The Peoples’ Verdict is In: Obamacare Needs to Go


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
The Peoples

Before Obamacare was even passed, a majority of Americans opposed it.

It’s still wildly unpopular. Only more so now. And just wait till the tens of thousands of pages of regulations that are coming down the pipes are put into effect! That will make us all feel really cheerful.

There’s just something about a 2,700 page law that nobody can understand and that hasn’t been read by the lawmakers in Congress that’s unattractive. But we all know how the story goes — the liberals in Congress rammed this gargantuan law down our throats.

Doomed to be another monumental Obama failure for businesses,economy,jobs.....
It sure looked like the voting public wanted it repealed on Tuesday

Why didn't they vote for the person who said he would repeal it on his first day in office?
Why does the United States have such a difficult time with programs that help the American people? As soon as the ink was dry on the constitution laws were passed helping business.
Conservative Bismarck of Germany put in health care over 100 years ago and gradually most of the other modern nations followed suit except the U.S. And Obamacare is not a great program but probably the best that that we could come up with trying to satisfy all our factions. Too bad FDR didn't follow through when he proposed social security in 1935, at the time he thought of health care but let it go by. If FDR had followed through it would probably have been smoothed out by this time and now accepted by conservatives as they now accept Social Security.
Why does the United States have such a difficult time with programs that help the American people?

Because the United States has such a difficult time creating programs that help the American people. By the time most well-meaning reforms have worked their way through Congress, and are subjected to endless rounds of lobbying and 'horse-trading', they are far more likely to help the 'vested interests' than the people.

And that was the case with PPACA. What began as a genuine mandate to do something about a broken health care market, turned into a bailout of the insurance industry. The Democrats went in telling us they wanted a public option and no individual mandate. Most of them, including the president, campaigned on this goal. But when they came staggering out of the lobbying orgy, they served us up with the exact opposite: no public option, AND a mandate. Fucking bait and switch all the way - and the insurance companies chuckling quietly to themselves....
Why does the United States have such a difficult time with programs that help the American people? As soon as the ink was dry on the constitution laws were passed helping business.
Conservative Bismarck of Germany put in health care over 100 years ago and gradually most of the other modern nations followed suit except the U.S. And Obamacare is not a great program but probably the best that that we could come up with trying to satisfy all our factions. Too bad FDR didn't follow through when he proposed social security in 1935, at the time he thought of health care but let it go by. If FDR had followed through it would probably have been smoothed out by this time and now accepted by conservatives as they now accept Social Security.

I'd say because the best programs that are most cost-effective don't need to be legislated or regulated by govt. They operate voluntarily and are able to sustain because they work, so naturally people support them without coercion.

If you notice, it tends to be the people who are cut off from church support, who don't organize and manage their own supply, demand and services already through a stable sustainable network who are turning to the GOVT as a proxy to provide this instead.

The more we organize collective resources to flow directly, we won't need govt to serve as the middle man. That is just temporary until all people get more organized and educated in how to manage and govern themselves locally with maximum accountability and minimal bureaucracy.
The incompetent Gov. of Florida, he who can't seem to figure out how the other 49 states can run an election, has decided Nullification is within his power.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott says no to health care law | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Gov. Dickhead knows that doing nothing means Health Insurance Exchanges will be set up for him and Medicaid monies still get sent here. He thinks "standing up to Obamacare" can get him re-elected. Being as he has lower popularity ratings than Scott Walker, Miami will have a blizzard b4 THAT happens.

Regards from Rosie
It sure looked like the voting public wanted it repealed on Tuesday

Why didn't they vote for the person who said he would repeal it on his first day in office?

Mittens and Ryan were both very clear that their health insurance "plan" was for us to go stand in line at the emergency room and hope for the best.

Same with many of the teepotters who said they were in favor of keeping the plan for themselves and allowing us grateful tax payers to continue paying for their version of ObamaCare while promising (threatening) to take it away from the American people.

Yep. The voters told them what they thought of that.
Why does the United States have such a difficult time with programs that help the American people? As soon as the ink was dry on the constitution laws were passed helping business.
Conservative Bismarck of Germany put in health care over 100 years ago and gradually most of the other modern nations followed suit except the U.S. And Obamacare is not a great program but probably the best that that we could come up with trying to satisfy all our factions. Too bad FDR didn't follow through when he proposed social security in 1935, at the time he thought of health care but let it go by. If FDR had followed through it would probably have been smoothed out by this time and now accepted by conservatives as they now accept Social Security.

The problem with Obamacare is that its a basically a bailout for the insurance companies. Medicare for all would be a less expensive option. I'm also wondering if insurance companies will eventually price themselves out of the market. At the rate of premium increases, this seems like a possibility.
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The problem with Obamacare is that its a basically a bailout for the insurance companies.

Where do these wild eyed lies come from?

As Greg Palast pointed out, through extensive interviews, it was basically written by the health insurance lobby. Red flag number one.

Secondly, health insurance companies will see a MASSIVE multibillion dollar increase in profits because they'll have around 40 million new health insurance customers whose premiums are paid largely by subsidies from the federal government. Insurance companies win, the American people continue to get shafted.
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The Peoples

Before Obamacare was even passed, a majority of Americans opposed it.

It’s still wildly unpopular. Only more so now. And just wait till the tens of thousands of pages of regulations that are coming down the pipes are put into effect! That will make us all feel really cheerful.

There’s just something about a 2,700 page law that nobody can understand and that hasn’t been read by the lawmakers in Congress that’s unattractive. But we all know how the story goes — the liberals in Congress rammed this gargantuan law down our throats.

Doomed to be another monumental Obama failure for businesses,economy,jobs.....
View attachment 22436

If a majority of Americans opposed ACA, you'd think that it would've been Romney that won by a landslide instead of Obama. After all, remember he said his first act as president would be to overturn ACA? Sure you don't get your info from the same source that said Romney would win?
If a majority of Americans opposed ACA, you'd think that it would've been Romney that won by a landslide instead of Obama. After all, remember he said his first act as president would be to overturn ACA?

And if I'd believed him, I might have voted for him.

You can't take a general election as a mandate for anything,

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