The Neanderthal Link to Autism and Aspergers and Other Euro Broken Genes.


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Neanderthal theory of autism, Asperger and ADHD

Aspie-quiz have found higher prevalence of red-hair color in autistic people. 45 46 47 Red/auburn hair and fair skin are related to 3 mutations in MC1R (R151C, R160W and D294H) and the origin of those mutations are 50,000-100,000 years, they were introduced by hybridization with Neanderthals. 48 Aspie-quiz have found higher prevalence of brown/hazel eye color in autistic people. 49 50 51 From the number of silent mutations in African versions of the MC1R gene, Dr. Rogers and two colleagues, Dr. David Iltis and Dr. Stephen Wooding, calculate that the last sweep probably occurred 1.2 million years ago, when the human population consisted of a mere 14,000 breeding individuals. 52 In other words, humans have been hairless at least since this time. 1.2 million years ago is similar to the time of the split between the cold and warm adapted population. This might mean that nakedness was the factor that started the divergent evolution between cold and warm adapted humans. ...

There are quite a few studies that confirms a link between low IgA levels and autoimmune diseases, like Celiac Disease (CD). 59 There are also studies that confirms many autistics have lower than normal IgA levels. The link between low IgA levels and otitis media is also interesting. Celiac, also known as gluten intolerance, is often found in people with ADHD and AS. The disease mostly affects people of European descent, and occurs more rarely in African and Asian populations. 60 This co incidents with the probable distribution of Neanderthal genes. It's believed that the origin of celiac hunter populations.

As a proud Neandertho-American, and Aspie, I take great comfort in knowing that there is a FREAKING REASON for this shit I go through.


But all the same, neurotypicals are the really weird ones, not Aspies like me.

The Neanderthal was more advanced than the sub-Saharan Negro up to around 800 years ago. Humo-sapenian had a bitch of a time getting into europe because of them.

I dont think Neanderthals were more advanced, just differently advanced. Modern humans seem to have been able to maintain higher birthrates, had better missile weapon skills and technology and could run longer distances and thus traveled more.

Also, it seems that Neanderthals had developed a patriarchal society at some point and began interbreeding with modern females while modern males rarely mated with Neanderthal women. Perhaps the Neanderthal tribes along the Mediteranean had enough organizational skills to resist modern human migration, but assimilated into modern populations through rape, slavery and having what would have been huge heavy infantry.
A couple of dissenting voices on the topic:
Neanderthal Super Predator
[ame=]Neanderthal: Profile of a super predator - YouTube[/ame]
Nah, apes have white skin due to fur, and Neanderthal teeth indicate omnivorous diet though mostly red meat.

Neanderthal interbreeding being doubted
BBC News - Neanderthal breeding idea doubted
Funny, these guys hypothesize two breeds of mankind developing side by side from common anceestry then moving out seperate with no interbreeding.

How likely is it that such close groups would not have interbreeding? Rape from pillage and conquest would seem to register somewhere.

And what do you do with the hybrid Neanderthals found in Spain and elsewhere?
Incidence of Autism:

" - Neanderthals have been found in Europe and Middle-East. Europeans have also mass-emigrated to America and Australia. The Afro-American population in US have a considerably lower autism prevalence than Caucasians, American Indians and Asians. Cro-magnon and Neanderthals coexisted for millenia in Europe. The long hybridization time means that hybridization was unusual, and all hybrids were back-bred into one of the populations. Forming separate hybrid-populations wasn't possible, since it was very unlikely one hybrid would meet another. For this reason, researchers will never find any populations which are morphological mixes. After 3-4 generations, a back-bred hybrid offspring will become indistinguishable from other people Central Asia and later Europe formed the primary hybridization zone. From there both culture and genetic material spread to Far-East Asia, Australia and America. The genetic material did not significantly get back into Africa. The exception to this is the emigration from Europe at the end of the ice-age, the Arabic emigration from Middle East, and the European colonization. Cro-magnon had a high degree of inbreeding, and this is still reflected in a small variation in neutral alleles and mitochondria DNA. This is falsely seen as evidence that Neanderthals and cro-magnon did not mate and produce fertile offspring. The other result of hybridization, larger variation in selective-positive alleles is also seen. Most importantly, many alleles are local, and many of those alleles does not occur in Africa. Another effect of this hybridization is rapid development of technology and art seen in Middle-East and Europe. Later on, the most advanced cultures evolved in the hybridization zone. - "
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And: Music and dancing
In Africa, music and dancing is mostly tied to rites, that are performed in certain social contexts, and they are exclusively aimed at social activities. This is also evident in black music in America, where social relations are the main theme, while complex music and instruments are typical of non-African music. In Africa, the main instruments are drums and the human voice, while outside of Africa, there is a variety of complex instruments, dances and music, that are more aimed at entertainment, creativity and perfection. 90,000 - 100,000 years ago Neanderthals had phalange whistles. 41 of them have been found in Prolom II in the Crimea. 70,000 - 80,000 years ago there is a flute in Haua Fteah, Libya, which has been found together with Neanderthal mandibles. Finally, 40,000 years ago there is another flute in Divje Babe Neanderthals are also believed to have sang. Interestingly, both the phalange whistles and flutes seems to have been evolving gradually up until recent times. This seems to indicate they originated in Neanderthals, and where taken over by AMH or hybrids. It's probable that Neanderthals primary use of musical instruments wasn't for entertainment or music, rather as a way to herd animals. This tradition is still seen in today's herding societies.
The Neanderthal theory of autism, Asperger and ADHD

Aspie-quiz have found higher prevalence of red-hair color in autistic people. 45 46 47 Red/auburn hair and fair skin are related to 3 mutations in MC1R (R151C, R160W and D294H) and the origin of those mutations are 50,000-100,000 years, they were introduced by hybridization with Neanderthals. 48 Aspie-quiz have found higher prevalence of brown/hazel eye color in autistic people. 49 50 51 From the number of silent mutations in African versions of the MC1R gene, Dr. Rogers and two colleagues, Dr. David Iltis and Dr. Stephen Wooding, calculate that the last sweep probably occurred 1.2 million years ago, when the human population consisted of a mere 14,000 breeding individuals. 52 In other words, humans have been hairless at least since this time. 1.2 million years ago is similar to the time of the split between the cold and warm adapted population. This might mean that nakedness was the factor that started the divergent evolution between cold and warm adapted humans. ...

There are quite a few studies that confirms a link between low IgA levels and autoimmune diseases, like Celiac Disease (CD). 59 There are also studies that confirms many autistics have lower than normal IgA levels. The link between low IgA levels and otitis media is also interesting. Celiac, also known as gluten intolerance, is often found in people with ADHD and AS. The disease mostly affects people of European descent, and occurs more rarely in African and Asian populations. 60 This co incidents with the probable distribution of Neanderthal genes. It's believed that the origin of celiac hunter populations.

As a proud Neandertho-American, and Aspie, I take great comfort in knowing that there is a FREAKING REASON for this shit I go through.


But all the same, neurotypicals are the really weird ones, not Aspies like me.

Got that right

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