The photo that could doom the Democrats

You can't possibly that much of an idiot Majik.......... well, since you just posted 4 posts that show how clueless you are, maybe you are that much of an idiot......... amazing. You must be one of those progressives.:razz::lol::lol::lol:
Oh yeah It took almost 2 weeks for her to figure out I wasn't a Muslim.
The stimulus, the bank bailouts, the auto-takeover and the health-care push have convinced large numbers of aging white people that Obama is Mao Zedong, and they’re not going to change their mind anytime soon.

So, it's just large numbers of aging white people? LOL Yeah, okay.
Now see here is the problem with you morons!!!

Look at the pics above very carefully..

That isn't Obama!! Since when does Obama have white hair and a mustache??

Talk about epic fail!! ROFL!!!

This will be the pic that dooms rebuttlicans!!



Ahh...... you do know how to read, Right? It may have escaped your notice that this conversation is not about Obama. This conversation is about Charles Rangel, DNY, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Tax cheat. This discussion is about how well the Democrats will do in Congress in 8 months with this guy as the Republican poster boy.
That picture never ceases to amuse me.

That was when he did his best work, ergo: NOTHING.

Yup!!! Some innocent old man laying there taking a nap.. And you fell for it hook line and sinker.. So that means your brains does it's best work when?? When it is doing nothing.. Which for you is all the time..

That isn't Obama.. You can see the hair and mustache in the small pictures you all posted.. I simply blew it up 100%..



  • $fail_thumb.jpg
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That picture never ceases to amuse me.

That was when he did his best work, ergo: NOTHING.

Yup!!! Some innocent old man laying there taking a nap.. And you fell for it hook line and sinker.. So that means your brains does it's best work when?? When it is doing nothing.. Which for you is all the time..

That isn't Obama.. You can see the hair and mustache in the small pictures you all posted.. I simply blew it up 100%..

LOL Who the hell said it was OL'BO??

No one on this board but you even mentioned Barry Boys name.

Shit. I took one look at that beached whale and recognized Rangle immediatly.

You really should wear your glasses. If you ain't got any, you should get some. LOL
Now see here is the problem with you morons!!!

Look at the pics above very carefully..

That isn't Obama!! Since when does Obama have white hair and a mustache??

Talk about epic fail!! ROFL!!!

This will be the pic that dooms rebuttlicans!!


Ahh...... you do know how to read, Right? It may have escaped your notice that this conversation is not about Obama. This conversation is about Charles Rangel, DNY, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Tax cheat. This discussion is about how well the Democrats will do in Congress in 8 months with this guy as the Republican poster boy.

You'll have to excuse him...

He's not the smartest Blood Elf Paladin in the kingdom...
Rangel got a slap on the wrist. Now Pelosi is out spinning this disgrace. Could you imagine if this creep had an 'R' by his name? What the H*ll would Pelosi be saying then? Pelosi has to go and she can take Rangel with her. Make 2010 count people.
Now see here is the problem with you morons!!!

Look at the pics above very carefully..

That isn't Obama!! Since when does Obama have white hair and a mustache??

Talk about epic fail!! ROFL!!!

This will be the pic that dooms rebuttlicans!!



That picture never ceases to amuse me.


So what is more amusing?? The fact that it amuses you or that you didn't see that it wasn't Obama??


That picture never ceases to amuse me.

That was when he did his best work, ergo: NOTHING.

Yup!!! Some innocent old man laying there taking a nap.. And you fell for it hook line and sinker.. So that means your brains does it's best work when?? When it is doing nothing.. Which for you is all the time..

That isn't Obama.. You can see the hair and mustache in the small pictures you all posted.. I simply blew it up 100%..

The Photo That Could Doom the Democrats - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

To understand why the Rangel scandals are so dangerous for Democrats, you need to understand something about midterm landslides: They’re usually composed of three parts. First, the other party’s activists are highly motivated. Second, your own activists are highly unmotivated. Third, independents want to burn Washington to the ground.

There’s nothing Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi can do about the first problem. The stimulus, the bank bailouts, the auto-takeover and the health-care push have convinced large numbers of aging white people that Obama is Mao Zedong, and they’re not going to change their mind anytime soon. The best response to the second problem is to pass health-care reform and give Keith Olbermann something to get excited about. But perhaps most crucial of all is responding to problem No. 3.

Independents are the most fickle, the most cynical, and the least ideological people in the American electorate. When they’re unhappy with the state of the country, they tend to stampede the party in power—less because they disagree on the issues than because they decide that the folks running government must be malevolent and corrupt. In Washington, congressmen violate ethics rules all the time. But when independents get in one of their sour moods, these infractions become matches on dry tinder. In 1994, the scandals concerning Rostenkowski and the House bank helped sweep the Gingrichites into power. In 2006, according to exit polls, the scandals surrounding mega-lobbyist Jack Abramoff and Rep. Mark Foley did more to lose the GOP control of Congress than did the Iraq war. Pelosi became speaker, in fact, by running against the GOP’s “culture of corruption” and promising the “most ethical Congress in history.”

Now Republicans are hurling those phrases in her face. Democrats, who in April 2006 held a 17-point advantage as the party less “influenced by lobbyists and special interests,” have seen that margin dwindle to eight points, according to the Pew Research Center. The National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee has begun running ads against Democrats who accepted donations from Rangel, and two of the party’s most vulnerable congressmen, Alabama’s Bobby Bright and New Hampshire’s Paul Hodes, have called for Rangel to step down as chairman. Call them the canaries in the coal mine.

Well.. Since the pic is, well.. Not Obama.. I think that kinda kills the credibility of the entire article..

I mean.. Seriously.. This is nothing but pure fiction and right wing smear campaign..

Nice job there dude..

I did like how all the righties followed right along without batting an eye.. Funny shit there!! :lol::lol::lol:

YooHoo! Clueless! You're the only one mentioning our President! Everyone else knows the picture is Charlie Rangel! Everyone else is talking about Charlie Rangel!

The only "epic fail" in this thread is YOU!
Now see here is the problem with you morons!!!

Look at the pics above very carefully..

That isn't Obama!! Since when does Obama have white hair and a mustache??

Talk about epic fail!! ROFL!!!

This will be the pic that dooms rebuttlicans!!


Ahh...... you do know how to read, Right? It may have escaped your notice that this conversation is not about Obama. This conversation is about Charles Rangel, DNY, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Tax cheat. This discussion is about how well the Democrats will do in Congress in 8 months with this guy as the Republican poster boy.

You'll have to excuse him...

He's not the smartest Blood Elf Paladin in the kingdom...

dunno.. the title of the article from The Daily Beast is pretty misleading anyway.

and i've come to the conclusion that people have great tolerance for their own ... until someone bigger and stronger wants them not to...

a la what just happened to david paterson in ny.

once again, all politics is local... they love charlie rangel in the one place it matters. .. his DISTRICT.
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OK, I'm not going to defend Charlie Rangel.

Like Senator Vitter or any of the participants in the Abramoff scandal, he's a dishonest bastard and needs to go.

I fail to see what the significance of this particular picture is though. Is it against the rules of Congress to take a vacation?

If you want to take a picture that incriminates Rangel, you should take some photos of his New York apartments that are supposed to be reserved for low-income renters.
Ahh...... you do know how to read, Right? It may have escaped your notice that this conversation is not about Obama. This conversation is about Charles Rangel, DNY, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Tax cheat. This discussion is about how well the Democrats will do in Congress in 8 months with this guy as the Republican poster boy.

You'll have to excuse him...

He's not the smartest Blood Elf Paladin in the kingdom...

dunno.. the title of the article from The Daily Beast is pretty misleading anyway.

and i've come to the conclusion that people have great tolerance for their own ... until someone bigger and stronger wants them not to...

a la what just happened to david paterson in ny.

once again, all politics is local... they love charlie rangel in the one place it matters. .. his DISTRICT.

The title didn't mention the person, but as soon as you click the link you KNOW it's about Rangle... The poster MajikMyst obviously didn't read the article which is why he's being laughed at...
OK, I'm not going to defend Charlie Rangel.

Like Senator Vitter or any of the participants in the Abramoff scandal, he's a dishonest bastard and needs to go.

I fail to see what the significance of this particular picture is though. Is it against the rules of Congress to take a vacation?

If you want to take a picture that incriminates Rangel, you should take some photos of his New York apartments that are supposed to be reserved for low-income renters.

It was a vacation paid for by a corporation in violation of House rules. I think. Either that or it's a photo of him lounging at the Dominican Republic rental property he owns, the one he "forgot" to pay taxes on.
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