The Occupy Wall Street Movement is WORKING!!!

Whatever started the movement is relevant; apparently you're alone on your side of the aisle suggesting whoever is irrelevant. Most of the righties believe, or at least post, that the whoever are all commies who shit in the street. There are fringe elements as part of the OWS movement around the country (and around the world), but the genesis of OWS is how 1% of our nation and the world did not suffer the consequences of the great recession as did most of us, and many seem to have benefited.

I fully support the movement but not the fringe element. The fringe are the professional protesters, the Socialist Worker Party members and street thugs who hope to have an opportunity to party and profit by participating. A minority to be sure, and one which is as irrelevant to the debate as are the nefarious murders on the right.

The battle is one of ideology, one declared by Eric Cantor and other radical Republicans and one opposed by the silent majority and an increasingly loud and ideological minority. What the right wing fears the most, they have fathered.

The above is my opinion in response to Si Modo. Odd-dude seems to have one but cannot articulate it - so he defaults to the usual glib attack of those who offer opinions he cannot understand.
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It is working in the sense that it is showing the American people first hand, how bad and dangerous mob rule (read: Democracy) is.
The Occupy Wall Street Movement is WORKING!!!

Seeing the word "working" in the same sentence with "Occupy Wall Street" is a hoot....Thanks for the belly laugh. :lmao:

Well Played!

I actually laughed a bit too.

When I hear Occupy I think "Greedy, envious, lazy, sloth"

That being said It is nice that they have kept attention on the horrid bailouts and tarp and stimulus ridiculousness that I tried to fight against before it happened. No more coroporate welfare or corporate cronism like with solyndra, GM/Chrysler, and all the other companies that got OUR tax money from this government.
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The "change your bank" movement was organized by and promoted by Occupy. Those BoA customers, or the bulk of them, who protested and threatened to change banks, were part of that movement. The fact that it was "angry BoA customers" who pressured the bank, and that it was Occupy that was responsible, are NOT contradictory facts.

The protests to the bank by those customers WERE Occupy.

Oh, also: the movement was never about "I want a job." Most of those involved already have jobs. The movement was ALWAYS about income inequality.
Whatever or whoever started it is irrelevant, IMO.

CAPITALISM and the MARKET were used to make the change. The exact same things OWS is protesting against.


Whatever started the movement is relevant; apparently you're alone on your side of the aisle suggesting whoever is irrelevant. Most of the righties believe, or at least post, that the whoever are all commies who shit in the street. There are fringe elements as part of the OWS movement around the country (and around the world), but the genesis of OWS is how 1% of our nation and the world did not suffer the consequences of the great recession as did most of us, and many seem to have benefited.

I fully support the movement but not the fringe element. The fringe are the professional protesters, the Socialist Worker Party members and street thugs who hope to have an opportunity to party and profit by participating. A minority to be sure, and one which is as irrelevant to the debate as our the nefarious murders on the right.

The battle is one of ideology, one declared by Eric Cantor and other radical Republicans and one opposed by the silent majority and an increasingly loud and ideological minority. What the right wing fears the most, they have fathered.

So let me see if I understand what would make you happy, Wry. You'd like the 1% to "suffer" like everyone else? And that's going to improve the lot of the lower classes in what way?

This whole "income inequality" thing is flawed right from the start simply because it seeks to pull down one class of people rather than build up the ones that have lost income. There is such income inequality now because we've lost millions of good paying jobs. Taxing the living beejesus out of the wealthy isn't going to make those jobs come back. It will however make the wealthy respond by moving their assets to countries that don't punish the wealthy.

Bottom line is this. We have an out of control Government that is spending way more than it is taking in and THAT is killing our economy. We have a corporate tax rate that is amongst the highest in the world and THAT is killing our economy. We have regulations and red tape that add billions in cost to doing business in this country and THAT is killing our economy. We have unsustainable entitlement programs that will inevitably bankrupt our country and THAT is killing the economy.

But rather than deal with these very REAL problems...we are now focused on "income inequality" because of these OWS idiots.
I think it is time for some counter protests.
I am counter protesting....I'm working.

Yeah, I'm working too. Plus I have my own business.

I don't have a problem with people protesting as it is their right. But I do have a problem when the protest inteferes with the rights of others.

The first thing that can be done is for counter groups to apply for permits to the places the protests are being staged. I can't believe even if the OWS has permits that they are in perpetuity. That would make the OWS have to move, even if it's only for a day.

The second will require more muscle and people licensed to carry to assist helping others that need to cross strike lines.

I have vacation time built up, I'm sure you do too.
The above is my opinion in response to Si Modo. Odd-dude seems to have one but cannot articulate it - so he defaults to the usual glib attack of those who offer opinions he cannot understand.

The opinion that BoA dropped the debit card fee because of the OWS moonbats is absurd on its face, therefore deserves nothing more than the derision it's getting....Kinda like 99% of your sociopathic brain droppings.
I think it is time for some counter protests.
I am counter protesting....I'm working.

Yeah, I'm working too. Plus I have my own business.

I don't have a problem with people protesting as it is their right. But I do have a problem when the protest inteferes with the rights of others.

The first thing that can be done is for counter groups to apply for permits to the places the protests are being staged. I can't believe even if the OWS has permits that they are in perpetuity. That would make the OWS have to move, even if it's only for a day.

The second will require more muscle and people licensed to carry to assist helping others that need to cross strike lines.

I have vacation time built up, I'm sure you do too.
I work for myself as well....I'm on break.
I guess it is working if you think that the best way to get results is to hurt the success of surrounding businesses.

But I find it selfish that the OWS people feel good at OTHER people having to sacrifice for THEIR cause.
Whatever or whoever started it is irrelevant, IMO.

CAPITALISM and the MARKET were used to make the change. The exact same things OWS is protesting against.


Whatever started the movement is relevant; apparently you're alone on your side of the aisle suggesting whoever is irrelevant. Most of the righties believe, or at least post, that the whoever are all commies who shit in the street. There are fringe elements as part of the OWS movement around the country (and around the world), but the genesis of OWS is how 1% of our nation and the world did not suffer the consequences of the great recession as did most of us, and many seem to have benefited.

I fully support the movement but not the fringe element. The fringe are the professional protesters, the Socialist Worker Party members and street thugs who hope to have an opportunity to party and profit by participating. A minority to be sure, and one which is as irrelevant to the debate as our the nefarious murders on the right.

The battle is one of ideology, one declared by Eric Cantor and other radical Republicans and one opposed by the silent majority and an increasingly loud and ideological minority. What the right wing fears the most, they have fathered.

So let me see if I understand what would make you happy, Wry. You'd like the 1% to "suffer" like everyone else? And that's going to improve the lot of the lower classes in what way?

This whole "income inequality" thing is flawed right from the start simply because it seeks to pull down one class of people rather than build up the ones that have lost income. There is such income inequality now because we've lost millions of good paying jobs. Taxing the living beejesus out of the wealthy isn't going to make those jobs come back. It will however make the wealthy respond by moving their assets to countries that don't punish the wealthy.

Bottom line is this. We have an out of control Government that is spending way more than it is taking in and THAT is killing our economy. We have a corporate tax rate that is amongst the highest in the world and THAT is killing our economy. We have regulations and red tape that add billions in cost to doing business in this country and THAT is killing our economy. We have unsustainable entitlement programs that will inevitably bankrupt our country and THAT is killing the economy.

But rather than deal with these very REAL problems...we are now focused on "income inequality" because of these OWS idiots.

I do not advocate or want to the wealthy to suffer. I question why my money market account earns barely 1% and the current rate to loan my money to others is ten times that rate. I wonder why banks and bankers use my money to 'earn' income which they may use to pay country club dues, mooring/docking fees for their vessels and donate to elect officials to make laws which benefit them at my expense.

I believe until we address income inequality the thing most feared by conservatives will grow. OWS has far surpassed the tea party movement, people get it. And the radical elements on the left are already beginning to exploit the movement. What most who protest want is reform, not revolution. But, unless common sense prevails, we are in for interesting times. A little reading of the history of labor in America might do the hard line and callous conservatives some good.
Whatever started the movement is relevant; apparently you're alone on your side of the aisle suggesting whoever is irrelevant. Most of the righties believe, or at least post, that the whoever are all commies who shit in the street. There are fringe elements as part of the OWS movement around the country (and around the world), but the genesis of OWS is how 1% of our nation and the world did not suffer the consequences of the great recession as did most of us, and many seem to have benefited.

I fully support the movement but not the fringe element. The fringe are the professional protesters, the Socialist Worker Party members and street thugs who hope to have an opportunity to party and profit by participating. A minority to be sure, and one which is as irrelevant to the debate as our the nefarious murders on the right.

The battle is one of ideology, one declared by Eric Cantor and other radical Republicans and one opposed by the silent majority and an increasingly loud and ideological minority. What the right wing fears the most, they have fathered.

So let me see if I understand what would make you happy, Wry. You'd like the 1% to "suffer" like everyone else? And that's going to improve the lot of the lower classes in what way?

This whole "income inequality" thing is flawed right from the start simply because it seeks to pull down one class of people rather than build up the ones that have lost income. There is such income inequality now because we've lost millions of good paying jobs. Taxing the living beejesus out of the wealthy isn't going to make those jobs come back. It will however make the wealthy respond by moving their assets to countries that don't punish the wealthy.

Bottom line is this. We have an out of control Government that is spending way more than it is taking in and THAT is killing our economy. We have a corporate tax rate that is amongst the highest in the world and THAT is killing our economy. We have regulations and red tape that add billions in cost to doing business in this country and THAT is killing our economy. We have unsustainable entitlement programs that will inevitably bankrupt our country and THAT is killing the economy.

But rather than deal with these very REAL problems...we are now focused on "income inequality" because of these OWS idiots.

I do not advocate or want to the wealthy to suffer. I question why my money market account earns barely 1% and the current rate to loan my money to others is ten times that rate. I wonder why banks and bankers use my money to 'earn' income which they may use to pay country club dues, mooring/docking fees for their vessels and donate to elect officials to make laws which benefit them at my expense.

I believe until we address income inequality the thing most feared by conservatives will grow. OWS has far surpassed the tea party movement, people get it. And the radical elements on the left are already beginning to exploit the movement. What most who protest want is reform, not revolution. But, unless common sense prevails, we are in for interesting times. A little reading of the history of labor in America might do the hard line and callous conservatives some good.

If one is unhappy with his or her investment strategy, it would behoove said person to find alternate venues, versus calling on the federal government to protect one from poor choices made.
So let me see if I understand what would make you happy, Wry. You'd like the 1% to "suffer" like everyone else? And that's going to improve the lot of the lower classes in what way?

This whole "income inequality" thing is flawed right from the start simply because it seeks to pull down one class of people rather than build up the ones that have lost income. There is such income inequality now because we've lost millions of good paying jobs. Taxing the living beejesus out of the wealthy isn't going to make those jobs come back. It will however make the wealthy respond by moving their assets to countries that don't punish the wealthy.

Bottom line is this. We have an out of control Government that is spending way more than it is taking in and THAT is killing our economy. We have a corporate tax rate that is amongst the highest in the world and THAT is killing our economy. We have regulations and red tape that add billions in cost to doing business in this country and THAT is killing our economy. We have unsustainable entitlement programs that will inevitably bankrupt our country and THAT is killing the economy.

But rather than deal with these very REAL problems...we are now focused on "income inequality" because of these OWS idiots.

I do not advocate or want to the wealthy to suffer. I question why my money market account earns barely 1% and the current rate to loan my money to others is ten times that rate. I wonder why banks and bankers use my money to 'earn' income which they may use to pay country club dues, mooring/docking fees for their vessels and donate to elect officials to make laws which benefit them at my expense.

I believe until we address income inequality the thing most feared by conservatives will grow. OWS has far surpassed the tea party movement, people get it. And the radical elements on the left are already beginning to exploit the movement. What most who protest want is reform, not revolution. But, unless common sense prevails, we are in for interesting times. A little reading of the history of labor in America might do the hard line and callous conservatives some good.

If one is unhappy with his or her investment strategy, it would behoove said person to find alternate venues, versus calling on the federal government to protect one from poor choices made.

Why is it we never hear of the atrocities of the investment world when people are making money on their investments?
So let me see if I understand what would make you happy, Wry. You'd like the 1% to "suffer" like everyone else? And that's going to improve the lot of the lower classes in what way?

This whole "income inequality" thing is flawed right from the start simply because it seeks to pull down one class of people rather than build up the ones that have lost income. There is such income inequality now because we've lost millions of good paying jobs. Taxing the living beejesus out of the wealthy isn't going to make those jobs come back. It will however make the wealthy respond by moving their assets to countries that don't punish the wealthy.

Bottom line is this. We have an out of control Government that is spending way more than it is taking in and THAT is killing our economy. We have a corporate tax rate that is amongst the highest in the world and THAT is killing our economy. We have regulations and red tape that add billions in cost to doing business in this country and THAT is killing our economy. We have unsustainable entitlement programs that will inevitably bankrupt our country and THAT is killing the economy.

But rather than deal with these very REAL problems...we are now focused on "income inequality" because of these OWS idiots.

I do not advocate or want to the wealthy to suffer. I question why my money market account earns barely 1% and the current rate to loan my money to others is ten times that rate. I wonder why banks and bankers use my money to 'earn' income which they may use to pay country club dues, mooring/docking fees for their vessels and donate to elect officials to make laws which benefit them at my expense.

I believe until we address income inequality the thing most feared by conservatives will grow. OWS has far surpassed the tea party movement, people get it. And the radical elements on the left are already beginning to exploit the movement. What most who protest want is reform, not revolution. But, unless common sense prevails, we are in for interesting times. A little reading of the history of labor in America might do the hard line and callous conservatives some good.

If one is unhappy with his or her investment strategy, it would behoove said person to find alternate venues, versus calling on the federal government to protect one from poor choices made.

Gee, thanks for the advice. I don't need investments, I'm set for the rest of my life with a defined benefit package including health care. I liquidated my investments when Bush began to spend like a drunken sailor; paid off one son's college loans and gave the other a down payment on a home.

I'm in this debate for two reasons, my kids. They won't have the defined benefits I receive; the envy of the self employed and day traders and those who made poor employment choices have made defined benefits packages an endangered product. And now a myopic group of voters employed radicals to 'reform' social security and Medicare. Not because they are too expensive, but because they are ideological opposed to 'socialism' and want to see everything privatized.

The financial 'services' industry sees all those dollars going into the governments coffers and wants them. Knowing full well they can play with the dollars today and someone in the distant future can explain why the retirement dollars 'invested' by the working men and women of this country have disappeared.
Yep,,, the unions have shut down the docks at Oakland, people aren't working, riots and city being torn up,, yep that's progress, thank goodness it's happening in liberal land. New Yawk has it's problems tew... happy protest liberals happy protest.. and here's to progress. :lol:

History teaches a pretty distinct lesson about income inequality. Over and over again. People simply won't stand for it for very long. This isn't the first time this has happened in this country.

Battle of Matewan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bonus Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those who distort history are doomed to repeat it.
The bonus army was not an issue of income inequality. It was an issue of a poor economy brought on by gov't policies that extended the downturn.
Same here. I didnt see anyone occupying anything under Bush. Mainly because pizza delivery drivers were making 10/hr.
ANyone who thinks OWS is "having an effect" other than supplying reporters with stories, is delusional.

Distort what? Of course the bonus army was part of the issue of income inequality. It wasn't rich people manning the trenches in Europe. And it was an issue of low regs and low taxes on the rich. This is the same sort of condition that existed back in those days..very rich and very poor.

So if you want an outcome like the French Revolution, The Chinese Communist Revolution, The Russian Communist can just keep it up. Because it will happen.
History teaches a pretty distinct lesson about income inequality. Over and over again. People simply won't stand for it for very long. This isn't the first time this has happened in this country.

Battle of Matewan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bonus Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those who distort history are doomed to repeat it.
The bonus army was not an issue of income inequality. It was an issue of a poor economy brought on by gov't policies that extended the downturn.
Same here. I didnt see anyone occupying anything under Bush. Mainly because pizza delivery drivers were making 10/hr.
ANyone who thinks OWS is "having an effect" other than supplying reporters with stories, is delusional.

Distort what? Of course the bonus army was part of the issue of income inequality. It wasn't rich people manning the trenches in Europe. And it was an issue of low regs and low taxes on the rich. This is the same sort of condition that existed back in those days..very rich and very poor.

So if you want an outcome like the French Revolution, The Chinese Communist Revolution, The Russian Communist can just keep it up. Because it will happen.

The irony of course is that the right wing in America fears the 'mob', notice how they have disavowed our nation was conceived on democratic principles & call our system of government a "Constitutional Republic". Notice too how the New Right is working in several states to limit citizens the right to vote? All of which makes those they fear stonger.

All the efforts by the New Right are based on avarice, bigotry and a callous disregard and fear of the people.

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross”
Sinclair Lewis

Sinclair Lewis was prescient, able to see the Tea Party over half a century ago.

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