"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

I have a question for those of you predicting disaster for ACA. What it if doesn't crash and burn as you predict? What if it more or less works? What if people acquiesce to the law, do as they're told and allow the insurance industry to establish itself as de facto branch of government? What if the costs are simply absorbed quietly into our already ridiculous national debt and we just keep on limping along, not with a 'bang', but with an extended whimper?

In that case, will you drop your opposition to Obamacare?
Politics and Ocare are local, only Ocare provides incentives for migration in the form of subsidies, reimbursement rates and network density/quality. That means that it will never collapse entirely it will just erode D support by zip codes in succession.
I have a question for those of you predicting disaster for ACA. What it if doesn't crash and burn as you predict? What if it more or less works? What if people acquiesce to the law, do as they're told and allow the insurance industry to establish itself as de facto branch of government? What if the costs are simply absorbed quietly into our already ridiculous national debt and we just keep on limping along, not with a 'bang', but with an extended whimper?

In that case, will you drop your opposition to Obamacare?
"What if".......if it was delivered as it was packaged?
"What if".......if you like you Dr. You can keep your Dr.?
"What if".......if you like your healthcare insurance, you can keep your insurance?
"What if".......the average family will save $2,500 a year?

I like these "what if" games.:eusa_whistle:

Care to answer it then? I'm not saying it will happen, but it could. They might manage to string this out, paper over all the missteps and wait it out long enough for people to accept their 'fate'. What then? I'm just curious whether the bulk of the opposition here is based on the idea that corporate/government services "can't work", or that even if they can, they shouldn't be allowed. Speaking for myself, even if it all worked as advertised, I'd be bitterly opposed.
I try and stay in the real world with what is, is. I don't try and choreograph a scenario that is picture perfect in my own view.
I love it how you say that it just needs to be strung out long enough for us to accept our fate. In other words everbody just needs to stand down and accept what has been shoved down their throats. Tough shit if you don't like it, just deal with it. We all just need to be good little goons and do what our government demands.
You would have been in the top of your class with Hitler's Youth.
I have a question for those of you predicting disaster for ACA. What it if doesn't crash and burn as you predict? What if it more or less works? What if people acquiesce to the law, do as they're told and allow the insurance industry to establish itself as de facto branch of government? What if the costs are simply absorbed quietly into our already ridiculous national debt and we just keep on limping along, not with a 'bang', but with an extended whimper?

In that case, will you drop your opposition to Obamacare?
"What if".......if it was delivered as it was packaged?
"What if".......if you like you Dr. You can keep your Dr.?
"What if".......if you like your healthcare insurance, you can keep your insurance?
"What if".......the average family will save $2,500 a year?

I like these "what if" games.:eusa_whistle:

Care to answer it then? I'm not saying it will happen, but it could. They might manage to string this out, paper over all the missteps and wait it out long enough for people to accept their 'fate'. What then? I'm just curious whether the bulk of the opposition here is based on the idea that corporate/government services "can't work", or that even if they can, they shouldn't be allowed. Speaking for myself, even if it all worked as advertised, I'd be bitterly opposed.


Rep on the way.
"What if".......if it was delivered as it was packaged?
"What if".......if you like you Dr. You can keep your Dr.?
"What if".......if you like your healthcare insurance, you can keep your insurance?
"What if".......the average family will save $2,500 a year?

I like these "what if" games.:eusa_whistle:

Care to answer it then? I'm not saying it will happen, but it could. They might manage to string this out, paper over all the missteps and wait it out long enough for people to accept their 'fate'. What then? I'm just curious whether the bulk of the opposition here is based on the idea that corporate/government services "can't work", or that even if they can, they shouldn't be allowed. Speaking for myself, even if it all worked as advertised, I'd be bitterly opposed.
I try and stay in the real world with what is, is. I don't try and choreograph a scenario that is picture perfect in my own view.
I love it how you say that it just needs to be strung out long enough for us to accept our fate. In other words everbody just needs to stand down and accept what has been shoved down their throats. Tough shit if you don't like it, just deal with it. We all just need to be good little goons and do what our government demands.
You would have been in the top of your class with Hitler's Youth.

I think you're mis-reading me here. Or maybe I'm not being clear. I'm in no way, shape, or form advocating for acceptance of ACA - quite the opposite. But I'm worried, that if all we focus on is the hit list of "successes" or "failures", we'll lose the fight against it. The corporate and government ambitions behind it will do whatever they can to make things "work" long enough for people to roll over and go back to sleep.
Care to answer it then? I'm not saying it will happen, but it could. They might manage to string this out, paper over all the missteps and wait it out long enough for people to accept their 'fate'. What then? I'm just curious whether the bulk of the opposition here is based on the idea that corporate/government services "can't work", or that even if they can, they shouldn't be allowed. Speaking for myself, even if it all worked as advertised, I'd be bitterly opposed.
I try and stay in the real world with what is, is. I don't try and choreograph a scenario that is picture perfect in my own view.
I love it how you say that it just needs to be strung out long enough for us to accept our fate. In other words everbody just needs to stand down and accept what has been shoved down their throats. Tough shit if you don't like it, just deal with it. We all just need to be good little goons and do what our government demands.
You would have been in the top of your class with Hitler's Youth.

I think you're mis-reading me here. Or maybe I'm not being clear. I'm in no way, shape, or form advocating for acceptance of ACA - quite the opposite. But I'm worried, that if all we focus on is the hit list of "successes" or "failures", we'll lose the fight against it. The corporate and government ambitions behind it will do whatever they can to make things "work" long enough for people to roll over and go back to sleep.

Obamacare is not insuring the uninsured as it was intended. Very few in that category signed up. The young (18-35) did not sign up as intended.....only around 25% did, obama counted babies and the very young (1-16) to get that 35% number. It's not going to work as it stands....if healthcare is going to work, it's not going to be anything close to what we have now and it won't be called the ACA, and Pelosi's fingerprints won't be on it at all.
Nobody will or can forget as long as their are carveouts and delays. At that time, they will see this as a debacle we all know it is.
What is palatable is a safety net for those that don't have insurance and not blanketing 300 million who don't need it.
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I have a question for those of you predicting disaster for ACA. What it if doesn't crash and burn as you predict? What if it more or less works? What if people acquiesce to the law, do as they're told and allow the insurance industry to establish itself as de facto branch of government? What if the costs are simply absorbed quietly into our already ridiculous national debt and we just keep on limping along, not with a 'bang', but with an extended whimper?

In that case, will you drop your opposition to Obamacare?

No. My opposition wasn't based on whether the law would be a success or not. Inasmuch as it has highlighted what is so bad about the Democrat vision of good governance, that has been a bonus.
I have a question for those of you predicting disaster for ACA. What it if doesn't crash and burn as you predict? What if it more or less works? What if people acquiesce to the law, do as they're told and allow the insurance industry to establish itself as de facto branch of government? What if the costs are simply absorbed quietly into our already ridiculous national debt and we just keep on limping along, not with a 'bang', but with an extended whimper?

In that case, will you drop your opposition to Obamacare?

No. My opposition wasn't based on whether the law would be a success or not. Inasmuch as it has highlighted what is so bad about the Democrat vision of good governance, that has been a bonus.

Indeed. Another 'silver lining', though perhaps less overt, is the way Roberts' decision highlighted how our government wields power through the tax code. Not everyone got the message, but a some people are starting to notice that tax 'incentives' and 'mandates' are one in the same, and that Congress ordering us to buy health insurance or face higher taxes is no different than Congress ordering us to maintain a mortgage, raise children, or do things that satisfy the agendas of their various cronies.
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I have a question for those of you predicting disaster for ACA. What it if doesn't crash and burn as you predict? What if it more or less works? What if people acquiesce to the law, do as they're told and allow the insurance industry to establish itself as de facto branch of government? What if the costs are simply absorbed quietly into our already ridiculous national debt and we just keep on limping along, not with a 'bang', but with an extended whimper?

In that case, will you drop your opposition to Obamacare?

No. My opposition wasn't based on whether the law would be a success or not. Inasmuch as it has highlighted what is so bad about the Democrat vision of good governance, that has been a bonus.

Indeed. Another 'silver lining', though perhaps less overt, is the way Roberts' decision highlighted how our government wields power through the tax code. Not everyone got the message, but a some people are starting to notice that tax 'incentives' and 'mandates' are one in the same, and that Congress ordering us to buy health insurance or face higher taxes is no different than Congress ordering us to maintain a mortgage, raise children, or do things that satisfy the agendas of their various cronies.
True, but that lesson will soon be forgotten. The Greens and similar even further left groups are likely to take over in IL and CA. And that will pull the Ds even further out of the mainstream but it will not happen overnight.
and this is the root of the problem. from the start Obama, who campaigned to do away with lobbyists, called them in from the beginning to help sell obamacare. the plan was written by those who will benefit from it. I wonder how the gun grabbers would feel about having the NRA write our national gun control laws. And on top of it, make them mandatory

Obamacare: The Biggest Insurance Scam in History
and this is the root of the problem. from the start Obama, who campaigned to do away with lobbyists, called them in from the beginning to help sell obamacare. the plan was written by those who will benefit from it. I wonder how the gun grabbers would feel about having the NRA write our national gun control laws. And on top of it, make them mandatory

Obamacare: The Biggest Insurance Scam in History
The secret to insurance is that it is effectively impossible to determine the size and real value of accounts within an insurance company due to reserves. That is why Best rates insurance companies. Think Swiss banks only not quite as open.

The run up to the 2016 election will be very interesting. Already Honda has announced today in Tokyo that it is planning to move operations from CA to TX. Sacramento may try to stop that but I doubt that they can under US law. And the announcement could very well be greenmail but Covered California was not mentioned as a reason by either TX or Honda just taxes. I suspect the jobs and Physicians moving out and rent seeking subsidy recipients moving in to CA has begun but I do not know that.
Allowing this rule to escape pre-election would be record breaker in terms of incompetence and stupidity even for Obama.
Scott W. Atlas: The Coming Two-Tier Health System - WSJ.com

With the unveiling of the Affordable Care Act's website, the public experienced a painful reminder of the consequences of the government's new authority over health care. While millions signed up for insurance, millions of others abruptly lost their existing coverage and access to their doctors because that coverage didn't fit new ObamaCare definitions.

The health-care law was generated by an administration promoting government as the solution to inequality, yet the greatest irony of ObamaCare is what will undoubtedly follow as a long-term, unintended consequence of the law: a decidedly unequal, two-tiered health system. One will be for the poor and middle class, and a separate system will be for those with the money or power to circumvent ObamaCare.

With the Affordable Care Act, the government has dramatically expanded its authority as final arbiter over health insurance and consequently over access to medical care. After the law's Medicaid expansion and with the population aging into Medicare eligibility, the 107 million under Medicaid or Medicare in 2013 will skyrocket to 135 million five years later, growing far faster than the ranks of the privately insured.

Add to that centralization of power the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), ObamaCare's group of political appointees tasked with reducing payments to doctors and hospitals. Even Howard Dean, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, warned that "The IPAB is essentially a health-care rationing body. By setting doctor reimbursement rates for Medicare and determining which procedures and drugs will be covered and at what price, the IPAB will be able to stop certain treatments its members do not favor by simply setting rates to levels where no doctor or hospital will perform them."

The hidden truth is just around the corner—those more dependent on public insurance, mostly the poor and middle class, will have limited access to medical care. About one-third of primary-care physicians and one-fourth of specialists have already completely closed their practices to Medicaid patients. Over 52% of physicians have already limited the access that Medicare patients have to their practices, or are planning to, according to a 2012 survey by Merritt Hawkins for the Physicians Foundation. More doctors than ever already refuse Medicaid and Medicare due to inadequate payments for care, and that trend will only accelerate as government lowers reimbursements.

At the same time, ObamaCare is squeezing out the middle class from affordable private insurance that correlates with far better disease outcomes than government insurance. By bloating coverage requirements and minimizing the consideration of risks fundamental to pricing insurance, the law has already increased premiums by 20%-200% in more than 40 states, according to a 2013 analysis by the Manhattan Institute's Avik Roy and others.

more like a 6 tier system within obamacare based on the three network densities and at least above average and below average reimbursement rates.
when articles like this start to appear in friendly democrat territory (WaPo) trouble is coming. Things are going to get really ugly n this country, very soon.

It was written by a far right wing nutter.


You people will believe anything.

You need to learn the difference between fact and opinion.
I lost my job, benefits (insurance) last year. I worked there for over twenty years. So I get another job, in the meantime, lose my Doctor, he is out of the "network". I can't say just how appalled I am with Obama and this Healthcare delusion. On top of this, I strongly suspect I lost My last job because of Obama. What an out of touch political jerk he is. I will never ever vote Democrat. If the republicans put a rabid skunk up for election, I will vote for it. Because the dems are that bad.
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There's a whole bunch of people in your shoes MaryL. And I'm sorry for that. As a business owner, I spend most days waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Here's the other problem though Mary... the Republicans have to be REAL smart over the next year in choosing their candidate. It's obvious that we don't have a say so in the process. The electoral process is an absolute joke. And when coupled with a very aggressive liberal media, the chances of landing a good GOP candidate are even worse.
There's a whole bunch of people in your shoes MaryL. And I'm sorry for that. As a business owner, I spend most days waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Here's the other problem though Mary... the Republicans have to be REAL smart over the next year in choosing their candidate. It's obvious that we don't have a say so in the process. The electoral process is an absolute joke. And when coupled with a very aggressive liberal media, the chances of landing a good GOP candidate are even worse.

Cool avatar. I've never seen that before.

Why not make a list of the things....besides not having a viable candidate....that will be responsible for the GOP not winning the WH in 2016.

As a business owner, I spend most days working to keep my business successful. It works better that way.
I lost my job, benefits (insurance) last year. I worked there for over twenty years. So I get another job, in the meantime, lose my Doctor, he is out of the "network". I can't say just how appalled I am with Obama and this Healthcare delusion. On top of this, I strongly suspect I lost My last job because of Obama. What an out of touch political jerk he is. I will never ever vote Democrat. If the republicans put a rabid skunk up for election, I will vote for it. Because the dems are that bad.

Gee! You are the perfect poster liar for the GOP! You've expressed your outrage with the perfect lack of detail and evidence. You should put a call into Hannity without delay. He'll make you a star!

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