The Pelosi attack was an assassination attempt, we need to treat this seriously.

But let us ask the question that is always asked by the left...

What does this attack say about the entire leftist movement? Does it perpetuate and cause such violence, anger, and hatred? Shouldn't we flood the MSM and daytime talk shows with this discussion? Why is such violence happening under such a clearly divisive president??? Is he not responsible?

Of course, you don't see these questions and MSM coverage, because they will drop the story to protect the president and his party. Coverage bias is real, alive, and well.
You mean the way you did after Scalise was attacked?
You're so easily duped! The police did not say the door was opened by another person......

He said the front door was unlocked, it was open....the police entered the house through an unlocked front door, an open door not one that needed breaking to get in.

Not a single mention of another person or third person?
How dare you dismember a budding conspiracy theory!
Oh no... Biden made it clear that "MAGA Republicans" are enemies to democracy. Weirdos can clearly take that as a call to action. Biden has indirectly called for violence..., far greater than any supposed "dog whistling" that the leftists would claim Trump did.

If you support the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol and undermining the elections, you are an enemy of democracy. How can a country survive constant conspiracy theories and lies.
A couple of points.

It's you fucking right wingers who claim that the Second Amendment exists so that the people can threaten the government when it does things they don't like. So by your own logic, you should be happy a mentally ill man tried to kill Kavanaugh. (Even though he turned himself in long before he got to Kavanaugh's house.) Shit, Kavanaugh is part of the knuckle dragging clique on SCOTUS that thinks armed groups of idiots should determine our policy instead of elections. He should be happy that people are trying to kill him, by that logic.

It's not like he's going to go back and say to his colleagues, "Hey, guys, you know what, maybe we should make it HARDER for crazy people to get guns!"

Not threaten the government you imbecilic baboon.

Not threaten the government you imbecilic baboon.


That, I don't think, won't happen

Or if it does, it won't be anything I want to participate in.

I'd go as far as replacement, not removal. And only bits and pieces, not the whole thing.

Our government is fundamentally sound and we still have the best system in the world. It's just that some weasels have gotten hold of it.

And screwed it up, or let's say they're starting to screw it up, pretty bigly.
That, I don't think, won't happen

Or if it does, it won't be anything I want to participate in.

I'd go as far as replacement, not removal. And only bits and pieces, not the whole thing.

Our government is fundamentally sound and we still have the best system in the world. It's just that some weasels have gotten hold of it.

And screwed it up, or let's say they're starting to screw it up, pretty bigly.

That is the stated purpose of the 2nd Amendment. I too do not wish to see that happen, nor be a part of it if it comes to pass.

But that IS the Founders stated purpose for the Amendment.
It has been brought to my attention this was an assassination attempt on the third on line (Speaker of the House).

Since our Democrat friends never lie, we should take them very seriously.

Come this next January, we’ll have a new Congress seated.

The new Congress should immediately create a “Nancy Pelosi Attack“ committee.

We need to learn who this David DePape is. Who all of his associates are, what he has been doing in the days and weeks leading up to this attack. How he arrived at the Pelosi residence. All SFPD cam footage, all house security footage for that night should be made public. All cell phone data, geo location, and texts for that night should be made public. All data regarding this senseless assassination attempt should be made public on prime time TV.

This is the biggest deal since the JFK commission.

Let’s end the partisan bickering, and get to the truth.
You post that as if you're being sarcastic.

What a stupid idea
That is the stated purpose of the 2nd Amendment. I too do not wish to see that happen, nor be a part of it if it comes to pass.

But that IS the Founders stated purpose for the Amendment.

That part I'm okay with, it's what happens afterwards I'm worried about.

We are not the Founders. Very few people today even grasp the wisdom of checks and balances, much less could take a decent crack at structuring them.

There is no better system, at least that I've seen. Any delta from here would be a step backwards. What we SHOULD do is actually update our Constitution once in a while.
There should be a very public trial with all evidence presented to the public, like the Rittenhouse and the parade killer trials.

DePape can tell us if Paul is a top or bottom.
There should be a very public trial with all evidence presented to the public, like the Rittenhouse and the parade killer trials.

DePape can tell us if Paul is a top or bottom.
This crazy MAGAcreep will be tried. What are you talking about?

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