The police have gone power mad


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2013
Why are the police focused like a laser beam on hassling hapless citizens over petty traffic tickets and so many petty crimes?

It was one thing when they were nice about it, but now they will pull you out of the car and Taser you, if you give them the least amount of lip.
Why are the police focused like a laser beam on hassling hapless citizens over petty traffic tickets and so many petty crimes?

Because that's what brings revenue into the local government. Stopping rapes and murders don't.

Which then gets pissed away on our wars in Afghanistan and mopping up in Iraq and Libya. Then there will almost certainly be more wars to throw our money down the drain with.

If the police are so worried about money, how can they concentrate on really keeping America secure from terrorists and dangerous felons? Federal penitentiaries are not the answer. Thousands of innocent people have been locked away and the key discarded.

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The only thing this young boy, Victor Steen, had done was ride his bicycle through a construction area. A police cruiser hounds him, chasing Victor on his bike and the officer even tries to Taser him from the squad car!

The officer keeps driving closer and closer to Steen until he is right on top of him and then runs right over him. It is right after you hear the Taser that the boy falls from his bicycle and is run down, getting stuck underneath the cruiser.

*Graphic video*

[ame=]Actual Patrol Car Video of Victor Steen being tazed and run over MURDERED by POLICE - YouTube[/ame]
Do you need more examples? To one degree or another, all the police, prisons and players in our justice system are like that, framing small black boys and vowing to lock them up for life, no matter what they do and the cop who crushed a small boy with his 2-ton vehicle.
[ame=]Crazy Ass Video - Angry Motorist Gets Ticket - YouTube[/ame]

If this had happened in my country, the police would have hog-tied him and taken him for observation or just shot him.
Umm, start with the most flagrant abuses. The Feds shipped thousands of illegal weapons to Mexico during a democrat administration so democrats don't care that hundreds of innocent Mex. civilians were gunned down with American weapons. All they care about is being inconvenienced by a traffic ticket. If you don't like the way state and local police are doing their jobs then get involved in grass roots politics and try to do something about it. If you are a republican join the Tea Party and if you are a democrat you have a choice between OWS or CUSA.
let me guess... op got a ticket.

I got a ticket once by CHP for going 60 in a 55, only because he had too much pride to let my 1970 Plymouth Duster 340 pass him on the freeway. He had just come on the freeway and got in a position about 100 feet ahead of me in the middle of three lanes. I was in the fast lane and hadn't been speeding at all. I figured it would be perfectly fine to edge by him, get ahead a little bit and go on my merry way (at a safe as possible speed). No, he pulled me and my dog Muffin over and looked at me with great suspicion. He said that I should NEVER pass a patrol car. Muffin was in the back seat and I hadn't had time to roll up the passenger side window, and she was barking at him a little. There was no way she could get her nose outside the window, because the seats in the Duster only allow her a small crack to peek her head through towards the front. Never mind that. The officer immediately, after the third or fourth bark, said that you better watch out or I WILL shoot your dog. I easily got her to stop barking and rolled the window up far enough to eliminate the "threat."

That and giving me a ticket wasn't enough though. The cop had me get out of the car on the side of the freeway and gave me mental awareness tests for almost a half-hour. I was in perfect condition and hadn't had a single drink that day or anything bad. Now, THAT cop is going to or wants to kill not only a dog but people to for sure and will someday, and his buddies on the police force will no doubt cover for him. A lazy day on the job for cops that is.
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Why are the police focused like a laser beam on hassling hapless citizens over petty traffic tickets and so many petty crimes?

It was one thing when they were nice about it, but now they will pull you out of the car and Taser you, if you give them the least amount of lip.

Why, because fines fill the municipal coffers.
[ame=]Police Shoot and Kill Dog in Front of Owner (Graphic Video) - YouTube[/ame]
I feel bad enough for Victor Steen and his family, but for some reason, this one gives me an even sicker feeling about the case of Matthew Bolick, who was Tasered up to 20 times just for being scared and running a short distance from the cops. One report says he was only Tasered 4 times, but in the 2-part video I posted below at the end, I counted at least 15 or 16 times Officer Gary Parker jolted him alone. Of course, both officers were cleared of everything they did by Kent County prosecutor William Forsyth. Bolick was a frail-looking small young man that posed absolutely no threat of any kind to officers but died at their hands.

[ame=]EGR officers cleared in man's death - YouTube[/ame]

Family sues cops over 19 Taser blasts ? RT USA

In a span of 10 minutes, Bolick was tasered a total of 19 times by the second officer on the scene, Gary Parker. In the end, Stephen Bolick was dead.

The second video at this link is totally horrific. Parker is sadistically torturing Matt, with not only 19 Taser jolts, but many of them were of a prolonged nature. Bolick was slowly electrocuted to death.

Video of Taser incident involving Matthew Bolick and East Grand Rapids police |
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Do you need more examples? To one degree or another, all the police, prisons and players in our justice system are like that, framing small black boys and vowing to lock them up for life, no matter what they do and the cop who crushed a small boy with his 2-ton vehicle.

and somehow nobody from our tree hugging "bleeding heart" lefties are interested in something REAL.
because they have not received the talking points from the musters to address this issue.
Leftards do not think for themselves - only parrot what is given
[ame=]Teen Killed by Taser, Cops Laugh & High-Five Each Other (Israel Hernandez) - Exclusive Interviews - YouTube[/ame]

After a tragic event a few months ago, an eyewitness, who speaks in this video said they Tasered Hernandez for a "long time." News reports say he was Tasered directly in the chest, and the police know, as the most of routine procedures, not to jolt suspects over the heart, but they did it here, apparently on purpose if you listen to the eyewitnesses in the video.

Israel Hernandez dies after Miami Beach Police taser him following chase after vandalism

According to Hernandez' friends, they said the officers shoved Hernandez against a wall and was then motionless on the ground. "His body was on the floor like motionless, and they were all just laughing, "said Souza. ...

Death Of Israel Hernandez Rekindles Debate Over Taser Safety

He had been struck in the chest by a police stun gun...

It has also reignited a debate about whether the electrical shock the Taser delivers can sometimes trigger a cardiac arrest when fired at the chest area.

"The fact that he was shot in the chest is something we are analyzing," said Jose J. Rodriguez, a lawyer for Hernandez Llach's family. "We're working with the assumption for now that the Taser caused his death." ...

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