The only industrialized country in the world without national health insurance

It forces you to buy health insurance and fines you if you don't.
People who like this Health Care bill really need to wake up.
Once government can tell you that you must purchase a product, they can then tell you what to do in everything else they think must be done.
Freedom will be lost forever in this country.
Why do so many want to lose their freedom?
Why are so many wanting the government to control us?
That is what big government does, it takes away your freedom.
The only industrialized country in the world without national health insurance.

And yet we have the best quality of care in the world and the highest survival rate of most diseases. Imagine that.
It forces you to buy health insurance and fines you if you don't.
People who like this Health Care bill really need to wake up.
Once government can tell you that you must purchase a product, they can then tell you what to do in everything else they think must be done.
Freedom will be lost forever in this country.
Why do so many want to lose their freedom?
Why are so many wanting the government to control us?
That is what big government does, it takes away your freedom.

You're assuming that the people who are pro-Obamacare are analytical, thinking individuals capable of seeing the forest through the trees. That is your first mistake.
It forces you to buy health insurance and fines you if you don't.
People who like this Health Care bill really need to wake up.
Once government can tell you that you must purchase a product, they can then tell you what to do in everything else they think must be done.
Freedom will be lost forever in this country.
Why do so many want to lose their freedom?
Why are so many wanting the government to control us?
That is what big government does, it takes away your freedom.

You're assuming that the people who are pro-Obamacare are analytical, thinking individuals capable of seeing the forest through the trees. That is your first mistake.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I guess your right, stupid people can't wake up, let alone think.

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