The One Question No One So Far Can Answer

In your scenario, probably no law is being broken. If they were complicit in spreading false Informstion to influence an election then they are probably flirting with treason. If they told the Russians not to react to sanctions because the new administration will be more forgiving then I'm guessing that's a violation... not sure which exact law it's breaking though. Perhaps treason as well. Undermining our government
the media that influenced for a Hillary's victory are guilty as well?
Any that stole information or knowingly printed false information are guilty of crimes, sure. But that is a different discussion
I was talking about the fact that CNN has done a lot of harm to Trump during his campaign and the media should be neutral because they influence the results of an election is the same as saying that the Russians have done everything for Trump to win the elections
You're right the media does have a tremendous amount of influence and misinformation being pushed around. Reform is tricky as we have a constitutional right for freedom of speech and the press.

As for Trump, he brings a lot of the negative press upon himself by the way he acts and all the shIT he talks. He is provacative. Our free market system allows for networks like Fox to counter the MSNBCs and other networks and we have the choice to choose what we watch.

I would however love for there to be an unbiased source for news in our country. The spin gets dizzying
When CNN made breaking news about the history of the grabbing pussy this recording was made against his request. they did everything so that he did not win and still it goes on ... the leftists are bad loser we in France we lost Marine did not win and we will bite our fingers ...
Fox also reported that the FBI was going to indict Clinton just days before the election. It goes both ways. I'm not defending the bad information, id love to see our reporting improved but don't pretend it is all one sided

Fox News apologizes for falsely reporting that Clinton faces indictment
I'd still like to know how Russia made me vote for Trump?

The worst damage done was when Wikileaks leaked Debbie Wasserman's emails- (DNC chair) who was showing her anxiety over Bernie Sanders campaigning on a rigged election, and his refusal to drop out of the race--which infuriated Sanders supporters. Trump swept in to sweep up the collateral damage and was campaigning for Sanders Supporters, and they were all over this board stating that if Sanders didn't win they were going to vote for Trump.

Regardless if it changed a single vote--collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

As of 5/17/2017 This has now turned into a criminal investigation.
Lindsey Graham: Russia probe 'now a criminal investigation'

Regardless if it changed a single vote--collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

Where do you get this ridiculous definition of treason?

We consider cyber attacks to be the 21st Century Act of war.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees
From Russia With Malware

"Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."
'Treason'? Critics savage Trump over Russia hack comments

1. a secret agreement, especially for ... treacherous purposes; conspiracy

2. Law. a secret understanding between two or more persons to gain something illegally ... or to appear as adversaries though in agreement

Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, ... adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason ... and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

In this 8 minute video--you will see that Trump surrogates were not only on the phone with the Russian Ambassador--but Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that the DNC was getting hacked into.

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere in an American Democratic election process by committing a FELONY by hacking into DNC databases is TREASON.
Last edited:
the media that influenced for a Hillary's victory are guilty as well?
Any that stole information or knowingly printed false information are guilty of crimes, sure. But that is a different discussion
I was talking about the fact that CNN has done a lot of harm to Trump during his campaign and the media should be neutral because they influence the results of an election is the same as saying that the Russians have done everything for Trump to win the elections
You're right the media does have a tremendous amount of influence and misinformation being pushed around. Reform is tricky as we have a constitutional right for freedom of speech and the press.

As for Trump, he brings a lot of the negative press upon himself by the way he acts and all the shIT he talks. He is provacative. Our free market system allows for networks like Fox to counter the MSNBCs and other networks and we have the choice to choose what we watch.

I would however love for there to be an unbiased source for news in our country. The spin gets dizzying
When CNN made breaking news about the history of the grabbing pussy this recording was made against his request. they did everything so that he did not win and still it goes on ... the leftists are bad loser we in France we lost Marine did not win and we will bite our fingers ...
Fox also reported that the FBI was going to indict Clinton just days before the election. It goes both ways. I'm not defending the bad information, id love to see our reporting improved but don't pretend it is all one sided

Fox News apologizes for falsely reporting that Clinton faces indictment
I just get CNN in France no others Americans médias .
Any that stole information or knowingly printed false information are guilty of crimes, sure. But that is a different discussion
I was talking about the fact that CNN has done a lot of harm to Trump during his campaign and the media should be neutral because they influence the results of an election is the same as saying that the Russians have done everything for Trump to win the elections
You're right the media does have a tremendous amount of influence and misinformation being pushed around. Reform is tricky as we have a constitutional right for freedom of speech and the press.

As for Trump, he brings a lot of the negative press upon himself by the way he acts and all the shIT he talks. He is provacative. Our free market system allows for networks like Fox to counter the MSNBCs and other networks and we have the choice to choose what we watch.

I would however love for there to be an unbiased source for news in our country. The spin gets dizzying
When CNN made breaking news about the history of the grabbing pussy this recording was made against his request. they did everything so that he did not win and still it goes on ... the leftists are bad loser we in France we lost Marine did not win and we will bite our fingers ...
Fox also reported that the FBI was going to indict Clinton just days before the election. It goes both ways. I'm not defending the bad information, id love to see our reporting improved but don't pretend it is all one sided

Fox News apologizes for falsely reporting that Clinton faces indictment
I just get CNN in France no others Americans médias .
Most the media is against Trump but the biggest cable news network in the USA is Fox and they definately lean Right and play defense for Trump. Also our radio waves are flooded with conservative newstalk radio that is very Right leaning and there are a ton of "conservative" media websites like Breitbart that pump out fake news and Right wing propaganda. The problem exists on both sides.
I was talking about the fact that CNN has done a lot of harm to Trump during his campaign and the media should be neutral because they influence the results of an election is the same as saying that the Russians have done everything for Trump to win the elections
You're right the media does have a tremendous amount of influence and misinformation being pushed around. Reform is tricky as we have a constitutional right for freedom of speech and the press.

As for Trump, he brings a lot of the negative press upon himself by the way he acts and all the shIT he talks. He is provacative. Our free market system allows for networks like Fox to counter the MSNBCs and other networks and we have the choice to choose what we watch.

I would however love for there to be an unbiased source for news in our country. The spin gets dizzying
When CNN made breaking news about the history of the grabbing pussy this recording was made against his request. they did everything so that he did not win and still it goes on ... the leftists are bad loser we in France we lost Marine did not win and we will bite our fingers ...
Fox also reported that the FBI was going to indict Clinton just days before the election. It goes both ways. I'm not defending the bad information, id love to see our reporting improved but don't pretend it is all one sided

Fox News apologizes for falsely reporting that Clinton faces indictment
I just get CNN in France no others Americans médias .
Most the media is against Trump but the biggest cable news network in the USA is Fox and they definately lean Right and play defense for Trump. Also our radio waves are flooded with conservative newstalk radio that is very Right leaning and there are a ton of "conservative" media websites like Breitbart that pump out fake news and Right wing propaganda. The problem exists on both sides.
CNN is definitely against Trump, they spit on your President and the whole world can see it, it's small as a chain.
I'd still like to know how Russia made me vote for Trump?

The worst damage done was when Wikileaks leaked Debbie Wasserman's emails- (DNC chair) who was showing her anxiety over Bernie Sanders campaigning on a rigged election, and his refusal to drop out of the race--which infuriated Sanders supporters. Trump swept in to sweep up the collateral damage and was campaigning for Sanders Supporters, and they were all over this board stating that if Sanders didn't win they were going to vote for Trump.

Regardless if it changed a single vote--collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

As of 5/17/2017 This has now turned into a criminal investigation.
Lindsey Graham: Russia probe 'now a criminal investigation'

Regardless if it changed a single vote--collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

Where do you get this ridiculous definition of treason?

We consider cyber attacks to be the 21st Century Act of war.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees
From Russia With Malware

"Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."
'Treason'? Critics savage Trump over Russia hack comments

1. a secret agreement, especially for ... treacherous purposes; conspiracy

2. Law. a secret understanding between two or more persons to gain something illegally ... or to appear as adversaries though in agreement

Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, ... adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason ... and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

In this 8 minute video--you will see that Trump surrogates were not only on the phone with the Russian Ambassador--but Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that the DNC was getting hacked into.

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere in an American Democratic election process by committing a FELONY by hacking into DNC databases is TREASON.

secret agreement, especially for ... treacherous purposes; conspiracy

A conspiracy with no crime is not a crime.

Law. a secret understanding between two or more persons to gain something illegally

What was illegal?

Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, ... adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason

levies war against them

Why the omission? And who is the enemy?
Who gave that enemy aid and comfort?

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere in an American Democratic election process by committing a FELONY by hacking into DNC databases is TREASON

You'll have to show me the election laws you feel were broken.
Or that any Trump surrogate was involved in any hacking.
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

If it happened just as you said, possibly the Trump Associate could be charged with not registering as a Foreign Agent. If the Trump associate had just said, that would be helpful without giving him any instruction on when to release the information, there would probably be no charge. However, it is likely that either this person would have lied or misrepresented the situation to salvage his career to the FBI or Congress . And that is illegal. Also, if there had been any quid pro quo arrangement, it would have been illegal.

However, the damage would not be an associate of Trump found guilty but rather the political fall out of confirmation that the Russians helped Trump win the election which a lot of Trump supporters do not believe.

OK, let's look at this. The FARA deals with representing the interest of a foreign government to influence the US government or one of its agencies. I don't think it would apply to private parties or private political campaigns. And why would anyone need to CYA when no laws were broken? Also I have yet to see any proof that the supposed Russian effort wasn't just to hurt the bitch and coincidentally aid anyone who was her opponent. Do you seriously think Wikileaks wouldn't have released the emails regardless if her opponent was Jeb, Cruz or anyone else? It's about time you folks disengage your political animosity and engage you brain for a change.

No, FARA covers political activity.
"FARA is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities.

Clinton has always been a strong supporter of NATO, an organization that Putin has acknowledge as an enemy of the Russia People. Trump as a candidate states that NATO is obsolete and the U.S. might no longer be a part of the alliance. So if a member of the Trump campaign works with Russia to disclose information to defeat Clinton and elect Donald Trump, it would be clear violation of the statue of 1938 as well as the 1966 revision.

Foreign Agents Registration Unit (FARA)

Considering Trump has reconsidered his position on NATO I think that would be difficult to prove and so far everyone with knowledge of the investigation says there is no evidence of any such activity at this point. Since the election was 6 months ago if there were evidence you'd think they would know about it. I think that scenario is a bit of a stretch, but if it were proven you might have a point.

This is the definition of political activity under FARA and for it to apply it would have to include your scenario of something very similar.

(o) The term ‘‘political activities’’ means any activity that the person engaging in believes will, or that the person intends to, in any way influence any agency or official of the Government of the United States or any section of the public within the United States with reference to formulating, adopting, or changing the domestic or foreign policies of the United States or with reference to the political or public interests, policies, or relations of a government of a foreign country or a foreign political party; (p) The term ‘‘political consultant’’ means any person who engages in informing or advising any other person with reference to the domestic or foreign policies of the United States or the political or public interest, policies, or relations of a foreign country or of a foreign political party.

Foreign Agents Registration Unit (FARA)

I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

In your scenario, probably no law is being broken. If they were complicit in spreading false Informstion to influence an election then they are probably flirting with treason. If they told the Russians not to react to sanctions because the new administration will be more forgiving then I'm guessing that's a violation... not sure which exact law it's breaking though. Perhaps treason as well. Undermining our government
Since the Trump associate was working with the Russian by requesting the release of the information on the Tuesday of the election, he was operating as an agent for a foreign power and would be required to register as such an agent and make periodic full disclosure. The punish is a fine of up to $10,000 and/or 5 years in prison.
Foreign Agents Registration Unit (FARA)

Excuse me, the term "Tuesday" is the generic term, election day was NOT part of it. That's one of the flaws of you regressives, you like to read things into everything that really isn't there.

From a legal standpoint, what Tuesday it might be is irrelevant. What is relevant would be the Trump associate telling the Russian when to release the damaging information to defeat Hillary.

But the real question is who's interest would the Trump associate be trying to advance? Trump or the Russians?

Trump claimed somebody at the IRS illegally released his 1995 federal tax records. Again, an accusation of a crime that didn't happen, with perfectly legal explanations of how both the recorded conversations and released tax records occurred.

How could his tax returns have been released legally if he never gave anyone permission to release them?

Can you imagine who else would have a copy of Donalds joint return.

Trump’s 2005 tax return leak leaves more questions than answers

In September 2016, a joint-tax return for Trump and his ex-wife, Marla Maples, was mailed to the Daily News and the New York Times in a manila envelope. The envelope’s return address listed the Trump Organization.
"Russian government hackers have infiltrated the National Democratic Committee's computer network and have had access to the entire database containing research on Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate," wrote June 15, Washington Post. The newspaper relies on statements by officials of the Committee, the governing body of the Democratic Party, and experts who intervened to end the intrusion.


Without official FBI investigation on DNC server, I don't trust single word coming from DNC or WaPo.
A couple of problems with this lie:

1. It has never been proven the Russians did it - the DNC would not let the FBI analyze the servers.

2. Debbie W-S hired 3 Pakistani spies and gave them access to DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords...these same 3 spies are now suspected of blackmailing Democrats / politicians with information they got their hands on after DWS gave them illegal access to House files

3. Seth Rich was the Inside Leaker...who the DNc / Hillary had 'popped'

Fce it, embrace it, everyone now knows it, whether they are willing to say it or not - there was no Russian hacking
I believe you I am in France and it is the rumor that says the Russians have done some hacking to make Trump win as they would have also pirated Macron to make him lose the French election

How can Russians make Trump win? Are you saying election was hacked?
Most the media is against Trump but the biggest cable news network in the USA is Fox and they definately lean Right and play defense for Trump. .

The media isn't against Trump, They're against the orange con-man who can't tell the truth about anything. All they do is point out how Trump lied about (fill in the blank) , and you view it as them being against Trump.
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

In your scenario, probably no law is being broken. If they were complicit in spreading false Informstion to influence an election then they are probably flirting with treason. If they told the Russians not to react to sanctions because the new administration will be more forgiving then I'm guessing that's a violation... not sure which exact law it's breaking though. Perhaps treason as well. Undermining our government
Since the Trump associate was working with the Russian by requesting the release of the information on the Tuesday of the election, he was operating as an agent for a foreign power and would be required to register as such an agent and make periodic full disclosure. The punish is a fine of up to $10,000 and/or 5 years in prison.
Foreign Agents Registration Unit (FARA)

Excuse me, the term "Tuesday" is the generic term, election day was NOT part of it. That's one of the flaws of you regressives, you like to read things into everything that really isn't there.

From a legal standpoint, what Tuesday it might be is irrelevant. What is relevant would be the Trump associate telling the Russian when to release the damaging information to defeat Hillary.

What is relevant would be the Trump associate telling the Russian when to release the damaging information to defeat Hillary.

And that would be breaking what law? Specifically?

Leftists keep repeating the same lies over and over, like they gonna come true.
Trump claimed somebody at the IRS illegally released his 1995 federal tax records. Again, an accusation of a crime that didn't happen, with perfectly legal explanations of how both the recorded conversations and released tax records occurred.

How could his tax returns have been released legally if he never gave anyone permission to release them?

Can you imagine who else would have a copy of Donalds joint return.

Trump’s 2005 tax return leak leaves more questions than answers

In September 2016, a joint-tax return for Trump and his ex-wife, Marla Maples, was mailed to the Daily News and the New York Times in a manila envelope. The envelope’s return address listed the Trump Organization.

Whoever released it broke the law, period.
Most the media is against Trump but the biggest cable news network in the USA is Fox and they definately lean Right and play defense for Trump. .

The media isn't against Trump, They're against the orange con-man who can't tell the truth about anything. All they do is point out how Trump lied about (fill in the blank) , and you view it as them being against Trump.

Do you actually believe you're fooling anyone with this horseshit?
[A conspiracy with no crime is not a crime.

Tell that to Martha Stewart. The government agreed that she had broken no law, but she still went to jail, because the government proved to a jury that she thought she was breaking the law.

The government agreed that she had broken no law, but she still went to jail, because the government proved to a jury that she thought she was breaking the law.

She didn't go to jail because she thought she was breaking the law.
I'd still like to know how Russia made me vote for Trump?

The worst damage done was when Wikileaks leaked Debbie Wasserman's emails- (DNC chair) who was showing her anxiety over Bernie Sanders campaigning on a rigged election, and his refusal to drop out of the race--which infuriated Sanders supporters. Trump swept in to sweep up the collateral damage and was campaigning for Sanders Supporters, and they were all over this board stating that if Sanders didn't win they were going to vote for Trump.

Regardless if it changed a single vote--collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

As of 5/17/2017 This has now turned into a criminal investigation.
Lindsey Graham: Russia probe 'now a criminal investigation'

Regardless if it changed a single vote--collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

Where do you get this ridiculous definition of treason?

We consider cyber attacks to be the 21st Century Act of war.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees
From Russia With Malware

"Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."
'Treason'? Critics savage Trump over Russia hack comments

1. a secret agreement, especially for ... treacherous purposes; conspiracy

2. Law. a secret understanding between two or more persons to gain something illegally ... or to appear as adversaries though in agreement

Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, ... adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason ... and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

In this 8 minute video--you will see that Trump surrogates were not only on the phone with the Russian Ambassador--but Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that the DNC was getting hacked into.

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere in an American Democratic election process by committing a FELONY by hacking into DNC databases is TREASON.

secret agreement, especially for ... treacherous purposes; conspiracy

A conspiracy with no crime is not a crime.

Law. a secret understanding between two or more persons to gain something illegally

What was illegal?

Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, ... adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason

levies war against them

Why the omission? And who is the enemy?
Who gave that enemy aid and comfort?

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere in an American Democratic election process by committing a FELONY by hacking into DNC databases is TREASON

You'll have to show me the election laws you feel were broken.
Or that any Trump surrogate was involved in any hacking.

As they say trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach Algebra to a Chimpanzee.

IOW doesn't matter how many verifiable--trusted links-&-video's I give you, you wouldn't believe it--if it grew teeth and bit off your leg.

So you lil Einsteins keep watching Trump's fairy godfather show--Sean Hannity--stay tuned into all your right wing talk shows--you're in for a hell of a ride.


It would surprise me right now--with all this information--that the Ass Clown makes it into his second year. This is TREASON.

Lindsey Graham: Russia probe 'now a criminal investigation'

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