The NEW leader of the Fre...Er...Scratch that, just make it WORLD!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!

And not a thing the obomanation can do about it.... What a fucking disgrace for America!

With 4 times as many fighters as ISIS, and Putin knowing the object of WAR is to WIN (and not worry about collateral damage, or what the pussified other countries of the world think and say! Who is left to curtail his expansion? If Hitler, had been able to use his tactics, and had a world full of scared to death leaders, we would all be speaking German, and all "SEIG HEILING!" today!


  • End of ISIS? Putin 'sending 150,000 soldiers to Syria to WIPE OUT evil Islamic State'
    Express ^ | 10/05/15 | Scott Campbell
    VLADIMIR Putin is preparing to send 150,000 troops to Syria in a bid to wipe out the evil Islamic State once and for all. The Russian leader is reportedly mounting an enormous military mission to take control of the terror group's stronghold of Raqqa. The city is the self-declared capital of ISIS in Syria and is patrolled by as many as 5,000 jihadi members. Putin is set to mobilise 150,000 reservists who he conscripted into the military earlier this week. An insider revealed: "It is very clear that Russia wants to sweep up the west of the country, taking Raqqa...
It blows my mind how many of you fascists worship Mr. KGB, yet have the balls to claim that you're patriots.
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Since when is pointing out the obumanation is a COWARD, a sign that we worship Putin? If anything it's you obumazoids with your lip locks on the Manchurian muslims supposed manhood that is worship!
Since when is pointing out the obumanation is a COWARD, a sign that we worship Putin? If anything it's you obumazoids with your lip locks on the Manchurian muslims supposed manhood that is worship!
So now you admit to worshiping men,,,,do tell...
It blows my mind how many of you fascists worship Mr. KGB, yet have the balls to claim that you're patriots.
In what America do I now find myself when it becomes unpatriotic to oppose a president who supports a US policy that is aligned with Islamic terrorists. Putin is not our enemy. He is actually doing the job Obama claimed to be doing and Putin is exposing Obama to be the fraud that he is. It is unfortunate that the left is having a hard time seeing it because it's really no different than the right defending Bush's wars. It's a shame.
Since when is pointing out the obumanation is a COWARD, a sign that we worship Putin? If anything it's you obumazoids with your lip locks on the Manchurian muslims supposed manhood that is worship!

I remember months ago when those on the right were posting countless pictures of him shirtless. Your lips are placed firmly on Putin's dick.
So, if anyone wants to discuss anything other than the LEft's homophobia, I am quite happy with this.

If Russia wants to take the lead on this, I wish them all the luck in the world.

Death to ISIS.
That is just how bad things have become under Obama

His legacy will reek of sewage for years to come. Look at how we view Carter today and Obama will wish for that kindness

America should be put on restriction for electing such a destructive communist

Obama? He's a communist. Putin? He's the fucking man.

Obama? He's a dictator. Putin? He's the fucking man.

Obama? He's about big government. Putin? He's the fucking man.
Obama? He's a communist. Putin? He's the fucking man.

Obama? He's a dictator. Putin? He's the fucking man.

Obama? He's about big government. Putin? He's the fucking man.

Do you think fighting ISIS is a good thing or a bad thing?
Since when is pointing out the obumanation is a COWARD, a sign that we worship Putin? If anything it's you obumazoids with your lip locks on the Manchurian muslims supposed manhood that is worship!

Had Obama not switched sides to support Jihad, ISIS would be a non-entity
Since when is pointing out the obumanation is a COWARD, a sign that we worship Putin? If anything it's you obumazoids with your lip locks on the Manchurian muslims supposed manhood that is worship!

I remember months ago when those on the right were posting countless pictures of him shirtless. Your lips are placed firmly on Putin's dick.

You, being queerer than a $7 bill wouldn't recognize why we posted Putin shirtless, all you think of is sucking cock...Perhaps, if you ask you butt buddy, what this means, the 2 of you can figure it out!


Do you need me to DUMB IT DOWN MORE FOR YOU?
After Putin has 150K troops in Syria does anyone really believe he'll order his troops to go back home?
Ya fucking right!
Putin has basically set up shop in Syria and he intends to stay.
In a few years you be able to buy a better knish in Daraa than in Moscow.
After Putin has 150K troops in Syria does anyone really believe he'll order his troops to go back home?
Ya fucking right!
Putin has basically set up shop in Syria and he intends to stay.
In a few years you be able to buy a better knish in Daraa than in Moscow.

This regime is NOT this stupid, it's IMPOSSIBLE... They are simply, as Barry whispered to the Russian, at the time.....


Come on people, it was told to you, and a vast majority still don't understand their relationship!
After Putin has 150K troops in Syria does anyone really believe he'll order his troops to go back home?
Ya fucking right!
Putin has basically set up shop in Syria and he intends to stay.
In a few years you be able to buy a better knish in Daraa than in Moscow.


You like ISIS better than Russia?

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