

Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too.

Bags of cash delivered to a Rome hotel for favored Italian candidates. Scandalous stories leaked to foreign newspapers to swing an election in Nicaragua. Millions of pamphlets, posters and stickers printed to defeat an incumbent in Serbia.

The long arm of Vladimir Putin? No, just a small sample of the United States’ history of intervention in foreign elections.

On Tuesday, American intelligence chiefs warned the Senate Intelligence Committee that Russia appears to be preparing to repeat in the 2018 midterm elections the same full-on chicanery it unleashed in 2016: hacking, leaking, social media manipulation and possibly more. Then on Friday, Robert Mueller, the special counsel, announced the indictments of 13 Russians and three companies, run by a businessman with close Kremlin ties, laying out in astonishing detail a three-year scheme to use social media to attack Hillary Clinton, boost Donald Trump and sow discord.

Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too.

Most Americans are understandably shocked by what they view as an unprecedented attack on our political system. But intelligence veterans, and scholars who have studied covert operations, have a different, and quite revealing, view.

Funny how the narrative keeps shifting...

We've gone from "no contact with Russians" to "no collusion with Russia" to "meh, so what"?

But did you have issue with Obama meddling in the election in Israel?


The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries

Update: President Obama on Thursday slapped Russia with new penalties for meddling in the U.S. presidential election, kicking out dozens of suspected spies and imposing banking restrictions on five people and four organizations the administration says were involved.

The CIA has accused Russia of interfering in the 2016 presidential election by hacking into Democratic and Republican computer networks and selectively releasing emails. But critics might point out the U.S. has done similar things.

The U.S. has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other countries – it's done so as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000, according to a database amassed by political scientist Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University.

The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries

Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too.

Bags of cash delivered to a Rome hotel for favored Italian candidates. Scandalous stories leaked to foreign newspapers to swing an election in Nicaragua. Millions of pamphlets, posters and stickers printed to defeat an incumbent in Serbia.

The long arm of Vladimir Putin? No, just a small sample of the United States’ history of intervention in foreign elections.

On Tuesday, American intelligence chiefs warned the Senate Intelligence Committee that Russia appears to be preparing to repeat in the 2018 midterm elections the same full-on chicanery it unleashed in 2016: hacking, leaking, social media manipulation and possibly more. Then on Friday, Robert Mueller, the special counsel, announced the indictments of 13 Russians and three companies, run by a businessman with close Kremlin ties, laying out in astonishing detail a three-year scheme to use social media to attack Hillary Clinton, boost Donald Trump and sow discord.

Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too.

Most Americans are understandably shocked by what they view as an unprecedented attack on our political system. But intelligence veterans, and scholars who have studied covert operations, have a different, and quite revealing, view.

DERP DERP DERP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Israel is our ally

Russia isnt our ally

see the difference Gomer ?

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